• Published 16th Jan 2023
  • 2,436 Views, 119 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls Shell Shocked - Wildcard25

The Rainbooms and Turtles join forces with Dakota's Hero Static Shock to stop the scheme by the Kraang and the Meta-Breed

  • ...

Fluttershy's Dog Star Adventure

At the old music store, The Rainbooms, April, She Bang, Starfire, and Raven were all sound asleep in their redecorated base. As they all slept peacefully, two small figures snuck in through the skylight. The two floated down and snuck past the sleeping girls. The two revealed to be a white dog with a red cape and an orange cat with a blue cape as they made their way to Fluttershy, who was still fast asleep.

“Well whattya know, K-Dog? It really is Fluttershy.” The cat grinned.

The white dog shushed his cat friend, “Shh. We don’t want to wake her friends, Streaky.”

The dog then reached and shook the shy girl, “Hey. Fluttershy. Wake up.”

Fluttershy stirred a little before waking up to see the dog and cat, “Krypto? Streaky? Is that you?”

Krypto nodded before motioning her to keep quiet. Fluttershy nodded before whispering, “Meet me outside. I’ll get dressed and ready.”

Krypto nodded as he and Streaky snuck out of the building. Fluttershy was able to get dressed and grab her weapon quietly without waking anybody up. Or so she thought.

“Fluttershy?” Fluttershy squeaked quietly in fear as she turned to see April in her pajamas rubbing her eyes, “Where are you going this late at night?”

“Sorry. I’m going to talk to some old friends.” She opened the door to reveal Krypto and Streaky, who grinned sheepishly when they saw April.

“Aw. How cute.” April cooed.

“This is Krypto and Streaky. They're friends of Bathound. We met when I followed Ace.”

Krypto woofed while Streaky meowed, obviously saying hello.

“This is April. She’s one of my friends.” Fluttershy introduced as April petted the two.

“Okay. I better not keep you guys,” April yawned, “I’m gonna go back to bed.”

“I’ll try to be back by morning.” Fluttershy promised as April closed the door, waving goodbye. With that, the shy girl followed the two pets to the roof of the building next door.

After getting up to the roof, Fluttershy hugged her two super pet friends.

“It’s so good to see you.” She smiled.

“Same here. I’m sorry to bother you this late at night,” Krypto apologized, “But when Ace told us you and your friends were back, I just had to see you again.”

“I was equally excited.” Streaky admitted.

“It’s alright. I was so busy here in Dakota City, I was afraid I wouldn’t see you guys,” Fluttershy looked around, “Is Ace here too?”

“Unfortunately, he’s helping Robin around Gotham as well as have other missions,” Streaky sighed, “But he wanted us to tell you he said hi.”

“Oh. I see.” Fluttershy sighed a bit disappointed.

“But we can introduce you to our other friends in the Dog Star Patrol.” Krypto added.

Fluttershy perked up, “Dog Star Patrol?”

“Yep. I told them about you and how you helped us against Isis and the other villain pets. They were hoping to meet you if you ever came back, Fluttershy.”

“How far are they from here?” Fluttershy asked.

“Actually, I did call them on the way here and here they come.” Krypto pointed to a fire hydrant shaped ship descending to them. Krypto then held on to Fluttershy as he and Streaky flew up to the hatch that opened up.

As they were in the ship, Krypto and Streaky led Fluttershy to a command chamber where a group of dogs awaited them.

“Hey, everyone, I want you all to meet Fluttershy. She’s a member of the Rainbooms and a ninja. She’s also from another world as well.”

“Hello.” Fluttershy waved as the dogs all greeted her.

“Meet The Dog Star Patrol. First is Brainy Barker.”

“Greetings, Fluttershy.” Greeted a beautiful purple Afghan hound.

“This is Mammoth Mutt.”

“Hello there.” Smiled a pink chihuahua.

“There’s Bull Dog.”

“Pleasure to meet you, madam.” Smiled a lavender bulldog with bull horns.

“That’s Tusky Husky.”

“Hello, mademoiselle.” A sky blue Siberian Husky bowed.

“Here’s Hot Dog.”

“Welcome.” Smiled a red Dachshund.

“And That’s Paw Pooch.”

“Please to make your acquaintance.” Greeted a yellow and brown Basset Hound with eight legs.

“It is nice to meet you all.” Fluttershy sat on a stool as the pets gathered around her.

