• Published 22nd May 2022
  • 1,501 Views, 100 Comments

Twilight's Duel School of Friendship: Freshman Year - k00l

my own story adopts elements of Yugioh GX but with the Student Six

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Chapter 23: The Dragon Rulers Part 7

Chapter 23: The Dragon Rulers Part 7

Sandbar ran all over the court yard looking for anything to help him locate Cozy, but he couldn't find any kind of clue. As he continues to run, he wasn't looking where he was going and ran into something. He ran into it so hard that he was knocked backwards. He rubs his head and looks up at what he may have ran into and his eyes widen. In front of him was a Knight in silver armor with glowing light blue eyes and a long sword. He recognized the Monster and tried to scoot away from him, but the knight stepped closer.

"G-G-G-Galaxy Knight!" Stuttered Sandbar. Galaxy Knight had an attack of 2800 and a defense of 2600. The knight lifts his sword high over his head. Sandbar screams loudly and scrambles to his hooves and runs quickly, Galaxy knight brings down his sword and just barely misses Sandbar. Sandbar runs as fast as he can, without hesitation, he goes to the first tree he seen and started to climb it. It didn't take long for him to reach the highest point. he pants hard trying to catch his breath. He looks down to see if he chased him, luckily he didn't. He breathe a large sigh of relief. Now that he was up high, he could notice something he couldn't before. He narrows his eyes to see Cozy was on top of the school. He puts his game face on and quickly makes his way back down the tree. Well, he got half way down and then fell the rest of the way. He rubs a painful spot on his back and then quickly runs back towards the school and back inside.

Yona Had an Army of Gladiator beats Fending off some Zombies from a getting to a group of students. Gallus and his Blackwings along with Smolder and some of her other Red-Eyes monsters were soaring in the air to battle some of the dragons. Ocellus's insects were escorting some students to safety and Silverstream's Monsters were fighting ocean dwelling monsters in the nearby river. Brisk and Roulette were double teaming trying to clear a path of monsters so that the students can escape. And Neighsay was taking off the larger and more powerful monsters all by himself with his Valkyries.

Sandbar charges inside and darts up the stairs, he goes up multiple flights of stairs till he eventually reaches the rooftop. Cozy was standing on the ledge, watching the destruction down below. She was Smiling evilly, pleased with what was happening. Sandbar takes one more deep breath and gets super serious.
"Alright Cozy, it's time to end this!" Yelled Sandbar.
"It's already over, I've won. Getting the deck is all I needed, With power like this, all will bow before me." Said Cozy, not even turning to face Sandbar.
"No they won't, I'll stop you myself!" Replied Sandbar, Cozy in turn starts laughing manically.
"You!? By yourself!? You couldn't even beat me with my old pathetic deck, what chances do you have now!?" Said Cozy finally turning to face him.
"I'm not alone! I have my friends best cards with me! With them, I'm not alone! My friends are right here with me!" Yells Sandbar. Cozy looked at him unimpressed.
"For Celestia's sake that is cheesy. Heh, you know what, fine. Since you want to be the brave one here, you will be the first to suffer the wrath of the Dragon Rulers. You will become the example I need to show all what will happen to who ever opposes me!" Says Cozy. They both activate their Duel Disks, this was it, no turning back now.


[Sandbar Vs Cozy Glow]

Sandbar 4000/ Cozy 4000]

"I will go first, so that all may see their power first hoof! I draw!" Said Cozy. "I start off by activating the affect of Burner, Dragon Ruler of Sparks, By discarding him, and Molten Zombie from my hoof, I can special summon Blaster, Dragon Ruler of Infernos from my deck. Come out my mighty dragon!!!" {2800atk. 1800def. Lv 7.} A bright light shoot up from the ground, a pool of lava forms in a spot on the roof. Soon, Blaster soon emerges from the lava and roars a mighty roar. It was so loud that all the students and all the monsters on the ground stop fighting and turn to see the massive dragon. His sheer size alone commanded authority, and his roar was louder than anything Sandbar has ever heard before. Sandbar takes a few steps back as Blaster turns his attention towards him. Blaster then let's out another loud roar at Sandbar to intimidate him, easy to say, it worked. Sandbar was shaking at the sight of Blaster.
"Oh...sweet Celestia..." Said Sandbar.
"HAHAHA! Now you and everyone else now sees what tur power is!" Said Cozy. "I will now end!"

