• Published 22nd May 2022
  • 1,501 Views, 100 Comments

Twilight's Duel School of Friendship: Freshman Year - k00l

my own story adopts elements of Yugioh GX but with the Student Six

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Chapter 5: A Challenger Returns

Chapter 5 A Challenger Returns

It's the next day after the event of being sucked into a comic book. The written exams were taking place, once they were over, one by one, the six exit the exam room looking mentally exhausted.
"Oh thank Celestia that is over! If I see one more multiple choice question, I'm gonna have an aneurysm." Said Sandbar.
"Yona... want to go to sleep now." Yona says groggily with a very tired expression.
"Yeah, but we still have our physical exam" Said Ocellus. "I'm not worried though, I'm pretty sure I aced the written one."
"you still need to be careful" said Sandbar. "These tests are crucial, your overall score will determine if you get promoted, or demoted."
"What do you mean Sandbar?" asked Silverstream
"Take you for example Silver, You're a Ra Yellow, if you get an average score, nothing will happen, If you get a high score, you may be open to be promoted to Obelisk Blue, score to low, and you may become a Slifer Red."
"That sounds important, What if you score low and you are already a red?" asked Silver
"Nothing much really, you have to get a really really low score to be kicked out. Even if your an Obelisk, you score below a 10, you will also be kicked out."

Upon hearing this, the group all look at each other, some let out a long sigh, while other gulp in anxiety. Except smolder who hasn't stopped smiling since she left the exam room.
"What's with you Smolder? Did you think you did well?" asked Gallus
"Nope, I didn't take the written Exam" Said smolder with a smug.
"WHAT!?!?!?" Yelled the other five
"Aren't you afraid you will fail!?" said Ocellus.
"No, because I'm going to pass the physical exam." said Smolder confidently.
"Yona think Smolder too cocky!" Said Yona sternly
"You guys should be more worried about yourselves, The duels will be happening soon" Said Smolder, lets go look at the roster list to see who we are facing."
"I guess that would be a smart thing to do." said Sandbar.

The group then leaves together to go check the announcement board, that is were it has listed who will face who. The group approaches the board and sees who they are all facing. The names were organized nicely, it was obvious it was Twilight who made it. Everyone finds their name and who they will be facing, But when smolder finds her name, She is shocked to see who she would be facing, Brisk Bronco.
"Smolder will be facing mean pony!? Yona was hoping she would never have to see him again!" said Yona
"Huh, I'm still not worried, I'm actually glad I finally get to put him in his place!" Said Smolder, digging her fist into the palm of her hand.
"Oh, I'd like to see you try!" said a voice behind them.

They all turn around to see Brisk standing there, smirking as his group of friends stand around him, laughing at the group. "I said this wouldn't be over did I? I get to humiliate you, and it's during the physical exams."
"You don't get to gloat! You lost the last time we seen you" shouted Gallus
"Pipe it Slifer Slacker, the grown ups are talking, besides, you lost to me 3 times in a row against me, so sit down!" commanded Brisk as his friends begin to laugh.
"You can't talk to him like that!" shouted Silverstream
"A Ra Yellow, the middle duelists. You know, you should change your names from 'the intermediates,' to 'the good-enoughs'" replied Brisk, now getting more laughter from his friends. Silver seemed to actually be hurt by that comment. Smolder then step forward with an angry expression
"Listen pony boy, if your mom held you more as a baby, you wouldn't be cradling your own ego as you do now, so lay off! Your not facing Sandbar, your facing me so you won't be getting back at him just yet, and unless you want me to leave you with some dignity after I beat you, you will walk away right now!" Said Smolder sternly. All of Brisk's friends had all quieted down at this point, and Brisk was no longer smiling.
"Fine, I'll leave, but before I do, this duel actually couldn't be more perfect for me. I will be getting you all back for that day. As I noticed in the exam room, you didn't mark a single question. So I plan to beat you so badly, you will fail and be expelled, causing your friend group to loose one. Smell you later dragon breath." said Brisk turning to walk away as his friends start laughing again.

