• Published 22nd May 2022
  • 1,501 Views, 100 Comments

Twilight's Duel School of Friendship: Freshman Year - k00l

my own story adopts elements of Yugioh GX but with the Student Six

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Chapter 10: Tree of Harmony part 3

Chapter 10: Tree of Harmony

Part 3: Smolder and Yona


Smolder proceeded down her path way. As she got pretty far into it, she could feel some heat coming from down the path, the terrain was getting rougher under her feet and a smell of sulfur filled the air. All of this felt familiar to her, it felt like she was back at the dragon lands. she starts running down the path till she makes it to the opening. in the middle of the cave was a lake of lava with a stone bridge that connects the two sides.
"Whoa...who knew this was here?" Asked Smolder as she knelt down to examine the lava. It was very warm, she was almost tempted to take a quick swim until she heard a voice calling out to her.
"There you are Smolder! I have been looking everywhere for you!" Said the voice. Smolder looks up and sees on the bridge that her brother, Garble was standing there with his arms crossed.
"Gar Gar??? What are you doing here?" Asked Smolder
"I'm here to bring you back to the dragon lands! Dragon lord's orders!"

Smolder physical reacted by flinching backwards upon hearing that.
"What!? Why does Dragon Lord Ember want me back!?" Asked Smolder.
"She thinks it's lame that you are here at this stupid pony school. Now come on, I'm not gonna ask you again!" Said Garble.
"That so does not sound like the Dragon Lord." Said Smolder crossing her own arms.
"Fine, the Dragon Lord didn't send me, I came on my own, I hate you being here!" said Garble.
"Why!? Why on Earth do you hate that I'm here!?" Smolder started to get angry.
"Because this girly little pony school is turning you soft! You have potential to be the best duelist in the dragon lands, but that won't mean squat if they knew you came here. you'll be a laughing stock! Now come on NOW!" Demanded Garble.
"I'm not leaving! I don't care what other's think of me, I'll duel them into submission to prove it!" Replied Smolder.
"Fine, if you think this school is helping you, then duel me! You win you stay, I win, you come!" As Garble said that, Smolder started laughing.
"Duel you!? You're not a duelist Garble! You don't have a deck!" Said Smolder.
"Then what's this?" Said Garble as he held up a pure white duel disk with blue highlights. Smolder stopped laughing when she saw what it was.
"Is...Is that the Dragon Lord's personal duel disk?"
"Yeah, I stole it in case you were gonna be difficult to come home." Said Garble.

Garble put on the duel disk and then activated it. Despite Garble not being a duelist, Dragon Lord Ember's deck was no joke. She also knew Garble wasn't joking either, she sighed heavily and stepped onto the bridge over the lava, she then activates her own duel disk.
"I chose the Blue-Eyes White Dragon as my deck master!" Yelled Garble.
"And I'll chose Red-Black Dragon as mine!" Responded Smolder. Both monster are summoned next to each of them. They roared and snapped at each other, Blue-eyes and Red-eyes have always been rivals.
"I'm not going easy on you smolder, prepare for a world of hurt!" Said Garble
"Yeah yeah, whatever, let's just do this." Said Smolder, she could notice a faint purple mist starting to surrounding her and Garble.


[Smolder vs Garble]

[Smolder 4000/ Garble 4000]

"I will go first, I draw!" Yelled Garble "I will start off by activating the spell Dragon Shrine. I send one dragon from my deck to the grave, and if it's a normal monster, I send a second. I send two Blue-eyes to the graveyard. Now I activate my Deck Master's ability, allowing me to add one dragon from my graveyard to my hand, Of course I will add one Blue-Eyes. Next, I summon Vanguard of the Dragon! {1700atk. 1400def. Lv 4}. I will activate his effect to discard one dragon from my hand to give him a permeant boost of 300 attack. I discard Blue-eyes to make my dragon's attack 2000, I then end.
"My turn! Draw!" Said Smolder, she was a little intimidated by Garble's first move, how did he learn all this? He wasn't a duelist yet he performed an excellent first turn. "Ok, I place two cards face down along with one monster face down and end."

[Smolder 3 cards, Garble 4 cards.]

