• Published 7th Nov 2020
  • 4,237 Views, 208 Comments

King Spike - Norwegian boy

Spike finds out that he is the son of the king and queen of the dragon kingdom

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Chapter 26: King Spike

Author's Note:

Holy crap, this chapter took long to write, some of you know why it took so long.

Anyway, it has finally happened, considering what the chapter is named.

This story may be upgraded to mature, why? Because there may be some death in future chapters.

enjoy the crappy chapter

Spike was sitting on chair in a corner in one of the room in the dragon castle, looking down on the floor. It was another dining room. It was after the funeral and the kitchen staff had prepare a feast for Celestia and the others royals, Spike didn’t understand why, they had just buried his mother.

Spike look over the room and saw the other talking to each other, some of them was even laughing, he couldn’t understand what was so funny. Spike look down on the floor again, he just wanted this day to end. Spike didn’t even notice Amber walking towards him.

“Hey Spike.” The dragon prince almost jump out of his own skin. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.”

Spike managed to give her a smile. “You scared me a little but don’t worry, I’m not made or anything.” I was really hard for him to smile at moment.

Amber smiled to. “I’m glad to hear that.” Then her face became sad. “I’m sorry about your mother.” Spike look down on the floor again, he knew that Amber was trying to be nice. “I know how you fell, I have also lost my mother.”

Spike look up at her, he was shocked to hear that. “I’m sorry to hear that.” He told her, Amber just smiled. “How long ago?” He would understand if she didn’t want to answer him, he did ask a personal question.

“About two years ago.” Ambre then look over to her father who was talking to some dragons, they look wealthy, probably rich dragons. “After my mother died, my father change. He only focused on work and ignores me.”

Spike felt bad for Anber, it can’t be easy having a father that ignores her. Spike was about to ask her what her father did, but he didn’t get the change. “Spike.” That voice was Celestia’s and she didn’t sound happy, Amber and Spike saw her and Luna walking towards them, Celestia didn’t look happy. “Why did you do it?” She asked him as the sister stop by him, Spike had no idea what she was talking about. “Why did you tell Luna that I do what I did?” Spike was still clueless. “You know what I am talking about.” She said while showing him her thumb.

Now Spike understood. “I didn’t tell her, I swear.” He hope she believe him.

“Don’t lie to me Spike.” She didn’t believe Spike.

Luna, who was watching, decided to speak. “Would you calm down Tia, Spike didn’t tell me that you sucked on your thumb. I figured it out myself.” Celestia could be so dense sometimes.

Celestia look at her sister. “What are you talking about?” She was clueless.

Luna couldn’t help but roll her eyes. “Really? Don’t you remember when we were young?” Celestia had no odea what her sister was talking about. “Dear Faust, you are so dense.” Luna decided to explain it. “When we were young we used to have a lot of sleepovers and you used to suck your thumb every time we sleep in the same room, but when you sleep in your own bed alone, you didn’t suck your thumb. When you told me you spend the night in Spike’s room, I but two and two together.”

Celestia’s face was now red as a tomato, she couldn’t believe she had forgotten that. Celestia then buried her face into her hands in shame, she felt so stupid. She removed them and looked at Spike. “I am so sorry Spike, I had forget what I did as a child.” She then bowed. “I am truly sorry.” She then stood up. “If you all will excuse me, I’m going to find something to drink and get drunk.” Before Spike could say anything, Celestia left.

Luna could help but smile as her big sister left. “That sister of my.” She then look over at the two young dragons. “So, what are you two talking about?” She was curious.

“We were just talking about how we both have lost out mothers.” Amber told Luna.

Luna placed a hand over mouth in shock when she heard that. “I didn’t know you had lost your mother Amber, I’m sorry to hear that.” She really hope that she hadn’t upset her.

Amber just smiled. “You don’t have to apologize princess Luna, my mother wouldn’t me to be sad.” That’s one way to look at it.

While Spike, Amber and Luna talk, Celestia had found a bottle of wind and she wanted to drink it all. She was busy drinking when a voice spoke up. “What are you doing?” Celestia look to her left and saw Drake standing by her with a confused look on his face.

