• Published 22nd May 2022
  • 1,501 Views, 100 Comments

Twilight's Duel School of Friendship: Freshman Year - k00l

my own story adopts elements of Yugioh GX but with the Student Six

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Chapter 4: The Restricted Section

Chapter 4: The Restricted Section

It was mid day, Classes were already over for the day. There was a big test coming up, so the six decided to hang out in the Library today so that they may study. Unsurprising however, they all found themselves bored out of their mind, so they were just lounging casually. Gallus and Smolder were so bored that they both had seemingly fallen asleep.
"Alright, I can't take this anymore, who wants to go the arena today to have a duel?" asked Sandbar.
"We can't Arena has been booked all day, we'd be lucky to get a chance to duel at all." Replied Silverstream.
"Well then let's go watch some of the duels then. Seriously if I stay here any longer, my brain is going to implode with boredom." Said Sandbar.
"what about the big test? What if we fail?" questioned Ocellus.
"Don't worry about it, the test comes in two parts, a written one, and a dueling one." If you fail one and pass the other, you still pass. that's why the Arena is packed today, Everyone practicing" Said Sandbar smoothly.

Ocellus has a very unassured expression on her face, Sandbar stands up and then approaches Gallus and Smolder, Shaking them awake to let them know that they are going to go watch some duels. They both excitedly jump up to join them. all creature get ready to leave, picking up all their stuff and exiting the small corner the were in. On their way out the pass a gated entrance with a whole bunch of books behind it. This catches Gallus's eyes and he stops to look at it.
"Hey, you guys, check this out" He said, getting all of their attentions. "This is a decent lock, and look at all those book inside"
"That's the restricted section, no student is allowed in there." replied Ocellus
"What makes it restricted?" Asked Gallus analyzing the lock
"The books in there are apart of Headmare Twilight's personal collection. There are some very dangerous books in there." Said Ocellus as Gallus now starts to fidget with the lock. "Gallus!"

"There has got to be a way in there." Said Gallus now tugging on the lock.
"You're gonna get in trouble!" warned Ocellus
"Come on, they're just books. How dangerous can they be?" Gallus smirked. "I just want to look around, that's all. I want to see what kind of books she has in there."
"You know what, I do too. They have to be some impressive books if they are locked away from students." said Smolder
"Yeah, and if they were so incredibly dangerous, why keep them in the school? They can't be that bad." Sandbar chimed in
"Guuuuuys!" Ocellus whined.
"Ocellus can stay out here if it bothers her so much, But Yona not missing the fun." said Yona

Gallus kept fidgeting with the lock, eventually slipping one of his claws into the keyhole. After a bit more fidgeting, there was a loud click and the lock opens. the gate then swings open wide. Without hesitation, one by one they all step inside. The only one to hesitate was Ocellus who watched all her friend step inside. She lets out a long sigh and then steps in herself. the six check out all different books separately, some are so old that the titles have been worn away. After a few minutes of looking around, Ocellus starts to get impatient.
"Ok, we looked around long enough, can we all please get out of here before we're caught?" Ocellus begged
"Hmmm, Yeah, I think I'm ready. Some of these books I can't read, and the ones I can are too worn away." said Smolder
"Hold on...Are those comics!?" Said Sandbar heading towards the back of the restricted section. Everyone else follows him, and on display are a few comic books laid side by side.

"Why would Headmare Twilight keep these in here!?" Said Sandbar getting a closer look.
"Strange, Headmare Twilight never struck me as a comic reader." said Silverstream slightly puzzled.
"Maybe they are first editions and worth some money." said Gallus
"Whoa... she has Power Ponies, Batmare, and The Fabulous 4! Those are so cool...huh? No way! she even has my favorite comic series, Insector Haga!"
"What is an Insector Haga?" asked Yona
"It is an exciting comic about a pony who was kidnapped and had horrible experiments done on her to where she became a pony/beetle hybrid!"
"That sounds scary." Said Silverstream looking at the cover
"She is actually the Hero, the Villian is named Dinosaur Ryukazi! He was apart of same experiment, but became a dinosaur/pony Hybrid! after every fight, in a last ditch effort to win, Dinosaur Ryukazi always challenges Insector Haga to a duel. It's so cool!" said Sandbar. He then reaches his hoof towards the comic, but before he could touch, an aura of magic appears out of nowhere and slaps his hoof away. "Ouch!"