"That's not gonna happen! You're not going anywhere Smolder, You're going to be that upstart." Said Ocellus
"Your dang right I am!" Said Smolder with a huff and crossing her arms
"Next time mean pony insult Yona friends, Yona gonna crush him!" Yona remarked.
"Let's just forget him for now, the duels are about to start, I want to watch some of them before we are called to duel." Said Sandbar. The group agrees and heads inside the arena to watch some duels and have a good time before their duels. The duels go by great, so far all of them have one, the ones who haven't won yet is Gallus and Smolder. Gallus was currently dueling while smolder was still waiting to be called on. As they watch Gallus, he had a heavy lead, and was about to finish his opponent off.
"I will now Tune for 5! synchro summoning Blackwing - Gram the Shining Star! Now attack his monster and finish him off!" Gallus commanded, his monster dashing toward his opponent, slicing him in half and dropping his opponent down to zero. Gallus has now passed his exam now too. after a bit of cheering from the crowd, he goes back into the stands to join his friends.

"Nice job Gallus, I knew you would win." Said Sandbar giving Gallus a hoof/fist bump.
"That was easy, I'll be promoted to Ra yellow in no time." Gallus said cockily.
"It is now time for Smolder and Brisk Bronco to take their exam, please step onto the arena please!" said Twilight over the Intercom
"Well. time for me to own this punk, wish me luck guys." Said Smolder as she stood up and began to walk out of the stands. Her friends wave and exclaim their support to her. By the time Smolder got onto the Arena, Brisk was already there, with a smug on his face.
"You ready to lose? Because when I win, you are on the next train home dragon." Taunted Brisk
"Say that again when you're the one humiliated after I beat you." Said Smolder activating her duel disk.


[Smolder vs Brisk Bronco]

[Smolder 4000/Brisk 4000]

"My move, Draw!" shouted Smolder, she looks at her and smiles. "I will place two cards face down, Your up pony boy!"
"Marvelous, Draw! looky here, I activate Confiscation. Remember what it does? I look at your hand and then select one card to send to the graveyard." Said Brisk. Smolder's hand is scanned and her cards are projected in front of Brisk. "You did have Red eyes in your hand, thats why you didn't summon it's your only monster, say bye bye! I send him to the graveyard!" As Smolder discards Red eyes, she remains unphased, knowing well he was going to use the same strategy on her. "I Then activate Different dimension capsule! I can place one card from my deck inside, then after 2 turns, I add it to my hand. I end by placing one monster face down, your move dragon."

[Smolder 2 card in hand/ Brisk 3 cards in hoof]

"I draw!" Smolder smirks. "You shouldn't have sent Red-eyes to the grave Brisk, I activate one of my face downs, Red eyes Spirit! This allows me to special summon Red-eyes from the graveyard! {2400atk. 200def.}" Red-eyes emerges on the field and roars. The other students start to cheer upon seeing the dragon."
"Nice job Smolder! You got your ace card out before him! Let him have it!" Shouted Gallus from the stands.
"Red-eyes, destroy his face down!" Smolder commanded, Red-eye's maw opens wide before letting red hot fire spew from its mouth, engulfing the card, it flips to show a knight which is then destroyed.
"Heh, Thank you Smolder, you've been great help. because what you destroyed was Dust Knight! when he is flipped summon, I send one earth monster from my deck to the grave. Take a big guess who I send."Said Brisk with a smirk, Smolder growls at him in response. "It's Buster Blader, say bye bye for now." He then discards Buster Blader.
"Whatever Brisk, I end my turn."

[Smolder 3 Cards/ Brisk 3 Cards]

"Perfect, Draw! Heh!" Brisk smile malevolently. "I now activate Monster Reborn!" The crowd let's out a large "OO!" as they knew what he was gonna do. Even Smolder is taken back a little by that. "I summon Buster Blader from the graveyard! {2600atk. 2300def.}" Buster Blader emerges and strikes a fighting pose. "Since you have a dragon on your field, Buster Blader's attack goes up by 500!" The monster groans as an ominous aura surrounds it, signifying it's power up to 3100. "Now Buster Blader, attack her Red-eyes!" Brisk Commanded, The monster raises it's sword and launches itself into the air, holding it's sword overhead to slash the dragon. That's when Smolder smirks, she was prepared.
"Nice try Brisk, But that's not happening, Activate trap!"

