• Published 16th Jan 2023
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Equestria Ninja Girls Shell Shocked - Wildcard25

The Rainbooms and Turtles join forces with Dakota's Hero Static Shock to stop the scheme by the Kraang and the Meta-Breed

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Heavy Reunions

Late at night, a figure hurried on top of buildings. It was a young female wearing a magenta body suit with a purple bandana and cape.

“I’ve got to find Static. He’s the only one who can help now.” She panted and hurried off, unaware a tall figure was following her

The following morning, the Ninjas minus Donnie, and the Rainbooms, were training with Virgil, Richie, and Rubberband man as well as get in their morning training. As they spared, Richie was telling Rarity his love life.

“And That’s why I never had a girlfriend.” He finished.

Rarity was amazed, “That’s understandable.”

“Eh what can you do?” the two then kept sparring.

Meanwhile, Leo was doing katas with Virgil in hopes to calm the teen’s tension. Meanwhile, Casey and Raph sparred with Rubberband man while the rest of the group were either doing katas or practicing their moves. When they finished, Virgil spoke.

“So, Where’s Donatello again?”

“He’s gonna see he can get help back home as well as get some extra equipment.” Leo answered.

Just then, a portal opened near the loading dock under the building. Everyone hurried over to see the Turtles’ vehicle, The Shellraiser, emerge through the portal.

“This thing yours guys?” Virgil asked.

“Yep. The good ol’ Shellraiser!” Mikey grinned.

Richie looked at the vehicle impressed, “Not bad. Not bad at all.”

The side door opened, and Donnie came out with a bag of equipment.

“Love the set wheels, D.” whistled Richie.

“Thanks, Richie.” Donnie smiled.

“So, D, did you get anyone from home to help?” Casey asked.

“Well, I didn’t come just for the ride, Jones.” Said a familiar voice as a certain pizza boy emerged from the vehicle.

“Keno!” the ninjas cried.

“You came!” Pinkie squeezed Keno in a hug.

“Always. Happy. To see you. Too. Pinkie.” Keno groaned before the party girl released her.

“We were hoping to see you again.” Sunset smiled.

“Well, I was talking with my boss at Antonio’s who wanted to take some time off from work. I was gonna check in with you guys when Fugitoid explained everything to me. That was when Donnie came and asked me to help you guys. I’ve really gotta join you guys on patrol more.”

“Better late than never.” Rainbow grinned.

“How long have we been gone from home?” Fluttershy asked.

“About a half hour,” Donnie pointed out, “Remember, we traveled through time as well as space.”

“And if it’s anything like Gotham, I might use the rest of my vacation to visit Indigo Zap. She was meaning to introduce me to her parents.” Keno added.

“Unfortunately, I didn’t have enough time to ask Karai or the Mutanimals so just Keno. However, I made another stop in Equestria.”

The Ninjas and Rainbooms perked up.

“You got Princess Twilight?” Leo asked.

“Nope. Sorry, Leo.”

“Starlight Glimmer?” Sunset guessed.

“Nope. Not this time.”

April perked up, “You mean-?”

“Yep.” Donnie stepped aside as another familiar figure merged from the Shellraiser.

“Blade Swipe!”

“Greetings, my friends. It has been a while.” Sure enough, it was their mutant pony friend Blade Swipe who was turned human like before.

“Aren’t you a sight for sore eyes.” Raph grinned as the two high fived.

“I landed at Canterlot castle and told Princess Celestia about our situation. She was more than willing to let Blade Swipe come help and found him meditating in the garden.”

“Should Princess Celestia need me back, she will let Twilight know and she’ll write in your journal and Donatello will send me back.” Blade said.

“Allow me to introduce you guys to our new friends,” Sunset walked up to introduce them, “This is Virgil, Richie, and Adam. They also are known as Static, Gear, and Rubberband Man.”

“And this is Keno from our world. He’s a pizza delivery dude who fights crime as the Nightwatcher,” Mikey introduced, “And this is Blade Swipe. He’s a mutant pony from Equestria.”

“Nice to meet you guys.” Keno shook Richie’s hand.

“Nice to meet you too. Like your voice.”

“Back at ya.” Keno and Richie fist bumped.

Virgil shook hands with Blade Swipe, “Nice to meet ya.”

“Any friend of the Ninjas is a friend of mine.” Blade smiled as he shook hands with Rubberband Man next.

Just then, the radio nearby crackled to life.

“We interrupt our music program for this important announcement. A tall, horrible Bang baby has been seen causing havoc in the downtown area! The suspect is identified as Dr. Koenig also known as Heavy Man. More as it develops.”