“Krypto told us how you helped him, Super Cat, and Bathound stop Isis and other villain pets.” Hot Dog smiled.

“Wasn’t easy. Especially when Roulette thought I was stealing from her and Pinkie was stopping her fight.”

“Well, by jo. She can understand us.” Bull Dog pointed.

“Told ya.” Streaky grinned.

“Would it be alright if I read your mind, Ms. Fluttershy?” Brainy walked, “I would like to learn through your mind and as a bit of a precaution.”

“It won’t hurt, will it?” Fluttershy feared.

“I assure you I will not harm anything in there.”

“Okay.” Fluttershy sat still as Brainy put her paw on her forehead.

“Just relax and this won’t hurt a bit.” Brainy’s eye then began to glow.

Inside the shy girl’s mind, Brainy walked in a quiet meadow as butterflies flew.

'She seems to be a gentle soul,' she thought, 'How fitting.'

The dog then walked up to a door. Seeing it as the way to her memories, she reached to open it when a male voice spoke up.

“Can I help you?”

Brainy turned to see a humanoid rat in a maroon kimono robe looking at her.

“Oh! I’m sorry. Are you this girl’s conscience?”

“Actually, I was her sensei. I am Hamato Yoshi, but you can call me Splinter.”

“I am Brainy Barker of the Star Dog Patrol. I assure you I mean the girl no harm.”

Splinter looked at the dog before his look softened, “You appear to be as harmless as you say. Much better than the last person who entered one of my student’s minds. Very well. You are okay to enter.”

“Thank you, honorable sensei.” Brainy bowed as Splinter opened the door for her.

As Brainy walked in what appeared to be a flower covered hallway and saw pictures of Fluttershy with her friends, from the Rainbooms to the Ninjas. She even saw a picture of a big turtle wearing a black mask that was covered in roses. After seeing more pictures of good memories, the dog saw the hallway began to get covered with thorns and bats flew past her. She then saw a shadow of a dark figure in bladed armor and red glowing eyes laughing evilly.

“My goodness!” Brainy gasped as she backed away. “What an awful figure!”

Believing she saw enough, Brainy teleported from the mind.

Brainy’s eyes stopped glowing as she regained consciousness and Fluttershy opened her eyes.

“Are you alright?” Fluttershy asked in concerned.

“Yes. I think I saw enough,” Brainy breathed, “Enough to believe everything I heard of you and your friends.”

“So, what brings you back to our dimension?” Bull Dog asked.

“It’s a long story.” Fluttershy began to tell the Dogs why she was here. She even shared some of her ninja moves to the Star Dogs, who enjoyed every move she did for them. However, as the shy girl shared moves and stories, nobody noticed a small droid with a built in camera on the ceiling.

In a secret headquarters, A figure with a robotic cat paw was watching The Star Dog Patrol as Fluttershy shared her adventures and ninja moves.

“So this is the metahuman that helped Superdog and Bathound defeat Isis.” He sneered.

As he continued to observe, a blue kitten walked up to him.

“Affirmative,” He explained, “Her name is Fluttershy and she’s one of these Rainbooms that helped Batman save Gotham from these aliens called the Kraang.”

The figure turned his chair, revealing to be a green cyborg cat, as he got up and walked up to a damaged Kraang droid, “Ah yes. The Kraang. They have such advanced technology that would rival even Brainiac.”

“Word has it the Kraang are back and in Dakota city, Mechanikat.” The kitten explained.

“Excellent. This couldn’t have worked out better than I planned, Snooky. Once I pinpoint their location, it’s all about making contact. While I make contact, you will head to Dakota City and keep an eye on our friends.” He chuckled as he turned a couple nobs.

“Yes sir.” Snooky nodded as he took his leave.

In the Bang Babies hideout, Bixolio noticed a beeping light on a control panel.

“Somebody’s making contact with us.” He told Armaggon who was passing by.

“Who’d be dumb enough to contact us?” the shark grumbled as Bixolio answered the call. As he pushed a button, a screen flickered on as Mechanikat appeared on it.

“Greetings. Am I talking to the Kraang?”

“What’s it to you, robo furball?” Armaggon snarled.

“Allow me to introduce myself. I am Mechanikat. I’d like to speak to your leader.”

“Kraang Subprime is busy at the moment. What’s so important you have to bother us?” Bixolio raised a brow.

“I wish to gain access to technology of the Kraang.”

“And why should we give it to you?” Bixolio asked curiously.

“What if I told you I could lead you to a Rainboom?” Mechanikat offered.

