• Published 22nd May 2022
  • 1,501 Views, 100 Comments

Twilight's Duel School of Friendship: Freshman Year - k00l

my own story adopts elements of Yugioh GX but with the Student Six

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Chapter 7: Suspision

Chapter 7: Suspision

It was the morning, The group was on their way to the cafeteria for some breakfast. They all decided to meet up so that they all could get breakfast together. On their way there, they pass Headmare Twilight's office. As they were getting ready to pass, A tall, skinny white coated unicorn stallion with black hair exits the office with an angry expression. He looked rather creepy, he turns back towards the door way and shouts back at Twilight.
"Princess Celestia will hear about this, mark my words!" He yells. He turns towards the group, he gives them a disgusted look and walks past them. As he does, a card falls from his side pouch. As the group looks in the door way at Twilight, Only Sandbar notices the dropped card. He picks it up and his eyes widen as he sees what it is. He looks back up at the stallion.
"Sir... Sir! you dropped this!" He said catching up with him.
"Thank you" He says rudely taking it back and continuing to walk away.

The other five peek in to see Twilight at her desk, she has appeared to be crying. None of them dare to go in in fear that they may upset Twilight more, so they back away. Sandbar approaches the group and has a super freaked out expression.
"Guys, you are not going to believe this!" He cries.
"SHHHH! Not so loud" says Ocellus.
"What's wrong Sandbar?" asked Gallus.
"That weird creepy guy who passed us, he dropped a card, and you're not going to believe what it was." Says Sandbar. "... It was Gashadokuro."
"WHAT!?" they all respond.
"Gashadokuro!? The same Monster that we saw the night we saw the Headless Horse!?" asked Smolder.
"Yeah, the exact same one" confirmed Sandbar.
"Guys, it may be a coincidence. You do know there are more then one copy of a card right?" says Ocellus.
"Yeah, but the only two times I've seen that card has been on campus, that makes me question whether or not it was a coincidence." Sandbar inputted.
"What are you 6 doing outside my office?" Twilight's voice is heard behind the group.

They all turn around to face her. Her eyes were dark and sunken in, proof that she was in fact crying. At first they didn't know what to say, a little taken back by her appearance. Eventually though, Smolder finally spoke up for them.
"We were... just on our way to breakfast and....a really cool bird land on the windowsill outside... so we stop to look at it?" Said Smolder with an Innocent smile, the rest also smile innocently at Twilight. She looks outside the window, there really was no place for a bird to land before looking back at them. She was too mentally exhausted to push them further so she lets out a long sigh.
"Look, I'm going to be very busy today, which is actually a good thing you 6 are here, I need you for something." Says Twilight.
"What is it Headmare?" Asks Sandbar.
"We have a new wave of students coming in, and I was wondering if you will welcome one of them to your group. She is a few years younger than all of you, I hope that's not a big deal?" Twilight asks.
"A new friend!? That would be fantastic!" Exclaimed Silverstream. The rest nodded in agreement.
"Really? That's great to hear. Follow me" Says Twilight, now starting to smile.

Twilight leads them through the school and takes them to the front entrance, where there standing by herself was a shy looking small little pink Pegasus with blue hair, She was wearing a Ra Yellow Uniform. She looks over at Twilight and the 6 other creatures.
"You six, I would like you to meet Cozy Glow, Our newest Ra Yellow." Says Twilight Introducing the Group to the filly.
"Golly, Six of you? I was only expecting one." says Cozy Sheepishly.
"Are you kidding me!? A filly half my height and younger than me made it Ra Yellow before me!?" shouts Gallus placing both claws on his head and acting dramatic.
"Hi Cozy, I'm Sandbar, the drama queen is Gallus, then there is Smolder, Silverstream, Yona, and Ocellus." Said Sandbar introducing him and his friends.
"Hi Cozy, Welcome to the school, I can give you a tour of your new dorm." Said Ocellus smiling at Cozy.
"Thank you" Cozy replies smiling back at Ocellus.
"I'm so glad you are all getting along. Will you six please Show cozy around? I have a bunch of meetings to attend." Asks Twilight.
"Don't worry Headmare, We'll do i.t" Says Silverstream .

Twilight smiles at them and sighs heavily, feeling a huge weight being lifted off her shoulders. She then turns and walks away. The six then take Cozy Glow on a huge tour of the school, they end off by showing her the school's arena.
"And here Cozy is where most duels are held. This is the only place you are allowed to duel at while in doors." Says Sandbar.
"Golly gee willikers! This place is big!" says Cozy in awe, looking up at the ceiling.
"Cozy pony, Yona forgot to ask, What kind of deck does Cozy pony use?" asks Yona.
"Huh? What deck I use? Oh I use Nurse Burn." Replied Cozy.
"Wait? You use A nurse Burn Deck? For real? You're not joking?" asked Gallus.
"Yeppers! Wanna duel and see?" asked Cozy.
"You know what, I gotta see this. Sure, I accept." says Gallus.
"Sweet! we're going to go in the stands and watch." says Smolder as the other 5 approach the stands. Cozy and Gallus take their place and activate their duel disks.