[Sandbar 5 cards/ Cozy 4 cards]

"It's my turn, I draw." Said Sandbar. "I will first summon Skilled Blue Magician! {1800atk. 1800def.} He has an effect that for ever spell card activated, I can place one spell counter on him until I hit 3. Here is my first spell, I activate the card Reinforcement of the Army! This card allows me to add one level 4 or lower monster from my deck to my hoof! I add Envoy of Chaos to my hoof!" As soon as the effect resolves, one orb glows up on Skilled Blue magician. "Next I activate Pot of greed to draw 2 cards! And finally, I activate the spell Exchange! We look at each other's hooves, and we each take one card." Sandbar walks to the center of the field. Cozy rolls her eyes and does the same. she shows her hoof to Sandbar. I will take Redox, Dragon Ruler of Boulders!"
"hehe, fine, I will take your Raigeki Break trap card." Said Cozy. Both Sandbar and Cozy went back the their original spot.
"Now that I have 3 spell counters on My skilled Blue Magician, I can tribute him to special summon a Gaia the Fierce Knight Monster from my deck, I summon Gaia the Magical Knight! {2300atk. 2100atk. Lv7}. Now I activate his effect, When he is normal or special summoned, I can summon one Dragon from hoof or deck in defense mode, and you can guess what I pick! I summon Redox, Dragon Ruler of Boulders! {1600atk. 3000def." The earth begins to shake and the ground splits open on the field. Slowly, Redox crawls out of the ground and growls menacingly. Once he fully climbs out, he too unleashes a mighty roar. Sandbar has to cover his hears from how loud it was.
"You are a fool Sandbar, a complete Fool! You think Taking Redox from me scares me!? Just you wait, you'll soon regret that move." Said Cozy.
"Whatever Cozy, Good Luck getting through that beast huh!? Look at Me! I actually took control of a Dragon Ruler!" Said Sandbar Proudly. "I end my turn!"

[Sandbar 4 cards/ Cozy 4 cards]

"Not for long weakling, I draw!" Said Cozy "Since You ended your turn and since Blaster was special summoned, He returns to my hoof." Blaster roars in defiance as he is forced to return to the hoof.
"HA! Now you're wide open Cozy!" Said Sandbar.
"Don't be so sure about that Sandbar, Because I summon Spirit Ryu! {1000atk. 1000def. Lv4}" Said Cozy
"How is that supposed to scare me?" Asked Sandbar.
"That wasn't but this will, I now activate the spell Creature Swap! I get Redox back and you can have my Spirit Ryu!" Said Cozy.
"Not good!" Yelled Sandbar. Redox stomps over to Cozy Glow's side of the field as Spirit Ryu flies over to Sandbar.
"Now that I have Redox back, I will use him to attack Spirit Ryu!" Said Cozy. Redox roars loudly and stomps his foot hard. What feel like an earthquake shakes the whole field. A crack in the earth happens which causes Ryu to fall down, being swallowed by the ground. "I am in control of this duel Sandbar, Not you! I place down two cards and end my turn. Now Redox is brought back to my hoof!"

[Sandbar 3400/Cozy 4000]

[Sandbar 4 cards/ Cozy 2 Cards]

"Ok ok, it's my turn, draw!" Yelled Sandbar. Sandbar's eyes widen upon seeing the card he drew. Sweet, I have just what I need! This is For Gallus! I summon Blackwing - Steam the Cloak! {800atk. 1200def. Lv3 Tuner}"
"Aww, How Sweet, your friends gave you some of their cards so you wouldn't be alone. Pathetic!" Sneered Cozy.
"I'm not done Cozy!" Yelled Sandbar. "Since I control a Blackwing Monster, I can now special summon Blackwing - Harmattan the Dust! {800atk. 800def. Lv2} Now I'll tune for 5, Synchro Summoning Blackwing - Gram the Shining Star! {2200atk. 1500def. Lv 5 Synchro}" Gram Lands on the field Stoically and strikes a battle pose. "Ok Gram, let's do this. First I will attack with my Gaia the Magical Knight!"
"Ah ah ahhh! Not So fast Sandbar, I activate my Trap Card, Raigeki Break! This card destroys a monster as long as I discard a card, I discard Blaster, to destroy your Gaia!" Said Cozy. Before Sandbar could React, Gaia is destroyed in a huge fireball.
"No! My Gaia!" Said Sandbar. He looked over at at Gram and then at Cozy's remaining face down card, it had to another trap card, he could not risk losing Gram just yet. "Fine, I end my turn by placing two cards face down."

