• Published 22nd May 2022
  • 1,491 Views, 100 Comments

Twilight's Duel School of Friendship: Freshman Year - k00l

my own story adopts elements of Yugioh GX but with the Student Six

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Chapter 2: Zombie World

Chapter 2 Zombie World

Week 4 of classes is over and it's past midnight on the weekend, the six students were sitting together outside the Red dorm around a fire telling ghosts stories to each other. At the moment, Sandbar was in the middle of telling his, about the headless horse. Silverstream and Yona were holding each other, both scared while listening to the story. Gallus tries his best to look calm, but on the inside, he too was freaked out. But then there was Smolder, sitting there with a smug on her face.
"and there, close behind, just inches away was.....THE HEADLESS HORSE!" As Sandbar reached the conclusion of his story, Smolder let out a small puff of fire from her mouth to help ignite the fire for dramatic effect. But the fire illuminated the darkness around them, allowing the others to see the shadow of a headless horse, just behind Sandbar, Causing Silverstream, Yona, and even Gallus to let out a loud scream.

Just then, both smolder and Sandbar fell over onto the ground laughing, a bright magical aura surrounded the shadow and it suddenly had a head, It then approached the fire to reveal that it was Ocellus who was also chuckling. Both Yona and Gallus had an unamused look on their face.
"Yak think that was not funny" Said Yona
"Yeah, and I wasn't even scared, I just screamed because those two screamed." Gallus inputted
"I don't think so! you so should have seen the look on your face Gallus, you looked the most scared out of anyone." Sandbar said as he kept laughing. Gallus folds his arms and huffs in annoyance.
"That, was , GREAT! You had me on edge Sandbar, and Ocellus standing behind like GRRR!! I was so scared!" Said Silverstream excitedly.
"I'm glad you liked it Silver." Said Sandbar picking himself back up and sitting back down.
"It's getting late, I think I'm gonna head back to the Yellow dorm, Night you guys." Said Ocellus who then Yawned and waved to the group.

They all waved backed and said their goodnights to here, but the other 5 decided they wanted to stay a little longer. They kept chatting for a little bit, some still poking some fun at the tree who got scared, when around five minutes have passed, they all hear a loud shriek coming from the forest that surrounds the school. All 5 jumped quickly to their feet hearing the scream.
"That sounded like Ocellus!" Exclaimed Smolder. Without another word or hesitation, all 5 took off down the path that Ocellus walked down. It didn't take them long to spot here laying on her stomach crying into her hooves.

"Ocellus! What happened!? Are you ok?" Asked Silverstream. Ocellus looks up at them with tears still flowing down her cheeks, she points towards the forest. "Th-Th-The Headless Horse! He's real! I saw him!"
Gallus face palms as Smolder rolls her eyes, Sandbar and Silver however are a little more kinder.
"It's alright Ocellus, no one is there, maybe that story was too scary." Said sandbar while Silverstream helped her up
"I swear I seen it! it ran across the path I was walking on from one side to the other!" Ocellus was still horrified
"We can walk you back to the Yellow Dorm. dorm Ocellus. We'll make sure you're ok." Silverstream comforted. Ocellus did seem to relax hearing that the other would escort her.

They kept walking down the path, Ocellus kept glancing all around her but the others stayed calm, Out of the corner of Yona's eye, she could see a shadow move in the darkness of the forest. She quickly looks over to where she saw it and stopped. "What was that?" she asked.
"Come on Yona, don't try to scare Ocellus even more." Said Sandbar
"Yona not joking, Yona saw something, Something black." Yona Reassured that she saw something. By now, everyone was slowly getting on edge.
"It's gotta be your imagination getting the better of you, come on" Said Smolder. Yona is able to brush it off enough to keep walking with the group.

The night only seemed to get darker and darker the longer they walked, all were now starting to get more scared the longer they walked. That's when from deep in the forest, a twig is heard being snapped in half. Gallus's head shoot in the direction it came from.
"You all heard that? I couldn't have been the only one who heard that." said Gallus.
"Yona heard it"
"Yeah, me too." said Smolder.
"Alright, this is starting to freak me out. We need to stay focus and get to the Yellow dorm." Said Sandbar.