"What a lame move, I knew this school was making you soft, I draw." Said Garble. "I place a card face down, Now my dragon will attack your facedown!" As Garbles monster charges Smolder's card, it lifts it's spear high and brings it down. the card flipped to show an old man that is part dragon. he reaches up and catches the spear and shoves the monster back to it's original spot. "Hey! What's the deal!?"
"Keeper of the shrine has 2100 defense, sorry, but even your attack boost won't beat that over." Taunted Smolder
"Grr, you just got lucky, I end." Said Garble
"Draw!" Said Smolder "I will now use my Keeper's effect, he can be counted as two tributes while summoning a dragon monster, I will use him to summon my second Red-Eyes Black Dragon!" {2400atk. 2000def. Lv 7} As Smolder's monster is summoned, it roars angrily. She then looks at her other Red-Eyes acting as her deck Master. It looks back at her, their eyes meet and the stare for a bit, some how, Smolder learn's it's ability from this, as if Red-Eyes was telepathically telling her what it is. "Whoa... I think I know what I can do, I activate my Deck Master's ability! I select one Red-Eye's monster on the field and give it 600 attack points during the battle phase! Now it's at 3000, Just like Blue-Eyes! Attack his monster!" Smolder's Red-Eyes opens it's maw and fires a black fireball at Garble's monster, completely incinerating it. "Oh yeah! I end my turn Gar Gar. At this rate it looks like I will be staying!"

[Smolder 3 cards/ Garble 4 cards]

[Smolder 4000/ Garble 2900]

Garble growls angerly as he then draws. He looks at his card and his eyes widen. His growls turn to chuckles as he then starts smirking mischievously.
"Oh I doubt that Smolder, after this turn you will be begging to go home, because now I activate the spell, Return of the Dragon Lords! This allows me to target one level 7 or higher Dragon in my graveyard and special summon it, who else but Blue-Eyes? Hehehe. {3000atk. 2500def. Lv 8} Now I will activate my Deck Master's ability to bring the second Blue-Eyes into my hand which I now reveal to you."
"Why would you reveal it to me?" Asked Smolder.
"Because it allows me to special Summon Blue-Eyes Alternative White Dragon from my hand! {3000atk. 2500def. Lv 8}."
"Whoa!? Blue-Eyes Alternative!?" Yelled Smolder in bewilderment.
"Oh yeah, and it packs a devastating effect! Once per turn, I can instantly destroy one of your monsters, and I pick Red-Eyes!" Said Garble
"NO!!!" Shouts Smolder. Blue-Eyes Alternative growls and opens it's mouth and fires a ball of white Lightning at Red-eyes, which roars painfully as it's destroyed. "NO! Red-Eyes!"
"Now I activate my face down, Castle of Dragon Souls." Said Garble as a large stone castle rises behind him. "This card allows me to banish one dragon from my grave, and when I do, One monster on my field gains 700 attack! I will Banish Vanguard of the Dragon, to give my normal Blue-eyes a boost, sending him all the way up to 3700! Who will now attack you directly!" Blue-eyes also opens it's mouth and fires a ball of lighting at her, striking her. She yells out in pain as the impact launches her backwards and knocks her hard on her back. "See, weak. I now end."

[Smolder 3 cards/ Garble 3 cards]

[Smolder 300/ Garble 2900]

Smolder felt like she had just been run over by a carriage. She slowly sits up while groaning, she puts one claw to her head and rubs it while looking at Garble.
"What was that!? Why did that hurt!?" Yelled Smolder.
"Maybe because you're a big softie now!" Garble taunted.
"Thats it!" Yells Smolder as she stands up. She then draws her card. "I activate my face down, Red-Eyes Spirit! This allows me to resummon Red-Eyes from my grave!" Smolder's Red-eyes roars as it returns, it seemed very angry for being destroyed last turn. "I now move the Red-Eyes acting as my Deck Master to the field!"
"Rather than lose to a lack of lifepoints, you'd rather lose your Deck Master?" Questioned Garble.
"Of course not." Said Smolder. "I just needed him on the field so that I can summon this! I build the Overlay Network! By placing two Red-Eyes on top of each other, I can Xyz summon Red-Eyes Flare Metal Dragon! {2800atk 2400def. Lv7 Xzy} Now He, is my Deck Master!"
"Do what you want! But there is no way you can beat me, you dragon is weak!" Yelled Garble.
"I'm far from done this turn, Because I'm activating his Deck Master ability again to give him 600 additional attack points, Giving him a grand total of 3400 attack during the battle phase!" Yelled Smolder.
"GRRRR!!!!" Growled Garble angrily.
"Red-Eyes, Attack his Blue-Eyes with Inferno Fire Flare!" Commanded Smolder. Red-Eyes glares at it's ancient enemy as it's attack rises, it roars at it and unleashes it's fireball at it, striking it. Blue-Eyes let's out a pained roar as it is destroyed.
"You re going to pay for that Smolder!"

