• Published 22nd May 2022
  • 1,501 Views, 100 Comments

Twilight's Duel School of Friendship: Freshman Year - k00l

my own story adopts elements of Yugioh GX but with the Student Six

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Chapter 17: The Dragon Rulers Part 1

It was the next morning, all creatures sluggishly get out of bed and head for the cafeteria for breakfast. They all sit down together at the same table, Gallus was far from Yona, both still not talking to each other. Everyone else looks at each other and back to them.
"Hey, How did you guys sleep?" Asked Sandbar. He didn't get a response though.
"Did you guys have any nice dreams?" Asked Silver, again no reply, Causing her to frown. Just then, Roulette was walking past their table carrying her Breakfast, she had her new Obelisk jacket on.
"Hi Roulette. Great duel yesterday, Congrats on your rank up." Says Ocellus with a smile. Roulette only scowls at her in disgust and keeps walking. Ocellus was shocked by this and watches her keep walking, and sits down next to Brisk and Cozy at a different table. All of them now have their new Jackets on.
"What...But I thought we were on good terms." Said Ocellus.
"I guess not." Said Smolder. Brisk, Cozy, and Roulette don't stay sitting down for long, they soon get up and leave together, while the 4 watch them.

"Looks like she is friends with Brisk now. Some of him must have rubbed off on her." Said Sandbar
"That's sad, I used to think she was really nice." Said Silverstream.
"Sandbar, Yona, Ocellus, Gallus, Smolder, and Silverstream, Please Report to my office as soon as possible!" Says Twilight over the intercom.
"That sounded urgent, we need to get there now." Said Ocellus. The six stand up and leave without cleaning up their table first.
Outside the cafeteria, Cozy, Brisk, Roulette, and Neighsay watch them as they leave.
"Chancellor What are you going here? We thought you were going to take some time to come up with a plan. Where are they going in such a big hurry" Said Brisk.
"We don't have time to wait, we need to act now, there has been a huge interruption with the magic in our world." Said Neighsay.
"What do you mean?" Asked Roulette.
"Try using your magic and you will see what I mean." He replied.

Roulette looks at him an then brisk and Cozy. She uses her magic to light up her horn, but it quickly goes out.
"What the? What happened?" Asked Roulette.
"I Don't know, Magic is being drained from Equestria, and we don't know why." Says Neighsay.
"What, really, but how can that be?" Asked Brisk.
"My theory is that it has something to do with the Dragon Rulers, It sense those students who want to steal it. The Rulers want to be free so that they can wreck havoc on our world." Said Neighsay.
"Keep by me, we must head to vault so we can secure the deck." Said Neighsay turning away as the 3 follow him.

The six barge into Twilight's office where it appears that the professor's were going to take a trip.
"Why did you call us here so urgently?" Asked Sandbar.
"Where are you guys going?" Asked Ocellus.
"Calm down you six, we just have a task for you." Said Twilight.
"What kind of task?" Asked Gallus.
"Well...no need to sugar coat it. There has been a decrease in Magic lately. Some unicorns are losing their ability to use their magic." Says Twilight. Despite trying to cushion the blow, this news shocks the students.
"WHAT!?" They all yell. Twilight takes a second to rub her ears from their shouts.
"It's nothing to grievous, yet, We believe what may be causing it." She says.
"What may be happening?" Smolder Asks.
"You remember during class on magical threats of Equesteia? I talked about a magic eater locked away in Tartarus."
"I remember, His name was Tirek." Said Ocellus.
"Exactly. We are off to check on Tirek to make sure he is still locked away. Since we are away, you are in charge of protecting the vault." Said Twilight.
"But, Who will be in Charge?" Asked Silverstream.
"Don't worry, I'm the one who will look after you." Said a voice behind the students.

They turn and look and see Starlight Glimmer standing there, all of them smile upon seeing her.
"Counselor Starlight! It's great to know you'll still be here." Said Sandbar
"Thanks Sandbar." Starlight replied.
"You seven stay safe. We're off to Tartarus to confront Tirek. I wish we would be able to stay in touch, but that does not seem possible." Said Twilight, She hugs Starlight and gives the students a worried but hopeful look before exiting the office along with the other 5 professors.
"What now new Head Pony?" Asked Yona.
"Come with me to the main chamber, I need to address the school." Said Starlight. The others agree and follow Starlight out of the office. After about a half hour all the other students were out in the main corridor talking amongst each other. There is a slight panic as the unicorns have now noticed that they are unable to use their magic. Eventually Starlight approaches the podium and clears her throat, causing all the students to look at her.

