• Published 22nd May 2022
  • 1,501 Views, 100 Comments

Twilight's Duel School of Friendship: Freshman Year - k00l

my own story adopts elements of Yugioh GX but with the Student Six

  • ...

Chapter 26: The End

Chapter 26: The End

The sun was setting, the school's silhouette shadows over the court yard. Many students who've attended for the year meet in the school's courtyard so they can meet with their friends for last time till school starts back up in the fall. Sitting alone, waiting for his friends, was Sandbar. He was leaning against the rock, admiring the sunset when he hears a familiar voice behind him.
"Hey Sandbar." Said Smolder approaching Sandbar. Sandbar turns to her and smiles.
"Hey Smolder. Are you going to head back to the Dragonlands soon?"
"Yeah, I'm getting ready to leave now, I just wanted to say bye to you guys one last time before I leave." Said Smolder with a blush.
"Aww, don't be embarrassed Smolder, I'm gonna miss you a lot too." Said Sandbar.
"I-I am not embarrassed!" Said Smolder sternly. Sandbar chuckles a little.
"Yeah, I know Smolder." Said Sandbar.
"Hey you guys!" Yelled Ocellus as she and Silverstream dart towards them. "We were worried you might have already left!"
"Heh, Nope, we were just waiting here to see if you guys would show up before you leave." said Sandbar.
"oooooh! I'm gonna miss you guys so much! I can't fathom being away from you guys for 3 months!" Said Silverstream.
"Yeah, it feels like it gonna be awhile." Said Smolder.
Just Then, Gallus shows up as well.
"You know, what we can do is give eachother our addresses and we can write to each other while we are away." Said Gallus
"GALLUS! That sounds like a great idea!" Said Silverstream.
"The Mailing system in Dragonlands is pretty bad. But I can always Get it myself rather than it being delivered to me." Said Smolder.
"Great, that sounds like a plan then." Said Sandbar.

"Yona's Friends!!!" Yelled Yona as she stomped her way to the group.
"Who-oah. Hey there Yona." Said Sandbar.
"Hey Yona, We're giving out our addresses to each other so that we can write each other letters and stay in touch while we are back home during the summer, Wanna Join in?" Asked Silverstream.
"Of Course! Yona would love to write friends letters!" Said Yona. The six would then exchange their addresses to each other. Despites it was obvious that it was time to leave, none of them could bare being the first one to turn away, so some of them started to stall.
".....So....Gallus, You think Anyone will be proud of you for making it to Ra Yellow in Griffonstone?" Asked Ocellus.
"No idea. Griffions show their emotions differently than ponies. I may get a shrug or less." Said Gallus.
"Well I wish you luck." Said Ocellus with an awkaward smile.
"Yeah, thanks Ocellus." Said Gallus awkwardly smiling back......
"So Silverstream....Are the letters gonna be delivered to Seaquetria? do you know how to waterproof paper?" Asked Sandbar.
"Uhm, well, no not really... The griffs who prefer to be Seaponies have to come up to get their mail" Replied Silverstream. That's when everything got quiet as they were running out of things to say. The weight of them leaving each other really started to hit them.

"Yona not ready to say goodbye to friends!" Yona blurted out.
"I'm not either!" Silverstream also yelled.
"Siggghhhh.... I'm not read either." Said Smolder
"I don't want to leave either. You guys are the best thing that has ever happened to me. I can't just walk away from that for 3 whole months." Said Gallus.
"What are we going to do? the train that takes us back home leaves in 10 minutes." Said Ocellus.
"I don't know. Maybe every weekend we call meet up somewhere?" Said Sandbar.
"That's not reasonable, some of us live very far away from each other." Said Ocellus. Slowly all of them started to become depressed, Coming to the realization that they must say goodbye to each other.
"Well...hopefully 3 months isn't too long." Said Sandbar.
"It'll feel like forever." Said Gallus.
"Things will be boring back home, not a lot of dragons like to play duel monsters" Said Smolder.
"You know what, I'm not going back!" Said Silverstream.
"What???" The others all said in unison.
"But Silver, Your family?" Asked Gallus.
"You guys are family too! Well I mean not by blood, but I don't care!" Said Silverstream.
"Silverstream is right! If Silverstream not go, Yona not go either!" Said Yona.
"....I guess I can say I missed the train and stay here." Said Ocellus.
"Well I'm not gonna leave you you guys stay here, I'm staying too!" Said Smolder.
"Ditto!" Said Gallus.
"Awesome! You all can stay at my place!" Said Sandbar.