Bixolio and Armaggon looked at each other in surprise, “We’re listening.”

Mechanikat pulled up a picture of Fluttershy on the screen, “This girl is in the company of my archnemesis, a Kryptonian dog named SuperDog.”

“What do you take me for? The Kryptonians went extinct ages ago!” Armaggon snarled.

“Then you do not know that a Kryptonian survived as well as his dog.”

“That'd make some meal.” Armaggon pondered.

“What do you want from us in return, Mechanikat?” Bixolio questioned.

“I deliver you the Rainboom and Superdog and in return, I gain access to Kraang technology.”

Armaggon and Bixolio looked at each other before the shark answered, “I’ll meet with you. But if you’re trying anything, I’m having a canned meal tonight!”

After Mechanikat ended his transmission, Armaggon began to leave before looking back at Bixolio, “If Subprime asks, tell him we might get a prisoner real soon.”

After showing some of her ninja moves and telling her adventures, Fluttershy decided it was time to head back.

“I’m sorry, but my friends will be up soon and with the Titans’ help gonna find Ebon and Subprime.” She apologized.

“We understand, madame.” Bull Dog nodded.

“Just know you are always welcome here. We hope to see you again, Fluttershy.” Brainy added.

“Thank you very much all of you.”

“SuperCat and I will escort her back.” Krypto offered as the other super dogs said their goodbyes.

Before long, He, Streaky, and Fluttershy were all back in Dakota City.

“Thank you for introducing me to your friends.” She thanked.

“It was also good to see you again as well. But I’m afraid we need to be heading back ourselves,” Krypto sighed, “Kevin will be up soon.”

“Same with Andrea.” Streaky sighed.

“I understa-” Fluttershy perked up, “Do you guys hear that?”

“Hear what?” Krypto perked up.

Fluttershy held on to her geode and listened, “It sounds like cries for help.” She then hurried to find the source of the distress.

“Fluttershy! Wait!” Krypto cried as he and Streaky tried to follow her.

Sure enough, someone did needed help. It was Snooky. When he arrived in Dakota City, a bunch of street dogs began to chase him. They were too big and too tough for him to handle. All he could do was outrun them. Unfortunately, he made a wrong turn and was cornered in an alley. The blue kitten could only curl up in fear as the dogs slowly crept up to him growling. But just when they jumped at the cat, a figure jumped in and grabbed him just in time.

“Are you alright, Little Guy?” Snooky opened his eyes to see he was in the arms of the very Rainboom he was to locate. He quickly jumped out of Fluttershy’s arms and started to back away.

“It’s okay.” Fluttershy tried to calm him down, but the blue kitten then turned away and ran.

Fluttershy still smiled, “You be careful now!” she waved.

Snooky turned a corner and stopped to catch his breath. He then looked to see Mechanikat looking at him impatiently.

“And where have you been?” he sneered.

“I just had a bunch of-”

“Never mind!” Mechanikat interrupted rudely, “Did you find the Rainboom with Superdog?”

“They’re a couple blocks away. That way.”

“You better be right about this!” Armaggon walked out of the shadows.

“Of course, Armaggon. Once the Rainboom is yours, all I ask is access to Kraang technology.” Mechanikat smirked.

Snooky, on the other hand, looked towards where he ran from Fluttershy with regret on his face.

Meanwhile, Krypto and Streaky flew over to Fluttershy.

“Is everything alright?” the superdog asked.

“Yes. A little kitten was trapped with some dogs, but I saved him.” The shy girl smiled.

“Betcha I’m cuter than that kitten was.” Boasted Streaky as Krypto playfully rolled his eyes.

“It was just a small blue kitten.”

“Blue Kitten?!” Krypto and Streaky gasped.

“Something wrong?” Fluttershy asked.

“That kitten might’ve been Snooky!”

“Snooky?” Fluttershy worried as Krypto continued.

“Snooky Wookums is Mechanikat's sidekick and secret agent. He’s an evil mastermind pastel blue kitten who uses his cuteness and intelligence to cause all sorts of trouble for us and the Dog Star Patrol. He is Mechanikat's most trained agent.”

“How terrible!” Fluttershy gasped.

“Definitely cuter than him.” Streaky boasted while Fluttershy and Krypto gave him a dry look.

“We better find him. Mechanikat might be up to something around here! Where’d he go?”

“This way!” Fluttershy followed the two pets as they all hurried to a street corner.

