• Published 16th Jan 2023
  • 2,436 Views, 119 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls Shell Shocked - Wildcard25

The Rainbooms and Turtles join forces with Dakota's Hero Static Shock to stop the scheme by the Kraang and the Meta-Breed

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As the others dealt with Madelyn, Leo, Twilight, Raph, Rainbow, Casey, Applejack, Keno, Static, She Bang, and Blade Swipe hurried to deal with Permafrost.

“So how do we deal with Permafrost?” Leo asked Static.

“I think the first thing is to talk to Reverend Anderson. Maybe he might know why she’s acting this way.”

“Hopefully, it’s not too late to calm her down.” Blade feared.

“I hope so too.” Twilight agreed along with everyone else.

Soon after, the group made their way to the church where Reverend Anderson was waiting, knowing Static would hear about Permafrost and has seen the Turtles from when they fought Goopzilla.

“I was expecting you and your friends, Static.” He greeted.

“Then you know why we’re here?” Twilight adjusted her glasses as the reverend nodded.

“I don’t know what has gotten into Maureen. She was doing just fine before the recent kidnappings. She has been helping around the church and had finally warmed up to other people. Then, she disappeared until recently.”

“We gotta stop her before she harms anyone!” Raph punched his fist.

“Please don’t harm her. She really is a hurt soul.” The reverend begged as Blade secretly clenched his fist.

“Don’t worry. We’ll do everything we can to help her.” Applejack assured before the group made their leave.

As the group headed downtown, they began to feel a little colder.

“Is it me or is it getting a little cold around here?” Rainbow folded her arms.

“Nah, I feel it too.” Applejack agreed.

“We must be getting close.” She Bang added.

When they turned the corner, the wind was blowing hard as they saw a huge cloud covering the street with snow and hail blowing around like crazy.

“I think we found her!” Keno pointed at a familiar figure at the center. Sure enough, it was Permafrost. The blue skinned white-haired girl was summoning snow and hail like crazy.

“Yep, that’s her,” Static confirmed before calling to her, “Maureen!”

Permafrost looked up. “S-Static?”

“Why are you doing this? Maybe we can help.”

“No one can help ME!” Permafrost began blow even heavier storm winds, knocking the group off their feet.

“This is gonna be tougher than I thought.” Static mumbled.

“So how do we stop her?” She Bang asked.

“If only Sunset was here.” Twilight offered.

Leo nodded, “We got to try something. She Bang, you go and try to reason with her. The rest of us will keep her distracted and get civilians to safety. Now let’s go!”

Everybody hurried in the storm while She Bang hurried to get behind Permafrost. It was a struggle for everyone as they battled the strong winds and snow and hail. Rainbow Dash tried her super speed to fight back, but the wind was too strong. Everyone else was able to help civilians escape, even if some ran from the sight of Raph and Leo. As Permafrost continued to blow heavy winds, She Bang made her way to the eye of the storm. She snuck up to Permafrost only to get blown away by an outraged Permafrost. Suddenly, she was caught in midair. She saw her rescuer was an African guy wearing snow gear riding a snowboard. He created an ice path to ride on and slid to the safe zone.

“You okay?” he asked.

“Yeah thanks.” She Bang thanked.

As the others hurried to them, suddenly a power cable fell and was about to hit them.

“Look out!” Static was about to use his power when the cable suddenly stopped and was flown back and tied back up and out of harm’s way.

“What the-?” The group found another guy hurrying to them. He was a white skinned guy wearing chains all over his body.

“Are you guys okay?” he asked the group.

“Yeah. Did you do that?” Applejack pointed to the cable.

“Stop that wire from frying you guys? Yeah. That was me.”

“Thank you.” Twilight thanked the duo.

“You guys are new. Who are you guys?” Static asked.

The snow suited guy answered, “I’m Jack Froster. And this is my buddy, Joey Hunter.”

“Yo.” The guy with chains waved.

Before anyone could ask anymore questions, the storm began to grow worse.

“How do we stop Permafrost?” Leo asked out loud.

“I heard Ebon got to her,” Everyone turned to Jack, “He taunted her into thinking she would always be alone.”

