• Published 22nd May 2022
  • 1,501 Views, 100 Comments

Twilight's Duel School of Friendship: Freshman Year - k00l

my own story adopts elements of Yugioh GX but with the Student Six

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Chapter 13: Neighsayer

Chapter 13: Neighsayer

Twilight was in her office, she was doing some paper work, as well as grading some papers when she hears a knock on her office door.
"Come in!" She hollers. as the door opens, she is surprised to see Princess Celestia is there. "Princess!" Yells Twilight as she gets up from her chair to greet her former teacher.
"Twilight! My most faithful student! It is so good to see you again!" Said Celestia as the two quickly hug. While Twilight was hugging her however, Twilight could see a pale white stallion with black hair standing behind Celestia with a very unimpressed look on his face. Twilight instantly recognizes him and slowly pulls away to so she can groggily welcome him too. "Oh, Welcome back Chancellor Neighsay."
"Charmed as ever Princess Twilight." Neighsay said sarcastically.
"What are you two doing here?" asked Twilight.
"Well, I'm here to give a quick examination of your school, upon Chancellor Neighsay's request." Said Celestia.
"What???" Asked Twilight.
"I believe there may be a breach in safety here at your 'School.' " Neighsay mocked. "And head of the EEA, the Equestrian Endangerment Aegis, my concerns are taken very seriously."
"Be it as it is, there is no safety violations here!" Twilight said sternly. Her and Neighsay lock eyes, scowling at each other.

Princess Celestia steps in between them to make sure nothing "unprofessional" happens.
"Alright you two, settle down. It's seriously no big deal. If there are no violations, great, if there is, we will fix it immediately so that the school may continue it's operations." Said Celestia stoically. Twilight sighs heavily.
"Alright Princess, that sounds fair." Said Twilight. Neighsay only scoughs.
"May you show me around your School Twilight so that I may take a look?" Asked Celestia.
"Of course Princess, follow me." Said Twilight leading her and Neighsay on a tour. The whole tour only takes about a half hour, So far, there was nothing that Celestia found wrong at the school, the tour ends off at the dueling arena. The three were walking down the hall to entrance of the arena.

"This way is our school's arena. This is the only place students are allowed to duel in doors. Some of our students really show their talents here." Said Twilight.
"Marvelous!" Said Celestia. The closer they got to the entrance, it sounded like there was a dueling already being played. "Oh, it sounds like some students are dueling now, May I go watch them?"
"Of course Princess, you don't have to ask me for permission." Says Twilight
"My dear student. this is your school, your authority, it is the respectful thing to do." Said Celestia as the entered the arena. The two students dueling, was Smolder and Gallus. Gallus had the lead with 1000 lifepoints left with Gram the Shinning star on his field, while Smolder only had 500 lifepoints left and only had one face down on her field. Neighsay Smirks seeing non-pony creatures dueling, surely Celestia would interject seeing how violent they would get.

"Alright Smolder, Looks like I have you right where I want you! I enter my Battle phase so that Gram and take you out!" Just as Gram takes flight, Smolder smirks.
"Not so fast Gallus! I activate my trap Red-Eyes, Spirit! This allows me to special summon one Red-Eyes from my grave! {2400atk, 2000def. Lv7.} Too bad, guess you cant attack this turn!" Yelled Smolder.
"Aw man! Fine I end by setting one card face down." Said Gallus.
"My turn, I draw!" Says Smolder. Ope, looks like this is the end Gallus, I just drew the card Inferno Fire Blast."
"What does that card do?" Asked Gallus.
"Since I control a Red-Eyes Black Dragon, you take damage equal to his attack, that's game buddy!" Said Smolder
"What!? wait wait wait!" Begged Gallus but it was too late, Red-eyes breathes a huge flame of fire, and burns Gallus for the rest of his Lifepoints.
"Woohoo!" Cheers Smolder as the other four were in the stands clapping and cheering for her. Gallus slowly approaches Smolder, Neighsay smiles mischievously, waiting for Gallus to attack her in rage for losing. but to his shock, Gallus offers his claw to her.
"What a great duel Smolder, congrats." Said Gallus, Smolder grips Gallus's claw and shakes it.
"Thanks buddy, great duel!" Said Smolder.
"That was stupendous! Amazingly done!" Cheered Celestia.

