• Published 16th Jan 2023
  • 2,436 Views, 119 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls Shell Shocked - Wildcard25

The Rainbooms and Turtles join forces with Dakota's Hero Static Shock to stop the scheme by the Kraang and the Meta-Breed

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The Final Shock, Part 1

Three hours ago…..

In the Dakota prison, the warden was looking through the cells checking on the Bang Babies and other renegade metahumans held there. Cryskill and Outer were sitting by the wall separating their cells, Madelyn shivered still not recovered from seeing Master Splinter’s spirit, Puff was looking at her nails while Onyx was held by titanium shackles, and Heavy Man was still frozen. After checking all of them, the warden was about to head back to his desk when suddenly-


He was knocked off his feet by an explosion. As he lost consciousness, Ebon emerges from the smoke along with Kangor and Acid Grip.

“Don’t mind us! These Bang Babies are getting out for good behavior,” Mocked Ebon. He then spoke to everyone as Kangor and Acid Grip began breaking cell doors open, “Our time has come, Bang Babies! The invasion has begun!”

“Alright!” Outer cheered as he exited his cell.

“Now let’s crack some shell!” Cryskill declared.

“Get in line!” Onyx cracked his knuckles as Acid Grip melted his shackles.

“Cause we call dibs!” Puff added as she walked out.

Kangor was about to open the cell with Madelyn in it when Ebon stopped him.

“If Maddie’s not through with her episode, then she’s useless. Leave her!”

He then walked up Heavy Man and injected a serum of mutagen in his neck. Soon enough, Heavy Man was able to move once again.

“About time!” he grumbled as he walked out of his cell.

“Wait! What about me?” cried a voice in another cell.

Inside was a teen whose nose was so long it resembled a ferret.

“Sorry, Ferret. But I ain’t got time for dead weight!” Ebon scoffed.

“But I can lead you to someone who can help!” Ferret pleaded, pointing to another cell.

Ebon looked at the cell as a dark shadow turned to see him and growled like a leopard.

“Perfect.” He smirked.


“And then he let him out and left me here! That’s all I know!” Ferret was telling Nightwing and Leo who came to investigate when they heard there was a jailbreak. Leo frowned from what he heard.

“Ebon WANTED us to send his Bang Babies to prison!” he glared.

“He and Kraang Subprime must be finished with their project,” Nightwing deduced, “And I thought Joker was too complicated to figure out.”

“It must’ve had something to do with the rocket Sunset told us when they dealt with that Maddie girl.” Leo added.

“Agreed. We better get back to the others.”

But as the two were about to leave, Ferret cried to them, “Wait! You can’t just leave me here! I’ll do anything!”

Leo and Nightwing looked at each other in annoyance before looking at Ferret grinning.

Back at the juvenile station, Raph was pacing around impatiently. He looked around to see Donnie finishing the Bang Baby retro mutagen with help from Cyborg, Keno balancing on one of his sparring sticks with Blade using his sword for katas, Casey lifting a dumbbell, and Rubberband Man was drinking coffee from the coffee machine Donnie fixed up. At last, he lost patience and punched a wall, getting everyone’s attention.

“What is taking everybody so long to get here? Ebon and Kraang Subprime are probably finished with their big plans while we’re here, acting like everything is awesome!” he yelled.

“Hey! What do you think me and Donnie have been doing, taking a nap?” Cyborg snapped back.

“We’ve just about finished with the Bang Baby retro mutagen. Without it, we’ll be dealing with a whole army of Bang Babies.” Donnie added.

“And Leo wants us to wait for him and Nightwing to get back from checking out that prison break. Not to mention the girls as well as Static and Gear.” Keno said as he landed back on his feet.

“Oh! So our fearless leaders’ want us to sit here on our butts? Everytime we go after the Kraang and Bang Babies, we fight one, barely survive, and hafta come back to recover. IT’S GETTING OLD REALLY FAST!” Raph continued to rant.

“Chill, Raph!” warned Casey.

“Yeah man searching for Ebon is like finding a needle in a haystack.” Rubberband Man added.

“Rushing to battle without the right preparations is not a wise move, Raphael. If you want to be successful in defeating our enemy, just be patient and wait for the others.” Blade calmly advised.

Raph, however, scoffed, “You wanna waste time? Then stay here!” then, he stormed out of the station.

Blade sighed in defeat, “I wonder if his sensei had that kind of result.”

“Unfortunately, that’s his easy side. Any angrier and he would’ve at least tried to punch you.” Casey described.

“Man! I’m surprised you guys never kicked him out of the team.” Rubberband Man shrugged.