It was Ocellus, she was the one who used her magic to slap Sandbar's hoof away. she looks that group with a very angry and annoyed expression.
"No touching Sandbar! And the rest of you, We have been here long enough! We need to go NOW!" said Ocellus scoldingly.
"Come on Ocellus, relax and have some fun." said Gallus
"We have had enough fun, I am not getting expelled for trespassing in here, and I refuse to let the same happen to you too. I'm now no longer asking, I am demanding, We, are, LEAVING!" Shouted Ocellus angerly. The rest of the group actually found Ocellus to be quite scary when she is this angry. One by one they start to exit. Ocellus stands at the entrance and makes sure they all step out. She notices that Sandbar was the last one to leave. She shuts the gate after they all leave and the all eventually leave the library. They all decided to finish studying in Ocellus's and Silverstream's room at the Ra Dorm.

As they finally get into the dorm room, everyone immediately take out their books and start to continue their studies. after about a half hours, Sandbar can be heard giggling to himself. It was barely noticeable at first, but it eventually starts to get a little annoying. Eventually, everyone starts looking at him. He was in the corer, holding a text book up to his face, giggling quiet a bit.
"Sandbar, What's so funny?" Asked Gallus.
"Nothing!" says Sandbar pretty loudly, holding the book closer to his face.
"Sandbar, show us what you got." Says Smolder. Slowly he moves the book out of the way to show, he was hiding the comic from the restricted section behind his book.
"You stole it!?" yelled Ocellus
"No, I borrowed it, I was gonna return it when I finished it." said Sandbar
"You're going to return it now!" says Ocellus sternly
"Come on, I'm more than halfway done. just give me 30 minutes and I'll be done." Sais Sandbar. Ocellus groans loudly and face hoofs.
"You only have 30 minutes, got it!?" said Ocellus. Sandbar nods and instantly continues to read.

Ocellus times him carefully, inspecting the clock almost by the second until exactly 30 minutes are left. She waits and stares at the clock till the small hand ticks for the last time in a 30 minute time span.
"That's it, times up Sandbar." she said
"Awww... Horse apples. I was about to finish it, but the last page is blank. it just has some scribbling on it." Says Sandbar
"What kind of Scribbling?" asked Silverstream
"It doesn't matter, let's go put it back." says Ocellus.
"It says...'You may return to the place you started, when Dinosaur Ryukazi is defeated. Take a closer look, if you want to join the adventure in this book.' That's weird" Said Sandbar
"Come on, enough messing around. We got to retu-......What's happening?" Said Ocellus pointing at the comic which is now starting to glow. Everyone looks at it, Sandbar tries to cover his eyes, but his head is suddenly yanked towards the book, vanishing in the glowing light.
"SANDBAR!" Yells Gallus dashing over to grab him as it looks as if he is being sucked into the book, soon, his whole body disappears and now Gallus is starting to be pulled in.
"Everyone grab him!" Yells Smolder as she grabs ahold of Gallus, whose torso is now in the book. One by one, they all grab ahold of each other and are then sucked into the book.