They all had quickened their pace, stuck to each other like glue as they continued down the path. they were almost out but a voice could be heard calling out to the group, calling them by name.
"Alright that's it!" shouted Smolder, stepping away from the group and standing on the edge of the path staring deep into the forest.
"Smolder! get back over here!" begged Silverstream.
"Who are you!? Why are you scaring us!? You want to fight, or do you want to duel!?" Taunted Smolder as she raised up her duel disk. It suddenly got very very quite, and very very cold. You couldn't hear any bugs, and the group started to see their own breath.

"That's enough Smolder, we are almost out, I want to get out of here." Said Gallus still trying to act all tough.
"Hold on, I think....I think I can actually see something moving in there, in the darkness." Said smolder squinting her eyes to try and get a better view. However, her eyes would slowly get wider and wider as she could eventually see what it was. "Is...Is that..." Before she could finish her sentence, a long black appendage reaches out and grabs her by the waist and pulls her forcefully into the forest, causing her to scream horrifically."

The other five screamed out for her and then dashed into the forest after her. In a brief moment they forgot how scared they were just so they could attempt to rescue her. they ran for a bit till they get to a small clearing to catch their breath. Smolder's screaming stopped, and they looked all around them, darkness on each side."
"GRRR which direction did we come from!?" Shouted Gallus angerly.
"I don't remember! Which way did they go!?" Replied Sandbar.
"I Just want to go home!" Cried Ocellus laying down and placing her hooves over her ears.
"....Guys....Where is Yona?" Asked Silverstream.
They all looked around to discover indeed, Yona was gone.

"Did we run to fast for her?" Asked Sandbar.
"YONA! YAK! Where are you!?" Gallus shouted but received no response.
"SHHHH!!! Quiet Gallus! You are gonna draw that thing closer to us!" Begged Silver on the verge of tears.
"Well we can't just abandon our friends! How else do you do suggest we find them!?" Gallus argued
"Guys quiet...I think I hear hoofsteps, it might be Yona" Said Sandbar. They all quiet down and look in the direction the hoofsteps are coming from. They get faster and faster till soon it sounds like running. Their eyes have been slowly getting use to the darkness, allowing them to see better, they all squint their eyes to see who was approaching them, till they could finally see, it was a pony, but it had no head.

"IT'S THE HEADLESS HORSE!!! RUUUUUUUN!!!!" Scream Silverstream as she ran off in a random direction. the other three screamed as well and took off running, they all went their own separate direction. Gallus was running faster and faster, he kept looking up to see if he could fly out, but the tree were too close together for him to spread his wings so he kept running. He ran till he couldn't run any more. he stopped to catch his breath before then looking around. He was all alone in the pitch black darkness. He was about to shout again but feared drawing that creature to him so he started walking, hopping to bump into any of his friend. He walked for what felt like a half hour, his claws were killing him at this point. Up ahead, he could see some moon light peering through the leaves, it must be a clearing with space for him to fly. He ran towards it and breaks through the branches, on the other was indeed a large enough clearing, but he was shocked to see it was a graveyard, covered in a thick fog.

"A cemetery? I didn't know we had a cemetery on campus?" He says as he looks up at the night sky "I better go find someone to help find someone to help us, I can't look for them on my own with that thing chasing me" He spreads his wings and is about to take off when he hears a voice calling to him, saying his name. His ears twitch as he looks down the rows of tombstones, he recognizes the voice "Silverstream!" He then runs towards where he heard Silver's voice come from, That's when he heard another voice to his right calling his name, he stops and looks down the row to his right "Smolder!?" He then runs down that direction till once again he hears his name again to his left. "SANDBAR!?!?" he turns and runs left for a bit till he is face to face, With a mausoleum.

He is frozen in fear, thinking that they may be inside it. He gulps hard and builds up the courage to go inside, till he is hit on the head with a stick. he rubs his head and looks up to see all five of his friends, tied together hanging from the tree by their arms.
"Bout time you slowpoke, Get us down from here!" Demanded Smolder. "My arms are getting tired."
"Are you guys alright?" Asked Gallus as he flew up to them and was trying to untie them.
"We're fine, just please get us down." Begged Sandbar.
"I'm trying, this are hardcore knots" Said Gallus.
"Gallus! Behind you! Look!" shouted Ocellus.