“It’s more like Raph threatens to quit,” Donnie explained, “When he’s not stomping off, Leo usually orders him to stay behind. Eventually, he cools off, comes back, saves the day, apologizes, and things go back to normal. However, there was that time both he and Applejack left because they thought Batman wasn’t really helping us get home. He then showed them where his parents were killed.”

“Man! And you’d think he’d learn to get anger management by now.” Cyborg rolled his eyes.

Just then, The Rainbooms, minus Pinkie, April, She Bang, Batgirl, Starfire, and Raven all entered.

“Hey, guys.” Greeted April.

“Hey, Red.” Casey greeted back.

“We got here as soon as we could.” Twilight said.

“Pinkie went with Mikey and Beast Boy to pick up Static and Gear.” Applejack added.

“Yeah. You see what they did on the news?” Keno pointed to the TVs where they were showing the broadcast from earlier of Static speaking.

“We saw that on our way over here. Pinkie texted us saying they’ll be here soon.” Rarity explained.

“It was very pleasurable to see such generosity!” Starfire gleamed.

“Indeed. And it looked like it was a success.” Blade agreed.

Fluttershy noticed a couple others were absent, “Um, where’s Leo?”

“The radio mentioned a jailbreak earlier. He and Nightwing went to check it out and hoped to find a clue to Ebon and the Kraang.” Donnie answered as he gathered his canisters of the Bang Baby retromutagen.

“And Raph?”

“Mr. Personality? He took off in a major funk.” Cyborg huffed.

“Again?” Sunset facepalmed herself.

“Major funk.” Keno rolled his eyes.

“Terrific.” Raven said bluntly.

“Did he have to do it now?” Sunset griped.

“Do what now?” Everyone looked to see Pinkie, Beast Boy, Mikey, Static, and Gear enter.

“Hey, guys.” Batgirl greeted. Then everyone noticed Anansi entering behind them.

“Who’s your friend?” April asked.

“Everyone, meet Anansi the Spider. He’s a local hero from West Africa and a friend of ours.” Static introduced Anansi, who bowed in respect.

“I have heard of you Ninjas and Rainbooms from your time in Gotham. It is an honor to meet you, as well as the legendary Teen Titans.”

“It’s an honor to meet you as well.” April shook his hand.

“So what brings you to our side of the globe?” Rubberband Man asked.

“I had sensed that Static was in for a long and tough battle. I came to give my services to you all.”

“I say we could use the help.” Keno said.

“Cyborg and I had just finished the Bang Baby retro mutagen. Unfortunately, we don’t have a Bang Baby to test it on.” Donnie sighed.

“I think we can fix that, Donnie.” Everyone looked to see Leo and Nightwing entering with Ferret. The Bang Baby was escorted in with his hands tied together.

“Who’s that?” Sunset asked.

“Ferret. He’s one of the Bang Babies we’ve encountered in the past.” Static explained.

“So you were mutated by Ebon, weren’t you, Ferret? Cause last I checked; you were cured last time.” Gear questioned the metahuman.

“Yeah. I was,” Ferret scoffed, “Only to get in prison for getting supplies for those Kraang freaks, and Ebon frees everyone else and I’m just dead weight to him!”

“Maybe if your face wasn’t so….. rodent like.” Rarity said, trying to be nice.

“Face it!” Ferret sat down upset, “I’m just pathetic. Tried to be tough just to be ditched, gassed by the Joker, and ended up on anyone’s heel!”

“So Nightwing and I promised him the retro mutagen could turn him human again.” Leo told everyone.

“It’s a good opportunity to see if it will work or not.” Donnie opened a canister and filled his sprayer with the retro mutagen.

“W-Will it hurt?” Ferret trembled.

“A few stings here and there, but that means it’s working. So no need to worry,” Donnie assured, “Cross your fingers.”

Donnie then sprayed the metahuman and shortly after, Ferret squirmed in pain. But sure enough, he reverted to being a human again. When the pain was gone, he got up to see he was human again.

Cyborg scanned his body, “His vitals are back to normal.”

“I’d say that’s a successful test.” Twilight smiled.

“So now what are you gonna do, Ferret, if we can still call you that?” Gear asked.

“Probably skip town, start a new life. Ebon doesn’t want me? Fine! His loss!” Ferret got up and headed for the door before turning around, “And thank you.”

After he left, Twilight turned to Leo and Nightwing, “So Ebon freed every Bang Baby we fought and imprisoned?”

“Unfortunately.” Leo answered as everyone gasped.

“It could only mean one thing.” Static thought for a moment.

“That Ebon and Kraang Subprime are ready to take over Dakota City!” Sunset concluded.