"Attention all students, I understand there is a lot of mysterious happenings going on at the moment, but I can assure you everything is under control and everything should return to normal." Says Starlight.
"Where is Headmare Twilight?" Asks a random student.
"She is of trying to figure out what is going on and hopefully fix our magic problem, but for now, I am in charge." She Says reassuringly.
"I think not!" A loud voice booms sternly. Everyone looks to see that it came from the back, stepping forward is Chancellor Neighsay, Being escorted by Brisk, Roulette, and Cozy.
"Chancellor Neighsay? What are you doing here?" Starlight questioned.
"You know as well as I do that this lack of magic is caused by the Dragon Rulers and not Lord Tirek." Says Neighsay. The students whisper amongst themselves, never hearing about the dragon rulers before. While Starlight and the Student Six look shocked at how Nieghsay even knows about it."
"Neighsay, I have no idea what you are talking about." Say Starlight playing dumb.
"Please, I know your ignorant but you are not an imbecile Councilor Starlight. You know about the forbidden deck in the school's vault. It senses a dark soul seeking to steal them, they hunger for destruction and their spirits are already trying to suck the magic from our world." Says Neighsay. Starlight glares at him, now dropping the stupid act.

"We have checked the deck multiple times, it is safe and sound. Nothing has happened to it, and it has not been moved." Relied Starlight.
"That you know of! I was apart of the council that locked away that deck in the first place, if anyone here has any jurisdiction about that deck, it's me! And I am taking over as Head Stallion until Princess Twilight returns." Says Neighsay.
"No you're not! You are in no place to make rules while I'm in charge!" Says Starlight sternly.
"Then let's change that." Says Neighsay, he taps his magical medallion, causing it to glow. Slowly, a magical oval forms, surrounding Neighsay and Starlight. She looks all around her, wondering what exactly Neighsay is doing. The oval turns a deep dark purple as a purple mist forms around them. Starlight's eyes widen as she now knows what Neighsay just did, she then looks at him.
"Neighsay... You've activated a Shadow Game! You know those are highly Illegal!" Starlight shouts.
"They are illegal except when a world ending scenario is at stake, in which case they are to be used to overcome obstacles, in which case you are now an obstacle getting in the way of an official EEA member. I know this law, as I am the one who wrote it. Now will you kindly get out of my way, or duel me!" Says Neighsay.
"Fine! But you are not beating me!" Says Starlight as she activates Her Duel Disk. Neighsay Activates his, His looks very expensive and has the royal seal on it.


[Starlight Glimmer vs Chancellor Neighsay]

[Starlight 4000/ Neighsay 4000]

"I will take the first turn Councilor." Says Nighsay as he draws. "I will start us off by activating the effect of Hecatrice, By discarding it from my hoof i can add the continuous spell Valhalla, Hall of the Fallen to my hoof, which I then activate. Since I control no monsters, I can special summon a fairy monster from my hoof. I special summon Valkyrie Dritte in defense .{1000atk. 1600def. Lv4}."
"Whoa, Valkyries!" Says Ocellus.
"Why is that impressive?" Asked Sandbar
"There are certain decks deemed to powerful, so they are not widely available to the public, only very important ponies are allowed to have them, Vakyries are one of those powerful decks. Neighsay must be very very important." Says Ocellus.
"I now activate her effect to add one Valkyrie card from my deck to my hoof. I add Valkyrie Vierte, who I now Normal summon {1400atk. 1400def. Lv 3}. Her effect allows me to excavate the number of cards of my deck copared to the number of Valkyrie cards I control, in this case 2. I chose one to add to my hoof, then the other is sent to the grave. I excavate two cards, perfect, I add Mischief of the Time Goddess to my hoof and send Royal magical Library to the grave. I will now end my turn."

[Neighsay 5 cards/ Starlight 5 cards]

"Finally my turn, Draw!" Says Starlight. "I've just drawn Fortune Fairy Swee, when I draw her, I can reveal her and special summon her to the field, I summon her in defense. {0atk. 0def. Lv. 4} When special summoned this way, I pick on card on the field and banish it till my next standby phase. I chose your Vierte so you will be unable to use her effect next turn."
"You certainly will pay for that." Says Neighsay.
"Next I activate the spell Gold Sarcophagus, This allows me to place a card from my deck into the banished zone, then during my second standby phase, I add it to my hand. Now I will tribute my Swee to summon Fortune Lady Earth! {?atk. ?def. Lv 6} She gains attack equal to her level x400, since she is level 6, Her attack is 2400! That's not all, during each of my standby phases, her level increases by 1, and when that happens you take 400 points of burn damage!" Says Starlight.
"You got this Counselor! You can beat him!" Shouts Silverstream.
"Now my Fortune Lady will attack your Valkyrie!" Says Starlight, Her monster spins her staff ad then points it at Neighsay's monster, a magical blast shoots from it, destroying it. "I end!"

[Neighsay 5 cards/ Starlight 3]

"I draw." Says Neighsay "Now that my field is empty, I can special summon a fairy from my hoof with the effects of Valhalla. I Special Summon Valkyrie Sechste in defense, {0atk. 2000def. Lv 1} I activate her effect to special summon another Valkyrie from my deck, I Special summon Valkyrie Sigrun. {2200atk. 2400def. Lv 9} and the special summoning does not end there Councilor, I now activate Sigrun's effect. I can special summon a level 8 or lower Valkyrie from my hoof, I special summon Valkyrie Brunhilde! {1800atk. 2000def. Lv 7} Brunhilde is unaffected by spells and gains 500 attack for every monster you control, Making her attack 2300."
"Holy cow! I can see why this deck is not availble to everyone, this is overpowered!" Yells Sandbar.
"Brunhilde will now attack Your fortune Lady!" Shouts Neighsay.
"Your monster is weaker, why would you attack!?" Asked Starlight.
"Because I discard this, Honest!" Says Neighsay.
"OH NO!" Yells Starlight.
'What card do?" Asked Yona.
"Honest is a very powerful card, it is discarded during the battle phase, the attacking monster gains attack equal to the monster it is attacking, Making Brunhilde 4700 attack for this turn!" Says Ocellus. Brunhilde charges Fortune Fairy earth and strikes her with her spear, destroying her.
"Now Sigrun, Finish her off. Disappointing, You couldn't last more than 2 turns." Says Nieghsay.
"This is not over yet! I special Summon Battle Fader to end the battle phase!" Yells Starlight.

