• Published 22nd May 2022
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Twilight's Duel School of Friendship: Freshman Year - k00l

my own story adopts elements of Yugioh GX but with the Student Six

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Chapter 12: We are Harmony

Chapter 12: We are Harmony

The group are now sprinting down the hallway towards Headmare Twilight's Office. Only she may have the explanation of all the craziness that they've all been experiencing. Their new dueling spirits are also close behind them. They don't even knock as they approach the door, they burst through, shouting for Headmare Twilight's name loudly. Twilight, and the other 5 professor's were standing around Twilight's desk. All 12 of them look up and stare at them, that's right, 12. For some reason, There were 6 others in the office, all of them standing behind the professors. None of them looked like ponies either... they appeared to be duel spirits as well. The student six stand in amazement at what they are staring at.
"You 6, what is the meaning of this? Why charge in here screaming like that?" asked Twilight

"Who... who are they?" Asked Sandbar being the first one to speak up.
"Who's who? It's just us in here having a meeting." Says Twilight.
"That you are currently interrupting." Says Dash Sternly.
"Those...those duel monsters. Standing behind you." Says Smolder. Most of the professor's eyes widen in shock, all except for Twilight who looks at them with an interesting look.
"Please elaborate what you mean please." Says Twilight.
"Well... its like us. We can see our favorite cards. It happened awhile ago and we can to you to see if you can explain what's going on, but we weren't expecting to see the same around you guys as well." Informed Gallus. The professors start looking at each other in bewilderment.
"What Monsters do you see?" Asked Twilight.
"Behind you headmare is Empress of Prophecy." Said Ocellus.
"Behind Professor Dash is Harpie Queen." Said Smolder.
"Floating next to Professor Fluttershy is Kuriboh." Said Sandbar.
"Yona see Amazoness Queen next to professor Farm Pony." Said Yona.
"Behind Professor Pinkie is Madolche Puddingcess." Said Silverstream.
"And behind Professor Rarity is Gem-Knight Master Diamond." Said Gallus.
".....So you can really see them as well now can you?" Says Twilight.
"As Well???" Says Ocellus. Twilight lets out a sigh and steps forward, Her duel spirit stays close to her.

"You 6 have a lot to learn, duel monsters is not just a game, at least not to us. As you know, we six are the bearers of the Elements of Harmony, these elements bind us close to the realm of duel monster. This realm is where all duel monsters reside." Says Twilight.
"You mean, these monsters are real?" Asked Silverstream, to which Twilight nods at her.
"Yes, they are real. Only those with a connection to this realm can see them and they usually have a guardian or duel spirit that they have the closest connection to. Since you can now see them too, that means you have somehow gained a connection, How is that?"
"May I make a suggestion?" Says Twilight's monster from behind her. Twilight looks at her and nods.
"Of course, Empress of Prophecy."
"I feel a very strong connection to this six, the same I feel with your friends. I believe they may be the chosen ones you may be looking for." Says Empress of Prophecy.
"If that is true." Says Twilight turning her head to face the student six. "Then you are the next generation of element bearers, and the new protectors of our world, and the realm of Duel Monsters."

The students look at each other both in shock and in confusion, however, this explains what exactly they experienced.
"You six, I want you to explain to me, how exactly this happened." asked Twilight.
"Well, we were just hanging out by the pond together, we felt a storm coming and we all decided to try and head back to campus." Says Sandbar.
"But a strong gust of wind blew my favorite card down a well, so we all tried to get it back, but ended up at the bottom of the well." Says Gallus.
"Then we were stuck, but there was like a whole cave system down there, so we tried finding a way out." Says Smolder.
"Then Yona and friends started arguing since Yona and friends thought we stuck forever, then a huge cave in trapped us!" Said Yona.
"Then manifestations of what appeared to be you and our other professors told us that we were going to be tested in what they called a Shadow Game." Says Ocellus.
"And when we won, the apparition you said we were worthy and kinda morphed into us claiming us to be the new elements." Said Silverstream.

Twilight now understood perfectly, she looks back at her own friends and smile before looking back at the student six.
"Well, then that proves it. This was no accident. You were tested by the Tree of Harmony." Said Twilight.
"The tree picked us?" Asked Sandbar.
"I believe so, and if the tree picked you, then there is no argument." Said Twilight
"Yes there is, these are just freshmen, there is no way we can entrust them with this kind of responsibility yet." Argued Applejack
"Yeah, I know, so they need to our apprentices." Said Twilight.
"Apprentices? Aren't we already learning from you by coming to this school in the first place?" Said Smolder.
"Well, yes technically, but what I mean with this is how to properly tune with your element." Says Twilight.
"You mean, We can use the elements in a duel?" Asked Smolder.
"Yes, but only if the situation requires it, that's why we must help you not only hone in on your element, but also when you must use it." Said Twilight
"This is awesome! When do we start?" Asked Sandbar.
"Your Sophomore Year." Responded Twilight.
"SOPHOMORE!?" The six students all yell at once.
"Yes, You are all far too young, take this year to improve your dueling strategies, once you do, we will begin your training next year." Said Twilight.

