• Published 16th Jan 2023
  • 2,436 Views, 119 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls Shell Shocked - Wildcard25

The Rainbooms and Turtles join forces with Dakota's Hero Static Shock to stop the scheme by the Kraang and the Meta-Breed

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Booming Reunions

It was a nice day in Dakota City. Inside the juvenile station, The Ninja Turtles, April, Casey, Keno, Rainbooms, Blade Swipe, Static, Gear, Rubberband Man, and She Bang were training hard all morning. Leo was making sure they didn’t over train like Splinter made them after their first encounter with Shredder. Even Snowstorm and Shot Cord helped out while learning a thing or two themselves. After hours of sparring, everyone was starting to get tired.

“Okay, everyone. I think that’s enough training.” Leo called.

“Good,” Gear plopped down on a chair, “I couldn’t even fight a parking ticket.”

Static, however, wanted to keep going, “C’mon, guys. I could go another round.”

“I don’t know what you had for breakfast, Virgil, but I sure could use some of it.” panted Casey.

“I appreciate your enthusiasm, Virgil, but I think that’s enough for today.” Leo noted.

“I’ll spar with you.” Blade walked up and faced Static.

“You sure, Blade?”

“I got this, Leonardo. Trust me.” Blade winked.

Leo walked back and the two began to spar. Static threw punches while Blade blocked them. Blade then sweep kicked him flat on his back. Static quickly got up and continued to punch and kick but still couldn’t land a hit. He kept getting tired before he couldn’t punch hard anymore. Blade only used his finger to stop the punch before Static fell to his knees, panting.

“You got me.” He admitted.

“Try not to use too much energy right away.” advised Blade as he helped him up.

“That was intense.” Fluttershy breathed.

“Haven’t sweated this hard since our first day training.” Applejack wiped her brow.

“I also want to make sure we don’t overdo it again.” Leo pointed out.

“I think it’s still fair, Leo.” Twilight nodded.

“Yeah. We need to prepare if we’re to stand a chance against Ebon’s Nightbreed.” Sunset agreed.

“And I thought gym class was brutal.” Gear joked.

“Tell me about it.” She Bang agreed.

“A little training and you’ll start to get used to it.” April told them.

Mikey then turned to Snowstorm and Shot Cord, “And you guys are doing good as well.”

“Thanks, Mikey.” Snowstorm smiled.

“I’m also impressed with how you made your own bow, Joey.” Rarity pointed to Shot Cord’s makeshift bow he made from metal poles and wires.

“Thanks. I’ve been pretty good at archery since 5th grade.”

Spike then perked up, “You guys hear that?”

“Hear what?” Rainbow asked.

“It sounds like an engine….. above us!”

“Wait! I hear it too!” Pinkie agreed.

“Everyone! To the roof!” Leo declared as they hurried to the roof.

Everyone soon came up to the roof and saw a familiar ship landing on it.

“It’s the T-Ship!” Pinkie cheered.

“Were you guys expecting company today?” Blade asked.

“Not really, but it’s okay. They’re friends from the last time we were in this dimension.” Leo answered.

“These them Titans you told me about?” Keno asked.

“None other.” confirmed Casey.

Once the ship landed, the cockpits all opened to reveal it was their friends, The Teen Titans, who were happy to see the group.

“Donnie! Twilight! Long time!” Cyborg greeted.

“Hey, Cyborg.” Donnie smiled.

“It sure has.” Twilight agreed.

“Leo how’s it going?” Nightwing shook Leo’s hand.

“It’s great to see you again, Nightwing.”

“Mikey!” Cheered Beast Boy.

“Beast Boy!” Mikey high fived his titan buddy.

“Friend Rainbooms!” Starfire smiled.

“Good to see you, Starfire.” Fluttershy greeted as she, Pinkie, and Rainbow each hugged her.

“Hey Raven. How’s it been?” Sunset greeted her.

“You know. Same old same old.” Raven bluntly said but still grinned.

Beast Boy looked over to Raph, “Hey, Raph, how’d your brain implant go? Good?”

“What?” Raph snapped before Beast Boy gestured to him, showing he was joking, “Funny.”

“Batgirl!” April ran and embraced her.

“April! So good to see you again.” Batgirl then waved to Donnie, “Hey Donnie.”

“H-hey-” Donnie tried to shake of his blush, “Hey Batgirl. Good to see you again.” April and Batgirl just playfully rolled their eyes.

Casey noticed someone was missing, “Hey, where’s Robin?”

“And Blue Beetle?” Applejack added.

“Blue Beetle is back at Titans Tower on monitor duty in case we’re needed back.” Cyborg added.