Gallus turned to see the heavy stone doors of the mausoleum slowly being pushed open. His heart began to thump as he heard footsteps exciting the darkness, there, standing in the entrance, was a pony's body with no head.
"Th-the Headless Horse!" Yelled Gallus
"...You, your head is perfect, I want yours." The Headless Horse was some how able to say.
"M-m-m-m-my head????" Gallus stuttered.
"Yessss." Said the horse, turning it's body to face him. "I like yours the most, give it too me!"
"No!" Gallus said standing his ground. "Let my friends go, now!"
"Hmmmmm, How about a deal?" coaxed the Horse.
"What kind of deal?" Replied Gallus.
"Let's have a duel, you and me, if you win, I will let you and your friends go free." Suggested the Horse.
"...And if you win?" Asked Gallus.
"Then I get your head, and you and your friends will stay here forever." The horse said, lifting his left hoof to point next to him. To the left of the Mausoleum, the fog slowly dissipates to reveal six freshly dug graves. Gallus gulps hard and his heart begins to throb.
"I... I accept" said Gallus
"Fool, your head is mine!" The Horse taunted, revealing his duel disk on his right hoof, it looked old and was stained black. Gallus also lifts up his claw and activates his duel disk.


[Gallus Vs The Headless Horse]

[Gallus 4000/Headless Horse 4000]

"You got this Gallus!" cheered Sandbar
"I'll make the first move, draw!" The Headless Horse said as he drew from his duel disk. "I activate the spell Graceful Charity, Letting me draw 3 cards, but discard 2. Next I place one monster and one card face down and end."
"Ok, My turn, Draw!" Said Gallus. "I summon Blackwing - Jin the Rain Shadow {600atk. 500def. Tuner. Lv1} in attack mode, Since I now have a Blackwing on the field, I can special summon Blackwing - Kris the Crack of Dawn! {1900atk. 300def. Lv4} I now tune for 5, Synchro Summoning Blackwing - Gram the Shining Star! {2200atk. 1500def. Lv5 Synchro}"
"Great first move Gallus!" shouted Silverstream.
"We're counting on you, we really are!" shouted Smolder.
"Gram, attack his face down!" Gallus commanded as Gram flew into the air and then came down hard with his sword, piercing the card. The card revealed to Des lacooda {500atk. 600def. Lv3}
"When Des Lacooda is flipped, I draw a card." Said the Horse.
"I enter main phase 2 to set two card face down and end"

[Gallus 2 cards/ Headless Horse 4 cards]

"Draw!" The Horse begins to chuckle seeing the card it drew. "I activate the spell Terraforming, adding one field spell from my deck to my hoof, I add the spell, Zombie World."
"Zombie World? What kind of field spell is that?" Gallus asked
"You shall see soon enough, I activate Zombie World!" as soon as the card is played, the environment around them begins to rot and look decayed. Gallus looks all around him scared to see all the plant life die before his eyes.
"Gallus! Your monster!" Shouted Ocellus
"Huh?" Gallus looked back at Gam who had feathers start to fall off of it, it's eyes glow a deep red and it's armor begins to look heavily damaged. "Gram! what is happening to my monster!?" Gallus demanded as the Horse starts chuckling ominously.
"Zombie World is a field spell that turn all monsters on the field and in our graveyards into Zombie type monsters, and we are only allowed to special summon Zombies!" Gallus starts to shudder, he looks back at his monster, he was horrid to look at. He looks down at his duel disk, the same thing would happen to his monsters as soon as he summoned them as well. To make things worse, he was now locked out of his extra deck since the Field doesn't effect the extra deck, and he can only special summon Zombies.
"I will now continue with my turn." said the Horse. "I now summon Pyramid Turtle. {1200atk. 1400def. Lv4} I will now end."

[Gallus 2 cards/ Headless Horse 2 cards]

"You summoned it in Attack? You idiot! My monster is far stronger than that! My turn, Draw! I now summon Blackwing - Steam the Cloak! {800atk. 1200def. Lv3 Tuner.}" As soon as Steam was summoned, it too started to decay and turn into a zombie. "Gram, Attack his turtle!"
"Gallus No! That's what he wants!" Screamed Sandbar, but it was too late, Gram charges Pyramid Turtle and slashes it with it's sword, destroying it.
"You fool, now Pyramid Turtle's effect now activates, allowing me to special summon 1 Zombie monster with 2000 or less defense from my deck. I special summon Patrician of Darkness! {2000atk. 1400def. Lv5}"
"Oh...uh... can I change Steam to defense real quick?" Gallus said sheepishly.
"No." Said the Horse "do you end?"
Gallus sighs heavily. "yeah I end."

