• Published 22nd May 2022
  • 1,501 Views, 100 Comments

Twilight's Duel School of Friendship: Freshman Year - k00l

my own story adopts elements of Yugioh GX but with the Student Six

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Chapter 15: The First Sabotage

Chapter 15: The First Sabotage

It did not take long for Neighsay to reach back out to them, 3 days later, Cozy received a letter addressed to all 3 of them with no return address on it. Cozy calls the other 2 to her room so that they could open the letter and see what it says.
"You Three, I have you set to advance into Obelisk blue, as long as you WIN! Cozy, The midterm advancement duels will start today with you, You have a one on one duel with an obelisk blue of your choice, I recommend you pick Sandbar or Smolder so that you can humiliate them. Brisk, Roulette, The one she picks, you are tasked with sneaking into their dorm and sabotaging their deck in a way that doesn't look suspicious. Then tomorrow, Brisk, and Roulette, you will be in a tag duel with the two Slifers, Gallus and Yona. Make an upset and make a disgrace of them. Burn this letter after you understand your tasks."

"If this is true, Neighsay wasn't lying. He is willing to help us if we help him." Says Brisk.
"But is it moral?" asked Roulette.
"Of course it is! The school and the world is at stake!" Says Brisk.
"But how true is that?" Says Roulette..
"Oh, is that something your willing to gamble on?" Says Brisk in a smart-alecky tone. Roulette gives him an angry look.
"Golly, I have a duel today to advance me in rank, now who do I pick? Smolder or Sandbar?" Said Cozy.
"Get Smolder! She caused me to de-rank!" Says Brisk.
"You caused yourself to de-rank, you cheated." Says Roulette. Brisk then rolls his eyes.
"Hmmmmm, I think I'll choose Sandbar instead." Says Cozy.
"Fine, At least sabotaging his deck would be easier, all we gotta do is to get rid of his Black Luster Soldier-Envoy of the Beginning." Says Brisk, while Roulette sighs heavily.
"But how can we do that without it looking suspicious?" Asked Roulette.
"Hmmmmm... How about you two sneak into their dorm, Brisk must know secret ways to get in being a former Obelisk. Then find his room and his deck, Remove the card and place it under his desk or bed so it appears to have fallen out."
"That may work actually. Ready to do this Roulette?" Asked Brisk.
"I guess" She replied.

The two leave Cozy's room and they make their way to the Obelisk dorm. It was around noon so everyone was at lunch, but they still need to hurry before they were spotted. Brisk leads Roulette to the back of the dorm.
"Alright, I remember where Sandbar's room is, it's on the second floor...Right there." He says and points to a window on the second floor." Says Brisk.
"How do we get in?" Says Roulette.
"Easy, you levitate me to the window and I'll enter" Said Brisk.
"Sigh...I can't believe I'm doing this." Said Roulette. Her horn then starts to glow and Brisk is covered in a magical aura. Slowly he begins to be lifted into the air and is hovered in front of the Window. He begins to fidget with the latch and is able to get it open. He is brought to the ledge and steps inside. He looks around trying to find the deck, after a bit of looking, he sees a desk in the corner, he opens it and finds Sandbar's deck inside.
"Oh yeah, this is Sandbar's some of these cards look old. Hmmm....where are you...There." Says Brisk looking through the cards. He finds Black Luster Soldier and drops it on the floor and kicks it under the desk where it would be hard to see. He places the deck back and then he could hear hoofsteps coming his way, he quickly puts the deck back and closes the drawer and quickly rushes towards the window and signals Roulette. She sees him and again uses her magic to levitate him back down, Once he touches the ground they both book it back to the Ra dorm.

In the Obelisk dorm, Sandbar was walking with Smolder towards their room.
"You ready for Midterms tomorrow?" Asked Sandbar.
"Yeah, I've actually been studying this time, I'm not having the same kind of scare as I did last time." Said Smolder.
"Heh, yeah." Replied Sandbar as the get to their door. He opens it and steps inside along with Smolder. They both go to their own desk and retrieve their decks.
"Hey Sandbar, did you leave that window open?" Asked Smolder.
"Huh? I don't think I did." Replied Sandbar going over and closing it. "Weird."
"Sandbar, You have been challenged to a duel, Report to the Arena as soon as possible." Said Twilight over an Intercom.
"Someone has challenged me? But who?" Sandbar wondered.
"No idea, mind if I watch?" Asked Smolder.
"Of course not, come on." Says Sandbar, leaving the dorm.