They all smile and high five each other thinking they will stay. But Upon hearing the train whistle, it made them snap back to reality.
"....No...We can't do that. we have to go home." Said Ocellus.
"Gah! I don't wanna leave!" Said Smolder. Silverstream was now looking at the ground and Yona looked as if she was about to cry. behind them however, they could hear hoof steps. They look behind them to See Twilight approaching them wearing her saddlebag.
"What are you six still doing here? The train leaves in 5 minutes." Said Twilight.
"We... We don't want to leave." Said Gallus.
"you don't?" Asked Twilight.
"No, it's not fair. We don't want to leave each other." Said Smolder.
"But Your families will be worried sick if you don't go back home." Said Twilight.
"We know, we know we have go home, but... we feel like we are being torn apart from each other." Said Ocellus. the others nod in agreement to each other.
"That is unfortunate." Said Twilight. "Maybe this will cheer you up." Said Twilight lifting her saddlebag off her back and setting it down on the ground.
"What's in there?" Asked Sandbar.
"Its your rewards, for saving the school and I guess the world from the dragon rulers." Said Twilight.

The six perk up a little and then begin looking at each other.
"Didn't Princess Celestia already award us?" Asked Silverstream.
"Yes, but this is from me, to show my never ending gratitude." said Twilight. Using her magic, Twilight opens the saddlebag and one by one, she pulls our what look to be crystal or glass balls. she pulls out six of them and hand them to each student who takes them.
"A...Crystal ball?" Asked Smolder really confused.
"Yeah, try them out." Said Twilight.
"excuse me?" Said Gallus looking at Twilight with one eyebrow up.
"I said, try them out, give them a little rub while thinking of each other" Said Twilight. The six are very confused but do as they are told anyway. After rubbing the balls while thinking about each other. The cloudy balls begin to clear up, and inside the ball, they could see each other through the balls.
"Whoa what!? What is going on!?" Asked Sandbar.
"These are two way crystal balls. They've been enchanted with magic, So when you rub the balls while thinking of each other it makes a connections and you will all be able to see and talk to each other, despite be miles and miles away from each other.

All their eyes widen upon realizing what this means. Now when ever they really start to miss one another, they can just call them on their crystal balls and they will be able to see and conversate with each other.
"No way! Thank you headmare!" yelled Smolder.
"THANK YOOOOU!!!" Yelled Silverstream.
"You all are welcome. A friendship like yours should not be separated. Please promise me you will all stay in touch." Said Twilight. They all nod in unison. "Good." Just then, the train whistle is heard again. "Those of you who need to get on the train, you need to get on there now."
"Shoot! I almost forgot!" Said Ocellus. Twilight chuckles.
"start saying your goodbyes, and we'll see you all next year." Said Twilight as she began to walk away. The six wave goodbye to Twilight before looking back at each other.
"Well, I do feel better about leaving now." Said Smolder.
"Yeah, now when we miss each other, we can just give each other a call." Said Silverstream.
"Let's make a plan to have a group call every Saturday 6 o'clock Ponyville time." Said Sandbar.
"That sounds great to me!" Said Gallus. The creatures then gather their remaining things and begin to separate. They all stop to turn and look at each other one last time. They all smile and wave goodbye to each other one last time. Withing the sun light. All of their duel Spirits manifest next to each other. They too cordially signal to each other. though they will be separate, each one still has their duel spirit to protect them. They all turn away, and sperate finally for the time being.