[Gallus 4000/Headless Horse 3000]

"Draw! I place another card face down, I will then activate the spell Book of Life. This card allow me to target one Zombie in my grave, and one in your grave, I then special summon my monster, while yours is banished. I select Pyramid Turtle to return in defense mode, and Blackwing - Jin the Rain Shadow to be banished. I now summon Getsu Fuhma {1700atk. 1200def. Lv4}. Patrician, Destroy Steam the cloak." His monster stands up straight and hisses, revealing his fangs and charges at Gallus's monster before slashing it with it's claws, destroying it. Because of Zombie World, Gallus is unable to activate his effect to special summon a token since it is not considered a zombie.

[Gallus 2800/Headless Horse 3000]

[Gallus 2 cards/ Headless Horse 1 card]

"Ok ok, get it together Gallus, I draw! I place a third card face down, Now Gram, attack his Patrician!"
"Gram, you will attack Pyramid Turtle." Headless Horse commanded. Just then Gram shifted from attacking Patrician, To the Pyramid Turtle, slicing it and destroying it.
"Hey! How did you do that!? You took control of my monster!" Exclaimed Gallus
"my Patrician of Darkness has an effect, as long as he is on the field, I chose the targets for attack."
"This is so not good, it's like Gallus is being used as a puppet." said Ocellus.
"Gallus friends shouldn't think that, Gallus Friends need to give Gallus support, It's like what head pony said." said Yona
"Yona is right, As long as we have faith in and show him our support, he will never give up! WE BELIEVE IN YOU GALLUS!" shouted Silverstream. Gallus looks back at his friends and is able to actually smile, he knew they trusted him to get them down, that's is exactly what he was gonna do.
"Since my Pyramid Turtle was destroyed, I summon Plaguespreader Zombie with it's effect. {400atk. 200def. Lv2 Tuner}"
"very well, I end my turn."

"My turn, Draw. I will now Tune all 3 monsters for 11, Synchro summoning Gashadokuro, the Skeletal Mayakashi {3300atk. 2600def. Lv11 Synchro.}" A huge skeleton monster towers over the field and lets out a long moan.
"Oh my Celestia! Look at the size of that thing!" Exclaimed Sandbar
"3300 attack!? That's too much!" shouted Ocellus
"It doesn't matter, You got this Gallus, I know you can beat it!" Cheered Silverstream. Gallus never moved, he was now smirking, despite the huge monster in from of him.
"Gashadokuro, Attack his Gram!" shouted the Headless Horse. The giant skeleton reaches down and picks up the monster, it opens it maw before placing Gram's head in its mouth before chomping down hard, destroying the monster. "I end my turn, your head will soon be mine!"
"Come on Gallus, don't give up, I still know you can win!" cried Silverstream. Gallus was barely phased by the attack, he continues to stare down the monster, not loosing hope yet.

[Gallus 1700/Headless Horse 3000]

[Gallus 2 cards/ Headless Hores 2 Cards]

Gallus places his claw on his deck and closes his eyes while letting out a deep breath "If that heart of the cards thing Headmare Twilight was talking about, I need it now."
"You got this Gallus!" "We believe in you Gallus!" "We know you can win!" Shouted his friends as he the draws his card. Gallus looks at it and smirks.
"I activate the spell Twin Twister! By sending one card to the graveyard, I can destroy two spells and traps on the field, I discard one card and my first target is your Zombie World!" Slowly, the dark and decerped world slowly starts to shift back to normal.
"Yay Gallus!" shouted Silver
"No!" Said the Headless Horse in a deeper voice.
"My second target is my second face down card." Said Gallus.
"Why would you destroy your own card?" question the Headless Horse.
"Because, the set card is Blackwing - Boobytrap, If it is destroyed while it is set, I draw one card! Now I activate my last Facedown, Blackback, Letting me special summon one Blackwing monster from the grave with 2000 or less attack points, but I cannot normal summon this turn, but I won't need it!"