[Starlight 1700/ Neighsay 4000]

[Starlight 3 cards/ Neighsay 4 cards]

"My turn, Draw!" Says Starlight "I activate the spell Misfortune. I select one of your monsters and you lose Lifepoints equal to half of it's attack and I skip my battle phase this Turn, I chose your Sigrun, You lose 1100 life points!" An electrical aura surrounds Neighsay, he grunts painfully as he lose his lifepoints. "Now I activate Pot of Greed, I can now draw two cards, and I just drew Fortune Fairy Hikari, by revealing it I can special summon her, {0atk. 0def.Lv 1] since she was special summoned I can special another level 1 spellcaster from my deck, I special Summon Fortune Lady Past {?atk. ?def. Lv 1 Tuner} Now for my normal summon, I tribute Hikari to normal summon Fortune Lady Dark! {?atk. ?def. Lv 5} I will now activate Fortune Lady Past's effect, by banishing the last monster in my hand, I can increase Dark's level by 1 now she is Level 6, with my two monster, I now tune for 7! I synchro summon Fortune Lady Every! {?atk. ?def. Lv 7} She gains equal to her level times 400, giving her 2800 attack points! I'm not out yet, I end!"

[Starlight 1700/ Neighsay 2900]

[Neighsay 4 cards/ Starlight 0 cards]

"I draw." Says Neighsay. "Vierte is now back onto my field, and I'm gonna add a fifth monster, I activate Sigrun's effect, To special summon Valkyrie Zweite {1600atk. 1600def. Lv 5}. you will be out during this turn Councilor, because Zweite's effect activates, When she is summoned, one monster you controlled is destroyed!"
"No! I tried so hard bring her out!"
"Too bad Councilor, Now that you're wide open, I will assault you with a barrage of my 5 monsters! Go my Valkyries, teach her a lesson!" Says Neighsay. In unison, All valkyries come together as a brigade and charge Starlight, attacking her all at once she let's out a scream as her life points drop to zero.

[Starlight vs Neighsay: Winner Neighsay]

All six of the students are left in pure shock as Starlight collapses to the ground in defeat, falling unconscious. Neighsay neatly organizes his deck and puts it away.
"Princess Twilight would have put up a better fight than that. Brisk, Roulette, Take her back to her office and make sure she stays there."
"Yes Chancellor" The both say, Putting Starlight on their backs and carrying her away.
"Now you six!" Said Neighsay angerly, shifting his attention to the student six. "Now that she is out of the way I can now deal with you. You are to leave this school, Immediately!"
"WHAT!?" They all six yell before Neighsay activates his medallion. A bright light emerges from it and snares the students in a chain. "You six will be placed in the Slifer dorm until your guardians can come and pick you up."
"You can't do this! This will only cause things to get worse!" Shouts Sandbar.
"We are the ones have to protect the deck!" Says Ocellus.
"Don't make me laugh. You all have plans to steal it, I heard you myself!" Says Neighsay, Using his medallion to lift the six and carry them out of the building. He carries them all the way to the Slifer dorm, with Cozy Glow close behind him. He opens a random door and places them in there. "Now stay, it could be awhile before they get here." Says Neighsay before turning his back.
"Wait!" Says Sandbar, causing Neighsay to turn back and look at him.
"...I have had the same feeling as you Neighsay. When this catastrophe happened they were the first ones I suspected!"
"S-sandbar!?" Yells Yona. Neighsay raises an eyebrow.
"I was too afraid of turning them in, because I didn't want my loyalty grade to drop, but now you're in charge, a more reasonable pony, I knew you would understand. I want nothing to do with them anymore!" Says Sandbar.
"You can't be serious Sandbar!" Says Smolder.
"S-s-s-Sandbar!!!!" Cries Silverstream.
"Wise decision young colt." Says Neighsay, using his medallion to set him free.

Once Sandbar is lose, he steps away without turning back, leaving his friends heartbroken.
"Cozy, I want you to guard the Vault, make sure it is safe. Here, I'm even giving you my EEA medallion. with all magic disappearing you need it more than me to guard it." Says Neighsay.
"Golly Chancellor, Thanks." Says cozy as Neighsay and Sandbar leave her in front of the door. Cozy looks at the medallion and smirks evilly at it, not only is her biggest threats out of the way, she now was given they key to the vault that houses the forbidden deck. She waists no time flying back to college to collect the thing she wanted most in the entire world.

End of Chapter 17