• Published 7th Nov 2020
  • 4,237 Views, 208 Comments

King Spike - Norwegian boy

Spike finds out that he is the son of the king and queen of the dragon kingdom

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Chapter 24: The Funeral part 1

Celestia was walking through her private train wagon to her sister room, they were on their way to the funeral of queen Garnet, something they didn’t look forward to. Celestia past some of her sister’s guards as she reached her sister room, she was about to knock when the wagon jump a little, she then heard a thumb. “Son of a bitch.” Luna was up and she didn’t sound happy.

Celestia wanted to open the door and see if her sister was okay, but there was also a risk, Luna had never been a morning pony. She decided to ask from her side of the door, were it was safe. Celestia knock on the door, very carefully. “Luna, is everything alright in there?” She asked her sister.

Luna didn’t answer right away. “No, I feel out of the bloody bed.” Celestia then heard her sister cursed more. “Is there something you want?” Luna asked her big sister.

“I just wanted to let you know that we will be arriving at Wiacaster station in 2 hours, I thought you wanted some breakfast.”

“Breakfast sounds nice, just let me take a shower and I will join you.” Celestia agreed to that.

Celestia was sitting in the diner cart with some of their guards, eating breakfast. Why are guards sitting in the same cart as the princess you wonder? Celestia and her sister isn’t heartless and they don’t mind that their guards are eating breakfast with them.

Celestia was happily eating her pancakes when the door to the cart open and her sister walk in, Luna may have taken a shoer but she was still in a bad mood.

The night princess walk over to her sister table and sat down. “I hate sleeping on a train.” She said while placing her head on the table.

Celestia wasn’t too happy by Luna’s behavior. “For pete sake Luna, sit like a proper princess.” She scolded her sister.

Luna didn’t care. “No offence Celestia, but you can take that proper carp and stuff it where the sun doesn’t shine.” Luna look up at her sister with anger in her eyes. “You know that I hate sleeping at night and going to a funeral, so do me a favor and leave me alone.” Celestia just rolled her eyes off her sister behavior, she had forgotten how her sister can act like a child sometimes. Celestia wonder sometimes how they can be related. Luna then notice a chef preparing food, so she decided to head over there and get some breakfast. The sisters didn’t talk much the rest of the trip, they were more focus on the funeral.

Spike on the other hand was standing in the main hall with Rilda on his left side and Drake on his right, he had to great the other royals who was invited to the funeral and it was something he really didn’t want to. Spike had never been to a funeral before and the first one was to his own mother, he just want to go back to his room hide there but that was something his mother would never allow, he need to be strong for her and the kingdom.

Spike as looking down on the floor, not noticing that someone was entering the castle. “Prince Spike.” That was Rilda who spoke, she as standing beside him, and it brought Spike back to the real world. “Queen Umbra of the Crystal kingdom has arrived.” Spike look in the direction of the door and saw a female pony with grey fur and black hair that was moving, walking towards him and she had at last teen guards with her. Spike could swear he had seen her somewhere before, but where? That was the question.

She stop in front of him and bowed. “It’s an honor to meet you prince Spike and I wish it was under better circumstances.” She said while standing up.

Spike just stared at her which made her little uncomfortable, then he remember. “I remember you, you were at the grand galloping gala three years ago, I saw you from Twilight’s balcony.”

The entire room was quiet, no one knew how to respond to that. Then Umbra spoke. “Yyyes, I was that the gala three years ago and it was pretty boring.” She then crossed her arms. “I still don’t understand how Celestia can make them so boring.” The guards couldn’t believe what she just said, Rilda was just giggling while Drake just shook his head.

“Anyway, we are glad you are her queen Umbra. We have prepared a room for but your guards have to live without guards, one our guards will show your room.” Said Drake.

Umbra nodded her head. “That’s great.” She look over at guard that was standing beside her, it was a black mare in armor. “This is sergeant Emerald and she is charge of mine guards.” Emerald just saluted.

While Spike was greeting guest, a very annoyed Raldrin was standing by the river which flows through Wiacaster, she had to wait for sea ponies who was swimming to the funeral. “I can’t believe I have to wait for her.” She mumble to herself. the guards that was with her didn’t dare to say anything, Raldrin could be scary at times.