“While Robin is keeping an eye on Gotham with Huntress and Black Canary while Batman is away. Plus, he’s under hot water with schoolwork.” Nightwing added.

“We’ll make sure to tell him you said hi.” Batgirl promised.

“And I see you have more friends than the last time.” Starfire noticed Keno and Blade Swipe as April introduced them.

“Yes. This is Keno from our home dimension. He also goes by The Nightwatcher.”

“He’s also a pizza delivery guy!” Mikey chimed in.

“Where was he in the old days?” Cyborg joked as he nudged Nightwing who grinned.

Leo then gestured to Blade, “And this is our friend, Blade Swipe, from Equestria,” He then turned to the two, “And these are our friends from last time, The Teen Titans. Keno, you already met Batgirl and Nightwing after we fought Red X together. This is Cyborg, Beast Boy, Starfire, and Raven.”

“It is an honor to meet you all. Any friends of the Ninjas and Rainbooms is a friend of mine.” Blade bowed.

“Likewise.” Cyborg shook his hand.

“Nice to meet you guys.” Keno added.

“It is nice to meet you, too friend Keno.” Starfire smiled. Keno blushed at the sight of Starfire and Raven but quickly shook it off.

Raven noticed Spike by Twilght’s foot, “Is that the dog you told me about, Twilight?”

“Oh yes,” Twilight held her dog up. “Titans, Meet my dog Spike.”

“Ooooh! He is adorable!” Starfire grabbed and hugged him.

“Nice to be appreciated.” Spike smirked despite being squished.

The Titans, minus Nightwing and Batgirl, perked up to hear Spike talk.

“He can talk?” gasped Beast Boy.

“Whoa. Déjà vu.” Cyborg said.

“Why am I not surprised?” Raven raised a brow.

“This does not mind change me. He is still so cute.” Starfire continued to hug Spike.

“Oh yeah?” Beast Boy transformed into a dog just like Spike only green. Starfire put Spike down while the dog walked up to what looked like looking in the mirror as the two dogs began moving symmetrical. No matter what Spike did, Beast Boy was able to imitate move for move.

“Wow!” Pinkie and Mikey awed.

“What a showoff.” Raph rolled his eyes.

Then, Spike and Beast Boy acted like they were wiping a window. As the two breathed, Beast Boy then collapsed in disgust.

“And you wonder why I like the jalapeno and cheddar dog treats.” Spike smugly looked at Twilight, who smiled and rolled her eyes.

“Gotta admit, dog, you got moves.” Beast Boy admitted as he morphed back and fist bumped Spike.

“That was impressive.” Raven admitted to herself.

Beast Boy noticed the Turtles’ medallions, “I see you guys some new bling.”

“Yeah. We have a lot of catching up to do.” Leo admitted.

“Which will have to wait. I’m afraid there’s another reason why we’re here.” Nightwing pointed out.

The Ninjas knew what he meant as Twilight spoke, “So you know the Kraang are back?”

“We saw security footage from Alva Industries.” Cyborg stated.

“We could’ve called, but when we heard The Justice League was off planet, we didn’t know if you went with them.” Applejack admitted.

“We were more watching things on Earth, so we probably were the busy.” Starfire admitted.

“Which is the other reason why we’re here,” Nightwing continued, “We were called by The Justice League Watchtower to check dimensional rifts in the area.”

“Which lead us to seeing that footage from Alva Industries, where we saw you guys fight the Kraang.” Cyborg added.

“We were worried that Static and Gear didn’t have enough experience to deal with the Krang.” Starfire stated.

“Well, we have been giving them some ninja pointers. But we still could still use your help.” Leo confessed.

Just then, a big boom was heard. The groups looked to see smoke rising in the distance.

“Looks like that came from the downtown area!” Gear pointed.

“Shall we?” Nightwing offered.

Leo nodded, “Let’s do this.”

“Boom Bam, baby!” Cyborg cheered.

“Booyakasha!” Mikey and Beast Boy high fived.

The group, minus Snowstorm and Shot Cord, then hurried to find the villainous couple.

Meanwhile, in the downtown area, Puff and Onyx were robbing a jewelry store. As they emerged, they walked up to Hotstreak, Kangor, and a big guy wearing a purple jacket over a yellow vest and red pants and a red beanie. On his chest was a speaker.

“Thought we’d get a little score while we’re out and about.” Puff grinned.

“If you’re done having fun, we need to get back before Armaggon comes back!” The group turned to the big guy, “He told us to wait while he gets a couple components for That Kraang guy.”

“I could care less what Shark breath wants!” Hotstreak growled, “Same to Subprime. I don’t trust him. You wanna be their pawn, Boom? Do it on your own terms!”

