• Published 16th Jan 2023
  • 2,465 Views, 119 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls Shell Shocked - Wildcard25

The Rainbooms and Turtles join forces with Dakota's Hero Static Shock to stop the scheme by the Kraang and the Meta-Breed

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Nightbreed City

It was early morning when Static went to meet up with Gear at the gas station.

“You ready to meet with the others?” Gear greeted.

“You bet.” Static said with a determined look on his face.

Gear looked at his friend with concern. “You uh sure you’re up to this?”

“I know I almost lost it against Ebon, but I’ve been talking to Leo. I just….. I just want this whole thing to be over and help those captured by Ebon. Especially Molly.”

“I hear ya,” Gear put his hand on Static’s shoulder, “And with our training from the ninjas and Rainbooms, plus The Titans helping us, there’s no way we can lose.”

“Absolutely!” Both Static and Gear jumped to see Pinkie suddenly standing next to them as Mikey and Beast Boy were coming right next to her.

“Pinkie! You ever thought about wearing a bell?” Gear breathed.

“I tried that once, but my ninja training made me so fast it won’t ring.”

“So what’s up, guys?” Static asked.

“Leo and Nightwing are checking out a jailbreak hoping to find something to lead us to Kraang Subprime and Ebon.” Beast Boy answered.

“They want us to meet them in the juvenile station then we’ll plan from there.” Mikey added.

Before anyone could answer, Pinkie’s cell phone went off and she answered it, “Hi, Sunset! Yeah. We’re with Static and Gear.” She then perked up, “She did? Really? We’ll be over soon,” After she hung up, the party girl began to jump around everywhere, “We got it! We got it! We got it!”

“What? What? We got what?” Mikey asked crazily.

“Sunset said Fluttershy just met with Superdog and Supercat and has a device that’ll lead us to Subprime and Ebon!”

“Well what are we waiting for?” Beast Boy gleamed.

“Let’s get over there!” Static grinned as they all took off.

Static and Gear flew while Mikey and Pinkie jumped from building to building and Beast Boy transformed into a hawk. They were about halfway there when Pinkie suddenly stopped, causing everyone else to stop as well.

“Why’d you stop, Pinks?” Gear asked.

“Look.” Pinkie pointed to an alley. They all looked to see a certain blinded Nightbreed sneaking into it.

“It’s Echo.” Gasped Mikey.

“That one of those Nightbreed guys?” Beast Boy asked as he reverted back to normal.

“Yeah,” Static confirmed, “Let’s follow him. Maybe he’ll lead us to Ebon and Subprime.”

Nodding in agreement, the five hurried to the alleyway and saw Echo going down an abandoned subway tunnel.

“What could he be doing down here?” Mikey whispered as they continued to follow him. They were further in the underground tunnel when Echo turned around and looked ready to fight as they all hid.

Then, he called out, “I know you’re there, Static! Come on out! You and your friends!”

Static and the others stepped out in shock, “How’d you know we were behind you?”

“I may be blind as a bat, but I can use radar like a bat. Plus, I can hear the electricity pulsing in your body. And the movement of Gear’s device.” He then pointed to Mikey, Pinkie, and Beast Boy, “You smell like pepperoni, you smell like cotton candy, and you smell like tofu.”

“Wow! He’s good!” Pinkie exclaimed.

Static then pointed in accusation, “Alright, Echo. You’re going to lead us to Ebon and Kraang Subprime!”

“You won’t find them here.” Scoffed Echo.

“Whataya mean?” Mikey asked.

“You wouldn’t understand.” Echo turned to leave.

“What? You left them or something?” Gear’s guess was enough to stop Echo in his track, “You did, didn’t you?”

“I….. don’t know if it’s my choice to say.”

“It’s alright, Echo,” A female voice said. From the shadows merged a girl with purple short hair and a magenta jumpsuit, “I trust Static and his friends.”

“Gail.” Static greeted the girl.

“It’s been a while, Static,” Gail then noticed the newcomers, “I heard you’ve been hanging around some new friends.”

“Well, here’s a couple of them. This is Michelangelo.”

“What up?” Mikey grinned.

“Pinkie Pie.”

“Party extrodinaire!” The party girl boasted.

“And I’m sure you heard of Beast Boy here.”

“Of The Teen Titans. Of course.”

“Hey.” Beast Boy waved.

“My name is Gail. I also go by Nightingale. I lead the Nightbreed down here.”

“Didn’t you use to work for Ebon?” Pinkie accused.