Mikey then turned to Fluttershy, “So where’s this thing you told us that’ll lead them to their hideout, Flutters?”

“Right here, Fluttershy placed Snooky and the device on a counter, “Snooky here put a tracker on Armaggon and that device will help locate him.”

“Alright. Let me have a look,” Donnie looked at the device as Snooky pointed to what buttons to push, “Uh…Thanks,” He politely thanked. It didn’t take long for the tech turtle to figure the device and got it working, “There!”

“That is one smart kitty!” Cyborg whispered to Gear.

“I can’t believe I’m almost jealous,” Gear whispered back before pointing to the device, “That looks like they’re at the waterpoint near the docks!”

“Then we better get moving!” Leo declared before turning to Snowstorm and Shot Cord, “I know this may ask a lot, what with you still new to your powers, but we could use your help.”

“I think we’ve been on the sidelines long enough!” Snowstorm pumped his fists.

“If we don’t stop Ebon and Subprime, who’s to say they do what they did to us to someone else. So it’s personal.” Shot Cord nodded.

“Let’s go save my parents!” She Bang declared.

As everyone prepared to head out, Leo looked around noticing someone was missing. “Where’s Raph?”

Meanwhile, on the rooftops of Dakota City, Raph was sulking. What started out as a fit slowly turned to regret as he walked around, violently kicking anything he could find that wasn’t attached to the roof.

“Why?” he yelled, “Why do I keep doing this? We needed to get everything together so we’d win! But NO! I had to storm out! AGAIN! I swear one of these days, everyone is just gonna leave me because of my anger! Casey, Slash, Leo, Donnie, Mikey, Sunset, Fluttershy. I wouldn’t be surprised if Mona and Chompy would leave too. Why can’t I ever learn from the last time? Why why WHY?”

Raph’s personal rant was soon interrupted when a giant wad of lightning hit the top of a building a couple blocks away. Raph decided to investigate. When he landed near the building, he hid behind a generator and peeked out to see a figure where the lightning hit. He was an adult African American guy with short black hair and small beard. He wore a blue and black body suit with blue and yellow lines shaped like lightning bolts. A small black mask covered his eyes.

'Who’s that?' Raph thought to himself as he saw the figure looking around as if he was searching for something. Or someone. Suddenly, Raph’s T-phone went off, getting both their attention. He checked to see Leo was calling him.

“Bad timing, Leo.” He muttered before he heard the guy.

“Who’s out there? Show yourself!”

Sighing, Raph jumped out of his hiding spot, drawing his sais, faced the guy who looked confused.

“What the-?” he was interrupted when Raph kicked him in the gut, and he fell to the ground.

Raph then set his foot on the guy’s chest pinning him as he demanded, “Who sent you? Ebon?”

“I could ask you the same question!” the guy responded by shooting lightning at the turtle, sending him flying across the roof. Raph got up and prepared to fight again.

“Static’s not gonna like it when he finds out you ripped off his style!” he taunted.

“Static?” the guy perked before glaring, “I taught the kid everything he knows!”

“And I’m Samwise Gamgee!”

The guy continued to fire electricity at Raph, who kept dodging and kept trying to hit his opponent.

“It’s gonna take more than a jerk in a Halloween costume to shock me!”

“I’ll show you shock!” the guy generated a big electric ball and hit Raph with it. As the hothead struggled to get back up, the guy walked up and looked sternly at the turtle, “Now! You wanna talk this out?”

Raph suddenly jumped up and was about to tackle the guy when he suddenly couldn’t move.

“Raph! Wait!”

Raph turned to see his brothers, Rainbooms, Static, Gear, She Bang, Rubberband Man, Snowstorm, Shot Cord, Titans, Batgirl, April, Keno, Blade, Anansi, and Casey coming to the rooftop. He saw that Twilight was using her geode to levitate him to stop him fighting.

The guy was surprised at the sight of the other turtles, “More turtles? Static? What’s going on here?”

Static saw the guy, “Lightning! It’s okay. They’re friends of ours.”

“Even this guy?” Lightning pointed to Raph, who Twilight set down gently, “Said his name was Samwise Gamgee.”

Pinkie laughed, “That’s not his name! his name is Raphael!”

“You okay, Raph?” Leo asked his brother.

“Yeah,” Raph sighed before pointing to Lightning, “You know this guy?”

Static walked up to introduce him, “Everyone, this is Black Lightning. He’s a member of the Justice League and he’s my mentor on how to use my powers.”