“That jerk!” Casey growled.

“But how do we calm her down? We can’t even get near her.” Keno pondered.

Blade watched the storm in anger. Then, without any hesitation, he ran into the snowstorm just as the group noticed.

“Blade! Wait!” Leo called.

“Is he nuts?” shouted Raph.

“I hope he knows what he’s doing.” Whispered Applejack.

Blade battled the weather as he journeyed to Permafrost. He used his lightning from his sword to negate the hail and snow. It also kept him from freezing to death. Before long, he made it to Permafrost.

“Maureen!” he cried.

“STAY AWAY FROM ME!” She bellowed, “And it’s Permafrost!”

“Either way, you must listen! Don’t do this! It’s not worth it!” Blade tried to reason with her.

“Nobody cares! I’m just a monster!” Permafrost rejected.

“Nobody cares? Reverend Anderson cares! Static cares! My friends care!” Blade then declared, “I CARE!”

“YOU DON’T EVEN KNOW ME!” Permafrost snapped.

“Do I? From what I heard, I used to be like you!” Permafrost began to listen as Blade told her his story, “One day, I let my curiosity get the best of me, getting me captured, mutated, and tortured. When I escaped, my own friends and others ran from me scared, causing me to run away in exile. I grew to believe I would never return and that I was hated. For years, I stayed in solitude. I never got to say goodbye to my mother and father, see my little sister grow up, fight alongside my brothers in arms, and was betrayed by my true love. I was even being manipulated by a vengeful spirit who tried to use my anger and hatred as a weapon to destroy my home. Then I faced those guys who convinced me it was not too late to change and reunited me with my sister who helped me see the error of my ways and help destroy the spirit. Now I have reformed and fight the good fight. It wasn’t too late for me as it is not too late for you.”

Hearing everything, Permafrost landed back on the ground as her eyes began to water, “Does the- Does the pain ever go away?”

“I-I wish I could say yes. I know what happened to you long ago. I know I can’t take away your pain, but I can help you get through it and maybe I can give you the peace you long for,” Blade held his arm out to the girl, “Let me help you.”

Permafrost ran into an embrace with Blade, crying. As the two hugged, the storm around them subsided. Everyone saw the two as the snow and hail died down and hurried over.

“You did it, Blade!” cheered Twilight.

“I have learned from the best.” Blade smiled.

Permafrost turned to Static, “I’m so sorry.”

“It’s okay. Ebon knows how to tick people off.” Static nodded.

“We better get outta here before the cops get here.” Raph pointed out.

“Raph’s right. Besides, we should go before they arrive.” Leo added.

Blade turned to Permafrost, “C’mon. we’ll take you back.”

Permafrost nodded as they all took their leave.

Everyone all gathered on a building top and met with Sunset’s group.

“Everything went well on your end?” Leo checked.

“Yep. Sharon’s safe.” Rubberband Man nodded.

“And I don’t think Madelyn will bother us for a while.” Sunset added.

“And it looks like you took care of your end.” April noticed.

“Actually, Blade’s the hero here.” Keno pointed.

“I was able to convince Maure- I mean Permafrost to let me help her because her story was similar to mine.” Blade explained.

“So… if you don’t mind me asking, why’d you went off like that?” Gear kindly asked.

Permafrost sighed but knew they had the right to know, “Well, I was taking an evening walk…..”

Maureen was on an evening walk when she is confronted by Ebon who began to taunt her.

“You think you can have a normal life? You may think you’re loved, but they fear you! Eventually, they’ll leave you like your pathetic stepfather! No matter what you do, you will always be alone!”

And with that, Ebon walked away laughing, leaving Maureen on her knees in despair.

“And you know what happened next.” Permafrost pouted.

“That Ebon really burns me up!” Rainbow glared.

April then turned to Joey and Jack, “What about you guys?”

Joey took a deep breath and explained, “Well, both me and Jack here were just your everyday dudes when this shark guy took us away from our homes.”

“Armaggon!” everyone gasped.