Angered, the big guy was about to stomp over to before he was blocked by Kangor.

“Cool it, Boom!” he ordered.

Boom glared, “I didn’t ask for your opinion!”

“Tell it to Sharky over there!” Puff pointed to Armaggon who landed in front of them.

“I told you NOT to run off! Teenagers,” He huffed, “Well, I got the components we need so recess is over! Let’s get back.”

“I Think not, Armaggon!”

The groups looked to see the Ninjas, Rainbooms, Static, Gear, Rubberband Man, She Bang, and the Titans land by them.

“Fun’s over!” Nightwing declared.

“Great. First the Justice League and now the Titans? Is there anyone Static doesn’t know?” Puff ranted.

Beast Boy asked Mikey, “Hey Mikey, who’s the Shark guy?”

“That’s Armaggon. He’s a space bounty hunter who’s nothing but trouble.”

“Well, I have been having a rough day. Maybe cracking some shell will ease my tension,” He then noticed Starfire, “A Tamaranian? Now there’s a rare find. Maybe I’ll turn you in as a bonus.”

“I will not be your bounty, Hunter!” Starfire hissed.

“Ninjas!” Leo began.

“Titans!” Nightwing called.

“Take’em down!” they shouted together and the groups ran into battle.

Leo, Nightwing, Twilight, Blade, Static, and Starfire fought Armaggon as Raph, Sunset, Rubberband Man, and Raven fought Hotstreak and Donnie, Keno, Gear, April, Rarity, and Batgirl took on Puff and Onyx while Rainbow, Fluttershy, She Bang, and Beast Boy battled Kangor and Mikey, Pinkie, Applejack, Casey, and Cyborg took on Boom. Static flew around on his saucer as he kept zapping Armaggon.

“I can see why Ebon finds you annoying!” The bounty hunter snarled trying to blast him.

“That’s what you get for mutating in my neighborhood.” Static cried before he was hit by a laser.

“Looks like you’re outta gas.” Armaggon was about to shoot Static before he was hit from behind. He turned to see Blade with his sword sparking.

“Then it’s a good thing he’s not alone!”

Armaggon blasted lasers while Blade used his blade to deflect them as he inched towards him. He then slashed the shark’s guns in half. Then, Nightwing jumped in and hit him on the nose with his baton, causing the bounty hunter to recoil.

“Hey watch the nose!” he glared.

“You sensitive?” Nightwing teased before Leo and Twilight tag teamed and both hit the shark, then Starfire fired starbolts at him.

Raph and Hotstreak were once again at each other’s throat.

“We gotta stop meeting like this!” Raph joked.

“And we’re gonna keep meeting like this until I pry you out of that shell!” Hotstreak declared as the two grappled.

“You’ve been eating garlic.” Raph pretended to gag.

Angered, Hotstreak threw him off and was all flamed up.

“Azarath Metrion Zinthos!” Raven used her powers to open a fire hydrant while Rubberband Man used his body to redirect it on the flaming teen as Sunset helped Raph up.

“He’s really starting to steam me up.” She stated.

“I’m more scorched that steamed.” Raph added.

Meanwhile, Onyx was throwing Donnie, Keno, and Gear off him while Rarity was luckily able to catch them with her diamonds. Puff powered up to her smoke form and fought both April and Batgirl. Batgirl threw a batarang at Puff, who caught it.

“Is that the best you got, Batgirl?” she insulted before it exploded in her hand, causing her to fall down.

“Does that answer your question?” Batgirl smugly asked.

Puff got up and was about to charge before Batgirl ducked down where April fired a psychic blast at her, sending her flying into Onyx.

“I’ve really missed fighting like this.” Batgirl shook April’s hand.

“Me too.” April smiled.

Rainbow ran circles around Kangor, who then swung his foot swatting her like a fly. Then Fluttershy shot darts at him and She Bang punched at him.

“You’re really starting to bug me!” Kangor glared.

Then, a small green fly buzzed up to his face then transformed into a monkey, latched on to his face, and started to slap him like crazy. after Kangor fell over, it transformed back into Beast Boy.

“How’s that for bugging?” he joked.

“It seemed more like monkey business to me.” Rainbow added as Beast Boy gestured to her in laughter.

“Booyakasha!” Both Mikey and Cyborg charged at Boom, who kept blocking their attacks.

“Goongala!” Casey launched some explosive pucks that exploded at Boom.

Boom then yelled as his speaker began booming loud music at the group, knocking them off their feet. As he played, Applejack slowly got up and crept up to Boom and punched him at the speaker, stopping the noise. Then, the two wrestled with each other.