As they both got to the arena, He saw his other friends their in the stands to watch, as well as Headmare Twilight standing in the middle of the arena.
"Hi Headmare, Who challenged me?" Asked Sandbar.
"Hiya Sandbar!" Said Cozy standing behind Twilight.
"Hi Cozy, Did you challenge me?" Asked Sandbar.
"She did, it's weird. I checked my Schedule and it appears I listed Cozy's Rank up midterm duel for today, I don't remember that but, she did. She chose you to be her opponent in the rank up duel." says Twilight.
"Awesome! it would be an honor to help a fellow student rank up." Said Sandbar, taking his spot on the arena and activating his duel disk.


[Sandbar Vs. Cozy Glow]

[Sandbar 4000/ Cozy 4000]

"I will Start us off Cozy, Draw." Says Sandbar. "Sweet, I summon Gaia, The Polar Knight! {1600atk. 1200def. Lv 4} I will end right there."
"My turn, Draw." Says Cozy. "I summon Muscle medic {2200atk. 100def. Lv 4} It has the effect that all damage delt to you with this card, gives you lifepoints instead of losing it. Unfortunately, I cant reverse that effect just yet, But I will set one card. Now Muscle Medic, Destroy his Gaia." Says Cozy. Her monster lifts up a giant hypodermic needle, and chucks it like a javelin, striking Sandbar's monster. Just Like Cozy said would happen, Sandbar gains Lifepoints instead of loosing them. "My turn is over, good luck on yours."

[Sandbar 5 card/ Cozy 4 cards]

[Sandbar 4600/Cozy 4000]

Hmmmm... I'm not sensing the strong connection with my deck as I normally do. It's like...Something is wrong Sandbar thinks to himself before drawing. "I now Activate the Spell, The Warrior Returning Alive! This allows me to add one warrior type monster from my grave to my hand, I add back my Polar Knight, Which I now resummon. Next, I activate the spell Double Summon, This gives me a second normal summon this turn, I summon Evening Twilight Knight! {500atk. 2000def. Lv 4} Now I can activate my Polar Knight's effect, By tributing a dark monster I control, in this case Evening Twilight Knight, I can add a light monster from my hoof! I send me Evening Twilight Knight to the graveyard to add The Black Luster Soldier-Envoy of the....of the............Hey, Where is it? Where is my Soldier???"
"Sandbar, choose your monster already." Says Cozy.
"I'm trying! GRRRR!!! WHERE IS HE!?" Yells Sandbar desperately trying to search for him.
"Why isn't he adding his monster to his hoof?" Asked Ocellus. Just Then, Insect Princess Manifests right next her.
"Ocellus, I can't sense Sandbar's duel spirit anywhere near here." Says Insect Princess.
"He's not here? That means, He's not in his deck at the moment either." Says Ocellus.
"It's not in his deck!? But Sandbar needs that card!" Says Gallus.
"Uh...Headmare. May I please go to my dorm to look for my card?" Asked Sandbar.
"I'm Sorry Sandbar, But I can't allow that during a rank up duel. You should make sure all your cards are there before you duel." Says Twilight.

Sandbar sighs hard and begins to scan his deck again looking for a different card to use. he finally spots one that would be a good substitute .
"I guess I will add Gaia the Magical Knight to my Hoof." Says Sandbar.
I knew something was missing. Where could Black Luster Soldier possibly be? Sandbar thought to himself
"Now, I guess I end by placing a card face down."
"My turn, I draw!" Says Cozy. Now I can Activate my face down Bad Reaction to Simochi! This, just like my Nurse, reverse lifepoint gain to be a loss instead. Now Muscle Medic, Take him out again!" Cozy Commanded. Once Again, her muscle Medic takes out the Polar Knight, but now he loses lifepoints. "I place 2 more cards Face down and end."