[Gallus vs Cozy Glow]

[Gallus 4000/Cozy Glow 4000]

"I will go first, Draw!" says Gallus "Since no cards are on the field, I can special summon Blackwing - Gust the Backblast from my hand in defense! {900atk. 1400def. Lv2}. Now I normal summon Blackwing - Fane the Steel Chain! {500atk. 800def. Lv2}. That's my turn, Good Luck Cozy." Says Gallus in a sportsman like manner.
"Golly! Great move Gallus, I guess I draw now." Says Cozy Glow "I activate the spell Magical Mallet, I shuffle any number of cards from my hoof into my deck, then re-draw the same number I shuffled. I chose to send my entire hoof of 5 cards to shuffle and re-draw. Ok, I then place two cards and one monster face down. You can go now Gallus."

[Gallus 4 cards/ Cozy 2 cards]

"My turn, I draw. Since I control one Blackwing monster, I can special summon Blackwing - Oroshi the Squall from my hand! {400atk. 600def. Lv1 Tuner} I now Tune for 6 to synchro summon my favorite card Blackwing - Gram the Shining Star! {2200atk. 1500def. Lv5 Synchro} Since he is Synchro Summoned, I can special summon one tuner from my Claw, I summon Blackwing - Kochi the Daybreak! {700atk. 1500def. Lv4 Tuner.} Lucky for you, since Kochi was special summoned, I can't use her as synchro material. But she can still attack! Gram, Attack her face down, Then Kochi, Go for a direct attack! Gallus Commanded. As Gram swoops down and stabs the card, Kochi flies past him and uses her claws to scratch Cozy, who lets out a yelp. "I place one card face down and end... weird, I was expecting you to use your traps." says Gallus.
"Well, I need them for later... I now draw again." says Cozy Sheepishly and draws. "The monster you destroyed during your attack was Magician of Faith, she has an effect allowing me to bring a spell from my grave and into my hoof, I add Magical Mallet again and activate it, Now I shuffle 2 cards and draw 2. Finally, I now summon Darklord Nurse Reficule! {1400atk. 600def. Lv4} She will attack your Kochi." Nurse Reficule lets out an ear piercing banshee cry, causing Kochi to shatter and be destroyed. "I now activate the spell Upstart Goblin. You are given 1000 lifepoints in exchange I draw a card, after that I end." As cozy draws her card, an electric Aura surrounds Gallus and shocks him, he squawks as he loses 1000 life points.
"Hey! I thought she said he was given 1000 life points, but he lost them instead!" exclaims Silverstream
"It's because of Cozy Glow's monster, Nurse Reficule, She has the effect that any effect that would make your opponent gain lifepoints inflicts the same amount of damage to them, instead."
"Wow... Yona get it now, Nurse Burn." Said Yona.

[Gallus 2300/Cozy 3300]

[Gallus 2 cards/ Cozy 1 card]

"Ok, That is a good card, But you fell for my trap! Reveal Face down! I activate Black Feather Beacon! When I take damage from a card effect, I can special summon one level 4 or lower Blackwing from my hand!" Shouts Gallus
"I chain my face down, my continuous trap Dark Cure! whenever you special summon a monster, you gain lifepoints equal to half of the summoned monster attack points!" replied Cozy
"Gah! Oh no!" shouts Gallus
"I'm not done yet! since that is a chain length of one, I will activate the quick play spell in my hand to make the chain length 2! I activate Chain Strike! This card can only be activated as a chain length of 2 or higher, you lose lifepoints equal to the chain length x400, That means you lose 800 lifepoints!" The Electric aura returns, zapping Gallus and drops his lifepoints even more
"OW OW OW!!! you have got to be kidding me!" shouts Gallus
"Come on and summon your monster already! you got more lifepoints to lose!" says Cozy
"Whoa... It's like Cozy Glow has done a complete 180, It's like a different pony is dueling all of a sudden." Says Sandbar
"She must take dueling seriously." says Smolder

[Gallus 1500/ Cozy 3300}

[Gallus 2 cards/ Cozy 0 cards]

"Grr, Fine, I summon Blackwing - Mistral the Silver Shield in defense with Black Feather Beacons effect! {100atk. 1800def. Lv2 Tuner}" Gallus says as the aura returns, This time zapping away only 50 lifepoints. "Luckily for me, I will still have just enough life points remaining for this new Synchro summon! I draw a card for my turn, and then Tune for 7! I synchro Summon Blackwing Armor Master! {2500atk. 1500def. Lv7 Synchro}" The aura returns, Zapping more Lifepoints from Gallus for 1250 lifepoints, now only leaving him with 200. "Gah! Ok! Armor Master, Attack her Monster now!" Blackwing Armor Master uses it's wings to levitate, It then darts towards Cozy's nurse, and kicks her hard in the abdomen, Causing her to be destroyed.
"Oh yeah! you're powerless without your nurse! I end!" shouts Gallus Excitedly.

