• Published 16th Jan 2023
  • 2,434 Views, 119 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls Shell Shocked - Wildcard25

The Rainbooms and Turtles join forces with Dakota's Hero Static Shock to stop the scheme by the Kraang and the Meta-Breed

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Dakota City

The Turtles, April, Casey, and Rainbooms made it through the portal and to Dakota City. They all landed on top of a building and looked around.

“Here we are.” Donnie presented.

“Dakota City.” gasped April.

“It looks brighter than Gotham.” Casey looked around.

“Whoa.” awed Mikey.

“Reminds me of back home.” Rainbow pointed out.

“Oooo!” Pinkie smiled.

“Amazing.” Rarity marveled.

“Hoo-wee.” Applejack whistled.

“Wow.” Whispered Fluttershy.

“Cool.” Sunset said.

“Not bad.” Shrugged Raph.

Spike yawned as he popped out of Twilight’s bag, “What I miss?”

“I’m sure we’ll see more while we’re here, but right now, we need to find Static and warn him about Subprime.” Leo then turned to Twilight, “Any idea where we can find him, Twilight?”

Twilight pondered. “Well, we could try his school. Should be this way.”

“Let’s move.” Leo ordered and they moved out while Twlight filled Spike on everything.

Before long, they arrived at an alleyway across from the school.

“This is the place. Dakota Union High.” Twilight pointed.

“So how do we do this? It’s obvious you guys will make a scene.” Applejack explained to the Turtles.

“Not to worry. I came prepared.” Donnie pulled out a familiar device.

April and Sunset facepalmed. “Oh, no!”

“Oooooh! What's that?” Pinkie peered over Donnie’s shoulder.

“This is my portable cloaking device.”

Applejack raised a brow, “Portable what now?”

“Well, you girls were trapped in that mirror when I explained this to the others. It's designed to give us holographic human disguises. Basically it'll make us look exactly the way we see ourselves as humans.”

“Fascinating!” Twilight amazed.

“Don't be too impressed, the first time he used it was when the guys snuck into my school for pizza friday.” April grumbled.

“And they used it again when we went looking for you at the mall.” Sunset added.

“So, what happened?” Rainbow asked.

“They made fools of themselves in my school.”

Twilight giggled. “Is that true, Leo?”

“It was the first time we got to interact with other humans!” Leo blushed.

Donnie continued, “Anyway, what we didn't know was that some Kraang droids were using the same cloaking technology to disguise themselves and both of us ended up exposed. Then they used a freeze ray on everyone including April.”

“My word!” Rarity gasped.

“But luckily after we defeated them I used the ray to unfreeze everyone and we got out before they could see us.”

“Again, you were this close to being exposed!” April huffed.

“Don't remind us! When Splinter found out, he gave us all Randori!” Raph groaned.

“What's Randori?” Sunset asked.

“PAINFUL!!!” The Turtles cried at once.

“Well, I’m sure we’ll do better this time.” Leo assured.

April could only roll her eyes as Donnie pushed a button, activating his device.

“Alright. Who’s first?”

“Me!” Mikey cheered as Donnie passed the device to him and he transformed into his previous human cloak “Check me out!”

Pinkie Pie awed, “Wow! You look good, Mikey!”

“Nice shades!” Rainbow complimented.

“I got next!” Leo was the next to use the device.

“Nice look for Leo. And I'm definitely sure Twilight, here, thinks so.” Spike grinned.

Twilight’s jaw dropped as she saw Leo’s human form. Her face turned red as Leo noticed.

“Twilight? You okay?” he asked.

Twilight began to breathe heavily then fainted. Luckily, Leo caught her before she landed on Spike.

“I think you broke her.” The dog said as Raph, Mikey, and Casey all laughed their heads off.

“Twilight? Twilight!” Leo slapped her cheek a couple times.

“Maybe she needs mouth to mouth, Leo!” Mikey teased.

“Shut up, Mikey.”

“Wait a minute. She’s coming around.” Sunset noticed as Twilight opened her eyes and stood up straight.

“Sorry. Leo’s form caught me off guard.” She blushed.

