• Published 22nd May 2022
  • 1,501 Views, 100 Comments

Twilight's Duel School of Friendship: Freshman Year - k00l

my own story adopts elements of Yugioh GX but with the Student Six

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Chapter 6: Fire and Water

Chapter 6: Fire and Water

It was early in the morning, the six were all in class with other students. They were waiting for Headmare Twilight to show up to teach her class. After around 10 minutes every starts to get pretty bored.
"Ugh... Where is headmare Twilight? She is never late to class." Said Gallus
"I know, usually she is here 20 minutes before every one." Said Sandbar.
"You think something bad happened?" Asked Silverstream.
"You really think so? It would explain why she is late, she would never be if otherwise." Said Ocellus
"I'M HERE! Sorry for the wait everyone!" Said Headmare Twilight bursting into the classroom. She was panting hard as if she had been running. "Alright, sorry I'm late, I was busy with something very exciting. Who here knows the company that makes our beloved Duel Monsters game?"
"Oo! It's Industrial Illusions!" Said Ocellus while raising her hoof.
"Very Good Ocellus. Industrial Illusions is the one who makes the cards for Duel Monsters, While in partner ship with Neighba Corp, our school has been selected to test their latest dueling technology!"

The students get excited and starts talking amongst each other.
"Neighba Corp! Thats the company that builds all those arenas and our duel disks! What kind of new technology do they have now?" Asked Sandbar excitedly.
"Yona don't know, but it must be good!" Said Yona. Just then, two ponies in suits walk in carrying a big helmet with a new advance duel disk wired to it. They set it on the desk next to Twilight and then take a few steps back, but not too far away from the device.
"Class, I present to you, The newest edition to Neighba Corps line of Duel Disks, The Advance Game Duel Set!" Said Twilight. all students say their ooos and ahhs at the sight of the device. "This new duel disk comes with a helmet that displays the field on the visor, it will also recommend you moves in real time, making the wearer a tournament level duelist even if they have never picked up a deck before."
"That's incredible!" Shouts Smolder.
"Indeed it is Smolder, and now I need someone to help test this new duel disk." Said Twilight. Immediately everyone raises their hooves, begging to be the ones to test it out.

Among those was Silverstream, waving her claw widely, she wanted to be the one who tests it super bad and tried her best to get Twilight's attention. It did indeed worked as Twilight spots her and selects her.
"Alright Silverstream, Come on down here." Said Twilight.
"EEEE! Thanks Headmare!" Said Silverstream as she hurried down towards Twilight. "Can I put it on now please!?"
"Heh, oh Silverstream. We already have someone to use this." Said Twilight.
"Huh? But you said I can test it." Said Silverstream.
"You are, you are going to be the wearer's opponent. Since you already know how to play, we want to see how well a non duelist does while wearing it." Said Twilight.
"Oh...I see." Said Silverstream, slightly disappointed.
"Please meet your opponent." Said Twilight pointing towards the door. In comes in a pony with a grey coat and blonde hair.
"Oooo! Big Room!" Said the pony.
"Her Name is Derpy Hooves. She has never picked up a deck before, meaning she is the perfect one to wear this." Said Twilight.
"This is that hat you wanted me to try on Twilight? It looks awesome!" Said Derpy.
"Yes it is. Go ahead and put it on." Said Twilight as Depry eagerly puts on the helmet.
"Duelist Detected." Said a robotic voice coming from the helmet as it switches on.

The students eagerly watch in amazement. One of the suited ponies the lay 5 decks in front of Derpy on the desk. She looks at them curiously.
"Ooooo! These are for me?" Asked Derpy.
"Not yet. Look at Silverstream, the visor will scan her and then help you chose what deck would be best to use against her." Said Twilight. Derpy does as she is told. She looks at Silverstream, a weird beeping noise is heard. When it'd done beeping, She looks back over at the decks. She smiles and then picks up one of the decks.
"It's telling me to pick this one." Said Derpy.
"Great, put on the duel disk and slide the deck into it. when you're done, you two may begin dueling." Said Twilight. Derpy does she is told and then both her and Silver take their spots away from each other. Silverstream activates her own duel disk. Despite not being the one to use the new duel disk, she was still psyched to duel against it. Besides, Depry was a dueling noob, how hard could this be?