“Anyone you know?” Casey asked.

Richie nodded, “He was a scientist at Ashton Biotechnics who worked with the parents of a friend of ours on a project involving cell matter absorption. The project was canceled, but he remained using himself as a test subject. The results were strength and the ability to absorb non-living matter, but a gruesome look as well. Worse, he was going to become as heavy as a statue and unable to move.”

“We better get down there before he hurts anyone!” Virgil hurried to change into Static.

“And he might know where Ebon and the Kraang are.” Rubberband Man added.

“Let’s go.” Leo declared as everyone grabbed their weapons.

In the downtown area of Dakota City, the masked girl was thrown by a big figure. He was a tall, disfigured guy with pale white skin who wore a ripped up lab coat.

“You ain’t getting away that easily!” the figure growled.

The girl then picked herself up, “I’m done running, Heavy Man.”

Heavy Man just scoffed, “Cute. But that ain’t gonna save you.”

Heavy Man got closer before a hockey puck exploded on his neck. He turned to see Static, Gear, Rubberband Man, the Ninjas, Rainbooms, and Blade Swipe standing ready with weapons in hand, “You!”

“Sorry, did you two want to be alone? Ain’t happening!” Casey said smugly.

“I don’t know who you shmucks are, but if you’re with Static and his little pep squad you made a grave mistake!” Heavy Man cracked his knuckles.

“Take’em down!” Leo ordered as they charged at the former doctor as Gear helped the girl up.

“You okay, She Bang?”

“I think so,” The girl answered before griping, “I leave for a few weeks and you guys start a bridge club without me?”

“Actually, they’re just visiting and we’re helping.” Gear explained.

“Well, I was looking for you guys anyway.” She Bang shrugged.

The two joined the others who were throwing projectiles and keeping their distances from Heavy Man, who kelp trying to hit back. Static then hit him with an electrical punch.

“So how are you able to move? You couldn’t even lift a finger after last time!”

“I’m more advanced thanks to some mutagen curtesy of the Kraang!” Heavy Man then threw Static into Leo before Sunset threw kunai at him. As he pulled the daggers off, they then disintegrated in his grip. He then charged at her only to feel his hands stuck. He looked to see his hand sparkling as Twilight used her geode power to levitate. As she tried to lift him, Twilight struggled and sweated.

“I. can’t. lift him,” She grunted, “Too heavy!”

“Hang on! I’ll help!” April jumped in and tried to help with her telekinesis with little to no improvement, “Wow! He really is heavy!”

“Booyakasha!” Mikey tried to hit him with his nunchucks only to be hit away real hard, “Has anyone seen my teeth?” he felt dazed.

Raph tried to punch Heavy Man to the side only to hurt his hand, “Yeow!”

Blade Swipe rushed in and struck with lightning from his blade. Heavy Man just brushed it off and threw him into Casey, causing him to drop his sword. Unable to find his weapon, Blade looked at the dazed vigilante and saw his hockey stick lying next to him.

“Gonna have to borrow this.” He told Casey.

“No prob, dude.” Casey thumbed up, still dazed.

Blade got up and twirled the hockey stick, channeling lightning on it. Then, he slashed lightning at Heavy Man multiple times, causing him to kneel. After Blade stopped, Heavy Man only glared at him.

“Just how tough is this guy?” Rainbow used her speed but her punches were not having any effect. Instead, Heavy Man only responded by throwing Raph into her.

“Y’know, Don, I think we should have picked up Bebop and Rocksteady as well.” Keno panted.

“Even if I thought about it back then, we couldn’t waste time trying to hunt them down!”

“Just saying.” Keno shrugged.

Everyone continued to fight Heavy Man, but the big guy proved to be more than a challenge. Then Applejack stood before him.

“Alright!” She took off her claws, “Time to put this varmint down!”

“You wanna play, cowgirl?” taunted Heavy Man.

“I’m done playing around.”

“Good cause so am I!” Applejack then charged at Heavy Man. The two wrestled and were evenly matched until the cowgirl grabbed him by the back.

Heavy Man smirked. “You think you can lift me?”

Applejack yelled as she actually lifted the Metahuman surprising him as he landed head first on the concrete. Everyone hurried to AJ as she caught her breath.

“Phew! Actually broke a sweat lifting that guy!” Everyone smiled at their friend before Heavy Man actually lifted himself up.

“AW! COME ON!” Rainbow Dash groaned.

“You think one little hit like that could stop….stop…” Suddenly Heavy Man stopped in his track as he stood like a statue.