Celestia stop drinking. “What does it look like? I’m trying to get drunk.”

That confused Drake even more. “Okay…? Why are you trying to get drunk?” He was curious.

Celestia let out a sighed. “I just want to forget something.” She went back to the bottle, she took a large sip.

“And drink will solve that?” Drake asked Celestia who just shrugged her shoulders. “If that help. Anyway, we need to talk so can you stop drink for two minutes?” Celestia did that. Drake had trouble find the words for this conversation. “This is not easy to say, so I’m just going to say it right out, I think…”

Celestia knew what he was going to say so she interrupted him. “You want to break up, right?” Drake wasn’t confused anymore, he was now in shock that Celestia knew. “You pick a strange day to talk about it, you know that, right?” She had a point.

Drake stretched his arms out to the side. “Who know when we would get a change to do it, we leave too far apart and we barely see each other. That’s the part why I want to break up, I don’t think this will work.” Celestia couldn’t help but wonder who it took them 3 years before they realized this, this relationship does not work. “I hope you’re not angry.”

Celestia just smiled and gave Drake a small kiss on the cheek. “No, I’m not angry and I think this break up is a good idea.”

Drake was relieved. “That’s good to hear. Now I just have to tell my mother, she hope that we could make grandchildren.”

Celestia couldn’t help but question that last part Drake. “Doesn’t she already have grandchildren’s?” Rilda should have two.

Drake’s arms fell down and he rolled his eyes. “Two isn’t enough for my mother, she once told me she wanted twenty.” He then shuddered. “Sometimes I don’t know what goes through her head.” His face then became white. “I’m not looking forward to telling her that we break up.” Celestia was glad that she wants the one who had to do it, she had meet Drake’s mother once, she was scary.

Back in Ponyville, the ponies there had no idea what was happening in Wiacaster and that Spike was almost king. There was one pony who wonder what was happening with Spike and that was Twilight, she has wonder that ever since she arrived back home from her trip to Wiacaster. The purple unicorn was currently lying on her sofa and looking up at the celling, she couldn’t help but wonder what Spike was doing right now. Twilight let out a sad sighed, she wished she had never went to Wiacaster to bring Spike back home, he wasn’t hers and he could do whatever he wanted.

Twilight let out a yawn and was about to fall asleep when she heard a crash outside. “I guess Derpy is here with the mail.” She got up and walk over to the door. Twilight open the door and saw a grey pegasus with her head first in one of the bushes in front of the library, the rest of her body stuck out of the bush. Twilight wonder how Derpy is still alive, it was a mystery, like Pinkie. “Are you okay Derpy?” She asked the pegasus.

“Yeah, I had worse crashes than this.” Somehow, Twilight believe her. She then help Derpy out of the bush. “Thanks Twilight.” Said Derpy as she sat on the ground and rub her head.

“Don’t mention it.” Derpy just look up at Twilight with a smile, her eyes was still weird. “I’m guessing you’re here because you have mail for me, right?” Twilight asked the mail mare.

“Right.” Derpy started to look through here postbag and she found Twilight’s letter. “It’s from Canterlot.” She handed the envelop to Twilight who took it. There was only two ponies who could send Twilight a letter that was from Canterlot, her mother and princess Celestia. Twilight look at the envelop but she didn’t recognize the hand writing, it was not from her mother or the princess. “Well, I have more letters to deliver, see you around Twilight.” Derpy got up and flew off, in zigzag.

Twilight didn’t pay much attention to Derpy, she as more focus on the envelop, just who send it? She flip the envelop and saw that something was written on the back of it, ‘Twilight, open this only with your friends.’ No name, Twilight was now very curious. Twilight lock the door to the library and ran towards Sugarcube corner, she hope that all her friends was there.

Twilight was in luck as she walk through the door to Sugarcube corner, all her friends was sitting by a table. AJ and Dash was having an arm wrestling competition, which wasn’t unusual. Rarity and Fluttershy was talking with each other and Pinkie was doing her own thing, eating cake.