Everything was all white at first, but eventually it all fades and everything starts to clear up. They all seem to be outside, and at park.
"Huh? How did we get here? This kinda looks like central park in Manehatten." Says Sandbar
"Sandbar? Is that you? what are you wearing?" asked Smolder. They all looked at eachother, they were all wearing different clothes. But Ocellus, had the most drastic change, she looked like she was wearing armor that looked like a beetle.
"No way! Ocellus, Your Insector Haga!" Yelled Sandbar
"What, You can't be serious!" Said Ocellus as she twirls around trying to get a good look at herself.
"Hey, I get it! 'Join the adventure in this book!' We are in the comic!" Exclaimed Sandbar
"Yeah, That means that's the reason why it was locked away." Said Gallus looking at himself and his new clothes.
"How do we get out of here?" Asked Silverstream
"Again, think back to what the book said, ''You may return to the place you started, when Dinosaur Ryukazi is defeated.' Maybe if we beat him, we can leave." Said Sandbar.
"Beat Dinopony how?" Asked Yona
"At the end of every Insector Haga comic, They duel, so I guess we have to duel him."
"Sounds easy enough, let's find him so we can....hey... Where's my deck!?" Yelled Smolder
"Hey, mine's gone too!" Yells Gallus

They all freak out as they all seem to have lost their decks, all except for Ocellus, who not only had her deck, but it was already in a duel disk that looks like a centipede.
"This is all so weird!" Ocellus Exclaims
"How come Ocellus was the only one who kept her deck?" Asked Gallus
"Insector Haga was the only duelist, all her friends are not. Since we are them, our decks didn't crossover with us." Said Sandbar
"My deck better be back once we leave!" Smolder warned.
"Hey Guys, You hear that?" Said Silverstream. In the distance, some screams are heard. They all run in the direction of the screams. They reach an opening in the park to find a pony that looks to be part dinosaur terrorizing some civilians.
"Whoa! Is that him! The Dinosaur guy?" Aske Ocellus. The Dinosaur pony turns to see them, it had the body and head of a pony, but the mouth and tail of a t-rex. He chuckles upon seeing them.
"Insector Haga! It's about time you showed up! I was trying to have a quick snack before you showed up!" Said Dinosaur Ryukazi. Sandbar Nudges Ocellus for her to reply.
"Ouch! Hey, what was that for?" Said Ocellus
"He's talking to you, respond." Said Sandbar
"What do I say???" Asked Ocellus
"Anything, challenge him to a duel so we can leave!" Said Smolder. Ocellus Rolls her eyes and steps forward.
"Stop now....you fiend. I challenge you to a duel so that... you leave these fine upstanding citizens alone!" Said Ocellus. Sandbar facehoofs hearing that.
"hehehe! Fine by me Haga, When I'm done humiliating you I gonna devour your bones!" Said Ryuzaki as he turns around completely and activates his duel disk. Ocellus activates her's as well.


[Ocellus vs Dinosaur Ryuzaki]

[Ocellus 4000/ Ryuzaki 4000]

"I will take the first turn, draw." Said Ryuzaki. "I summon Beatraptor! {1400atk. 2000def. Lv 4} Next I activate the spell Big Evolution Pill! After 3 of your end phases, I get to special summon one level 5 or higher Dinosaur monster from my hand by tributing one monster on the field. I now end!"
"My turn, I draw." Said Ocellus "I summon Inzektor Centipede! {1600atk. 1200def. Lv 3} When He is summoned I can equip him with an Inzektor Dragonfly, While Centipede is equipped with Dragonfly, His level is increased by 3, making him a level 6 monster. Now he will attack your Beatraptor!" Centipede charges Beatraptor and swing his giant bladed guantlet at it and cuts it in half.
"Heh, it matters not, when my Beatraptor is destroyed by battle I can special summon a second one from my deck!" Said Ryukazi
"Whatever, you still lose lifepoints, I end!" Said Ocellus

[Ocellus 4000/ Ryukazi 3800]

[Ocellus 4 cards/ Ryukazi 4 cards]