[Derpy Hooves vs Silverstream]

[Derpy 4000/ Silverstream 4000]

"I will go first, I draw!" Said Silverstream. "I first summon Piercing Moray! {1500atk. 500def. Lv 4}. Next I place one card face down. You may go now."
"Draw phase. hm, so I draw? ok then." Said Derpy as she draws. "Hmmmm I guess I active the spell Molten Destruction." As the card is activated, the Hologram system turns the classroom into the side of a erupting volcano. "Whoa! This is Awesome! It's telling me that all fire monsters gain 500 attack but lose 400 defense. Ok ok, Now it's telling me to summon this Laval Blaster. {1200 + 500 atk. 800 -400 def. Lv 4} Hmmmm....Now I activate this card, Salamandra. The selected fire monster gains 700 attack. That means...carry the 3...square root that...uhhh 2400 attack! I now should enter my battle phase and attack you. Ok! I will do that!" Derpy's Monster raises it's sword and charges Silver's Monster and slashes it, destroying it in an explosion. The explosion was so strong that it knocks Silverstream back quite a bit. "Wow! That was fun! Ok, it saying I should end now."

[Derpy 3 card/ Silverstream 4 cards}

[Derpy 4000/ Silverstream 3100]

Silverstream was a little shocked by that turn, that was a fairly decent first turn by somepony who has never played before.
"Ok, That was pretty good. My turn, draw." Said Silverstream "I activate Moray of Greed, I shuffle two water monsters into my deck then draw three cards. Awesome! I activate my own field spell A Legendary Ocean!" On Silver's side of the field, a large temple appears behind her that has kelp and coral growing all around it as water surrounds it.
"Whoa, Fire vs Water! Thats pretty awesome!" Said Sandbar
"Now All water monsters on the field gain 200 ATK/DEF, and Reduce the Level of all WATER monsters in both our hooves/claws and on the field by 1. This means I can summon this without tributing, The Legendary Fisherman II! {2200 + 200 atk. 1800 def. Lv 5} Now My Fisherman will attack your monster!" The fisherman aims it's harpoon at the Laval Blaster and fires, it goes right through his head. Before it is destroyed, It throws it's sword at the fisherman and it pierces right through him, knocking him off his shark and destroying him. "Since both monsters had the same attack, they are both destroyed, but my Fisherman had an effect that activates when it is destroyed. I add one level 7 monster from my deck to my hoof, I chose Legendary Fisherman III. I set one card and I end."

[Derpy cards 3/ Silverstream 3 cards]

"Oh Goody! Draw Phase!" Said Derpy "It says I should now summon Laval Archer {1000 +500 atk. 200 -400 def. Lv4.} Alright....I'm reading...It says since I normal summoned this monster successfully, I can perform a second Normal summon, It saying that now I should summon Laval Warrior {1800 + 500 atk. 500 - 400 def. Lv4.} ok, huh? What's the Overlay Network?"
"Ah dude! She's gonna Xyz summon!" Yells Sandbar
"Huh, I guess I lay my two monsters on top of eachother, and then I lay this on top of both of them." Says Derpy still reading, "Ok I will now eecks why zee summon Lavalval Chain. {1800 + 500 atk. 1000 - 400 def. Lv4 Xyz} This is so cool! Ok, I remove one eecks why zee material to send one Laval Monster from the deck to the grave. it says I should send Laval Judgment Lord to the grave. OK! I will do that." Lavalval Chain roars, signifying it's effect's activation. "Now Lavalval chain needs to attack you directly."
"Not so fast! I activate my trap card, Fiendish Chain!" Yells Silverstream "I Select one of your effect monsters and it is unable to attack or switch battle positions!"
"Dang, so I can't attack? oh well, I end phase. I mean I enter the end phase."

[Derpy 2 card/ Silverstream 3 cards]

"Draw!" Said Silverstream "I activate Sea Lord's Amulet! This card prevents my monster from being destroyed by card effects for 3 of your turns. I set one monster and end."
"My turn already? Yay! Okie doke, I draw." Said Derpy. "Hmmmm, Since I have 3 or more Laval Monsters in my graveyard, I can special summon Laval Coatl {1300 + 500 atk. 700 - 400 def. Lv2 Tuner}. Now its says tune my Coatl and my chain together, What does that mean?"
"She's gonna synchro summon too!?" Yelled Gallus
"Hmmmm, I tribute both my Coatl and my chain to synchro summon Lavalval Dragun. {2500 + 500 atk 1200 - 400 def. Lv6 Synchro} This is all so cool! Ok, finally from my hoof I activate the spell Monster Reborn to special summon one monster from my Graveyard, I should pick Laval Judgment Lord. {2700 + 500 atk. 1800 - 400 def. Lv7}."
"This is not good!" Yells Silverstream.
"Awesome! First my Laval Lord will attack your facedown. "Said Derpy. Laval Judgement Lord Raises his open hand and point it as the face down card, the card the bursts into flames. It flips to show a small yellow bat like creature before being destroyed. "Now My Dragun will attack you directly!" Said Derpy. Lavalval Dragun Opens it's mouth and unleashes a giant breath of fire, Engulfing Silverstream as she lets out a distressed cry.