Thats when out of nowhere, a chain is launched at Buster Blader, shackling it in mid air and preventing it from attacking.
"Huh!? what did you do!?" shouted Brisk
"It's my trap dummy, Kunai with Chain. It's first effect allows my to stop your attack, and switch your monster into defense position." said Smolder smirking. Slowly, Buster Blader is lowered to the ground, who then takes a knee. "And it's second effect is I choose one monster on my side of the field and it gains 500 atk. I choose Red-eyes, making him 2900 attack!"
"But...but it's still not strong enough!" Brisk bluffed.
"If He was in attack, But not in defense!" Said Smolder.
"Yeah Smolder! Show now mercy!" Cheered Yona.
"And since there is nothing else you can do this turn, I'll go ahead and take mine, draw! Now Red-eyes, Destroy his Buster Blader!" Demanded Smolder, Once again, Red-eyes launches a huge wave of fire, easily destroying Buster Blader. Brisk responds by slowly lowering his head. The stands go wild with cheers, Smolder was on a roll.
"Despite how much I dislike Brisk, this has been a great match so far, it's round 3 and no one has taken damage yet." chimed in Ocellus

[Smolder 4 cards/ Brisk 2 cards]

"I end my turn, Good luck brisk, you're gonna need a miracle to get out of this now." Teased Smolder
"...A miracle? hehehHEHEH! I got plenty!" Shouted brisk raising his head and glaring at smolder with a creepy grin. "No one makes a fool out of me! No one! You are going to regret destroying Buster Blader, I'm gonna make you squirm like a pathetic little worm, Draw!" Smolder was actually kinda creeped out by the expression on Brisk face. She also felt like Brisk wasn't bluffing, she took his threat seriously and glares back at him. "Now since two turns have passed, I can add the card I put in Different Dimension Capsule is added to my hand, I add Ancient Rules!" the crowd gasps hard.
"Ancient rules? whats that?" asked Silverstream
"A very powerful spell card! this turn, Brisk can normal summon any normal level monster without a tribute." said Ocellus.
"heheHEHEHAHHA! I now activate Ancient rules! Now tell me Smolder, What do you think I'm gonna summon?" coaxed Brisk
"Probably another Buster Blader, you must have more than one." Answered Smolder
"Oh no, I summon something far greater. I now summon THE BLUE-EYES WHITE DRAGON! GAH!!!" Brisk shouted, slamming his card on his duel disk. With a bright flash, The famed Blue-Eyes emerges onto the field and lets out a threatening roar.

This causes the crowd to go wild, Cheering wildly and some even chanting Brisk's name. While Smolder's friends were left absolutely flabbergasted at seeing that Brisk Secretly had a Blue-eyes White Dragon.
"WHAT!? H-How did you get a Blue-Eyes!" Said Smolder, looking up in pure Awe at Blue-eyes
"Thats none of your buisness! Now, I activate Mystical Space Typhoon, destroying your Kunai with chain, dropping your monster down to his original attack! Now Blue-Eyes, teach this twerp who the superior dragon is, Destroy Red-eyes!" Blue-Eyes then charges Red-Eyes to which Red-eyes tries to fight back, but it was useless, Blue-eyes roars but then bites red-eyes on the neck, causing it to let out a painfully roar, to which it then shatters. Smolder drops to her knees watching her favorite monster getting absolutely demolished

[Smolder 3400/Brisk 4000]

[Smolder 4 cards/ Brisk 0 cards]

Brisk starts laughing loudly, boasting in front of Smolder and flat out disrespecting her.
"I told you you would regret it! At this rate you are going to fail and you are going to be ripped away from your friends! I end!" Shouted Brisk. Smolder slowly stands back up, she gulps hard and tries her best to keep her emotions in check, but she had tears of anger in here eyes. She refused to leave the friends she has made, she draws her card for this turn
"I place one monster face down, and that is all I can do." Said smolder
"This is not good, that play has zapped away all of Smolder's focus, her heart isn't in it anymore." said Sandbar
"Don't give up Smolder! we believe in you!" shouted Ocellus

"What a truly pathetic move, Draw! I activate Card of Demise!" shouted Brisk. The crowd once again gasps in awe at Brisk's draw. "I draw three cards from my deck, and during my end phase I must discard my entire hoof. But my end will be empty before that happens. I summon Blade Knight, {1600atk. 1000def.} I will now activate the Continuous Spell Recycle, During my standby phase, I can sacrifice 300 life points , and add one non-monster card from my grave to the bottom of my deck. My last card I set, now Blue-Eyes, destroy her face down!" Shouted Brisk, Blue-Eyes growls loudly and then fired White lighting at Smolder's facedown. It flips to show Keeper of the Shrine before being destroyed. "Now Blade Knight, Attack her directly!" Blade Knight raises it's sword and shield, It charges Smolder and slashes it's sword across Smolder's chest. she lets out a distressed scream before being knocked on her back. "Heh, I heard of Knights slaying dragons before, I just thought the dragon would at least put up a fight first. HAHAHA! I end!"