[Sandbar 1 cards/ Cozy 1 cards]

"My turn, I draw!" Said Cozy Now I activate the spell Pot of Greed to draw 2 more cards. Hehe...Excellent. I banish Ranryu from my hoof along with Redox from my hoof so that the third Dragon ruler may reveal themself. I now Special Summon Tempest, Dragon Ruler of Storms! {2400atk. 2200def. Lv7}" A large thunder cloud forms above the battlefield. The cloud begins to swirl causing a menacing vortex. Lighting strokes all around Sandbar and Cozy. From the eye of the vortex, Tempest descends onto the battlefield. Once he lands, he let's out a roar that sounds like cackling thunder.
"Celestia help me...." Sandbar said to himself.
"This is what true power is Sandbar! You are foolish if you believe you still have a chance in this! Now that I have Blaster in the Graveyard, It's time for him and Tempest to reunite!" Said Cozy.
"How do you plan on bringing him back!? You have Monster Reborn!?" Yelled Sandbar.
"Of course not, This is just the true powers of the Dragon Rulers! I banish Burner and Molten Zombie from my graveyard, and Blaster can make a second appearance from the grave!"
"NO WAY!!!" Yelled Sandbar. Once Again, Blaster rises from a bright light of molten rock and fire. Him and Tempest stand next to each other. They both stare down Sandbar with murder in their eyes. Sandbar could feel his heart pumping and the sweat dripping from his forehead.
"HAHAHA! Feel the might of my dragons Sandbar! Tempest, Attack his puny Blackwing!" Yelled Cozy.
"NOT SO FAST! I activate one of my face downs, Reinforcements! This gives Gram a 500attack point boost, making him 2700! gram, Counter attack with Whirlwind Slash!" Yelled Sandbar.
"NO! HOW DARE YOU!!!" Yelled Cozy. Tempest flaps his wings violently, it causes a Tornado which engulphs Gram who tries to shield himself. Once the trap is flipped, a glow is seen emerging from the tornado. Gram flies out at the speed of sound, holding his sword tight. He speeds towards Tempest and swings his sword hard and slashes him. tempest lets out an ear piercing roar that sounds like a scream and then burst in a powerful explosion. Gram returns to his spot an the field as the smoke clears.

[Sandbar 3400/Cozy 3700]

[sandbar 1 card/ Cozy 0 cards]

"Sweet Celestia I did it! I destroyed a Dragon Ruler! I really did it!" Sandbar Cheered excitedly.
"How dare you!!! You dare strike an all powerful Dragon Ruler! They will make you pay!" Yelled Cozy gritting her teeth. "I still have Blaster, and with 2800 attack he has more attack to destroy your pathetic monster! Blaster, Destroy!!!" Blaster leans his head back and then breathes molten rock all over Gram who calls out in agony before being destroyed.
"No! Gram....I'm sorry Gallus" Said Sandbar.
"Now that I have destroyed a Synchro Monster, I activate my face down quick play spell Greed Grado, I now draw two cards. Your move you worm!" Said Cozy.
"My Turn, Draw" Said Sandbar. "Awesome I activate the spell Ancient Rules!, This allows me to Special summon one level 5 or higher normal monster from my hoof, I chose the Red-Eyes Black Dragon! {2400atk. 2000def. Lv7}"
"Smolder's card? Boring!" Yelled Cozy.
"It doesn't matter what you think, Blaster will be gone when I end my turn, Which I now do." Said Sandbar. Once He ends his turn, Blaster returns to Cozy's hoof.