[Smolder 4 cards/ Garble 3 cards]

[Smolder 300/ Garble 2500]

Smolder stands confidently as she faces her brother, even though it appeared Garble still had the best Monster, he was in for a world of hurt. Garble begins chuckling softly to himself before bursting out laughing.
"I just now noticed you attacked the wrong monster! You attacked my normal Blue-Eyes, not my Alternative Blue-Eyes! You're so stupid Smolder!" Garble teased as Smolder glares at him.
"My turn, I now activate Alternative's effect, I can Instantly destroy your Red-Eyes, Say bye bye to your Deck Master!"
"Not gonna happen Garble!" Said Smolder
"What do you mean?" He Questioned.
"My dragon has an effect of his own, he is unable to be destroyed by card effects while he still has Xyz Materials, which he does, and when that happens, you lose 500 lifepoints!" Yelled Smolder. As Garble was about to say something, he was electrified as he lost his lifepoints. He groaned painfully and drops to knees. Finally as this was all going on, Sandbar and Gallus made their way out of their own maze of passages and found themselves in the same chamber as Smolder's duel.
"Yikes! Is that lava!?" Yelled Gallus.
"It's so hot! Careful where you step!" Said Sandbar.
"Hey, wait a sec, Is that Smolder!?" Said Gallus pointing at the bridge.
"Yeah! It is! Smolder! Hey Smolder!" Yelled Sandbar as both him and Gallus run around the the Lava lake to get to the side Smolder is on. She turns around to see them.
"Sandbar! Gallus! There you guys are! Where are the others!?" Asked Smolder.
"We haven't found them yet, but listen to us, You absolutely have to win this duel." Said Gallus.
"I know I do, if not my Brother will take me home!" Said Smolder angrily.
"That's not your brother, it's just an illusion." Said Sandbar.

[Smolder 300/ Garble 2000

Smolder looks at him weird, that didn't make sense, but somehow, it did. How was her brother here and how was he dueling so well? She looks back at Garble and glares at him.
"OK you phony, Who are you really!?" Demanded Smolder.
"Don't ask stupid questions Smolder! Now come on, it's your turn now!" Said Garble.
"Listen to us Smolder, You have to win, trust us." Said Gallus. Smolder looks back down at him and then rolls her eyes.
"Alright, my turn, Draw!" Said Smolder "I activate the effect of my Black Flare dragon, by removing one Xyz's martial, I can special summon one of my Red-Eyes! Return Red-Eyes! Now I have enough fire power to finish you off! I will Increase my Black Flare Dragon's attack to destroy your dragon!" Smolders dragon attacks Garble's second Blue-Eyes.
"Heh, It doesn't matter, Because now I activate my quick play spell, Silver's Cry! This allows me to special summon a normal dragon from my Graveyard, and I chose Blue-Eyes! It will save me this turn, and by my next turn, I will decimate you, nd we can finally go home!" Said Garble. Smolder smirks back at him.
"No Garble, I should be thank you for activating that before my Other Red-Eyes could attack, because now I can Enter Main Phase 2 and activate the spell Inferno Fire Blast!" Said Smolder.
"What does that do!?" Asked Garble.
"Simple, you take effect damage equal to the total attack of my Red-Eyes!" Shouted Smolder.
"NO! GRRRRRR NOOOO!!!" Growled Garble as Smolder Red-Eyes harnesses the power of the spell card and fires a fireball at Garble, and drops his lifepoints to zero.

[Smolder vs Garble: Winner Smolder]

Without hesitation, Smolder approaches the fake Garble and stands over him, her claws on her hips. Garble looks up at her and she has a very angry expression on her face.
"You are going to tell me who you are, or you are not gonna just be beaten in a duel!" Said Smolder smashing her fist into her hand. Garble closes his eyes and soon emits a bright blue aura. It is so bright that smolder has to cover her eyes, when the light dies down she looks back at him, Now standing in front of smolder was the apparition of Rainbow Dash.
"Professor Dash!?" Yelled Smolder.
"No, I am merely representing your professor, As the other elements did for your fiends. I am the Element of Loyalty" Replied the apparition.
"But, Why??? And why pretend to be my brother!?" Demanded Smolder.
"To test your Loyalty." Replied the apparition.
"My loyalty?" Questioned Smolder.
"Yes, your Loyalty to you friends, and I must say, you passed excellently. You are worthy to be my bearer." Said the apparition.
"If your the element of Loyalty, and I become your bearer.Does that mean..." Said Smolder as the realization was now starting to hit her.
"Yes, you are now represent me and are now a protector of friendship." Said the apparition. Just as the others did for Gallus and Sandbar, slowly the apparition turns into a glowing aura and it surrounds Smolder as her and the element bond. When the glowing stops, Smolder looks down at her claws.