[Smolder 1400/ Brisk 4000]

Smolder stayed on her back for awhile, she started to think she may actually lose this game and the thought of being ripped away from her friends makes her feel like crying, but she fights back her emotions again. She slowly sits up and looks at her duel disk.
"H-Hey! What's going on with my Duel disk! why does it say I lost 2000 Life points when Blade Knight has 1600 atk!?" Questioned Smolder.
"Nothing is wrong with your duel disk, it's the truth. Blade Knight's effect kicked in, while I have 1 or less cards in my hand, his attack becomes 2000!"
"Mean pony is is relentless! He keeps out trumping Smolder at every move!" Exclaimed Yona
"I've never seen Brisk duel like this before, this dude has gone off the deep end big time." Sandbar Inputted
"Smolder you can't lose! You can still turn this duel around! I know you can!" Shouted Ocellus, not wavering her support for her friend.

Smolder glares at Brisk and grits her teeth, she then stands up and draws her card. "Ok, I place two cards face down, and set one monster, and...thats it again..."
"HAHAHAHA! Where is that cocky attitude you are known for Smolder!? is your spirit crushed yet!? HAHAHA! I now draw! Now I now activate the spell Recycle, paying 300 lifepoints to put a spell at the bottom of my deck I send Monster Reborn to the bottom of my deck. Now, I activate my face down, Convulsion of Nature! This handy spell makes us take our deck and flip them upside down!"
"What!?" exclaimed Smolder.
"Oh yeah! while this card is face up, We flip our decks upside down and keep playing, Meaning I'm gonna draw monster Reborn in no time, and I mean now! I switch Blade Knight to defense mode and activate the spell Draw Muscle! I target one defense position monster, for that turn it can't be destroyed, and I draw a card! When I get Monster Reborn, I'm going to summon Buster Blader back, and demolish you without losing a single life point, Which means you will recieve a Zero on the exam, and YOU, ARE, OUT OF HERE! I Draw and activat-"
"Not so fast Brisk!" Shouts Smolder. "I activate my Trap card, Drop Off! The card you just drew, is instantly sent to he graveyard!"
"Why you little!" Brisk exclaims angerly"

[Smolder 3 cards/ Brisk 0 cards]

The crowd cheers again, now for Smolder for that excellent counter.
"Yay Smolder! You still got This! One draw can make all the difference!" Shouted Ocellus. Smolder hears her, She then looks down at her duel disk, She was right, one card can make or break a duel.
"Blue-eyes, Teach this twerp a lesson! destroy her facedown!" shouted Brisk. This time, Black Metal dragon was destroyed. "Since Blade Knight is in defense, You luck out, I end!" Smolder places her hand on her deck and lets out a long sigh. She puts her whole faith in her deck and the draws.
"I Activate Pot of Greed, letting me draw 2 cards! Heh," Smolder smirks and then looks up at brisk. "Your finished Brisk."
"OOOO! Tough talk coming from the loser! You've got nothing!" Retorted Brisk.
"Then sit back and watch the show, but I can't say it will be pleasant."

"I now flip my last face down card, Call of the Haunted! This card allows me to re-summon to the field one monster from my grave, I chose Red-Eyes Black Dragon!" The emergence of Red-Eyes Cases the crowd to cheer again.
"Red-Eyes? What luck will it do for you this turn?" asked Brisk Smugly.
"Of Course, I always trust my cards!" Said Smolder. "But he is not staying for long, I tribute Red-eyes to summon Red-Eyes Darkness Dragon! {2400atk. 2000def.}" The crowd now roars with cheers Seeing this variation of Red-eyes.
"Whoa, I've never seen Smolder summon that before." said Gallus.
"Oh My GOSH! look how cool it looks!" Remarked Silverstream.
"Now his effect kicks in, for each dragon in my graveyard, he gains 300 attack points for each one. And since you threw your Blue-eyes at me, I have 4, thats 1200, Making his attack 3900!"
"Yes Smolder! Yes! she can beat Blue-Eyes!" cheered Ocellus