“What’s happening to him?” Blade raised a brow.

“Whatever the Kraang gave him must be wearing off. He absorbed too much matter that he’s too heavy to move.” Gear suggested.

“Which means he won’t answer our questions.” She Bang pouted.

Just then, police sirens could be heard.

“The cops.” Casey stated.

“We better get outta here!” Leo led everyone away just before police cars surround the frozen Heavy Man.

Soon, the group made it back to the juvenile hall. When they arrived, Sunset and Leo explained their origins to She Bang, who spoke after they finished their story.

“So that explains a lot.”

“Now that you know about us, how about you introduce yourself?” Rainbow suggested.

“Okay. Here goes,” She Bang cleared her throat and took off her mask, “My name is Shenice Vale. I also go by She Bang.”

“You a Metahuman too?” Casey asked.

“Actually, I was a science project.”

“Huh?” The Ninjas and Rainbooms asked before She Bang explained herself.

“Years ago, my parents, Jonathan and Dolores, made me chromosome by chromosome. DNA molecule with part or all of the genetic material of an organism. They fell in love with me and went into hiding from a group of people who’d try to clone me, so I had to act like a shy, normal person till we moved to Dakota trying to blend in with the other Bang-Babies.”

The Ninjas and Rainbooms were speechless from what they heard.

Twilight broke the silence, “That’s pretty amazing.”

“Eyup.” Applejack agreed.

“So She Bang. What brings you to the hood?” Static asked.

“My parents were captured. Again,” She Bang described, “Dr. Koenig had help from these guys in black suits and had rubber skin.”

Rubberband Man frowned, “And you assume I’m to blame?”

“Nono. Not that kind of rubber. The rubber they used looks like human skin.”

“The Kraang!” the group gasped.

“That’s what they call themselves? The Kraang?” She Bang raised a brow.

“They’re the reason why we’re here.” Leo stated as Donnie explained.

“They’ve teamed up with Ebon using this stuff called mutagen to create more Bang Babies. We’re trying to stop them.”

“Maybe that’s why they kidnapped your parents.” Twilight realized, “Since we stopped Slipstream and his goons from getting the Bang Baby gas, Kraang Subprime is having them along with Dr. Marx to recreate the gas!”

Sunset’s eyes shrunk, “Do you think they’ll combine the gas with the mutagen?”

Everyone looked around with fear in their eyes.

“That would make the retro Mutagen useless!” Donnie feared.

“Couldn’t we, oh I don’t know, combine the gas with retro mutagen?” Spike pointed out.

“It’s possible. The question is where can we find more gas?”

“Good question,” Gear pondered, “We better find some to try. I’ll do a little research for any possible leads. Should take me about tomorrow.”

“Good. Dig up what you can,” Leo nodded, “We’re pretty beat from fighting Heavy Man anyway.”

Sunset walked up to She Bang, “You’re more than welcome to bunk with us, She Bang.”

“Sounds good. Can’t remember the last time I was at a sleepover.”

“Oh we’re gonna have so much fun together!” Pinkie hugged She Bang.

“And we promise. We will help rescue your parents.” April assured.

She Bang smiled as she saw everyone with comforting smiles, “Thank you. All of you.”

“We’ll see you guys tomorrow.” Sunset waved as the girls, Richie, and Virgil headed out and Raph turned to Blade and Keno.

“Okay, let’s get you two settled in. Pick a room and it’s yours.”

“Sounds good to me. I’m beat.” Keno yawned.

Blade, however, did not answer. As the mutant pony turned human stared at the cells, he began to sweat and tremble nervously. He panted as he kept having flashbacks of his capture, mutation, and torture by the Kraang. Then, suddenly-


“Huh? What?” The touching of Mikey’s hand on his shoulder was enough to snap him out of it.

“You alright, Dude?” Mikey asked worried.

“I- I’m not sure. Just being around cells and jail places keeps reminding me of when the Kraang torured me and mutated me. I’m afraid I can’t sleep in one of those rooms.”

“Oh yeah. I keep forgetting that.” Mikey rubbed his head.

“Don’t worry, Blade. We’ll figure something.” Leo assured.

“Maybe I have a solution.” Rubberband man walked up.

Later, Blade set his stuff in the security station, “This will do nicely. Thank you, my friend.”

“Happy to help.” Rubberband Man smiled as they all got settled in for the night.

In the hideout of The Kraang and the Bang Babies, Kraang Subprime was talking to Ebon.

“It would appear that the enhancements of the mutagen didn’t last long on Dr. Koenig.” The Kraang grimaced.