All six students turn to Celestia, almost all of them were taken back by seeing her.
"Princess Celestia!" Yells Sandbar as he quickly got up from the stands and bowed before her. The other student show their respect by bowing their heads to her as well.
"Such respectful young students. Twilight, you should be proud." Said Celestia. Twilight smiles with pride, while Neighsay grits his teeth and scowls, in his anger, he snaps a pencil he was holding with his magic. "I must say, now I'm in the mood for a fun duel."
"I'd be happy to duel you Princess." said Twilight.
"Thank you my dear student, but I had something else in mind." Said Princess looking over at Smolder.
"M-Me?" Smolder asked while surprised.
"If you really want to. A first hand duel with a student here will complete the safety checklist, plus I'd like to see your skill first hoof." Said Celestia. "Don't worry young one, I won't bite, hard." Celestia giggled. Twilight was a little worried about this, but Neighsay begins to smirk again. Smolder looks over at Twilight who after a bit of thinking, smiles and nods.
"Ok Princess, I accept." Said Smolder.
"Excellent!" Said Celestia as she trots onstage and stands opposite from Smolder. The other 5 students along with Twilight sit in the stands, while Neighsay stayed standing where he was. Celestia activates her very expensive looking duel disk, it was huge, bigger than Smolder actually. This made her a little nervous, but she would never back out of a duel. She puts her game face on and activates her own duel disk.


[Smolder vs Princess Celestia]

"I would like to start first young one." Said Celestia as she drew. "Hmmm I activate the spell Different Dimension Capsule. I banish one card from my deck face down, then on my second standby phase after this card's activation, I send it to the graveyard and add the banished card to my hoof." Celestia banishes one card and looks back at Smolder. "Next I place one card face down and one monster face down. I end."
"My turn, Draw!" Said Smolder. "Ha, I summon Spear Dragon! {1900atk 0def. Lv4} This card when it attacks a monster in defense position, it inflicts piercing damage! Go Spear Dragon, attack her facedown!" Spear dragon divebombs and strikes the face down card, it reveals a wolf before being destroyed. Celestia grunts a little as she takes a bit life point damage "Wow, that monster had very little defense points. Since Spear dragon attacked however, he must be switched to defense position."
"I'm sorry young one, but he won't have the chance to switch yet, because the monster you attacked was Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter."
"Lightsworn?" Asked Smolder.
"What are Lightswons Headmare?" Asked Ocellus.
"There is only one Lightsworn deck, its only for Celestia, Just like Luna and her Lunalights, they are very strong, and Celestia uses them like a master. They are based around sending cards from the deck straight to the graveyard."
"He has a flip effect, first I destroy one card on your field, since spear dragon is the only card on your field, that is destroyed. next I send the top three cards from my deck to the grave." Celestia mills her cards as Spear dragon is destroyed.
"Man...I'm defenseless now. Guess I set a card and end." Said Smolder.

[Smolder 4000/Celestia 2200]

[Smolder 4 cards/Celestia 3 cards]

"My turn." Said Celestia as she drew. "I summon Jain, Lightsworn Paladin. {1800atk. 1200def. Lv4} Next I activate the continuous spell Mystical Cards of Light, for now, it's effect does not activate, but it does prevent me from using one back row space, Now, I activate my face down, Beckoning Light, This Trap let's me discard my whole hoof, then I can add one Light monster from my grave to my hoof."
"All you have is Ryko, so you must pick it." Said Smolder.
"Oh no young one, When Ryko activated his effect, It made me send 3 cards straight from my deck to the grave, one of those cards was a monster, and that is what I add to my hoof." Said Celestia adding the mystery card from her grave to her hoof. "Now Jain will attack you directly." Jain raises his sword and brings it down on Smolder who is knocked back slightly. "I end my turn, During my end phase, Jain lets me send 2 more cards from my deck to the graveyard."
"Come on Smolder! You got this!" Yells Silverstream from the stands.

