• Published 16th Jan 2023
  • 2,436 Views, 119 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls Shell Shocked - Wildcard25

The Rainbooms and Turtles join forces with Dakota's Hero Static Shock to stop the scheme by the Kraang and the Meta-Breed

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The Turtles, April, Casey, and Rainbooms arrived on the top of a building with Static and Gear. As they stopped to catch their breaths, Static looked at the group, especially the turtles.

“Four. Walking. Talking. Turtles.” He said in amazement.

“Congratulations. You win the Nobel prize.” Raph teased.

“This is pretty cool.” Static told Gear, who nodded.

“Hey! No need to freak out, dudes! We can explain! You see-” Mikey began before Gear explained for him.

“Fifteen years ago, you four came in contact with some mutagen, that transformed you into your present state and were trained by a ninja master.”

“Huh?” The Turtles gasped.

“Robin told us.” Both Static and Gear grinned.

“You know Robin?” Casey asked.

“We helped Batman and Robin on one or more occasion.” Static said as Gear added.

“Plus, we’re reserved Titans.”

“That’s great.” April complimented.

“Yeah. And he told us all about you all,” Gear said before he named everyone. “Leonardo, Donatello, Raphael, Michelangelo, April O’Neil, Casey Jones, Sunset Shimmer, Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy. The Rainbooms, right?”

“That’s right.” Sunset confirmed.

“So, what brings you guys to Dakota City?” Static asked.

Leo stepped up and took a breath, “We came to warn and help you…….. Virgil.”

Hearing that got Static and Gear stumped.

“You too, Richie.” Mikey gleamed as Gear dropped his jaw.

“How do you know who we are?!” Static gasped.

“Whoa whoa whoa! We just read the files Batman has on you.” Sunset assured.

“Batman‘s got a file on us?” Gear asked.

“He’s Batman, of course he’s got a file on us,” Static shrugged before pondered, “Now, that I think of it, that’s where I heard your names.”

“Really?” Fluttershy asked.

“Last time I met up with Robin, he told me about you guys.”

Just then, Twilight’s bag unzipped, and Spike poked his head out, “Twilight, could I come out now? I kinda need a fire hydrant.”

“AHH! That dog just talked!” Gear screamed.

Twilight pulled Spike out before he faced Static face to face, “Hey, how’s it going?”

That resulted in Static screaming in shock before Twilight tried to calm them down.

“It’s okay. It’s okay! It’s just my dog, Spike.”

“Seriously? They’re okay with talking turtles but freak out to a talking dog?” Spike rolled his eyes.

After he and Gear calmed down, Static decided to ask the obvious question, “So, what did you guys wanted to warn us about?”

“It’s kind of a long story,” Leo began as they explained to the two about Kraang Subprime, Armaggon, and Bixolio in their universe, made Static and Gear genuinely concerned.

“Okay, I think the first thing we should do is call the Justice League.” Gear suggested.

“No can do,” Static whistled, “Last I heard, they’re off world, including Batman.”

“We understand it’s kind of big, but we need to stop them before things get worst.” Sunset pointed out.

“And we’re gonna stop them whether you guys are in or not.” Raph added.

“Raph.” April scolded.

“What do you think, Virge?” Gear asked his friend.

Static pondered, “Well, from what Robin told me about you guys, you’re a little…….” He noticed Mikey trying to make his disk fly only to fall on his face, “Unorthodox.”

Hearing that made the group very dismal, especially Raph and Applejack before Static continued, “But he also told me you are actually skilled as ninjas. And if Batman trusts you, so do I.”

“So you’ll help?” Sunset smiled.

“I will under one condition,” Static used a little electricity to let Mikey ride his disk, “Think you guys could teach us some ninjitsu while you’re here?”

“We can teach you some basics.” Leo nodded.

“Then it’s a deal.” Static shook Leo’s hand in agreement.

“Booyakasha!” Mikey cheered as he flew around the rooftop.

“What'd he say?” Static raised a brow.

“I don’t know, but it sounds cool,” Gears shrugged before he turned to the group. “C’mon. we’ll take you to our little base of operation.”

“Lead the way.” Rainbow chimed as they all moved out while Static jumped back on his disk but still let Mikey ride along.

Meanwhile, The Kraang droids were escorting the four Bang Babies to a warehouse.

“It’s bad enough I have to be a Metahuman again. Now I’m captured by friggin aliens.” grumbled Talon.

“Same,” Kangor agreed, “All I remember is waking up to have my powers back and instructions to find you three and fight Static.”

“You were lucky I was steamed with Static after the last time we fought! Cause I’m ticked enough as it is!” Hotstreak growled.

“Ya think these guys are gonna probe us?” joked Shiv.

Hearing that made Hotstreak burst in flames. “NOBODY IS GOING TO PROBE ME! NEVER!”

The Kraang droids then aimed their blasters at the flaming teen, “Kraang is not interested in that which is known as probing. Kraang has that which is known as big plans. If the ones known as Metahumans do that which is known as cooperate, then the ones known as Metahumans can help Kraang with that which is known as the big plans.”

Hotstreak put out his flames as he glared at the head droid, “Say I believe you, how do I know you’re really gonna help us?”

“Because we came to an agreement.” Said a familiar voice.

The four Bang Babies looked to see a chair turning, revealing the gangsta Metahuman, Ebon.

“Ebon?” the four gasped.

“Long time no see.” He said smoothly.

“You with these freaks?” Hotstreak glared before Ebon stretched his arm and slammed him on a chair.

“I see you haven’t changed. They call themselves the Kraang. And they are gonna help us take the city!” Ebon explained as Talon, Shiv, and Kangor all took seats, “But first, allow me to introduce you to my business partners,” As the shadow figure explained, walking from the shadows were Kraang Subprime, Armaggon, and Bixolio, “You will be taking orders from them as well as me,” He then pulled out a familiar canister, “They supplied us with this stuff called mutagen. With the right mixtures, I’ve been able to restore Bang baby powers with it.”

“Does it work?” Shiv smirked.

“Kangor and Talon are living proof it does.”

“You-!” Talon angrily got only to be forced back down by Armaggon.

“Sit down!”

“Did you give Static my calling card?” Ebon asked.

“We wrecked the school to get his attention and we would’ve roughed him and Gear up if they weren’t joined by some overgrown turtles and girls.” Hotstreak growled.

Hearing that got Subprime worked up, “The Turtles? And the Rainbooms? HERE?! IS THERE NO LOSING THEM?”

“That won’t stop us!” Bixolio declared.

“So what is your big plan anyway?” Kangor raised a brow.

Ebon answered, holding the canister to his face, “We’re bringing the old gang back together!”