[Sandbar 0 cards/ Cozy 3 cards]

"My turn you brat! I draw!" said Cozy. "Hmmm... I place one card face down, and now I banish Blaster, and one sinister serpent from my hoof to summon the fourth and final Dragon ruler, I summon Tidal, Dragon Ruler of Waterfalls! {2600atk. 2000def. Lv7} A gigantic pool of water forms on the ground, the water begins swirl in a spiral forming a maelstrom, eventually a low growl is heard as the last dragon ruler rises from the vortex and stares down Sandbar. It lets out a loud roar that Sandbar can feel in his chest. "I will show you no mercy! I Banish Spirit Ryu from my graveyard along with Ranryu so that Tempest, Dragon Ruler of Storms can be resummoned from the grave!" As Tempest re-emerges, he turns his head to sandbar and growls viciously. "Hehehe, Looks like someone wants revenge! Why make him wait, Tidal, Take care of his Red-Eyes!" Tidal leans his head back before firing a Jetstream of water at Red-eyes, destroying him.
"Red-Eyes! No! I'm so sorry Smolder" Said Sandbar.
"You should be more worried about yourself! Tempest, Attack him directly!" Yelled Cozy. Tempest flaps his giant wings and causes a huge gust of wind, so strong it sends Sandbar back a few feet and landing hard on his back.

[Sandbar 800/ Cozy 3700]

[Sandbar 0/Cozy 0 cards]

"HAHAHAHA!!! Whimper before me Sandbar! you cannot defeat me!" Yelled Cozy.
"Gah....my...turn." Said Sandbar as he slowly gets to his hooves. he finally draws. "I activate Card of Demise! I draw 3 cards as long as I discard my hoof in in the end phase! Man, What a hoof I drawn! I use Polymerization! I send Gladiator Beast Spartacus and Gladiator Beast Attorix so I can Fusion Summon Gladiator Beast Gaiodiaz! {2600atk. 1500def. Lv7 Fusion}"
"Yona's Monster!? Pathetic." Scoffed Cozy.
"Yona's Monster shows no fear, just like me, and my friends! Because I will destroy your tempest once again!" Yelled Sandbar. "Gaiodiaz! attack Tempest with Halberd Crush!" Gaiodiaz lets out a battle cry before leaping into the air, and brings his axe down hard on Tempest's head, destroying him again.
"That was pointless Sandbar, Card of Demise prevents any damage done to me during the turn it's activated." Teased Cozy
"But your Tempest is once again destroyed. Now I end my turn, and now Tidal returns to your hoof!"

[Sandbar 0 cards/ Cozy 1 card]

"I draw!" Said Cozy. "Hehehe, I activate Card of Sanctity, We both draw cards till we have 6 cards in our hooves."
"WHOA! That's not the effect of Card of Sanctity! It's effect is that you banish all card on your field and hoof and then draw 2 cards!" Protested Sandbar.
"It does now, but in the earliest days of Duel Monsters, this card had a much better effect, but it was deemed to broken around the same time this deck was created, so it was given an errata. This is one of the rare pre-errata versions. Now quit babbling like a baby, you're getting six cards." Said Cozy as both she and him drew their cards. "I place one card face down, Now I banish one more sinister serpent, and Stream, Dragon Ruler of Droplets from my hoof to special summon Tidal back to the field! Now that he is back, Destroy his Gaiodiaz!"
"Not so fast Cozy! I activate my last face down, Negate Attack!" Countered Sandbar.
"GRRR!!! You weaseled out of that one! but you won't for long!" Said Cozy. "I end!"
"I draw!" Yelled Sandbar. His eyes light up, he sees the special card Neighsay gave him, he can't use it yet, but it will come in handy later. "I place two cards face down. Now I activate Monster Reborn! to bring back Attorix! Then I will tribute her to summon Insect Princess!"
"Ocellus's card, weak." Said Cozy.
"keep saying that once she attacks you directly! Because now I equip Gaiodiaz with this, Divine Sword - Phoenix Blade! making him 2900!" Said Sandbar.
"GAH!!!" Yelled Cozy.
"Gaio, take down Tidal! Then Insect Princess, attack Cozy directly with Kick of Elegance!" Commanded Sandbar. Gaiodiaz flies up with his new sword and stabs and stabs Tidal in the chest. He roars and is destroyed in a huge fireball, from the smoke, Insect Princess dashes out and kicks cozy hard and launches her back.