[Derpy 1 card/ Silverstream 2 cards]

[Derpy 4000/ Silverstream 100]

"This is so much fun!" Exclaimed Derpy. "I enter main phase 2 to activate Laval Lord's effect, It says I can banish a Laval monster from my grave to inflict 1000 points of damage to you. After that I will win. Yay! My first win ever!"
"Dude, Silver lost without inflicting any damage to Derpy, a dueling noob. This is bad." Said Gallus
"No, she's not done yet! Look at her!" Exclaimed Ocellus
"I activate the Effect of Damage Eater!" Said Silverstream standing tall and not backing down. "Since you destroyed him and sent him to the graveyard, I can banish him to negate all effect damage, and turns it into LifePoint gain!"
"Yay Silverstream! Friend Silverstream can still win!" Yells Yona
"Dang, I was really hoping to win, but it's your turn now I guess." Said Derpy.
"My Move, I draw!" Yelled Silverstream. "Finally, Thanks to my Legendary Ocean, I can summon without tributing The Legendary Fisherman! { 1850 +200 atk. 1600 + 200 def. Lv5} Since I now have a Legendary Fisherman on the field, I can tribute him to special summon The Legendary Fisherman III! {2500atk. 2000def. Lv 7}"
"Hmmm, This thing is telling me your monster is unaffected by spell and traps, meaning it doesn't gain the attack boost of your ocean." Said Derpy
"Thats Fine, I don't need it, Because I'm activating his effect instead! I banish all monster's on your side of the field!" Yelled Silver. A giant wave from the ocean rises up and sweeps all the monster's on Derpy's side of the field and destroys all of them. "Lucky for you, My fisherman cannot attack this turn, so it's your move now."

[Derpy 4000/ Silverstream 1100]

[Derpy 1 card/ Silverstream 1 card]

"Ack! All my monsters are gone! I hope I get something from this draw." Said Depry as she drew. "No! I have no monsters! Oh well, with only 2500 attack, I will have enough lifepoints for a second turn."
"Unfortunately Derpy, There won't be another turn." Said Silverstream
"Huh? why not?" Asked Derpy.
"Because since it's my turn after I draw I activate my Fisherman's second effect!" Said Silver while drawing. "My Fisherman can now return all banished monsters back into your graveyard to double my Fisherman's effect, making him 5000!"
"Ack! No!" Yelled Derpy
"Legendary Fisherman III, Attack her directly!" Commanded Silverstream. The Fisherman is vaulted into the air by his shark and aims his harpoon in midair. he fires and strikes Derpy, sending her backwards and dropping her lifepoints to zero.

[Derpy Vs. Silverstream: Winner Silverstream]

Soon all the field spells dissipates, returning the classroom to normal. All the students cheer for Silverstream for winning such an amazing duel. Twilight walks over to Derpy and helps her take the helmet and duel disk off.
"Thanks for your participation Derpy, you really should get a deck of your own."
"Thanks Twilight, I don't know about that. This was fun but it's very complicated." Replied Derpy. They both laugh as Depry then leaves. One of the suited ponies approach Twilight and take the Duel Disk back.
"Thank you for your cooperation Princess Sparkle. Seto Neighba will remain in touch for further testing." Said the pony
"Tell him it's been a pleasure." Replied Twilight. The suited ponies nod before exiting the classroom. Silverstream goes back to her seat where all her friends congratulate her win.

"That certainly was an impressive duel Silverstream. For a second there, you had us all worried. I am pleased to give you an A+ for todays Performance." Said Twilight to Silverstream.
"EEE! Thank you headmare!" Replied Silverstream.
"With that out of the way, we still have a lot of time for class. I will now pass you all a pop quiz about what techniques and strategies you just saw in this duel." Said Twilight. Instantly every student let's out groans and whines.
"Great...a quiz. Nice going Silver." Said Gallus in a joking way
"Hey, it's not my fault!" Said Silverstream. The six then begin to giggle amongst each other until Twilight hands all of them a quiz. with an unenthusiastic groan, all of them quickly get to work.

End of Chapter 6