The six students all look bummed out, they look at eachother and begin to sulk.
"However, there is one responsibility we will share with you now." Says Twilight. This instantly perks the students right up.
"Um, Twilight, are you sure we should show them....that?" asked Fluttershy.
"Of course, In case the map calls us all somewhere again, like it did with Starlight's village, we may need these six to take over while we are gone." Said Twilight.
"I hate to admit it, but despite their young age, that may be a possibility. We have to show them." Said Rarity
"Show us what?" Asked Ocellus.
"Follow us." Said Twilight as her and the other professors leave the office and go down the hall with their duel monster spirits close behind them. The students and their monster spirits also follow them closely. They lead them to the back of the school, where a huge door is seen. it has a heavy duty lock on it and 6 slots in the shape of hoofprints, and one circular hole in the middle.
"Whoa...What is this?" Asked Sandbar
"This is the schools vault. It is made for one thing, keeping a very powerful deck inside." Said Twilight.
"There is a dueling deck in there?" Asked Silverstream.
"Yes, and it is very dangerous." Said Twilight.
"Pssh, how can a deck be dangerous?" Asked Gallus smuggly.

The mane six look at each other and then approach the vault. Above each hoof print on the vault is a cutie mark, all of them are the professor's cutie marks. the mane six press their hooves against each hoof print, each one to their assigned print indicated by the cutie mark. A glow is seen from the prints and a loud unlocking sound is hear. Slowly, the door slowly opens. The six students peer inside and see a podium with a class dome on it, inside the doom was a deck.
"Now you six, Approach the deck." Said Twilight. The six look at each other in confusion but eventually do what their told and step inside the vault. The closer they walk towards the deck, a dark feeling begins to hover over all of them. Closer they get and a feeling of dread soon also washes over them till the feeling was almost unbearable. They get right up to the podium, the feeling of fear is almost overwhelming. They all could see a very dark aura surrounding the deck. Just as when they were about to lean in closer, all of them could hear a low sounding, but loud ominous roar, coming from the deck. This was scary enough to send every single one of them to dart out of the vault in fear. Once all of them were out of the vault, the mane six closes the vault back up.
"What the heck was that!?" Yells Smolder.
"Yona not like that deck!" Yells Yona.
"This deck is forbidden, because the monster that dwell in it are very evil, and seek the destruction of our world. they are very very powerful. Under no circumstance is anypony, or anyone other than the elements, or the representatives of the EEA are to be near it."
"What kind of deck is it?" Asked Gallus
"They are called, the Dragon Rulers." Said Twilight. "I cannot go into deeper detail than that with you at the moment. you are all far too young."
"But...Then why did you show us this?" Asked Ocellus.
"Because you needed to understand the gravity of this situation. You must all promise us that whenever we are not here, you must protect this vault. got it?" Asked Twilight, All the students nod.

"Very good. Now you may have noticed how we opened this vault, each of our cutie marks represent which element needs to contact that specific point, for me, that's magic, whoever bears the element of magic must be the one who makes contact with that point." Explained Twilight. "Then in the middle is a single slot, that is for EEA Members. Each EEA member has a magical medallion that they carry around with them. It's not only their badge of authority, it is also a key for they themselves to open the vault, without any of the elements of harmony being present. Only they are allowed to open the vault when we are gone, you six must not open the vault until we deem you ready, Understand again?" Asked Twilight. Again, all six students nod their head "Very good, then that is all we have for you for now."
"Really? But what about our new dueling spirits?" Asked Silverstream.
"They are now your companions and protectors, we strongly encourage you all to bond together." Said Twilight, she then quickly looks over at the student's duel spirits. "You six keep them safe, we are trusting you now as well." The monsters all nod. "Before we go our separate ways, I want to give you six something." Says Twilight reaching into her saddlebag and pulls out 6 cards, one for each student that she hands to them.

"Whoa, Blue Skilled Magician." Said Sandbar
"Giant Ballpark." Said Ocellus.
"Dude, Black Sonic!" Said Gallus.
"Citadel whale?" Said Silverstream.
"Double Tag Team!" Yelled Yona
"Black Skull Dragon? Awesome!" Says Smolder.
"These cards will go well with your decks, use them wisely." Said Twilight. Her and the other professors then leave. The students are now left alone with their duels spirits, they begin to look at one another.
"What now? We really can't do anything until next year." Said Smolder.
"I guess now we do what we are told, Bond with our duel spirits." Said Sandbar.
"Yeah! Yona has a lot to talk with Gaiodiaz about!" Said Yona. They all then split up so that each of them can spend some time with their own duel spirits.

End of Chapter 12