[Sandbar 3 cards/ Cozy 3 cards]

[Sandbar 4000/ Cozy 4000]

"I draw!" Says Sandbar. "I activate the Spell Pot of Greed, I can now draw 2 cards. I summon Marauding Captain {1200atk. 400def. Lv 4} now, I activate activate the continuous spell Reinforcement of the Army's Troops! It's effect will kick in later."
"I chain activate with my face down, Just Desserts, You lose 500 lifepoints for every monster you control, Finally, my second face down, The quick play spell Chain Strike! You lose 400 additional lifepoints times the chain length. Since this is 3, You lose 1200 from chain burn, ending with a grand total of 1700 lifepoints!"
"Holy cow! Thats so much just from card effects!" Exclaims Silverstream. Sandbar groans as the lifepoints are drained from him.
"My turn, Draw" Says Cozy. "And you know what, I choose to pass this turn."
"What??? I'm wide open for ana attack." Says Sandbar
"I know what your card does Sandbar, Reinforcement of the Army's Troops allows you to special summon a warrior during the battle phase, You are gonna summon your second Marauding captain and lock me out of attacking." Says Cozy.
"Fine, I draw." Says Sandbar. "Well, luckily you were right, I do have a second Marauding Captain, who I will summon right now! Looks like you may have to pass again."

[Sandbar 2300/ Cozy 4000]

[Sandbar 3 card/ Cozy 4 cards]

"Oh I seriously doubt that." Says Cozy smirking as she draws. "I now tribute both of your Marauding captains, say goodbye!" The two captains are then destroyed and sent to the graveyard.
"What!? What are you doing Cozy!?" Exclaims Sandbar
"Oh nothing, you should be thanking me actually, I'm giving you a monster, I tribute Summon Lava Golem on your side of the field! {3000atk. 2500def. Lv 8}" Said Cozy. A large molten lava monster is summoned behind Sandbar, who is now in a metal cage.
"What they Hay!? What kind of monster is this!?" Shouts Sandbar.
"I've never seen that card before! Where on earth did she get such a card!?" Shouts Gallus.
"It's your new monster Sandbar. Have fun, I end." Said Cozy.
"I...I guess I draw." Says Sandbar. As soon as he enters his standbye phase, Lava drips on him, causing him to let out a loud scream as he is burned for lifepoints. "What they hay!? what was that!?"
"It's Lava Golem's effect, every standby you lose life points." Says Cozy Smirking.
"No way! That's a hefty cost!" Says Gallus.
"gah....alright. I summon Gaia the Mid-Knight Sun {1600atk. 1200def. Lv4} with Lava Golem, I destroy you Medic!" The golem lifts it's large hand and drips a massive hunk of lava on the monster, destroying it. "Now my Gaia will attack you directly!" His knight charges Cozy and strikes her with his lance, knocking her backwards. "Heh, Thanks for the monster Cozy, I end!"

[Sandbar 1300/ Cozy 1600]

[Sandbar 3 cards/ Cozy 4 cards]

Cozy slowly comes to her feet and wobbles. She hides her very angry expression and eventually manages to calm down. she takes a deep breath and puts on a smile. and look back up at Sandbar.
"That was a good move, too bad the duel is just about to end. I draw" says Cozy. "I now activate the spell Rain of Mercy, You and I are given 1000 lifepoints each. Because of bad reaction, you will lose lifepoints instead, then during your standby phase, you will lose.
"Not gonna happen Cozy I chain my quick effect spell Mystical Space Typhoon, I destroy your Bad Reaction to Simochi before it's effect can reverse the lifepoint gain" Says Sandbar as a healing aura surrounds him.
"No! you weren't supposed to do that!" Says Cozy getting very annoyed. Roulette and Brisk were at the opposite side of the arena watching the duel.
"She better win, if she can't win we are cutting her off." Says Brisk.
"Give her a chance, she can still win." Says Roulette.
"I set one monster and one card face down." Says Cozy.