“Been a while since I fought someone tough!” Boom admitted.

“Been facing tough guys like you and like them, you’re gonna regret it!” Applejack grunted.

“I have enough regret doing this!”

“Whattya mean?” Applejack raised a brow.

“Like you’d understand!” Boom grabbed Applejack and threw her.

“Surprise, Cupcake eyes!” Pinkie threw cupcakes at Boom’s eyes which exploded, disorienting him.

Armaggon was starting to get overwhelmed. He then saw Puff and Onyx getting knocked out while Hotstreak tried to get a hit on Raph as Kangor was getting overwhelmed as well and Boom kept trying to hit his opponents.

“Why am I wasting time with you? I got what I came for!” he pulled out a teleporter before turning to the Bang Babies, “We’re leaving!”

“Next time, Shell back!” Hotstreak hurried over while Boom and Kangor followed behind.

“What about them?” Boom pointed to Puff and Onyx.

“Leave them!” Kangor ordered, “Ebon’s orders.”

“Stop them!” Leo cried.

But they were too late. Armaggon pushed a button and they all teleported away.

“Isn’t that supposed to be our thing?” Mikey asked hanging upside down.

“At least we got those two.” Gear pointed to Puff and Onyx who were still unconscious.

“Man. And I thought King Shark was tough.” Beast Boy groaned.

“Looks like we’ll be sticking around awhile.” Nightwing added.

Just then, they heard police sirens in the distance.

“The cops can handle it from here.” Static stated as they all took their leave.

After watching the police take Puff and Onyx away, the group went back to the juvenile station. After the Titans grabbed their stuff and picked a room to stay in, everyone gathered around some pizzas they ordered and decided to catch up for old time’s sake. The Turtles and Rainbooms shared their adventures from getting their medallions and defeating Kavaxas to their adventures in other dimensions.

“So, the medallions give you the power of these apprentices of this Clover the Clever?” Starfire asked.

“Yep. We’ve been handling our powers well. But we still practice our ninjitsu skills like normal.” Leo nodded.

“I have read about this Kavaxas you spoke of,” Raven admitted, “Never thought he would actually be real.”

“Still sounds like a tough customer,” Beast Boy added, “Sounds as tough as Trigon.”

“BB!” Scolded Cyborg.

“It’s okay. Nightwing told them.” Raven looked at Nightwing who looked away in regret.

“In his defense, he was trying to make us feel better after we experienced Scarecrow’s fear toxin.” Twilight pleaded.

“Eventually, you would have learned the truth. Besides, I’m flattered to know something we both have in common, Twilight,” Raven grinned, “I just hope you never meet my father.”

“After fighting Hothead, I can believe it.” Mikey stated with his mouth full of pizza, much to Rarity’s disgust.

“And Pizza Face actually was proven real?” Beast Boy grinned.

Everyone except for Mikey, Pinkie, and Fluttershy looked sheepish before Raph gritted his teeth, “Yes.”

This caused Beast Boy and Cyborg to burst out laughing, “We totally called it!”

“And the Twilight in Equestria started a School of Friendship?” Starfire asked.

“And we trained some of the students in ninjitsu.” Sunset added.

“And one student tried to take away the magic?” Raven raised a brow.

“Yeah. But a couple of students were able to stop her and restore her.” April added.

Batgirl munched on a slice as she observed Donnie’s portal tracker, “So you made this portal tracker, Donnie? I’m impressed.”

“Thanks. After my counterpart showed me his, I made my own so we wouldn’t rely on the portal to Equestria at Canterlot High all the time, especially after the time we met the Legendary Pillars of Equestria. Or if needed, come to other dimensions with the means to get back home.”

“So you guys visited other dimensions as well?” Cyborg asked.

“As my big brother would say, Eyup.” Applejack nodded.

“These counterparts of yours. What’re they like?” Rubberband Man asked curiously grabbing a slice.

“Annoying,” Raph bluntly put, “All they think about is eating pizza and shouting stuff like ‘Turtle Power’ or ‘Cowabunga’!”

The Titans, including Static and Gear, couldn’t help but snicker while Pinkie popped up next to Raph, “Don’t forget about the initial belt buckles.”

“I wonder if there’s a version of us like that?” Beast Boy wondered.

“I’d rather not think about it.” Nightwing grimaced.

“Anyway, you’ve also visited other dimensions with that?” Cyborg changed the subject.

“Yeah. There was this world where humanoid cows lived as cowboys called Moo Mesa.” Twilight explained.

“Cow cowboys?” Beast Boy raised a brow.

“That was where we encountered Bixolio, a rogue Utrom who’s now teamed up with Kraang Subprime.” Raph added.