[Sandbar 800/ Cozy 1600]

[Sandbar 2 cards/ Cozy 2 cards

"I'm not afraid of you Cozy! You will not win! I promised my friends that I would defeat you! I end my turn." Said Sandbar. Cozy Slowly stands up, her hair which was in curls is now a mess and unkempt. She looks at Sandbar, shooting daggers from her eyes.
"You!...You DISRESPECTFUL LITTLE BUG!!!!! I WILL MAKE YOUR DRAGON FOOD!!!" Yelled Cozy. She drew her next card and smirks. "Heh, I set one monster face down, Now I activate Book of Taiyou. This card let's me flip one face down card into face up attack position. I chose my own card."
"Why wouldn't you just play it normally? Why jump through all those hoops?" Asked Sandbar.
"Because, this card has a flip effect." Said Cozy. "And this one is going to give me the advantage, for the card that is flipped, is Morphing Jar! {700atk. 600def. Lv2 Flip}. This card makes us both discard our hooves, and we draw 5 more."
"Thanks for a new hoof Cozy." Taunted Sandbar.
"Hush, this turn is mine" Said Cozy. "First I set two cards face down, now by banishing Tempest from my grave, and Hieratic Dragon of Nuit from my hoof, Tidal emerges from the grave! Now that my glorious Dragon ruler is back, I feel more comfortable playing this, Smashing Ground! This destroys one of your monsters with the highest defense, That means your Gaiodiaz!" A large fist appears from the sky and then comes crashing down on Gaio, destroying him.
"GAIODIAZ!!!.....Yona...." Said Sandbar.
"HAHAHA!!!! Now Tidal, Attack his Insect Princess!" Commanded Cozy. Another jet burst stream sprays from Tidal's mouth and strikes Insect Princess and destroys her.

[Sandbar 100/ Cozy 1600]

[Sandbar 5 cards, Cozy 0 card}

The energy is zapped from Sandbar as almost all of his lifepoints are struck from him. He feels as if he is about to pass out, but slowly, he starts to stand up straight, no matter what, he can't give up.
"....I'm Sorry Ocellus.... I let your monster be destroyed..." Said Sandbar as he was about to draw, "I need a card I can play... I need to win this now..." Draw. "I play Double Summon! This card allows me to summon twice this turn! first I play Deep Sea Diva! {200atk. 400def. Lv2 Tuner}. Now I summon Beginning Knight! {500atk. 2000def. Lv4} Now I tune for 6, Synchro Summoning Coral Dragon in Defense mode! {2400atk. 500def Lv6 Synchro.}"
"Silverstream. So you summoned all of your friends favorite cards this duel. Am I supposed to be impressed?" Asked Cozy.
Maybe not, but my turn is far from over. Because Coral allows me to destroy on card on your side of the field, I chose Tidal!" Said Sandbar, Coral dragon let's out a roar, Which causes Tidal to be destroyed. "Now, I Activate the spell Called By the Grave! This banishes Tidal from your grave, now ALL of your dragon rulers have been banished from the game, you have no way of bringing them back!" Sandbar Smirked as his said this, but his smirk slowly dissipates as Cozy's also begins to smirk, even more crazily than before. "...Ok then, Now my turn is not finished, Now, by banishing Envoy of Chaos and Skilled Blue Magician from my Graveyard, I can summon My Ace! Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning! {3000atk. 2500def. Lv8}" Cozy only chuckled as he was summoned. "Now Black Luster Soldier, Attack Cozy directly, and finish this!" Yelled Sandbar
"I activate my face down! My own Negate attack!" Yelled Cozy.
"My Attack my be negated this turn, but I have two very powerful monsters while you don't, I will win this!" Said Sandbar. "I end!"