“At least he got what we needed.” Ebon pointed as two Kraang droids threw doctors Jonathan and Dolores Vale to the floor.

“W-What’s going on?” Dolores trembled.

“Nothing much. Just you two are gonna help Dr. Marx recreate the bang baby gas and combine it with this mutagen!” Ebon stated.

“And if you get any ideas,” Kraang Subprime glared as Bixilio and Armaggon snapped collars on the two scientists’ necks. On the collars were viles of mutagen, “Those collars contain samples of that mutagen. One wrong move and I push this button and you’ll mutate into the last organic thing you touched!” one of the Shredder arms rose to reveal a control with a red button, “Any questions?”

The scientists were too scared to answer as Ebon ordered, “Send them in with Dr. Marx.”

Shiv and Acid Grip grabbed the two, dragging them away.

Back at the music store, April and the Rainbooms were enjoying hanging out with Shenice. The place looked almost brand new thanks to Applejack’s repainting and Rarity’s décor with sleeping bags on the floor. There was also a heater, fridge, and TV that Richie hooked them up with.

“Thanks again for letting me stay with you girls.” Shenice smiled.

“It’s our pleasure, Sugarcube.” Applejack nodded.

“You’re part of the team now! It’s the least we can do.” Rainbow added without looking up from her game.

“And trust me, I’ve been where you are. The Kraang kidnapped my father and the Turtles were able to rescue him. And we will do the same for your parents.” April assured their newcomer.

“Thanks.” Shenice smiled.

Pinkie added. “And since we’re teaching Static and Gear some of our ninjutsu tricks, we can give you a little pointer or two.” She then looked around to notice someone was missing.

“Hey. Has anyone seen Sunset Shimmer?”

“She said she went to get some more snacks,” Twilight remembered, looking up from her little project, “I know Fluttershy is giving Spike a little walk.”

“I hope nothing bad happens to either of them.” Rarity feared.

Meanwhile, Sunset climbed up on top of the building on the address Talon told her the night before. She walked around the roof, checking for signs of the Kraang or Bang Babies with a kunai in her hand until she heard a voice.

“You came,” Sunset turned to Talon landing on the roof, “Would’ve been here sooner but had to shake off Shiv and Armaggon. And I assure you I’m alone as promised.”

“Sorry, just a precaution.” Sunset put her kunai back in her pouch.

“Personally, I don’t blame you. I’ve done some terrible things as a metahuman.”

“Actually, I can relate.” Sunset sighed.

“You were bad yourself?” Talon asked curiously.

“Believe it or not, yes. I turned my back on my teacher because I wanted power. Until a special friend opened my eyes and thanks to her I have made lots of friends. And we can help you too.” Sunset held her hand out.

Talon looked hesitant to accept the pony turned girl’s hand, “I want to believe you. I really do. But Ebon is too strong. And with that Subprime and his gang helping him, we’d be outmatched. I’m sorry.”

Just then, an idea came to Sunset, “Maybe there is a way you can stay with Ebon and help us at the same time.”

“I’m listening.” Talon crossed her arms.

“You can be our spy. We’ll keep meeting like this, and you fill me in on Ebon and Subprime’s plans. Then, when we defeat them, my friend will help cure you with his retro mutagen.”

Talon looked interested, “I can do that. And I’ll hold you to your promise to cure me. But if I find you con me, deal’s off and you’re mine. Got it?”

Sunset nodded, “I understand. In fact, I’ll Pinkie Promise that we’ll cure you,” Talon held up her finger, only to see Sunset act out the Pinkie Promise, “Cross my heart, hope to fly. Stick a cupcake in my eye.”

Talon was speechless, “Okay?”

“It’s how me and my friends hold a Pinkie promise.”

“If that means you’ll keep your promise, then it’s cool,” Talon shrugged before turning to leave, “I gotta go before Ebon knows I’m gone. I’ll see you here in a couple days. That way they shouldn’t get suspicious.”

“Okay. And thank you.”

Talon spread her wings when she realized Sunset thanked her, “You’re welcome.”

As Sunset watched Talon fly away, they were being watched in secret by Fluttershy and Spike, who heard everything.

“I hope Sunset knows what she’s doing.” Spike whispered.

“I think she does,” The shy girl explained, “We should trust Sunset. This may the advantage we need against Ebon and Kraang Subprime.”

Then the two headed back to the music store with Sunset unknowingly not far behind.

Author's Note:

Keno's voice in this series is by Jason Marsden who also voices Richie on Static Shock.

The mutagen collars the doctors wear are the same as the one Baxter wore before he got mutated in the 2012 series.