As they looked around cautiously, Streaky sneered, “He couldn’t have gone too far.”

“Looking for me?”

Fluttershy drew her weapon as she, Krypto, and Streaky turned to see Mechanikat walk from an alley corner with Snooky.

“Mechanikat!” gasped Krypto.

“We meet again, Superdog!” Mechanikat then turned his attention to Fluttershy, “And this must be one of these Rainbooms. The one who helped you against Isis.”

“You’re Mechanikat?” Fluttershy gasped.

“So it’s true. You can understand us.”

“I get that a lot.” Fluttershy sighed.

“What’re you doing here, Mechanikat?” Krypto glared.

“It’s hard to keep something like the Kraang a secret. After hearing about them after trying to take over Gotham, it was difficult to find traces of their technology since Batman took it away. Of course, I heard from my resources that the Kraang were back in Dakota City. And it’s only a matter of making a deal with them in exchange for their technology!” Mechanikat chuckled.

“As if! There’s only two of you and three of us!” Streaky boasted.

Mechanikat snapped his fingers in response. Then a dozen of his Catbots landed right beside him and Snooky.

“Why do you keep saying that?” Krypto facepalmed.

“I look forward to upgrading my Catbots with the Kraang technology I’ll get for defeating you! Also, I asked for assistance.”

“More like pestered!” Out from the shadows came Armaggon who walked to the side of the Catbots.

“Armaggon!” gasped Fluttershy.

The bounty hunter pointed to Krypto, “So that’s the Kryptonian dog?”

“Yes. That’s him.” Mechanikat assured.

Fluttershy took aback, “Wait. How can you understand them?”

“I’m a bounty hunter! I have an alien translator!” Armaggon yelled before calming down, “At least I can take you back as a bonus.”

“You will not hurt her!” Streaky declared as he and Krypto flew in front of Fluttershy.

“Get them!” Mechanikat cried as Armaggon and the Catbots charged.

Fluttershy joined Superdog and Supercat in fighting the Catbots. During the fight, Krypto then faced Armaggon.

“Your bounty hunting days are over, Shark!” He declared, ready to strike.

“Then it’s a good thing Robo-fur over there gave me this!” Just before Krypto could hit him, Armaggon held up a glowing green rock, causing Krypto to fall to the ground weakened.

“Kryptonite!” Fluttershy gasped.

Armaggon licked his lips as he grabbed Krypto by his neck, “I never had Kryptonian before. Much less a Kryptonian dog.”

Suddenly, Armaggon was kicked in the face by Fluttershy, dropping Krypto as well as the kryptonite, which bounced a little ways.

“Are you alright, Superdog?”

“I should be fine.” Krypto shooked.

Armaggon got up and rubbed his cheek as he glared at the shy girl, “Alright, then. I’ll deal with you first!”

“I’ll deal with Armaggon!” Fluttershy stood ready as Armaggon started to charge at her.

“We’ll deal with the Catbots as long as you keep the kryptonite away from us.”

Fluttershy nodded as she hurried to grab the kryptonite.

“Get the Kryptonite!” ordered Mechanikat.

Armaggon battled Fluttershy, who was able to hold her own against him as the two struggled to gain possession of the kryptonite. But the green rock kept getting kicked around the battlefield. Luckily, Fluttershy was able to knock it away should it land near Krypto or Streaky, who were destroying the Katbots despite the radiation.

“Not so tough without your backup singers, Are you?” Armaggon teased before getting hit by a kick from the shy girl, “Maybe not.”

Krypto and Streaky were able to beat the Catbots, but the kryptonite slid near Snooky who picked it up as everyone froze while Mechanikat walked up to his agent.

“Well done, Snooky! You have pulled through once again. Now. Give me the kryptonite!”

Snooky looked around to see Krypto and Streaky looking at him with fear while Fluttershy was held captive by Armaggon. The first thing that was on his mind was the Rainboom saving him from before, causing his paw to shake.

“Are you deaf? Hand. Me. The. Kryptonite. Now!”

Hearing Mechanikat say that didn’t help at all. Snooky winced remembering how Mechanikat would mistreat him despite his loyalty to him. It was there he knew what to do. He lifted the kryptonite and threw it near a storm drain.

“NO!” Mechanikat dove for the rock, but it was too late. The kryptonite fell to the sewers below and the water carried it away. Mechanikat turned angrily to Snooky, “You Dare? YOU DARE BETRAY ME?”