Up at the school however, from twilight's office, The Mane six minus Twilight have been watching them from the big window. They were all smiling till Twilight Entered Her office. They all turn to face Twilight.
"That was a generous gift you gave them darling." Said Rarity.
"They deserve it. They need a way to stay connected until school starts back up next year." Said Twilight. "Besides, it's a way we can stay in touch with them as well." With her Magic, she pulled out a 7th crystal ball. "This way, if we need them, we can contact them ourselves. It won't be long before we will need them."
"Why is that Twilight?" Asked Fluttershy.
"Because, Sunburst in the crystal empire found something," Said Twilight. "Something that may help us bring back the missing pillars of Equestria."

The End

To be Continued in Sophomore Year

Comments ( 51 )

Going to read this soon.
But if I may ask, is Spike a duelist too?

where is spike

I didn't have plans to include him yet, since I was already juggling some characters. Same with Starlight, she was an afterthought and wasn't to relevent to the story, but I do plan on including him in the sequel as I have great ideas for him

Yes he is, but he is not present in this story, He will appear in the sequel though.

Why wasn't he in the first story at all?
Doesn't make much sense for him to be absent since all of Twilight's friends were working at the school in show.

It really boils down to relevance, I already had a lot of characters to deal with and I didn't have a sub plot that absolutely required his pressence. It was a similair situation with Starlight, I only had her for only two chapters and that was it, and it was really because she was plot relevant, then when she wasn't I barely mentioned her afterwards. I felt like I was already squeezing to many characters in and then on top of that say, "Oh Yeah Spike was there" when I felt it was assumed he already kinda was

So he got screwed then..

It just hurts that he wasn't relevant at all and was essentially missing..

I'm sorry that's how you feel. just wait till the next one and he'll be there, Pinkie doesn't even get a speaking roll because my focus was on the student six. I wanted this to be a story on the students, not the mane six or even spike.

He still got shafted though..

I know he will show up in the next story but what about the issue on how he was just missing in the first story and missed out on what happened?

It will be explained.

I've managed to read this fully.
It was a pretty good story(some dueling errors though) and I love YGO/MLP stuff.

Still hurst that Spike was just missing and not relevant to show up despite he is important to the school too..

I just hope he's not excluded from the chosen one powers/stuff.

Hurts he was excluded from the Mane 6's bond since while the girls each had a key to the Dragon Ruler's deck, there wasn't one for Spike. Like he wasn't part of the girls bond to be part of being entrusted with protecting the Dragon Rulers deck.

I am glad you enjoyed it. And for me it makes sense he wouldn't have a key to the vault since he isnt an element. Even in the E2S2 of mlp, when he was given an element, it didn't even power up. So for him not to have the ability to open the vault makes sense since its implied it can only be open by magic. And I will drop one hint for the next story, Spike will not have the ability to see duel monster spirits.......at first.

Its still bad he was excluded though.
(Also in the season 9 finale he was included in the rainbow laser. And also how he had his own throne in the map room. So He IS a bearer, Sadly the show writers didn't touch on/explain much on Spike's connection to the Elements/Harmony).

So he doesn't have that same connection to the Duel Monster Spirit World that the Mane 6 do.?

Like I said, If I reveal more, it's gonna spoil it. so I don't want to get into that question right now.

That applies to both things I said in the previous comment?

Its still just feels wrong that Spike didn't get entrusted with protecting the Dragon Rulers deck with the Mane 6. Like he got excluded from the Mane 6's bond hard..

Sorry if I am bothersome about Spike lately..

You're fine. To me it felt forced to have him be apart of it as well since technically he isn't an element bearer and only at the very end of the series does his bond play a role, when this story is set around the beggining of Season 8. But Like I said, I had more plans for him in the second story that will play a large part of the plot in the second fic. And like most mlp/yugioh fics, I wanted this to focus around the Student six more, like how Yugioh GX passes the torch from Yugi, to Jaden. The Student Six was my main focus in this story. Now the second will also mostly be about the students, But the Mane six and Spike will play larger roles. I don't feel comfortable about releasing too much info about it because I feel the second one is going to much better than this one.

Its still a problem on how he was excluded from the Mane 6' bond like that by not being part of being entrusted with protecting the Dragon Rulers deck. Would that issue be addressed too?
Even if he was only included in the rainbow laser in the end of the show, the fact still remains that he is connected to the Elements. Its that sadly the show writers kept shafting him and such, not touching much on how he is part of the Mane 6's bond too.
I am grateful he was finally proven to be connected to the Elements too, but I wished they did it sooner and touch on it more and why is he part of the rainbow laser now.