[Sandbar 2 cards/ Cozy 0 cards]

"I draw!" Yelled Cozy. "I play Pot of Desires! I banish 10 cards from my deck face down, now I draw two cards....hehehehHAHAHAHAH!!! Perfect! I activate the spell Shield Crush! I destroy one monster in defense position, which happens to be your Coral Dragon!" Sandbar can only look on in horror as the last of his friends cards are destroyed.
"No!....Silverstream...." Sandbar hangs his head but he slowly raises it back up and looks at Cozy, he puts his game face back on. He still had the advantage. "Cool move, but I still have my Black Luster Soldier! while you have nothing!
"Oh do I really have nothing!? HAHAHA! False! I still have my face down, Return from the Different Dimension! I pay half my lifepoints, making me 800, and now this card allows me to special summon as many of my banished face down cards as possible!"
"WHAT!?!?!?!?" Yelled Sandbar.
"I return Molten Zombie, Ranryu, and ALL FOUR DRAGON RULERS TO THE FEILD!!!!" Yelled Cozy manically. The first to monsters are summoned, then at once, all four Dragon Rules appear on the field. In unison, they all roar loudly. Their presence of all four of them causes a massive power surge. A ball of energy forms around the entire playing field, capturing both Sandbar and Cozy within it. The wind was strong, and Sandbar can feel his heart pumping faster and faster. The power emanating from the four Dragon rulers was almost unbearable, almost too painful. Sandbar kneels down as his head begins hurting.
"HAHAHAHAHA!!!! They're all here! Every one of them! This is True Power! All will bow to me! Queen Cozy: The most Powerful Duelist to have ever lived!" Yelled Cozy.
"It... Is... useless! My Black Luster... Soldier is still the strongest monster!" Sandbar struggled to say.
"Wrong! I play my last spell, Dragon's Treasure! This increases One of my dragon's attack by 300, I pick Blaster, making him 3100! 100 attack more than your soldier, and enough to wipe you out! It's OVER SANDBAR!!! Blaster! Attack him and end this duel!!!!!" Commanded Cozy. Blaster powers up for his attack, building the fire in his gut.

Before he could, Sandbar Stands up straight.
"NO!!! I activate my face down! LAST TURN!!!!" Yelled Sandbar.
"Last Turn!? What in Celestia's name is that!?" Demanded Cozy.
"This card was given to me by Neighsay, it's a very rare and powerful card! I can only activate it if I have 1000 or less lifepoints .This card allows me to banish all cards on the field except one card I choose. I choose Black Luster Soldier, Now all other cards are Banished!!!" Yelled Sandbar.
"WHAT!?!?!?!?!?!?" Yelled Cozy as all dragons let out pained groans, then slowly one by one, all of them explode in a massive fireball. "NO!!! NOOOOOO!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!"
"Now Cozy, Pick one monster from your deck, and then you can special summon it, chose wisely!" Said Sandbar standing heroically. Cozy Flashes him a death stare before looking down at her deck. Despite the Dragon Tulers no longer being there, their energy is still felt as the ball of energy remains.
"I Chose Rabid Dragon! It's the strongest monster I have left!" Said Cozy.
"2950 attack huh? Shame, at least for you." Said Sandbar.
"Why!?" asked Cozy.
"Because this card is called Last Turn for a reason. This is the last turn of the duel. The monsters we have chosen will now battle, whoever loses, loses the duel!" Said Sandbar triumphantly.
"It's over cozy! Black Luster Soldier! END THIS ONCE AND FOR ALL!!!" Yelled Sandbar. Black Luster Soldier charges Rabid Dragon. The Dragon Breathes fire but Soldier uses his shield to protect himself, he leaps into the air, and with his sword, decapitates the dragon. Ending the duel.

[Sandbar vs. Cozy Glow: Winner Sandbar]

As soon as the duel ends, the energy builds up even more.
"NOOOOOO!!!!!! I CAN'T LOSE!!! I WAS SO CLOSE!!!!" Yelled Cozy.
"Cozy! We have to get out of here! The energy is getting too intense!" Yelled Sandbar.
"COZY!!!!" Yelled Sandbar again. The ball of energy was getting to unstable. Sandbar had no choice but to turn and try to make a run for it. But it was a too late. Before Sandbar could escape the ball, it lets out a bright flash and explodes.

End of chapter 23