[Smolder 2200/Celestia 2200]

[Smolder 4 card/Celestia 1 card]

"Gah, My turn, Draw!" Said Smolder. "I summon Red-Eyes Baby Dragon! {1200atk. 700def. Lv3}"
"Red-Eyes Baby Dragon? What a pathetic name. Why would smolder summon that? It's also much weaker." Said Gallus.
"I will then have my baby attack your Jain!" Smolder said with confidence.
"What are you doing Smolder!?" Yelled Sandbar.
"Huh, this one isn't too bright." Said Neighsay to himself. The Baby Dragon Charges Jain, who blocks the attack with his shield and then slashes the baby dragon, destroying it. Everyone was confused, except Celestia who was smiling.
"Excellent Strategy Young one." Said Celestia knowing exactly what she was doing.
"HUH!? What Princess pony mean? That was a terrible move!" Said Yona.
"Thank you princess, When Red-Eyes Baby dragon is destroyed by battle, his momma comes out to play! I special summon Red-Eyes Black Dragon from my deck! {2400atk. 2000def. Lv7}" Said Smolder.
"No way! I didn't see that coming! great job Smolder!" yelled Silverstream.
"Now, since this Red-Eyes was summoned by the effect of my baby dragon, he is equipped to to Red-eyes and gives it a 300 attack point boost, making it 2700!" Red-Eyes baby Dragon returns and sits on top of Red-Eyes's head. "Now Red-Eyes, attack Jain with Inferno Fire Blast!" Red-Eyes roars loudly before Engulfing Jain in a barrage of fire, destroying him. "I end my turn!"

[Smolder 1600/ Celestia 1300]

[Smolder 4 cards/Celestia 1 card]

"Fantastic turn young one, I really needed my Jain on the field. If I don't summon a good monster, you win this duel." Said Celestia drawing again. "Oh! I almost forgot, it is now my second Standby phase since I activated Different Dimention Capsule. I now send it to the grave and add to my hoof the banished card, Which I now activate, a second Mystical Cards of Light. I will now activate it again. Now since I have two of them on the field, it restricts me to only one back row space that I must use wisely, by my next turn, these two cards effects will kick in. Now I activate Monster Reborn, To resummon Jain to the field in defense. I now end, but I must mill 2 cards again because of Jain's effect. Oh good, one card I milled was Wulf, Lightsworn Beast, When that happens he is special summoned to the field, I special summon him in defense mode. {2100atk. 300def. Lv4}. I now end."
"My turn, I draw!" Said Smolder. "I place 2 cards face down and the spell Stop defense! This forces one of your monsters back into attack mode, I chose Jain!" Jain is forced back into attack mode. "Red-Eyes, once more, Attack Jain with Inferno Fire Blast!" Once again, Red-Eyes engulfs Jain with flames, and Celestia loses even more lifepoints. "Haha! I end!" Yelled Smolder having an absolute blast.

[Smolder 1600/Celestia 400]

[Smolder 2 cards/ Celestia 1 card]

"oof! My my young one, you certainly are a gifted duelist! Your strategy is brutal and clever, I am impressed!" Said Celestia delighted.
"Wow, Thank you so much Princess!" Said Smolder with a smile.
"It's my turn however, and I think I shall turn this duel around. Now that it is my draw phase, I activate the effect of both of my Mystical Cards of Light. Since I have more than one on my field, during my draw phase I draw 2 cards." Said Celestia as she drew her two cards. "Perfect. I activate the Field Spell Realm of Light." A large white temple with manifests behind Celestia, it shines brightly. "This card allows me to add shine counters to it, for each card I send to the grave from a Lightsworn effect, each shine counter gives my Lightsworns and extra 100 attack points. I now tribute Wulf to summon my favorite card, the card I added to my hoof with beckoning light, Celestia, Lightsworn Angel! {2300atk. 200def. Lv5}"
"Figures, Celestia has a card named Celestia." Said Gallus. Celestia, Lightsworn Angel elegantly lowers herself onto the field and grips her staff closely.
"Since I normal summoned her, I can immediately send 4 cards from my deck to the grave, which also means I add 4 shine Counters to my Realm of Light, Giving my Angel 400 extra attack points making her 2700!"
"That's equal to my dragon! They'll both be destroyed, and with no other card in your hoof, If I summon a monster, I will win!" Said Smolder
"Young one, Don't you remember? Because of my Mystical Cards of Light, I drew two cards, meaning I have one left in my hoof, and it is a doosy. Not to mention, I still have one more effect of my angel to activate." Said Celestia "She can target 2 cards on your side of the field and destroy them."
"She is gonna destroy Smolder's Dragon and then direct attack her!" Said Silverstream.
"I think that's what Smolder wants her to do, Look at Smolder, She is smiling." Said Ocellus.
"Go ahead, Use your effect, but pick your targets wisely." Said Smolder.