“You’re right about the ‘use to’ part,” Nightingale explained, “You see we’ve a fatal sensitivity to light, so we live underground. Ebon recruited us in an attempt to conquer the city by attempting to blanket the entire city in pure "dark matter", giving us free rein of it, and I stopped him by absorbing it into myself. Even though Static and Gear offered to help us, we refused and went back into hiding in darkness.”

“But that doesn’t explain why Echo is down here with you?” Gear asked curiously.

Nightingale nodded, “Come with me. I will explain everything.” She led the group down the tunnel.

Before long, they arrived in what looked like an underground city.

“Welcome to Nightbreed City.” Nightingale said.

As they walked around, they noticed Echo wasn’t the only new Nightbreed. Circuit Breaker was having her gauntlets fixed by a guy wearing black overalls and gloves over a gray shirt. Oil sat on a rock eating a chocolate bar. Just then, a tall woman walked up to the group.

Nightingale held up her hand, “It’s okay, Brickhouse. It’s only Static and his friends.”

Brickhouse nodded as she politely greeted everyone who passed her, “Static. Gear. Pinks. Green guy,” She hesitated when she saw Mikey, “Mr. Turtle Guy.”

“What up?” Mikey waved.

“So you and your buddies all left Ebon?” Gear asked Echo.

The blind Nightbreeder nodded, “We were some of the kidnapped teens Ebon mutated. Believe me. We are not proud of what we did and fighting you all, but Ebon told us that if we helped him, Subprime will cure our light sensitivity, when I found out that Subprime has no idea how.”

Oil continued, “Echo lead us to the sewer system where we found Nightingale and the other Nightbreed.”

“We were no match for Ebon or the Kraang. We were fortunate to escape undetected. My gauntlets are proof of that.” Circuit Breaker showed her damaged gauntlets before letting the guy in overalls work on them again.

“I was more than willing to welcome them. I just wish we could do more. I mean look at us!” Nightingale revealed her suit had spots that were duct taped. The group saw the others were in the same condition, “Things have not been easy for us. We’ve had to dig around garbage for food and have no access to clothing or blankets. But we can’t leave here due to our light sensitivity. Tech has been working on finding a way for months with little to no success.” She pointed to the guy in black overalls.

“If there is a chance we can see sunlight again without dying, we have to take it. Problem is it may take months before I figure something. By then, we may starve to death by then.” Tech sighed.

Hearing that made Static very angry inside as he clentched his fist. He then looked around to notice something, “Where’s Polarity?”

“Yeah I thought she was a Nightbreed too?” Mikey realized.

Echo lowered his head, “I tried to convince her, but she was too confused. Luckily, her light sensitivity isn’t as severe as ours.”

Static understood, but was still down about being unable to help.

“Isn’t there anything we can do to help?” Mikey asked.

“Like the humans would help us?” Oil sighed.

“There are good people! They can help!” Beast Boy argued.

“Not that we don’t believe you, but we vowed to find the problem ourselves. Besides, they might try to capture us let alone try to cure us.” Nightingale explained.

“I have an idea!” Pinkie chirped, “We can’t get you guys to leave, but we can get people to donate food and clothes to you guys!”

“Will people be able to do that?” Nightingale asked.

“Maybe I can convince them,” Static stood up, “Gear!”

“Way ahead of you. I got a camera and crew to meet us a couple blocks away!” Gear held up his phone.

“You guys stay here!” Static said before he and Gear hurried out. As they left, no one noticed a head appear off a wall. As it disappeared, Mikey perked up like he sensed something and went to look around.

Before long, the camera crew came just as Gear promised and set up for the broadcast. Soon, they were ready and began as the reporter spoke to the cameras.

“This is Shelly Sandoval with a live broadcast with Static who has an important announcement about the metahumans known as the Nightbreed.” She then held the mike to Static as he began to talk.

“As some of you may have known, The metahumans known as Nightbreed have went into hiding due to their photosensitivity. But I had just found out they are struggling. They don’t have food or spare clothes. I ask for anyone out there to please donate food and clothing to these. I understand Dakota City has been having trouble with Bang Babies recently, but these metahumans might be people you know and care about even before they became metahumans. While there are those who let power get to their heads, there are those who are confused, scared, and sad that they left everyone and everything that meant everything to them. So I am asking, no implore you all, please donate! If we can show we care about the Nightbreed or any other confused metahuman, we can take away that fear! We can help each other!”

Throughout all of Dakota City, many people saw the broadcast. In his home, the former hero named Soul Power smiled to see the young hero showing his concerns for those less fortunate.