"My turn, I draw." Said Ryukazi "I can special summon Gilasauraus, When he is special summoned you can special summon a monster from your grave, since you have none that is ignored. Now I can tribute him to summon this, Black Tyranno! {2600atk. 1800def. Lv 7}" The huge Dinosaur lets out a thunderous roar as it steps out onto the field, towering over Ocellus's monster. "Black Tyranno, it's feeding time! Devour her monster!" The dino roars before quickly swooping Ocellus's monster in it's mouth, it lets out cries of distress before the dino chomps down on it, destroying it. "Hahahaha! Your squirming bugs will only be an appetizer for my Dinos, When I beat you, I'll get myself a real snack, like one of your firends!"
"Not gonna happen! I draw!" Yells Ocellus, slowly getting into it. "Since I now have no monsters on my field I special summon Primitive Butterfly In defense mode! {1200atk. 900def. Lv 5} But it isn't staying for long, I tribute it to summon Insect Princess! {1900atk. 1200def. Lv 6.} Ocellus's monster appears on the field and elegant takes it's place on the field.
"Insect Princess, I've heard Ocellus talk about that card before, apparently it's her favorite." Said Silverstream
"Let's hope it has a good effect, because those stats are pathetic for a level 6 monster." Said Gallus.
"I place two cards face down and end!" Said Ocellus

[Ocellus 3000/Ryuzaki 3800]

[Ocellus 2 cards/ Ryuzaki 3 cards]

"My move, Draw!" Said Ryuzaki "Heh, I summon the Two-Headed King Rex! {1600atk. 1200def. Lv 4}. After my Tyranno makes a lunch out of your bug, My king rex will take a bite out of you! Black Tyranno, Attack!" The dinosaur roars loudly and looks down at Insect Princess, who stands her ground.
"Not so fast Dino Brain, I activate my face down, Negate Attack! stopping your attack and ending your battle phase!" Yelled Ocellus
"How annoying! GRRRR, fine. I end by setting one card face down" Said Ryuzaki
"I draw." Said Ocellus. "Excellent, I activate the spell Insect Barrier. Now Insect Monsters are unable to attack me."
"Have you lost your mind!? I'm a dinosaur, not a bug! how does this benefit you!?" Yelled Ryuzaki
"Because now I activate my second face down, DNA Surgery! I declare one monster type and all monsters on the field are changed into that type, I declare Insects!" Said Ocellus. Before all of their eyes, all of Ryuzaki's dinosaurs begin to groan as they start changing, Black Tyranno sprouts dragon fly wings and King Rex looses it's mouth and is turned into a proboscis.
"ACK! My Dinos! Why you little!" Yelled Ryuzaki
"I'm not done with you yet, Now my Insect Princess attacks your King Rex!" Commanded Ocellus. Insect Princess moves elegantly yet quickly towards the monster, she uses her wings to tak flight and kicks it hard in the head and destroys it. "Now her effect kicks in! For every Insect Monster she destroys, she gains 500 attack permantly! meaning now she has an attack of 2400! I now end"
"Oh Yeah! Show him whose boss Haga!" Yelled Sandbar

[Ocellus 3000/ Ryuzaki 3500]

[Ocellus 2 cards/ Ryuzaki 3 cards]

"GRRRR!!!.....Hehehehe! I almost forgot. It looks like you are in control now, but you're not! Now you just ended your 3rd end phase, meaning I can now activate my evolution pills effect! By Tributing my Black Tyranno, I can summon my greatest beasts, Ultimate Tyranno! {3000atk. 2200def. Lv8.}"
"Whoa...That's big!" Said Yona. Eventually though, the effects of DNA Surgery kick in, turing the Tyranno into a insect
"Your effect won't last long! I will destroy it, I end!" Said Ryuzaki.
"My turn, draw." Said Ocellus " I place one card face down, I will then end."

"HAHAHA!!! I draw!" Said Ryuzaki. "Excellent, I activate the Spell Mystical Space Typhoon! This destroys one of your spells and traps, I destroy your DNA Surgery!" As the card shatters, Ultimate Tyranno reverts back to it's original form
"Oh no! Her barrier won't protect her now!" yelled Silverstream.
"Say Goodbye to your princess! Tyranno, Devour her monster with Mega Dino Munch!" Commanded Ryuzaki
"Not so fast! I activate my face down, Butterspy Protection!" Yelled Ocellus. As her card flipped, a bunch of butterflys fly out of it and swarm the dino. it backs up while trying to snap at the butterflies, till it backs up to its origional spot and then hunches down.
"What did you do to my dinosaur!?" Yelled Ryuzaki
"My trap negated your attack, and forced your dino into defense mode!" Said Ocellus
"GRRRRRRRR!!! I swear one day I'm gonna devour you Haga, and I will savor every moment of it! gah, I end!" Said Ryuzaki