If the Mane 6 are now passing the torch the Student 6, what about Spike?
He didn't get to save the day as much as the Mane 6(and as part of the Elements since the show only had him be in it so late and neglect to touch on it earlier) so he is honestly getting shafted since his "days" is ending up over before it get to shine much due to the torch being passed to the new generation.

Sorry if I keep asking these questions but just I felt wanting to point them out and such instead of bottling it up..

Like I said, You're good fam. And What you are describing is the core of what plot involving him is going to be based around. I have big plans for him in the second one. Not only was he not to relevant in the first fic, his relelvance is whats gonna drive his sub plot. I'm doing most of it for a reason.

On both things I mentioned?

Him not awknowledging himself not being excluded from the elements will be included and the core to his sub plot. But I will not be passing the torch to him though. I still strictly want this to be about the student six, but he will just be playing a larger role in the fic

So that part will be solved and the issue about how he wasn't part of the entrusted(Mane 6) in protecting the dragon rulers deck be solved too?

The other issue was he didn't get to be a hero much(in terms of the Elements) as the Mane 6 and said days for him would be cut short since the torch had to pass to the newer generation. That's the issue.
Will anything be done about that.?

On all 3 questions?

Sometimes I take a bit to reply due to nervousness and such..

I wonder how strong is Spike's deck?

I wonder how the sequel is going?

Can't wait for the sequel

I will make more comments later, but my first thought on Celestia being Pegasus from Yugioh means that Luna is...

Luna: Attention Duelest! My sparkly hair is telling me that it's time to test your Dueling skills!

:rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh: never thought of that

Oh, it's not disappointing at all. As I said, I get why you might trim out excess, it was more Spike was brought up in the context of another comment(The first one I've seen so it was on my mind), and of course he's mentioned once earlier on, so it was a legitimate question of if he would appear, and if so, would he be someone with skills, as this really does seem like the sort of game he would excel at, being a numbers and strategy game, but also something off the path, so while Twilight would know the mechanics, it would be Spike who would know the GAME. And without a force of destiny to make him a great player, either in constantly pushing him to be better, or simply tilting the rules in his favor.

Again, it's not a bad thing not to bloat the cast, and since we are getting this from the Student's perspective, it's a good idea to cut out the cast they won't be interacting with on the regular, as they cover most of character archetypes in the same way the Mane 6 do, if in different ways, and with the group being not mono-gendered allowing for more interesting interactions within that sort of thing...I write for a living, and when you write you learn how to critique it.

Anyway, back to the chapter itself, it does well, and the arc was done to a great effect. It shows why these six are special now, without forcing them to do anything in the present day. No urgency when the thing that will be their duty is guard something, you know? That's a defensive quest, and one that someone else is already doing, so they have no need to really push themselves into it. That's a good way to create a threat, without actively needing it to be dealt with NOW, and thus making you question why the leads don't just get down to business. Overall, a good setup for something later, while still bringing the first multi part arc to a close.

Thank you for understanding and for seeing my perspective of it. In the next fic I do plan to add him as he will be plot relevant and I plan to flesh out his character in the world of dueling in that fic. But I'm really glad you are enjoying this fic, I had a lot of fun writting it, and is the first fi I have written that was longer than 5000 words.

And I'm done...the final chapter is mostly setup for the sequel, so not sure I can comment on it much. It's a bit wonky as it sounds like they're leaving forever, and for a bit I thought this was going to be the only year in school, and heck, as we only have a vague idea of about 3 years for GX's school, it might have worked it out in one, especially with them needing to learn different things from this one, and being people to spread friendship, and maybe dueling, into their respective corners of the world.

Now, to the fic itself. I certainly won't object to it too much, the story is well paced, with enough chapters that have themes connected to episodes of GX, but with enough details swapped around to make them original pieces, especially in context of the MLP stuff. As it goes on, during the Harmony and Dragon arcs, you really see the MLP influences more, which is a nice detail, as that skews away from what GX was about, and more into the forces of destiny that was at the center of every other YuGiOh series, and a central tenant of Equestria.