Celestia smirks, not falling for her mind games.
"If you insist, I destroy your two back row cards." Said Celestia.
"Huh? Dang! I needed those!" Yelled Smolder.
"Now I activate the last card in my hoof, Elf's Light!" Yelled Celestia "This gives my Angel an extra 400 attack but lowers her defense by 200, now she is 3100! Now Celestia, Destroy Red-Eyes with Benevolent Sun Strike!" Celestia Aims her staff at Red-Eyes and a powerful beam fires from it, striking and piercing Red-Eyes and destroying it. "I now end!" Said Celestia
"Holy moly! Princess Celestia is in control now." Said Ocellus.
"Gah! When Red-Eyes Baby Dragon is sent to the grave while equipped to Red-Eyes, I can Add Red-Eyes Black Dragon back to my claw!" yelled Smolder adding Red-Eyes back to her hand and then drawing. Her eyes light up upon seeing what she drew. "That was a sweet move, but I'm still in control of this duel. I activate the spell Red-Eyes Fusion! This let's me summon one Red-Eyes monster from my extra deck by using martials in my claw, but I cannot normal or special summon for the rest of this turn. I send the Red-Eyes in my claw, along with Summoned Skull to fusion Summon Black Skull Dragon! {3200atk. 2500def. Lv9 Fusion}.
"Hey, Headmare, it's the card you gave Smolder!" Said Silverstream.
"Yeah, hopefully for her, Celestia doesn't counter it." said Twilight.
"Now since he has 100 attack points more, he will decimate your Lightsworn Angle!" Yelled Smolder as Black Skull Fires a pitch black fireball, striking Celestia's monster and destroying her. "I end" Said Smolder

[Smolder 1200/Celestia 300]

[Smolder 1 card/ Celestia 0 cards]

"So intense, I draw! Thanks to my Mystical cards of Light, I draw 2 cards again." Said Celestia as she drew. "Oh my, This duel is over."
"What do you mean? You surrender?" Asked Smolder
"Oh no, I'm going to win, Because I just drew Judgment Dragon." Said Celestia.
"Yep, It's over." Said Twilight.
"What does he do?" Asked Smolder.
"If he is in my hoof, while I have 4 or more Lightsworn monster with different names in my graveyard, which I do, I can special summon him. {3000atk. 2600def. Lv8}"
"He is still far too weak to beat my Black Skull Dragon." Said Smolder.
"No, But he has a devastating effect, I can sacrifice 1000 lifepoints to send all other cards except him to the graveyard instantly"
"WHAT!? Dude that's insane!" Yells Sandbar.
"Ha! But you don't have 1000 lifepoints, so you can't activate that effect!" Yelled Smolder.
"Since I was able to draw 2 cards, I drew this card, the spell Emergency Provisions" Said Celestia.
"What does that do?" Asked Smolder.
"This spell lets me send any number of spell cards on my side of the field to the grave and for each sent, I gain 1000 life points. They have been so useful to me, I'd hate to see them go, but I must sacrifice my two Mystical Cards of light to give me a 2000 lifepoint boost."
"No way! NO WAY!" Yells Smolder.
"Now with 2300 lifepoints, I now activate Judgment Dragon's wiping out all other cards on the field!" Yelled Celestia, Judgment Dragon Uses his wings to elevate him into the sky, a Divine light shines over him and then darts towards Black Skull Dragon, it roars painfully before being destroyed. one beam shines towards Celestia's Realm Of Light, but nothing happens.
"H-hey! Why didn't your field spell go away!?" Asked Smolder.
"It has protection, I can sacrifice two shine counter on it, to prevent it's destruction." Said Celestia "Now that I control the only Monster, he will attack you directly for game, Judgement Dragon, end this!" Judgment Dragon's Devine Light the blasts Smolder, Knocking her back and dropping her lifepoints to zero.