"I...I don't feel any different, did you guys feel any dif-WHO THEY HAY ARE THOSE TWO!?" Shouts smolder as she turns around to see Sandbar's and Gallus Duel Spirits.
"Calm down Smolder, its just Gram and Black Luster Soldier, for some reason, after the merge of the elements, we are able to see them." Said Gallus.
"Whoa...And we can see yours now too." Said Sandbar. Smolder turns around and her eyes widen. Behind her was the Red-Eyes Black Dragon. He wasn't as tall as he normally is during a duel, but he was still taller than everyone else. The Dragon stares at Smolder, grumbling in a low tone.
"Go on Smolder, he is your protector now." Said Sandbar. Smolder looks up at the dragon and he slowly approaches him. she raises her claw at him and closes her eyes. Red-Eyes looks at her and then slowly leans down and presses his head against her claw. He cues obediently as Smolder opens her eyes and looks at him, slowly she begins to smile as she pets him.
"Whoa... this is amazing!" Said Smolder. Just then, on the farthest wall, another passage opens.
"Hey, Another passage. we need to go through it so that we can find the others." Said Sandbar.
"Come on Smolder, we will find answers to what is going on after we find the others and get out of here!" Yelled Gallus as all of them sprint down the passage.


Yona had been walking for awhile, she could swear that the deeper she went in, the colder it got. She could eventually spot the exit, but a powerful wind was building up, blowing into the passage from the opening. as she got closer she could see feel snow under her hooves. She eventually steps through the opening and she looks around, it appears she has made it out of the cave because she ends up outside. not just outside though but all the way back home in YakYakistan. Yona turns around all confused.
"Huh? How Yona get home?" Said Yona as she turns around, to her shock, the cave entrance she just came from was now gone. "Y-Yona feeling a little uneasy."
"Yona Yak! There you are!" Said a voice behind her. Yona turns around and sees Prince Rutherford
"Noble Prince Rutherford? How did Yona get here?" Asked Yona
"Yona don't remember? Yona was told to come back home after failing duel school." Said Rutherford.
"YONA FAILED!?" Yelled Yona in shock.
"Yes, So Rutherford help Yona Yak, by dueling her. If Yona win, School may accept Yona back." Said Rutherford.
"But...But How Yona fail?" Said Yona.
"Yona been missing for 3 days, Yona miss midterm test and flunked out since Yona a Red. Princess Twilight said only way Yona can come back is if Yona prove herself." Said Rutherford.
"Yona been in cave for three days!?!?!?" Again Yona yelled.
"Yes. now come young Yak, we make duelist of you yet." Said Rutherford, pulling out an old looking duel disk. Yona couldn't believe what she just heard, there was no way she we lost that Long, but then again, how did she make it back home in Yakyakistan? Yona's head was spinning, but she turns to face prince Rutherford and activates her duel disk.
"Yak pick Sword Hunter as Yak's Deck Master" Said Prince Rutherford
"Yona Pick Gladiator Beast Gaiodiaz."


[Yona vs Prince Rutherford]

[Yona 4000/ Rutherford 4000]

"Yak goes first, Yak draw." Says Rutherford. "Yak summon the monster Heroic Challenger - Night Watchman! {1200atk. 300def. Lv4} Yak then activate the spell Heroic Envoy! This spell let yak add one heroic monster from yak deck, to yak hoof, Yak add Heroic Challenger - War Hammer. Yak now end."
"Yona turn, Draw." Said Yona. "Yona summon Gladiator Beast Sagittari. {1400atk. 1000def. Lv3}. Yona equip him with Gladiator Beast's Battle Archfiend Shield, This protects Yona's monster from destruction once. Now Yona attacks your Night watchman!"
"Yak discard Heroic Challenger - Swordshield, Yak take no damage and monster can't be destroyed." Said Rutherford. Yona looks at Rutherford and tries to get more info from him.
"Noble Prince Rutherford, How exactly did you know Yona failed?" Asked Yona.
"Yak was sent a letter by Twilight, she said you missing and that you missed the test. Then when we went out to find yona, Yona showed up looking dazed and confused." Said Rutherford.
"So Yona was just lost and confused???" Replied Yona.
"Yes, it was weird. Yona was in some kind of trance." Replied Rutherford. Yona has a few thoughts to herself, was she bewitched? Was she hypnotised, nothing was making sense to her.
"Y-Yona end."

