• Member Since 9th Nov, 2013
  • offline last seen Feb 14th, 2015


I'm weird you're weird, let's all be weird... At writing.

Search Statistics

Found 3 stories in 17ms

Total Words: 6,725
Estimated Reading: 26 minutes


Just trying to rember the last of her memories with all her friends before she has to go, forever.

Chapters (1)

It's hard for Luna, everypony's scarred of her and she has no one to talk too except for her sister Celestia, and that gets weird sometimes. But on her night journey, she finds somepony that's not afraid.

Chapters (5)

War is taking over the land, changelings have taken over half of equestria and the elements are scattered because of Celestial and Luna being worried. Now the main six have to find them or war itself will be in chaos.

Chapters (9)