“When we could see again, Ebon had us with several others and covered us in this green stuff, turning us into Bang babies ourselves.” Jack continued. “Resulting in our powers you saw. Joey can control metal wires while I can make snow paths.”

“We were then held prisoner along with the other Bang Babies who refused to join Ebon and that Kraang Subprime until we joined. Then one day, the key to our door was in reach like somebody dropped it. Either way, we were able to escape, but we couldn’t free the others because we were discovered by the Kraang so we had to escape. We escaped through the sewers and that was when we saw you guys with Permafrost and you know the rest.” Joey finished.

“Well, at least we know the hostages are alright for now.” Fluttershy said.

“You wouldn’t know the exact location of their base do you?” Leo asked.

“Unfortunately, in all the confusion, we kept getting lost so we really don’t know.” Jack rubbed his head as everyone groaned.

“So much for that idea.” Raph grumbled.

“Sorry. If we remembered, we’d be happy to lead you to it.” Joey offered.

“So what are you guys gonna do now?” Static asked the duo.

“Well, we can’t go home. Ebon might be hunting us down.” Joey feared.

“Maybe you guys can stay with us!” Mikey offered.

“Mikey!” Raph growled.

“Wait, Raph! Mikey may have a good point!” Sunset stated.

“Joey is right about Ebon and Kraang Subprime might be looking for them. We can’t just leave them at their mercy,” Donnie pointed out, “Besides, I’d to further study their powers.”

Raph sighed, “Okay. Okay. Just don’t make us regret it.”

“We’re staying at the old juvenile station. You’re welcome to stay with us until we beat Ebon and Kraang Subprime.” Leo offered.

“Sounds like a plan.” Jack agreed.

“But if you guys are gonna be metahumans, you need codenames!” Mikey declared.

“Codenames?” Joey raised a brow.

“I don’t think that’s important right now, Mikey.” Applejack said.

“Oh, come on there’s always time for codenames!” Pinkie declared.

“Can’t argue there.” Gear shrugged.

Mikey then looked towards the duo, “Let’s see…..” he then pointed to Joey. “I think you’ll be….. Shot Cord!”

“Shot Cord huh? I like it.” Joey grinned.

Mikey then turned to Jack. “And you will be…. Sub Zee.. no that one’s taken…. Not Jack Frost….”

“I know right?” Jack shrugged, “All the good ones are taken.”

“Snowstorm!” Mikey perked up, “You will be Snowstorm!”

“Great!” Jack raised his thumb up.

“Now that that’s taken care of, I’m gonna walk Permafrost back to the shelter.” Blade pointed.

“You sure you don’t want to stay with us?” Twilight offered.

“Thanks, but I want to let Reverend Anderson I’m alright and I’m really tired right now.”

“And stay there so Ebon won’t heckle you again.” Static ordered as Permafrost nodded in agreement before she left with Blade.

“Alright, everyone, let’s head back.” Leo ordered as they all headed back.

Meanwhile, at the Bang Baby hideout, Ebon and Kraang Subprime entered the prison chamber where multiple Bang Babies who refused to join were held like Aaron’s stepbrother, Nails, and others.

“How! HOW DID THOSE TWO ESCAPE?” growled Subprime.

“They must’ve gotten a hold of the key card and escaped.” Bixolio pondered.

“Who was watching the prisoners?” Ebon demanded.

“I think it was a couple Kraang droids.” Bixolio pondered.

Hearing that made Subprime angrier, “I can’t even rely on Kraang droids to do something simple as guard duty!”

Just then, Armaggon entered with Kangor and Acid Grip, “Despite some interference with the Turtles and Rainbooms, the rocket is near completion.”

“Madelyn tried to control one of the freaks, but something traumatized her and now the police have her.” Acid Grip added.

“At least the droids were able to teleport the rocket under their noses.” Ebon smirked.

“And that we are on schedule!” Subprime added, “Now as the rocket reaches completion, we just need more of that Bang Baby gas and our conquest shall begin!” he then turned to a couple Kraang droids, “Get me Kurosa!”


As the group left the chamber, Bixolio wondered out loud, “I still would like to know how those prisoners escaped.”

No one noticed Talon peeking from the corner before turning away smiling.