“You did good, Sparky.” He smiled.

In his home, Robert Hawkins smiled to see the good his son was doing.

“Your mother would’ve been very proud of you, son.” He said to himself with tears in his eyes.

Hiding in a tree was the man in black who watched the broadcast through TVs in a store window and smiled. Meanwhile, somewhere in space, Batman had been watching the broadcast on one of the ship’s scopes and smirked to himself.

Shortly after the broadcast, many volunteers were filling a delivery truck with spare clothes, blankets, and food.

“Once we’re done loading the truck, the driver will bring the truck to the abandoned subway station.” Daisy was explaining to Static and Gear.

“And we’ll help the Nightbreed unload it to their little city.” Gear added.

“Thanks. For doing this.” Static thanked Daisy.

“After all the time you guys saved us all, it’s the least we could do.” Daisy smiled.

“We’ll go on ahead and let the Nightbreed know.” Static stated as he and Gear started head back to the underground city.

Moments after the duo and volunteers left, the driver was about to enter the truck when a figure came up from the seat and punched him out cold. Daisy turned to see him starting the truck and started to drive away.

“Hey!” Seeing that Static was long gone, the girl grabbed the side of the truck just before it left. The figure looked through his sunglasses to see Daisy through the rearview mirror. He then sped up and made sharp turns in an attempt to knock her off. Despite her best efforts to stay on, one turn was so sharp it was enough to knock Daisy off. Daisy screamed as she braced for hitting the sidewalk.


Suddenly, she saw she was still in the air. The girl looked up to see she held by Mikey who was swinging on his chain in pursuit.

“Hey! You’re one of those turtle friends of Static’s, aren’t you?” she gasped.

“Yep! Friends call me Mikey. Are you okay?”

“I am now thanks to you!” Daisy smiled.

“Sorry if I’m scary.” Mikey sweated.

“Couple days ago, your friend with the swords saved me from that amoeba. And as I told him and that girl with the glasses, any friend of Static’s is a friend of mine.”

Mikey smiled to hear that before Daisy explained the situation to him, “That guy hijacked that truck filled with stuff that was donated to the Nightbreed!”

“I heard,” Mikey explained, “I felt we were being watched so I went to investigate. I followed through the sewers which lead me to you guys. I saw the whole thing in the alley so I thought you could use some help.”

“We need to get that truck back!” Daisy declared as Mikey held her on his back.

“Already on it. Booyakasha!” Mikey cried before he saw Daisy looking at him confused, “Something fun to say.” And with that, the ninja hurried to where the truck went.

Meanwhile, in the subway tunnel, Static and Gear told The Nightbreed the good news and they along with Pinkie waited for the truck to unload it. Just then, a green bat flew up to them and transformed back into Beast Boy.

“I can’t find Mikey anywhere.” He said.

“That’s not like Mikey at all!” Pinkie pondered.

“Maybe he went to get pizza?” Gear guessed.

“Without even telling us?”

“Hope he’s okay,” Static hoped while checking his watch, “And that truck should’ve been here by now.”

“Hopefully, it shows up soon. Leo’s probably wondering where we are.” Gear pondered.

“They were moments ready to head out before we left.” Static added.

“That’s what you get for trusting the wrong people!” a new voice said.

Everyone turned to see the figure walking through the wall. He was a brown haired tall guy wearing a brown coat and shades.

“Fade?” everyone gasped.

“Who’s that?” Pinkie raised a brow.

“Fade. He was one of us before he sided with Ebon!” Nightingale glared, “You have some nerve showing your face around our direction after turning on us, Fade!”

“Hey now. Is that anyway to say hi to an old friend?” Fade asked, “Besides, you’ve given Tech another chance.”

“That’s because I’m trying fix our photosensitivity to redeem myself!” Tech growled.

“Which is more than I can say about the surface people.” Fade barked back.

“That’s a lie! They’re bringing food and supplies to these guys!” Static declared.

“Is that what they told you? I saw that same truck heading to the other side of town!”

“What?” Everyone was shocked to hear Fade’s claim.

“Face it, Static! You wasted on breath on such ignorant fools!”

“Wanna bet?”

Everyone turned to see Daisy and Mikey at the entrance each with a box of donations.

“Daisy?” Static gasped.

“Mikey!” Cheered Pinkie and Beast Boy.

“Sorry for the sudden leave, but I sensed a presence with my keen sense and followed that guy to the truck and hid in the alleyway so I wouldn’t make a scene.” Mikey explained.