Rarity was the first one to notice her fellow unicorn. “Twilight, dear, why don’t you…” The words died in her mouth when she saw that Twilight was sweating and breathing heavily. “Twilight did you run here?” Rarity asked her as the purple unicorn walk over to their table.

Twilight tried to calm down a little. “Yes, I got a letter that wrote that I had to read with you girls, so I ran here.” She said while sitting down.

As Twilight sat down, AJ won the arm wrestling competition, knocking Dash down on the floor. “Then read it, don’t hold us in suspense.” Said AJ while Dash got up, glaring daggers at her friend for beating her, AJ just ignored her.

Twilight nodded, she opened the envelop and started to read the letter that was inside; Dear Twilight and friends, I was told to write a letter to you when it had been four days. Princess Celestia and princess Luna are now in Wiacaster for queen Garnet funeral.” Everyone of them gasped when they heard that, they couldn’t help but wonder how she died. Twilight continued to read. “According to the letter princess Celestia got from sir Drake, she was murdered by an assassin who injected her with poison. If you are wondering who is responsible, they believe that is Spike’s uncle Joserth. They don’t have any proof that it was him, but that something he would do.” There was more but Twilight didn’t want to read anymore, she actually started to cry.

The other couldn’t hold back their tears, even Dash and AJ shared some tears. The Fluttershy said something. “If the queen is dead, does that mean that Spike is now king?” Fluttershy was right, Spike was now king of the dragon empire.

Nothing major happened for the rest of the day, but then two days later, it was time. Spike was standing in his room, he was looking into the mirror that was hanging on the wall and there was a stranger looking back at him. Spike was wearing a pair of black boots with white pants, on his upper body he was wearing a black jacket with some red with a belt buckle around his waist, the only thing was missing was a crown. Yes, it was the day Spike would become king of the dragon kingdom, a duty his parents had before him and now it was his turn.

Spike let out a heavy sighed, he REALLY didn’t want to do this but he had to, if he didn’t then his uncle would be king and that’s something Spike didn’t want to happened.

Spike tried to straighten is jacket when there was someone who knock on the door. “Come in.” Said Spike.

The door open and Celestia walk in, she was wearing a beautiful white dress. “Hello Spike, I wanted to check up on you.” She then saw Spike’s outfit. “Look at you, you look like king.” She said as she walk over to him, she then notice that he uncomfortable. “Is something wrong?” She asked him.

Spike turned around to face her. “Yes, everything is wrong. This is wrong…” He said while pointing as himself. “I shouldn’t be king, I don’t think I should be king, at all. I hardly knew my mother, I don’t know my father but here I am, to be the next king, something I’m not prepared for, at all.” He let out a heavy sighed as he look down on the floor. “I just want to wake up from this nightmare.” Then some tears feel on the floor.

Celestia placed a hand on his shoulder. “I know how you feel Spike, I felt the same way when I became princess and I would love to say to that it get’s better over time but that would be a lie. All you have to do is rule your way, that’s all you can do.” Somehow, Spike felt a little better. “Now, let’s going, your coronations awaits.” Spike couldn’t help but groan as Celestia pushed him out of the room.

Spike sat on his father chair in the throne room and like last time, it was uncomfortable. The first thing he would after he was king and that’s getting a new, he wanted a comfortable chair. Spike look around the room and saw that all the royal was there, some of the most important dragons was also here, the rich one, Spike hated those.

Then the orchestra to play and in walk Drake with Spike’s crown in his arms, the young dragons mind went blank when he saw the crown, it was really happening. When Spike came back to the real world, he felt something on his head, it had happened.

Then he heard Drake. “I give you all, king Spike.”

In a house in another part of Wiacaster stood Joserth, looking out of the window, watching the sun go down. Then someone knock on the door. “Come in.” Said Joserth.

In walk a male dragon. “It’s official my lord, your nephew is now king.”

That made Joserth smiled. “Good, you can leave now.” The dragon bowed and walked out, closing the door. “Soon, the throne will be mine.” He said with a evil smile.