"I draw!" Said Ocellus, she smirks upon seeing what card she had. "It's over Ryuzaki! I summon Pinch Hopper! {1000atk. 1200def. Lv4}
"I'm getting real tired of your cutsey monsters, why summon a pathetic thing like that!?" Said Ryuzaki.
"Because I activate this, I activate the spell Insect Imitation! This spell allows me to tribute one insect monster on the field, when I do, I can special summon from my deck one monster from my deck whose level is one higher than the one I tribute." Said Ocellus. "I tribute Pinch Hopper to summon Inzektor Giga-Cricket! {2000atk. 1300def. Lv5}. Oh, and im not done yet, since I used Pinch Hopper as a tribute, I can special summon another insect monster from my hoof! I summon the last card in my hoof, Swallowtail Butterspy! {1800atk. 1200def. Lv4}. Now do the math, once I destroy your Tyranno with my insect Princess, My two monster will attack you directly for a tota; of 3800, your finished!"
"GRRRRAHHHH!!! NO!" Shouts Ryuzaki.
"Insect Princess, Attack his Tyranno!" Commanded Ocellus. As Insect princess elegantly flies in the air, she comes down hard with her claws, and scratches Ultimate Tyranno, who roars as he is destroyed. "Now Giga-Criket and Swallowtial, End this duel now!" The combine attack from the two monsters hit Ryuzaki so hard that it sends him backwards. as he lays down on the ground his lifepoints hit zero.

[Ocellus vs Dinosaur Ryuzaki: Winner Ocellus]

As Ryuzaki laid unconscious on the ground, Ocellus stood tall over him. Their duel had gathered quite a crowed who was now cheering for Ocellus. from the crowd, two police ponies approach her. They handcuff the unconcious Ryuzaki aand then turn to face her.
"You did it once again Insector Haga, the town of Manehatten owes you debt of gratitude." said one of the officers
"Heh, I was...Just doing my job! Protecting the good civilians of this town!" Said Ocellus proudly. This causes her freinds to roll their eyes and giggle at her. Just then however, all of them had a glowing aura surrounding them. It grew brighter and brighter till the light was blinding. no one could see anything until it started to die down. when it went away, the students found themselves back in Ocellus's and Silverstream's room. Every one of them let out a sigh of relief and then turn back towards Ocellus.

"That was amazing! That insect combo you have Ocellus with the DNA Surgery and your princess was fantastic!" Said Smolder
"Heh, Thank you. Insect Princess is my favorite card." Said Ocellus
"I can imagine the more insect monster you defeat with that card, that monster will have an attack so high it could be unstoppable!" Said Gallus
"Yeah! Man that was exactly like all the other comics! I gotta read Insector Haga more often!" Said Sandbar. Just then, the other five turn to him and give him an unamused look. "....What?"
"None of that would have happened if you didn't steal that comic." Said Gallus
"Now don't you start, You were the one who picked the lock to the restricted section anyway." Said Smolder crossing her arms.
"Yeah, and you went along with it anyway Smolder." Said Silverstream.
"Friend Silverstream didn't do anything to stop them either!" Said Yona
"QUIET! All of you! All of you are to blame because I was the only one who made any objections to any of this. Now all of you are going to take this back RIGHT NOW!" Demanded Ocellus. All of them look at eachother and then hang their heads.
"Alright, we'll go put it back." Said Sandbar.
"Be right back Ocellus." Said Gallus. All but Ocellus quickly exit the room so that them could return the comic. Ocellus sits at her desk and breaths a sigh of relief. She opens her text book so that she may continue studying. When the five return however, they find Ocellus has fallen asleep, her face buried in the text all of them giggle and they themselves sprawl all over the room to take a quick nap.

End of Chapter 4