Nightwing then spoke, “Lightning, these are our friends from another dimension. The turtles are Leonardo, Donatello, Michelangelo, and you’re familiar with Raphael. There’s April O’neil, Casey Jones, Keno, Blade Swipe, and these are the Rainbooms. Twilight Sparkle, her dog Spike, Sunset Shimmer, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy.”

Shortly after, they explained the situation to Black Lightning. After they finished, Lightning spoke.

“So you guys are the Ninjas and Rainbooms Black Canary and Batman told me about. Guess I had to see you guys to believe the mutant turtle part.” He pointed to the turtles.

“So what brings you our way?” April asked.

“I’m one of the members who stayed on earth while some of the league are off planet. After Cyborg reported about the dimensional rifts, I volunteered to investigate. Then I came across Sam-er, Raph and you know the rest.”

“We had just pinpointed the location of the ones responsible. They’re an alien race called the Kraang.” Donnie held up the tracker.

“Yeah, Batman told me about them. Think you guys could use some help?” Lightning offered.

Leo walked up to Black Lightning and smiled, “You are more than welcome to help. We could use it.”

After the two shook hands, Twilight spoke, “Now let’s stop Ebon and Subprime before they launch their rocket!”

And with that, the groups headed out. As they hurried, Lightning spoke to Raph.

“Listen, I’m sorry about earlier.”

“Nah, it was my bad. It’s a bad habit of mine.” Raph admitted.

“There’s the rocket!” Pinkie cried.

Sure enough, they arrived at the waterfront of Dakota City. There was the same rocket from when they fought Madelyn now complete and ready to launch.

“Why didn’t we see this earlier?” Rainbow whispered.

“You really think they’d build that out in the open?” Raven whispered back.

“Why are we whispering?” Mikey whispered.

“Because this is obviously a trap!” Nightwing mentioned quietly.

“Okay, everybody move in quietly.” Leo shushed.

Everybody slowly crept up to the rocket while keeping an eye out for Ebon, Kraang Subprime, Bixolio, Armaggon, any Bang Baby, and Kraang droids.

“It’s quiet. Too quiet.” Anansi analyzed.

“Yeah. Don’t like it.” Lightning agreed.


Everyone jumped as Beast Boy called out to the area. As they all glared at him, Raven yanked him on the ear.

“Thanks a lot, Beast Boy. I may never have the hiccups again.” She hissed.

“He beat us to it.” Mikey whispered to Pinkie who nodded in agreement.

Suddenly, emerging from the shadows were the Bang Babies, Hotstreak, Shiv, Kangor, Carmendillo, Slipstream, Outer, Cryskill, Puff, Onyx, Acid Grip, Heavy Man, Armaggon, Bixolio, and Polarity all surrounded the heroes along with dozens of Kraang droids and a humanoid leopard.

“Osebo!” Anansi glared at the leopard.

“Perfect! Now I can destroy you AND Static!” Growled Osebo.

After drawing their weapons, the heroes looked up to see on the platform near the rocket were Ebon and Kraang Subprime staring down at them.

“Welcome.” Ebon grinned.

“Ebon!” Rubberband Man gasped.

Static then saw Ebon’s business partner, “And I take it you’re Kraang Subprime!”

“In the Kraangy flesh, Sparky!” Subprime boasted before noticed the Titans, “So these are the so-called Teen Titans that Hoody wasted my time with last time!”

“That’s Kraang Subprime?” Cyborg blurted, “Why does he sound like a parrot?”

“Oh good. It’s not just me,” Beast Boy added, “Though I think it’s more like a duck.”

Hearing that was enough to get Subprime steamed, “ENOUGH! If you all are with those ninjas and Rainbooms, as well as Bat Breath’s buddies, I will dismantle you ALL!”

“Batman was right. He yells a lot everytime he talks.” Black Lightning mumbled to himself.

“How ironic!” Ebon held up a canister of Mutagen, “The very thing that was your making will now be your undoing!”

“Not if we have anything to say about it!” Sunset cried.

“Power up, Guys!” Leo ordered as the Turtles and Rainbooms used their geodes and medallions to transform into their magic forms and attire.

“That’s new.” Batgirl whispered to Nightwing.

“Yeah.” The former Robin agreed.

“Dang!” Static gasped.

“That’s cool.” Gear added.

Not far from the battlefield, a news van drove up and the crew scrambled behind a wall. The cameraman began to roll the camera as Shelly began to report and broadcast the soon to be battle. Just then, Ebon shouted to his forces.

“Destroy them!”

Author's Note:

Black Lightning's attire is based on the show on CW.

Raph mentions Samwise Gamgee, who was played by Sean Astin, his voice actor, in the Lord of the Rings.

Expect references from TMNT 2 The secret of the Ooze.