[Smolder vs Princess Celestia: Winner Princess Celestia]

The other students were left in complete Awe as Twilight then begins clapping for Celestia. Smolder was on her knees breathing heavily, and Neighsay smirks, pleased to see the non-pony creature get humiliated like that.
"I...lost?" Said Smolder in shock. Celestia then approaches Smolder and holds out her hoof towards the dragon. Smolder looks at it and then Celestia, who was smiling warmly at her. Smolder took her hoof and she helped her up to her feet.
"Do not be discouraged by that defeat young one, you have nothing to hang your head about. you are a very skilled duelist. Many do not get over their intimidation when dueling me, it makes some duels...easy and boring. But you, you never backed down, you never let the intimidation get to you, as a result, you have given me the best duel I have had in years. You certainly belong here in this school, and I see a very bright future for you in the world of Duel Monsters." Said Celestia. Smolder smiles at her
"Thank you so much Princess Celestia, it has been a great honor!" Said Smolder, bowing her head graciously. Celesta smiles more before stepping off the arena, the other students flood the towards Smolder to congratulate her on her dueling and ask her questions about dueling Celestia. While Twilight makes her way to Celestia who was now talking to Neighsay

"Well Chancellor, I can whole heartedly say that I discovered no safety breaches here at Twilights School." Said Celestia. Twilight smiles widely and then looks at Neighsay and smirks.
"That's...Great to hear. Princess!" Said Neighsay through gritted teeth forcing himself to smile to not show how angry he was.
"This was so much fun Twilight, You keep a close eye on that bunch, they are going to do great things, if you know what I mean." Celestia says to Twilight, winking to Twilight to signify to here that she knows about them and their new 'titles.' Twilight nods to her.
"Of Course Princess." Said Twilight.
"Chancellor, let us return to Canterlot, I would like a full report from the EEA on what was experienced today." Said Celestia.
"But of course Princess." Said Neighsay. As Celestia turns, Neighsay flashes a Scowl at Twilight before turning and leaving with the Princess. Twilight sighs in relief before turning to the group.
"Excellent dueling today Smolder, you dueled fearlessly and with a lot of heart, I'm giving you an A+ for the whole day." Said Twilight.
"Wow! thanks headmare." Said Smolder
"Your Welcome Smolder, and the rest of you, You also get A's in friendship for supporting your friend." Said Twilight. The others cheer and hoof bump eachother. "Now listen you six, expect to hear more from Celestia in the future. She could "Sense" your new roles, you understand?" They all look shocked but they then nod at Twilight. "Very good. Now it's starting to get late. You six grab yourselves a good dinner and rest up for tomorrow." Said twilight as she turned to away to leave as well.
"We will thanks!" Yelled Sandbar.
"Man, I cannot wait to tell the dragons back home I took on the Princess!" Said Smolder.
"That would be a great story to tell, wish I faced her!" Said Gallus.
"Smolder Is Bestets! But can Yona and Friends get some dinner? It's grilled cheese day!" Said Yona. The Six laugh and then dart out of the arena towards the cafeteria. They pass by a dark corner, when all of them have passed, Neighsay, who hasn't left yet steps out from the darkness.
"If I can't get the princess to remove these heathens from this school, Then I'll do it myself. Mark my words you creatures, I will see you expelled!" Said Neighsay as he activates his medallion to open a portal, he steps through just as it closes.

End of Chapter 13