[Sandbar 2 cards/ Cozy 3 cards]

[Sandbar 2300/ Cozy 2600]

"My draw" Says Sandbar. After he draws, more lava is dripped on him, causing him to lose 1000 more lifepoints. "Gah...Ok buddy, You got to go! I tribute both my Gaia the Mid-Knight Sun and Lava Golem to tribute Summon Gaia the Magical Knight! {2300atk. 2100def. Lv 7} I now activate his effect, allowing me to special summon a level 5 dragon form my hand or deck, I summon from my deck Curse of Dragon! {2000atk. 1500def. Lv 5} Now my Gaia will attack your face down!" The Knight charges the card, and strikes it, it flips to show some kind of Magician before being destroyed.
"That was my Magician of faith, when she is flipped face up, I can add a spell card from my graveyard to my hoof, I choose to add back Chain Strike!" Says Cozy.
"It doesn't matter to me, Curse of Dragon, attack her directly!" Shouts Sandbar. His dragon screeches like an eagle before taking flight and divebombing Cozy, shooting a fireball at her, the explosion knocks her back down again. "Thats my turn, Good luck, or by next turn your finished."

[Sandbar 2 cards, Cozy 4 cards]

[Sandbar 1300/Cozy 600]

Cozy stayed on the ground for a second. She had a very angry expression, she was about to erupt. again she keeps her cool and takes a few deep breaths before standing back up.
'I'm not gonna lose Sandbar! I draw!" Says Cozy "I now Summon my Nurse Reficule! {1400atk. 600def. Lv 4} I now activate Upstart Goblin! I draw a card, and you gain 1000 lifepoints, thanks to my nurse, you lose them instead!" An electric aura surrounds Sandbar again zapping his lifepoints. Now I activate the Spell, Cauldron of the Old man! When he is activated, i place a counter on him, I can then remove that counter to activate one of 2 effects, I gain 600 lifepoints, or you lose 300!"
"But I only have 300 left!" Exclaims Sandbar.
"Exactly! I remove this counter to inflict lifepoints to you!" Says Cozy, the old man chuckles evilly as he sirs his cauldron, the rancid aroma spills out and drifts towards Sandbar, the aroma surrounds him, causing him to cover his nose and cough, this causes him to lose the rest of his lifepoints.

[Sandbar Vs Cozy Glow: Winner Cozy Glow]

Sandbar collapses to the ground, the smell making him feel extremely dizzy. His friends stand up and walk over to help him up. He slowly stands and rubs his head.
"Oh man...That was so close." Says Sandbar, he then slowly trots over to Cozy who was breathing heavy from the intense duel. "That was a great duel Cozy. Allow me to be the first to welcome you to the Obelisk Dorm!" Sandbar smiles and offers his hoof to her. She wanted to swat his hoof away so bad, but she couldn't she had to keep up her sweet and innocent persona.
"Golly! I really did it! Thanks Sandbar!" She said and shakes his hoof.
"That was a great duel Cozy, you are a fantastic duelist. You may now exit to go exchange your jacket and move your belongings to the Obelisk dorm." Says Twilight.
"Thanks Headmare Twilight! I Promise I won't let you down!" Says Cozy Excitedly as she then exits the Arena. Both Roulette and Brisk soon follow her.
"You didn't go easy on her did you?" Asked Gallus.
"Of course not." Said Sandbar.
"Then where is your Black Luster Soldier?" Asked Smolder.
"I honestly don't know, he must have fallen out of my deck." Sandbar replied.
"That not good Sandbar, Remember what happened to Yona and Yona friends when Gallus lost his card?" Said Yona.
"I know, I will go look for him." Said Sandbar.
"Immediately" Says Twilight, "Since he is your protector, losing him is dangerous." Sandbar nods and quickly runs out to go to his dorm to look for him.

Down the hall, Brisk and Roulette meet up with Cozy who was flying back and forth in a pacing manner with a very angry expression.
"That little twerp, How dare he! HOW DARE HE! I almost lost and he didn't even have his ace!!!" Yells Cozy.
"Hey Calm down! you can't be yelling like that." Says Roulette.
"I don't care! You seen what happened! Everything was almost ruined!" Says Cozy.
"And whose fault would that be?" Asked Brisk in a smart-alecky tone.
"Don't Push It Brisk! I still won, and now you two need to win to get into Obelisk!" Says Cozy.
"And we will. Don't worry about it." Says Brisk. "Come on, we got to prepare for that, after that, we wait for Neighsay." All three of them turn to head back to the Ra dorm to wait for the next part of the plan.

End of Chapter 15