“And Dr. Karl Marx is his brother?” Batgirl asked.

“Yeah. And his real name is Kurosa.” Sunset confirmed.

“Anyway, we also found another version of us.” Mikey grinned.

“Yeah these turtles were more serious but still cool.” Rainbow put in.

“They may have had different aspects, but we both learned a lot from each other.” April smiled.

“Glad to hear you’ve been keeping busy.” Nightwing smiled.

“Yes indeed.” Leo sighed.

“Hey, maybe we should visit other dimensions ourselves?” Gear beamed.

“Maybe,” Static shrugged, “Of course, after we beat the Kraang so that we still have a home to go back to.”

“Of course.” Gear agreed.

Leo then turned to Nightwing, “By the way, Nightwing, do you guys still see Jason Todd ever since the battle at Arkham?”

The former Robin sighed, “He… still shows up every now and then. Good news is he surrendered the Red X costume and went back to being the Red Hood since. Cyborg and I made double sure that no one uses that suit EVER again.”

“You could say I quadrupled the lock.” Cyborg joked.

“He still fights criminals his way, but still helps around cases every now and then. He still doesn’t see eye to eye with Batman.” Batgirl mentioned.

“Hopefully we don’t see him anytime soon.” Raph glared.

After finishing catching up and cleaning up, Static and Gear changed back to Virgil and Richie.

“We better head home before our folks get suspicious.” Virgil stretched.

“Yeah I’m pretty beat after fighting Armaggon.” yawned Beast Boy.

“We can all use a good night sleep.” Nightwing agreed.

“Raven, Starfire, and Batgirl are welcome to bunk with us.” Rarity offered.

“I better check in with Blue Beetle and let him know what’s going on.” Cyborg added.

“And I’m almost done with my little project that should help us.” Twilight added.

“Hopefully, this means we’re close to ending this nightmare.” Virgil sighed, still thinking about Polarity.

This was noticed by Leo, “We will, Virgil, we will.” He whispered as the group left.

“I will get you out of there. I promise.”

After returning with Armaggon, Boom went to the prison chamber to talk to his sister, Miranda also known as Mirage, who was held captive with the other Metahumans who refused to join Ebon and Kraang Subprime.

“How many more crimes is Ebon gonna make you do? I don’t want to lose you like last time.” Pleaded Mirage.

“Look. I know what I did before was wrong. I don’t wanna go down that path again. But I won’t let Ebon or Kraang Subprime harm you!” Boom sighed.

Just then, two Kraang droids marched up behind Boom, “The hour known as visiting hours is over! The one known as metahuman must vacate that which is known as immediately!”

“No. I won’t leave her!” Boom struggled as the droids began to drag him away.

“Go, Byron! I won’t let them hurt you!” sobbed Mirage.

“Kraang’s orders! Evacuate now!” The Kraang droids eventually threw Boom out of the chamber, locking the door.

“Miranda! MIRANDA!” Boom pounded on the door for a while with no success. In anger, he pounded his fist on the ground. As he got up, he noticed Talon standing near the exit.

“Hurts, doesn’t it?” she said.

“Like you care.” Boom glared.

“You think I wanted to be a Bang Baby again?” hearing Talon’s words made Boom stop in his tracks, “I was starting to have a normal life only to have it taken away by Ebon!”

Talon then walked up to Boom and whispered to him, “Listen, one of Static’s new friends asked me to spy on Ebon and Subprime. In return, they’re gonna cure me and the others. Help me, and them, and I’ll help get your sister out.”

Boom’s eyes widen as he remembered Applejack looking concerned as they fought, “How-How do you know we can trust them?”

“That Rainboom promised and, call it a gut feeling, but I believe her. All I ask is to just pretend to do Ebon’s bidding and when the time is right, we’ll get the prisoners out, including your sister. Okay?”

Boom thought a bit before nodding, “Okay. I’ll do it your way.”

“Thank you. I promise you won’t regret this.” Talon grinned as she rubbed Boom’s cheek. As she left, Boom watched her with a slight blush then smiled before leaving.

Meanwhile, in the airport, an airplane from Africa had just landed. While passengers were walking off and luggage was being unloaded, a figure in the shadows emerged from the cargo bin and hurried behind a couple crates. The figure was an African who wore black attire and fedora. A tan headband covered his eyes.

“I fear Static is in for the fight of his life. I’ve got to hurry!” he told himself as he hurried out of the airport.

Author's Note:

The dialogue at the reunion with the Titans is inspired from TMNT 3

The part Beast Boy mirroring Spike is based on a part from 'Garfield a Tale of two Kitties'