Snooky snapped back, “I’m through with being your patsy! Risking my life for what? Just so you can conquer the world? Well, forget it! I’m done! D-O-N-E. DONE!”

Mechanikat screamed as he prepared to slash Snooky. But after raising his paw, he suddenly couldn’t move it. He turned to see Krypto holding his paw glaring at him.

“Don’t even think about it.”

As Armaggon saw everything, Fluttershy used it as a distraction to stomp on his toe causing him to release her and kicked him away.

Armaggon saw the situation, “Well this was a bust!”

Mechanikat noticed the hunter leaving, “Armaggon! Wait! What about our deal?”

“Deal’s off! I got bigger fish to fry, Rust bucket!” Armaggon flew off in his suit.

Seeing he was defeated, Mechanikat dropped down and started to throw a tantrum, “NONONO!” he cried.

“It’s over, Mechanikat!” Krypto then grabbed Mechanikat by the cape.

“This isn’t over, Superdog! Mark my words I will have my revenge!” He then turned to his former agent, “And you! You will pay for your betrayal!” Before Mechanikat could finish, he was knocked out by Streaky who borrowed Fluttershy’s blowgun and smacked him upside the head.

“I think he was finished.” He grinned as he gave Fluttershy her weapon back.

Snooky then walked up to the trio, “I am really sorry for everything I have done to you.”

“It’s okay, Snooky, but my question is…. Why?” Krypto asked.

“I owe her my life. She showed me real kindness when she saved me,” Snooky pointed to Fluttershy, “Also, I’m fed up with Mechanikat’s ungrateful attitude.”

“I figured he was an ungrateful type,” Fluttershy nodded before looking back, “I’m just sorry I couldn’t get any info from Armaggon about where Ebon and Kraang Subprime are hiding.”

“Maybe this’ll help,” Snooky held up a beeping device, “I put a homing device on Armaggon when he came should he have turned on us, but now I want you to have it.” He gave the device to Fluttershy.

“Oh thank you!” the shy girl smiled accepting the device.

Krypto then grabbed the unconscious Mechanikat, “I think I’ll drop him off at Mogo on my way back home.”

“Where’s that?” Fluttershy asked curiously.

“Mogo is a sentient planet in sector 2261. He should keep him in check.”

“Even so, he’ll come after me should he escape.” Snooky shrugged.

“Maybe I can help,” Fluttershy smiled, “I can take you to the animal shelter back home and find you a new home.”

“I…. always wanted a home.” Snooky confessed.

“I think that’s a great idea.” Krypto nodded.

“Well, if you guys are okay with it, then I am too.” Streaky admitted.

“Then it’s unanimous!”

“Thank you.” Snooky bowed.

“Well, we better get going,” Krypto stated as he and Streaky began to float up as he carried the unconscious Mechanikat, “It was great to see you again, Fluttershy! And Good luck, Snooky!”

“See ya, guys!” Streaky waved.

“Goodbye!” Fluttershy waved back.

“Ruff Ruff! And away!” Krypto and Streaky then flew away. Then Fluttershy saw the sun rising as she picked up Snooky.

“My friends will be up any minute now. Let’s head back. Once Twilight locates Armaggon with this, we’ll have Donnie drop you off at the shelter back at our dimension.” She explained as they headed back.

Back at the music store, The rest of the Rainbooms, April, Batgirl, She Bang, Raven, and Starfire were awake and getting themselves around to stop Ebon and Kraang Subprime. Just then, Fluttershy entered with Snooky in her arms.

“There you are, Fluttershy!” Rainbow Dash smiled.

“April briefed us on what you were doing and we’re glad you’re okay.” Sunset added.

“Hi, everyone,” Fluttershy greeted. She then noticed someone was missing, “Where’s Pinkie?”

“Mikey and Beast Boy were here earlier, and they told us Leo and Nightwing are checking out a jailbreak. They went to get Static and Gear, and Pinkie joined them.” Applejack explained.

“Leo wants us to meet them at the juvenile station for further instruction.” Batgirl added.

April then noticed the periwinkle kitten in the shy girl’s arms, “Aw! Who’s your little friend?”

“This is Snooky. He’s someone I’m gonna need to drop off at the animal shelter back home. He also gave me this.” She held up the device and gave it to Twilight.

“What is it?” she asked.

Fluttershy smiled as she said, “Our key to finding Kraang Subprime and Ebon!”

Author's Note:

Mobo is a reference to Green Lantern