"How confident you are. You think you can win this duel?" asked the Headless Horse
"I don't think I will win this duel, I know I will win in this turn!" Reassured Gallus. "I chose to bring back Blackwing - Kris the Crack of Dawn {1900atk. 300def. Lv4}, I now activate Blackwing - Steam The Cloak's effect, special summoning him from graveyard as well {800atk. 1200def. Lv 3 Tuner}. Now, since I only control blackwings, I can special summon Blackwing - Gladius the Midnight Sun from my hand {800atk. 1500def. Lv3} . Now, I use all three monsters to Tune for 10, I synchro summon Blackwing Full Armor Master! {3000atk. 3000def. Lv10}
"WOW!!! what a move Gallus!" cheered Silver
"Fool!" shouted Headless Horse. "despite how impressive that turn was, your monster is still far too weak to destroy Gashadokuro!"
"That's why I saved this card, I activate Monster reborn! I chose to take control of a monster from your grave.!" Said Gallus.
"What could you possibly want?" Asked Headless Horse
"Simple, you wouldn't think I wouldn't notice, but I did, I chose to summon a monster you used to synchro summon your monster, I summon Getsu Fuhma!" Yelled Gallus

The Headless Horse lets out a loudly ghostly wail as Getsu Fuhma is summoned to Gallus's field. Gallus's smirk turns into a full fled smile.
"Yona confused, why headless pony so upset?" asked Yona
"As you know Headless Horse, if Getsu Fuhma attacks a monster that is a fiend, or a Zombie, It is instantly destroyed after damage calculation! Getsu Fuhma, Attack Gashadokuro!" Commanded Gallus. The monster raises it's sword before charging the monster, leaping high in the air and slashes it's sword, since Gashadokuro lets out a loud wail, swinging its hand striking Gestu fuhma, destroying him. After Gallus's lifepoints go down, Gashadokuro wails even louder as the slash it took causes it to explode.

[Gallus 100/Headless Horse 3000]

When the dust cleared, The Headless Horse's field was completely empty, while Gallus still had one more monster to attack.
"No, this can't be!" Cried the Headless Horse.
"LET HIM HAVE IT GALLUS!" Screamed Sandbar.
"Blackwing Full Armor Master, attack him directly and end this Duel!" Commanded Gallus. His monster raises its huge sword and lifts up into the air, with the majestic wing movement, it darts towards the Headless Horse and brings it's sword down hard on him, Causing the Headless Horse to let out a loud screech as his lifepoints drop to zero.

[Gallus Vs. Headless Horse: Winner Gallus]

All of Gallus friends instantly begins to cheer for him as he is declared the winner. The Headless Horse who was down on his knees, slowly stands up and regains his balance.
"Now do as you promise, let my friends go." Commanded Gallus
"...Very well." The Headless Horse raises one hoof, instantly, all five are magically freed from their binds. They all swarmed Gallus and hug him tightly, thanking and congratulating him over and over again.
"You may now leave, and never return." said the Headless Horse ominously as he turns away from the group and walks back towards the mausoleum, as he enters the darkness, his body simultaneously begins to disappear into thin air. The big heavy stone doors then slam shut. The group who watched him vanish, then all decided to get out of there quickly. There was a path that lead out of the graveyard, and all six of the ran as fast as they could. They ran till they saw the exit, upon darting out of the forest, they were somehow all in front of the Ra Yellow Dorm.

"Finally, we are here. I just want to go to sleep and pretend none of this ever happened." Said Ocellus. the whole group nodded and agreed with her. Silverstream then out of nowhere hugged Gallus tightly.
"I knew you could do it Gallus! I never doubted you for a minute!" Exclaimed Silver.
"Oh...wow. Thanks Silver." Said Gallus, now slightly blushing and eventually hugs her back.
"Dang right. Those were some impressive moves Gallus, remind me to make you my teammate during tag duels alright?" said Sandbar.
Gallus smiles at him. "Noted"
"Um... Yona and Gallus have to walk back to Red Dorm to go to bed." Yona butted in, which only caused her and Gallus to shudder a lot.
"Yeah...and the Blue Dorm is still ways away." Said Smolder.
"Uhm... Silverstream, Ocellus, would it be ok if we crashed in your rooms tonight so we don't have to walk alone?" Asked Gallus. Ocellus and Silverstream chuckled.
"Of course you all can." Replied Ocellus. The group all laughs together as they all enter the dorm for a well deserved nights sleep.

End of Chapter 2