[Yona 4 cards/ Rutherford 4 cards]

[Yona 4000/Rutherford 4000]

"Yak turn, draw." Said Rutherford. "Yak now summon Heroic Challenger - Extra Sword! {1000atk. 1000def. Lv4}. Now that Yak have 2 monsters on the field, Yak can special summon Heroic Challenger - Morning Star! {1500atk. 1300def. Lv4} When Morning Star is Summoned, Yak add one Heroic spell or trap to yak hoof. Yak add the trap Heroic Retribution Sword. Yak finally builds the overlay network, placing all 3 of yak's monster on top to Xyz summon Number 86: Heroic Champion - Rhongomyniad! {1500atk. 1500def. Lv4 Xyz} yak's Monster has multiple effects, only if monster has a certain number of Xyz material. Since Monster has 3, Monster has these effects, it cannot be destroyed by battle, it gains 1500 ATK/DEF, and it is unaffected by other cards' effects. With the attack boost effect, monster now has 3000 attack and defense. Also, one monster used to Xyz summon this monster was Heroic Challenger - Extra Sword, and when Extra sword is used in an Xyz summon, yak's Xyz monster gets 1000 extra attack, making him 4000!"
"4-4-4000!?" Yelled Yona.
"Rhongomyniad, destroy Sagittari!" Commanded Rutherford. Rhongomyniad Lifted it's hugs spear and thrusted it violently at Yona's monster, it easily went through it. "Now Yak activate Deck Master ability, Yak equip destroyed monster to Yak's monster for an addition 200 points of attack, making him now 4200!"
"Not fast! Yona monster had it's shield up! Meaning it's not destroyed, but the shield is!" Said Yona
"Very well, yak set one card and now end."

[Yona 1400/ Rutherford 4000]

[Yona 4 cards, Rutherford 3 card]

"Yona now draw!" Said Yona. "Yona now activate the effect of Sagittari! Yona can return him to the deck to special summon any Gladiator Beast monster, Yona summon Gladiator Beast Bestiari! {1700atk. 800def. Lv4} Since Bestiari was special summoned by a Gladiator beast effect, Bestiari destroys your face down!" Rutherford's face down card then shatters. "Yona normal summons Gladiator Beast Retiari! {1200atk. 800def. Lv3}" Yona's deck Master begins to glow, Yona looks at it and is puzzled by it. "What Gaiodiaz doing?"
"Yona can activate Monster's deck master ability" Said Rutherford. Yona looks at Gaiodiaz who then looks at her.
"Ok...Yona activates Deck Master's ability!" Gaiodiaz smirks and then raises his axe high in the air and let's out a loud battle cry. Retiari on the field also lets out a battle cry, this causes Rutherford's Trap card that was destroyed to be banished from the duel. "Oh! Yona gets it! Gladiator Beasts cards have effect that can only be activated if the monster was special summoned by another Gladiator beast. But Yona's deck master let's Yona activate effect without having to special summon! Retiari's effect banishes one card from your grave!" Yona Smirks as she starts to really get into the game. "Yona now Contact fusion! With Bestiari and Retiari, Yona fusion summons Gladiator Beast Gyzarus! {2400atk. 1500def. Lv6 Fusion}"
"Yona Monster too weak! Yak win next turn." Said Rutherford.
"Oh no, Rutherford won't because Yona now end." Said Yona. As soon as Yona ends Rhongomyniad begins to groan in pain.
"What wrong with Yak's monster?" Asked Rutherford.
"When Yona enter end phase while Gyzarus is on the field, Two cards on your field are destroyed, since Rutherford only have one, he is destroyed!" Yelled Yona. Just then Rhongomyniad lets out one final groan before blowing up and being destroyed.