You kept the characters varied, and their duels were interesting to watch, especially as you hit the middle and gave I think, each one at least one loss over the course of the series, to show off that they aren't the best yet, but for that they are pretty good at this, showing why they'd be invited to a school like this. The World Building is decent to pretty good, loved some of the background details, some subtle, some obvious. The cast size is kept just large enough to get the points across, and still have fun with it, and I do like that all of the Mane 6 got a chapter to stand out too, and show what they're teaching/their dueling styles which contrast sharply with the Student 6.

I do admit to some curiosity on where certain things are going during the sequel, as the Dragon Rulers were fully an antagonistic force, which says something about the world they come from. And of course indicates that there are bad duel monsters waiting in the wings to come out.

Regardless, there are load more GX to draw on if you want to do that, and some more from MLP...hell, we have Shadows coming, with the mention of the Pillars. The Pony of Shadows vs the Light of Destruction might be a neat theme...I'm spitballing here, so feel free to ignore it, but two antagonistic forces working in the background towards different goals, down to possessing students other than the Six, creating a kind of three way war between the Six, and the two evils would be a neat concept, but I'm sure you already have your own ideas.

Anyway, I lay one face down, and summon Winged Kuribo in defense mode, and end my turn.

First off, I want to truly thank you for giving my fic a read. Yugioh has always been one of my favorite animes, and MLP:FIM is my favorite cartoon. I was a 90's kid so growing up with Yugioh and then watching MLP as a teen. Writing this was honestly so much fun and i really want to continue it for a good while. I do have a lot of Ideas plan for a sequel, and I plan to be more ambitious, and using more unique ideas to make it more origional. I will let out just a little spoiler so you and others know what to expect, The plot of the next fic will be a hodgepodge of The society of Light arc from GX with elements of GX's first season, with the waking the dragons arc from DM. And for the mlp influence, is most definetly will be focused on the return of the Pillars. I know that that messes with MLP's timeline as the Pillars returned before the School opened up, but this is the plot i want for the second fic and I don't mind switching events around for my fic. As of right now, I am willing to say the second fic is about 75% done. I hope to have it out sometime in October but writting is slow. Any unaswered questions from this fic will hopefully be answered in the next fic. Until then, Get your Game on!

You've changed enough of the backstory to really make it work, so go for it. The Timeline being mutable is in your hands as the author, and it works to tie them more directly into what's going on. Heck, curious to see how you do Stygian himself in this setting, and if his 'Shadow Pony' is in fact from the Shadow Realm...or maybe is an incarnation of it like the Preeminent One was for the Curse Realm in Ninjago.

As to fun writing, I know that feel. Mass Effect is fun enough to write I'm thinking of giving ANOTHER crossover with it a go. I did Robotech(20 Meter tall humans thrown against the Reapers, fun times), and then Geneforge(People with magic that literally warp living flesh against them...less fun for everyone because bastards rule either way, but I enjoyed it). Thinking of doing one with Digimon, with a femshep and a male renamon.(The other two were a twin so I could play with both sheps at once, and a...gender fluid I think is the right term...in Geneforge Shepard dies but they come back, going from male to female body in the interim, and have done so several times prior). And that's not even getting into the fun I had with Dragon Ball, which I did as an SCP report.

Regardless I look forward to seeing where this goes, and what characters from either canon you choose to bring in. Obviously the peanut gallery seems to want Spike, like I said I'd enjoy seeing him, but the Elements and their families, or even better, using the Student Six to show how the rest of the world treats the 'game' especially after the revelation that the cards can potentially have world ending effects.

BTW, one thing I forgot to comment on, I like that you got rid of the Dragon Ruler deck at the end. It frees up the narrative to give them more stuff to do, so we don't have to wonder who's guarding it at all times. That's always a problem when the story has a macguffin that needs to be protected, and they just sort of leave it somewhere.