Raldrin then notice movement in the water, the sea ponies had arrived. “Look alive dragons, queen Nithia is here.” The guard stood ready.

Raldrin watch as the sea ponies emerge from the river, the first one she could see was Clialla, captain of the guards. Then the queen herself, Nithia. She had a dark blue fur with gold hair/tail, then came her daughter, princess Sannan. Then some guards. Raldrin then notice that the princess was unhappy, Raldrin guessed that the princess didn’t want to be here.

Then the queen spoke up. “Raldrin, it’s been too long. How have you been?” Nithia asked with a smile on her face.

Raldrin just gave her a blank look. “I can see you haven’t change since we last meet.” She said in her normal tone.

Nithia just tilted her head to the side in confusion. “Why would I change?”

Raldrin just rolled her eyes. “Never mind, I’m here to escort you and your guards to the castle. Let’s move it.” Nithia just nodded her head as she, her daughter and guards followed Raldrin and the dragon guards.

Once Raldrin and the others arrived at the castle, Nithia and Sannan could for the first time see what Spike look like. Spike was a green and purple dragon and he was at least eighteen years old, it couldn’t have been easy to lose your mother that young. Sannan also thought that Spike was kind of cut, but she would never admit it.

Back at Celestia and Luna’s train, they had finally arrived at the train station and once they step off the train, they could see Tombias there. “Princess Celestia, princess Luna. I would like to welcome you both to Wiacaster.” He said with smile and his arms was spread out.

Celestia bowed. “It’s a pleasure to see you again Tombias.” She got up. “Are we the first one to arrive?” She asked him

Tombias shook his head. “No, king Kuro arrived around half an hour ago. Queen Umbra arrived after him and I’m pretty sure queen Nithia has arrived.” He watch as the guards took the luggage of the train. “You have to move your train, the zebras are probably coming soon.” Celestia nodded and gave instructions to the train conductor to park the train with the others, he would make sure it was done.

After the sea ponies had great Spike, Celestia and Luna arrived and that was two faces Spike wanted to see. Once Spike saw the sister he ran over to them and gave them a hug, he didn’t care if that was the right thing to do, he just wanted to do it, the sisters gladly return Spike’s hugs.

Once Celestia and Luna had left, Spike had to wait a little long for the zebras to come. Once they arrived Spike could see them for the first time, they weren’t so frightening as Kuro. The king look kind of like Zecora but the color was different, he was a mix of black and red, the queen was gold? Spike didn’t expect to see that. Spike then notice that they had a soon who had black fur with white stripes but the one who caught his eyes was the zebra that was walking behind them, he kind of look like Zecora, Spike had to ask about that later.

Night had arrived in the dragon kingdom and Celestia was walking through the halls of the castle, she was heading to Spike’s room, she wanted to see how he was doing. Once she arrived at Spike’s room, she could see two guards standing guard.

“I would like to talk to prince Spike, is he at his room?” Celestia asked the guards.

Both guards look at each other, they were a little nervous. “Yes, but he didn’t want to be disturbed.” Said one of the guards.

Celestia understand why Spike wanted to be left alone. “That is understandable, but right now I think he need a friend to talk to and I’m the closest he has as to a friend.” What Celestia said made sense, he needed a friend so the guards let her in. Celestia knock on the door before she open it.

The first thing Celestia saw in Spike’s room was darkness and she heard crying, which had to be Spike. She walked in and closed the door. “Spike?” He didn’t answer, he just cried. Celestia used her magic to bring light into his room and saw Spike sitting in a corner of his room, he had his legs up to his chest, he arms was wrapped around his legs and he was crying. “Spike, was wrong?” Celestia asked as she walk up to him and sat down.

To Celestia surprised, Spike wrapped his arms around her and cried into her arm. “I miss my mom, I miss her so much.” Celestia couldn’t help but feel bad for him, he knew his mother for three weeks and then she was taken from him and it was way too early.

Celestia let him cry, long into the night when he finally fell asleep.

Author's Note:

I have written another crappy chapter and I don't care.

There will be a part 2.

Tomias belongs to Ebonis.