[Yona 1400/Rutherford 4000]

[Yona 4 cards/Rutherford 3 cards]

"No! Yak Needed that! GRAH! Fine, Yak draw and then move Deck Master to field!" Said Rutherford as Sword Hunter takes a spot on the field {2450atk. 1700def Lv7}. "Yak now attack your Monster!" Sword Master charges Gyzarus and swipes his swords at him. Gyzarus tries to block the attack with his arm guards, but one quick stab to the chest was enough to destroy him. "And with his effect, Gyzarus is now summoned in Yak's back row as an equip card, this makes Sword Hunter 2650! Yak now end!"
"Yona now draws!" Yelled Yona. Yona moves her Deck Master to the field!" Gaiodiaz roars loudly and quickly takes his spot {2600atk. 1500def. Lv7 Fusion} "Prince Yak, now is yak's only time to tell Yona the truth."
"What Yona Mean?" Said Rutherford.
"Yona know nothing yak said is true. It makes no sense." Said Yona.
"Then how is Yona here, back home in YakYakistan?" Said Rutherford.
"This is not YakYakistan, Yona not stupid. Now Yona end duel now so Yak can tell Yona the truth!" Yelled Yona.
"How!? Yak Monster stronger than Yona's! Also Yak still have 4000 life points!" Rutherford said.
"Easy, Yona equip Gaiodiaz with this, Activate spell Gladiator Beast's Battle Gladius!" Said Yona as Gaiodiaz tosses aside his axe, then a sword magically manifests into his hand. "This spell increase Yona's monster by 300atk. making Gaiodiaz 2900 attack! Yona knows Rutherford still has all lifepoints left, But Sword Hunter is Rutherford's Deck Master, so when he is destroyed, Rutherford loses the duel!"
"Wait! Wait Yona!" Rutherford begs.
"Gaiodiaz, Attack Sword Hunter with Gladius Slash!" Gaiodiaz raises his sword high and brings down hard on Sword Hunter. Sword Hunter tries using his two swords to block the attack, but the Gladius upon hitting the two swords shatter them. as the blade strikes sword hunter, he is destroyed, causing Rutherford to instantly lose.

[Yona vs Prince Rutherford: Winner Yona]

Yona wastes no time to running over to Rutherford, She aims her horns at him and rams him hard, knocking him to the ground. He looks up at her in shock as she stands over him.
"Tell Yona the truth! Yona did not fail, and Yona not in YakYakistan! Tell Yona the truth!"
"Ok ok, I will tell you everything." Said Rutherford, surprisingly speaking normally. "No, this is not YakYakistan, you are still in the caves, and you did not fail."
"Then why Lie!? Why does cave look like YakYakistan!?" Questioned Yona.
"It was to test you, like we said earlier." Rutherford smiled as he began to glow. Yona backs up unaware what was happening. slowly, Rutherford morphs into the apparition of Applejack. "And I have to say you passed."
"What's going on here? Why did Rutherford turn into professor farm pony?" Asked Yona.
"I am the Element of Honesty, You young Yak, are worthy to be my bearer." Said the apparition.
"Yona, to be holder of the Element of Honesty?" Yona questioned.
"Yes, You duel with bravery, despite your mind full of doubt and confusion, your willingness to seek the truth has made it clear, you are my next bearer." Said the apparition. Before another word is said, the apparition glows and begins to morph itself into Yona who glows as well. when the process is done, the illusion of YakYakistand slowly disipates, revealing the cave Yona was still in.

Yona looks around, and looks behind her to see Gaiodiaz is still there.
"Huh? Why is Yona's monster still here? is Yona's duel disk broken?" She said as she looks at the duel disk.
"Master Yona! HAHAHA!!! At last we meet!" Said Gaiodiaz loudly. Yona jumps back upon hearing Gaio talk
"Monster can talk!?" She exclaims
"Yes! Gaiodiaz has been wanting to say something to Master Yona for ages!" Says Gaiodiaz as he approaches Yona. he places his massive hands on his hips and lets out a huge huff. "It is Honor for Gaiodiaz to talk with Master Yona!"
"Y-Yona glad to t-talk to you too." Said Yona still freaking out. "But, how can we talk?"
"Gaiodiaz do not know." Said Gaio as he scratches his head "Gaiodiaz always tried to get Yona's attention, why now is mystery. Maybe Yona Pro-Fes-Sors know."
"Maybe Gaiodiaz right, but first Yona must find Yona's friends!" Said Yona. Now that all the snow was gone, there was a hidden passages on the left side of the cave.
"Maybe Yona go that way!" Said Gaiodiaz pointing to the passage.
"Good Idea, let's go!" Yelled Yona as both she and Gaiodiaz quickly make their way down the passage.

End of Chapter 10