“I was the last of the volunteers to leave when I saw that guy hijack the truck and tried to stop. Mikey here saved me and we found the truck hidden in the junkyard. Mikey was able to drive it back here. Despite his parallel parking.” Daisy added.

“Yeah! Wait what?” Mikey took aback on the last part.

Hearing that made Nightingale mad as she glared at Fade.

“Liar!” she hissed.

“We don’t need them!” Fade declared.

“And how were you going to prove that? By making us suffer?”

Unable to have an answer, Fade screamed as he went after Daisy while Mikey pulled out his nunchucks. But before he got near them, he was knocked away by soundwaves shrieked out by Echo. He looked up as Echo snarled at him.

“This isn’t over! YOU HEAR ME?” he shouted as he faded through the wall.

“Coward!” Echo went after him before Nightingale stopped him.

“Let him go. He’ll think twice before showing his around us again. Besides, we have more important things to do.”

Shortly after, The Nightbreed helped Static, Gear, Mikey, Pinkie, Beast Boy, and Daisy unload the truck. Shortly after, the driver came to take the truck away and didn’t press any charges since it arrived at the destination. After he left, Daisy talked to Nightingale.

“I hope this didn’t make you think we couldn’t be trusted.”

“I think what you all have done for us has proven that there are people I do trust,” Nightingale smiled, “Thanks to you all, we have enough to last a month or so.”

“And the cupcakes are a nice bonus,” Brickhouse smiled, “Thanks, Pinks.”

“You’re all welcome.” The party girl grinned.

Echo walked up to the heroes, “We will never forget what you’ve done for us. Remember, you must stop Ebon and Kraang Subprime before they mutate anyone else.”

“You have our word.” Static promised.

As the heroes all headed out, Gear stopped and turned to Tech.

“I almost forgot. Hey, Tech! I’ve been meaning to ask you. Where’d you get your fusion power couplers?”

“Made’em myself.” Tech smiled as the two thumbed up each other.

Meanwhile, at the hideout, Ebon threw his chair at wall in anger after Fade informed him and Kraang Subprime about the Nightbreed.

“You sure?” he growled.

“Affirmitive! I would’ve fooled them if it wasn’t for that turtle!” Fade informed.

Suddenly, a loud boom shook the place, startling the three, “Now What?” bellowed Subprime.

Ebon and Subprime hurried to find the prison chamber severely damaged and Kraang Droids were knocked down along with Boom.

“The prisoners have escaped!” Subprime hollered.

Ebon saw Boom coming around and grabbed him by the collar, “What. Happened?”

“T-Talon. She damaged the place and freed the prisoners. Tried to stop her, but she got the jump on me.” Boom struggled to answer.

“Just great! First the Nightbreed now Talon? They pick NOW to betray us!” Ebon dropped Boom in anger.

“I don’t need this right now!” Subprime cried. Behind him, Kurosa entered then noticed they were upset and was about to leave when Subprime acknowledged him, “What do you want?”

“Sorry to intrude, but you will be pleased to know the rocket is finished. I already have the Kraang fueling it with the Bang Baby mutagen at this very moment.”

Subprime thought for a moment before turning to Ebon, “Fortunately, for those traitors, we can begin the invasion,” He stomped towards Boom and picked him up by the collar himself, “As for you, since you were the one to lose the prisoners, YOU will be the one to find them!” his cockpit closed up as he spoke in his Shredder voice, “And don’t you dare return without them!”

“I’m gone!” Boom assured. After Subprime dropped him, he hurried out the door. As he exited, Boom looked back then turned forward and hid his smile as he headed out.

Back with Static, he and the others began to head back to the juvenile Station after dropping Daisy off at her home. They soon stopped and walked towards the station. Beast Boy then spoke to Static.

“You should feel proud of helping those Nightbreed guys.” The green teen said.

Static shrugged, “Well, it would’ve almost ended badly if it wasn’t for Michelangelo.”

“Hey c’mon, dude! It was a team effort!” Mikey chimed.

“Mikey’s right. Don’t let what Fade did worry you, Virge. We did good.” Gear patted his friend’s shoulder.

“And put smiles on everyone’s faces!” Pinkie grinned.

Static smiled to hear the support of his friends and then showed determination. “Well, now we must be ready for the biggest fight of our lives.”

“You are right, my friend.”

Everyone turned around startled as the figure in black landed near them. When he revealed his face, Static gasped.


Anansi nodded, “A great battle is upon us. Thought you could use some help.”