I am hoping Spike gets to be part of the powers/"chosen ones" stuff too.
Since he deserves it
Given how FIM treated him, usually the butt of the joke or just excluded from the girls' bond/adventures/stuff all because he is not part of the Bearers.
Its like destiny was ensuring he is excluded and not allowed to be equals since he's not one of the "chosen ones"
What Beginning Of The End did to him really solidified the issue that no matter what Spike do he is ultimately in the shadows of the heroes since he's not a Element Bearer(with one of his few only achievements got negated, thanks alot Discord -_-)

With how the show treated Spike, it was a miracle he was included in firing the rainbow laser in the show's finale(showing he is a Bearer and linked to Harmony too). Too bad this was never touched on and how Season 10 and Gen 5 acted like that bit never happened.

To be fair...I'm kinda the opposite. I want him to just be a good duelist. Again, this is the sort of numbers game Twilight would love, memorizing the data on the cards and stuff, while Spike would be the type to learn to play the game.

Basically, in my mind, he'd be Cyrus' big brother. He's the best, hands down, but maybe as a warmer person. However, he's got no destiny telling him what to do or affecting his games, so he's a hurdle the others can't really beat, because beating him is simply a game, and Spike plays to win.

Heck, mayhaps he can be the reasons the dragons, especially Ember, have suddenly taken to the game. Same with the Changelings, he's the one who showed Thorax how fun the game was, if Chrysalis used it at all it was as a weapon. Heck stretch that and maybe the same was true with the griffons through Gabby, make him like the Ambassador of Games or something.

The means he shows off there is 'always someone better' but also shows off why he doesn't get involved in the main plots. No Destiny means he's got no Duel Spirit with him. He's just good at the game and likes playing, but that doesn't mean he won't support those using it to save the world, and even perhaps donating 'weapons' to the cause in the form of cards and strategies.

It be cool that he is real good with the game(and helped Ember, Thorax and Gabby learn the game).
Though still wishing he is allowed to have the powers stuff the Mane 6 got such as duel spirits and the hero stuff. Like not being excluded

Nah, best to show there are those who just play the game to play the game, no destiny or powers involved, which is why it spread to 'normal' people as well, as it's a fun game, and besides, not everyone has a destiny. That doesn't mean they're not special in their own way, and Spike, just being who he is, bringing everyone together? That's special all on its own.

Given how the show kept shafting Spike and excluding him because of him not being connected to the Elements(till miraculously in the last episode). He really deserves to be part of that stuff the chosen ones got than being excluded.

Eh, I disagree a bit. Again, the show eventually made him the most active and notable member of the group, simply by him still doing stuff. Tartarus, he even grew into that hero body he always wanted since season 1, which was a nice reference...though personally the chinamus maximus form did not look good on him, IMO.

Anyway, this is it's own timeline, and the creator wants to focus on the Student Six, so I say keep the destiny plot people to a minimum so we don't have to keep wondering where someone is to deal with it. Again, I'd like to see Spike, but I can also see why he might want to keep him back from all this too to keep the focus on the people he enjoys.

And yet in-show he is still excluded from stuff.
The show writers ultimately go back and forth on Spike.
One minute he gets something, next he is left out hard

In this universe, the Mane 6 were still involved at least by presence/existing because of the Elements/Harmony stuff
Spike being excluded from that stuff here is what bothers me

I get it, you want to see someone succeed when they hadn't before, but I don't think that's the story this author is telling, though if you want a good Spike grows up awesome story, might I suggest 'It Takes a Village'? The one with Spike on the cover, I think it's the second if you search that title here on Fimfiction. It's an oldie, so old Twi is NOT an alicorn in it, but it is a good one.

Meanwhile let's let our fine author here write what he really does want, and what he wants to write is the Student Six having fun learning to duel and being the inheritors of destiny, rather than having them upstaged by others outside the group.

Still really prefer him be part of the stuff the Mane 6 have though..

Was that village story finished or on hiatus?

It's a finished one, and quite good IMO. It's the one with Spike with the bag of flour that exploded onto his face as the cover.

11390466 Duel Links, which has duels with LP set at 4,000 nerfs it to 500 LP damage to the controller each standby phase. Much more bearable.

Will you be using original cards?

Nope, only official cards and decks.

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