[Gallus 200/Cozy 2200]

[Gallus 3 cards/ Cozy 0 cards]

Cozy looks heavily unamused, she draws her card without looking at it and stares at Gallus. "I activate my Face down, Just Desserts, You lose 500 life points for every monster on your side of the field."
"......say what?" questioned Gallus. "B-b-b-b-b-But I have less than 500!" shouts Gallus.
"Yeah, That means You lose." replied Cozy. The Aura returns, Zapping Gallus again, who squawks again as this one was more intense since it causes his life points to drop to zero.

[Gallus vs Cozy Glow: Winner Cozy Glow]

The other 5 then begin to clap for Cozy, They were genuinely impressed by Cozy's skills present in the duel.
"Wow, She's good for a filly." says Smolder.
"Yeah, She won with only attacking one time, with skills like that, She'll be an obelisk in no time." says Sandbar.
"WHAT THE!?!?" Shouts Gallus in bewilderment. "I-i-i-i lost!? HOW! I had the stronger monsters! and you attacked once! HOW DID YOU DO THAT!?"
"Golly... I didn't make you upset did I Gallus?" Asked Cozy putting her cute and sweet persona back on.
"No! It's just..." Gallus then sighs "I just really want to get out of Slifer, If I keep losing, I may be stuck there forever."
"Don't be upset Gallus, it was just a fun game." says Cozy with a Smile. Sandbar looks at Cozy with a suspicious look.
"EEEE that looked like so much fun!" Shouts Silver "Your deck is very impressive! can I duel you now!?"
"I would, but I haven't unpacked yet. I'd like to get that done first." replies Cozy
"Oh, would you like some help?" Ocellus offered
"No thank you, but I appreciate your concern." Cozy replied
"You need any help getting back to the Ra Yellow dorm?" asked Smolder
"No, I remember how to get there, thank you, bye!" Said Cozy quickly before then leaving the Arena.

The group looks at one another, giving each other weird looks.
"Well... I wonder why she wanted leave so badly." Asked Silverstream.
"Yeah, unpacking can't be that important, it only take five minutes." Replied Gallus.
"I don't know about you guys, but I'm getting a weird feeling about Cozy." Stated Sandbar.
"What Sandbar mean?" asked Yona.
"Couldn't you see how she dueled? She was all sweet and innocent when we met her, when she started getting into the duel, she acted completely different, like she went all out and beat Gallus without a second thought. I mean that was one of the quickest duels I've ever seen."
"Gee, thanks Sandbar!" Exclaimed Gallus.
"I didn't mean it like that, What I'm trying to say was she became ruthless and showed you no mercy." Said Sandbar.
"Heh, I think you are just worried because now you have some big competition now." Teased Smolder.
"What!? So not true!" said Sandbar.

The rest of the group begins to laugh a bit, causing Sandbar to roll his eyes. Though, he did figure he was just being silly and decided to drop it.
"You know, we still haven't gotten breakfast yet." Said Silverstream suddenly.
"Silverstream right! Yak very hungry now." said Yona.
"Well, we can't get breakfast now, It's almost time for lunch." Said Ocellus.
"We missed Breakfast!? But pancakes are Yona's favorite!" exclaimed Yona.
"Easy there Yona today is grilled cheese day, you like those more don't ya?" Said Silverstream.
"....Grilled cheese are bestest." Said Yona quietly. The group laugh a bit, including Yona.
"Well I am pretty hungry, we should hurry up before we miss lunch." said Smolder. The group agrees and they leave the arena to go to the cafeteria, which is where they wanted to go in the first place.

Meanwhile, In her room. Cozy lays her deck on a table and stares at it. Her stare turns into a glare, then a scowl. In pure anger she swats her deck off the table, cards going absolutely everywhere.
"How on earth could I let that Slifer punk get a few good hits on me! if it wasn't for Just Desserts, He would have won! A Slifer BEATING ME!? That is unacceptable! I need to be the best! I need to get to Obelisk blue, and then, I will finally get a chance to harness true power. A power so great, it was locked away in the school's vault. I need to get my hooves on it, and when I do, the school, the world, and the realm of Duel Monsters, WILL BE MINE!!!!" Shouts cozy to herself in her own deranged monologue.

End of Chapter 7