"Heh, You think I'm scared Smolder? I'll find a way to bring him back just you wait!" Said Brisk reassuringly
"For once I believe you Brisk, which is why 'I'm going to defeat you this turn. I activate the Claw of Hermos! using this, and Red-eyes retro dragon in my graveyard, I can fusion summon Red-Eyes Black Dragon Sword!" For once, the crowd was silent, they have never seen that card before. "When this card I summoned, I can equip it to any monster I chose, And I chose My Red-Eyes Darkness Dragon. Now Brisk, this is where the fun begins." Smolder said with a smirk. "The monster equipped with Red-Eyes Black Dragon Sword gains 1000 attack points for all dragons on the field and in the grave, counting your Blue-eyes and My Red-eyes retro used in the fusion summon, Thats 7000, giving Red-eyes Darkness Dragon a grand total of 10,600 attack!" Shouted Smolder

The crowd goes nuts hearing the final number of the total attack of Smolder's monster.
"Sweet Celestia! That not a game ender, Thats total annihilation!" Said Sandbar
"She Did It! She's gonna win!" shouted Ocellus
"NO! NONONONON!!! This can't be real! I was in control from the very start! HOW CAN I LOSE NOW!?" screamed Brisk
"Red-Eyes, Destroy his Blue-eyes and obliterate his lifepoints!" commanded Smolder. Red-eyes ignites a large fire and complete engulfs Blue-eyes, who roars in agony, and then destroyed. Brisk lets out a long painful scream as his lifepoints drop from 4000, to zero within seconds.

[Smolder vs Brisk Bronco: winner Smolder]

All five of Smolder's friends hop onto the Arena and charge towards smolder to hug her tight as everyone in the stand erupts with cheers and applauds.
"Holy crap Smolder, how'd you pull a play like that!?" questioned Sandbar.
"Heh, Luck I guess" Smolder replies hugging her friends back.
"Don't ever scare me like that again Smolder! don't ever let me think you will leave us!" exclaimed Ocellus on the verge of tears.
"Heh, I promise Cell." Smolder replied with a smile.
"YOU!" Brisk yelled, His hair was now a mess, making him look like a maniac. He approaches the six about to start some trouble when suddenly, Headmare Twilight flies from the stands and lands between them, standing directly in front of Brisk, she does not look happy.
"Brisk, show me that Blue-eyes card, now." Twilight says sternly. Brisk is taken back by her demand, but he begrudgingly gives it too her. She takes it with magic and analyzes it.
"As I suspected, Brisk, This card is a counterfeit!" said Twilight

The whole crowd gasps and so does the six upon hearing this. Brisk, who was beyond caring at this point doesn't even try to hide it anymore.
"So what! My duel disk still let me play it!" Brisk Replied. The crowd now start to boo at Brisk.
"You're a dirty cheater Brisk!" Shouted Silverstream
"Shut it Yellow Has-been!" Yelled Brisk.
"I wouldn't be calling them that Brisk." Said Twilight. "Since you cheated during your exam, that means you receive a Zero, meaning you are now demoted to a Ra Yellow."
"WHAT!?!?!?!? You can't be serious! let me have a do over! Please don't make me a Ra!" Begged Brisk
"You have left us no choice, Now go exchange your Blue jacket for a yellow" Said Twilight sternly. Brisk is left shocked hearing this, Smolder points at him and laugh. He then glares at her shooting knives from his eyes. Slowly he turns his back and exits the Arena.

After a bit more praises from her friends, they all soon exit the Arena since all duels have now concluded.
"What a very stressful day, I'm going to bed and sleeping for 2 days straight." said Gallus.
"I can't agree more." said Smolder
"Next Time you are taking your written test so that you don't end up in a situation like that again!" scolded Ocellus.
"You're right Cell, I promise i will next time." replied Smolder, Looking at Ocellus and smiling warmly. Ocellus returns her smile with one of her own,
"I'm not too thrilled, Brisk is a Ra Yellow now, now WE have to put up with him!" exclaimed Silverstream
"Just try your best to ignore him, if he gives you trouble, don't hesitate to get us and we'll put him in his place again." said Sandbar. The group then laughs together as the sunset shines through the window as they make their way to their dorms

End of Chapter 5