“I’m still me underneath, Twilight.” Leo assured her.

Raph was the next to use it, only to turn into a prom queen again, “What the? Donnie!”

Mikey, Casey, and the Girls all laughed at him.

“Oops! Well, I still have some glitches to iron out.” Donnie said smugly.

“And if it's any consolation, Raphael, I think you look very stylish!” Rarity smiled.

“Gee, thanks.” Raph said dryly as Donnie gave him his jock form.

“Now we're talking!” Rainbow cheered.

“And finally!” Donnie then used his invention on himself, “What?”

“Exactly the way you see yourself, huh?” chuckled Applejack.

“Y’know, This is how I’ve pictured you guys as humans.” Rainbow pointed.

“If you boys weren’t turtles, I’d say you look great.” Rarity critiqued.

“Not gonna lie. I’m impressed.” Applejack grinned.

“Wow.” Fluttershy whispered.

“Okay, guys, do not embarrass us this time! I mean it!” April strictly instructed.

“Relax, April, we're not gonna do that again. But you gotta admit, THIS IS INTERSTELLAR!” Mikey cheered.

“That again? Really? I told you it's not a thing!” groaned Raph.

“Now that we’re ready, let’s go in.” Leo instructed.

Everyone nodded as they headed to the school while Spike snuck back in Twilight’s bag.

As the group walked in the hallways, students noticed the newcomers. Mikey clicked his tongue at some of the girls who giggled at him. Some of the guys gave flirty looks to the girls, which made Fluttershy uncomfortable.

“Do they have to stare?” she whispered.

“Well, we are new here.” Applejack assured here.

April held the shy girl’s hand, “It’s okay, Fluttershy. We’ll hopefully be out of here soon.”

As the group continued around the school, they were noticed by two teenager boys. One was African Amercian with black locks and wore an orange jersey and blue pants. The other was a blonde white boy wearing glasses, a green hoodie, and kahki pants.

“Hey, Virge, you seen those guys before?” the boy with glasses asked.

“Can’t say that I have, Richie. They seem friendly.” Virgil answered.

“Not to mention some pretty ladies,” Richie smiled slyly, “Whataya say we give them a tour of the school?”

“Sure why not? They look like they’re looking for something.”

The two walked up to the group as Richie spoke up, “Pardon, mademoiselles,” The group turned to the two as Richie continued, “You and your buddies seem to be new to our school. Could we interest you to a tour of our facilities?”

The girls chuckled at Richie’s flirty suggestion, “My. What fine gentlemen.” Rarity grinned.

“As a matter of fact, we could use a tour of this place. Thanks.” Leo spoke as he shook Virgil’s hand.

“No problem. Name’s Virgil Hawkins. And this my best friend, Richie.”

The groups’ eyes shrank realizing they found who they’re looking for.

“Uh… my name is Leo and these are my brothers Donnie, Mikey, and Raph.”

“I’m April O’Neil.”

“Name’s Casey Jones.”

“I’m Sunset Shimmer and this is Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy.”

“Nice to meet you all.” Richie smiled.

“Those names sound familiar.” Virgil pondered.

Before anyone could say anything else, the school was shaken by a loud BOOM! The group turned around the corner to see four teenagers causing havoc. One had red hair with yellow streaks, wore a red shirt and baggy khaki pants and was firing actual fireballs. Another was a Jamaican guy with enormous feet, causing earthquakes as he stomped. The other guy could form his hands into knives as he grinned evilly. They were joined by a humanoid bird girl.

“Are those….. Metahumans?” Applejack asked.

“Yeah. The worst ones.” Richie gasped.

“You guys get outta here. We’ll get help.” Virgil instructed before he and Richie hurried off.

“What do we do now, Leo?” Twilight asked.

“What else? We take’em down.” Leo declared.

Back with the Metahumans, the red head blasted a locker.

“Hey, Kangor! You better be right about this!” he looked to the Jamaican.

“Trust me, Hotstreak. This will bring out Static!”

“I hope so!” giggled the smiling guy, “I’ve been itching to cut something up. Eh, Talon?”

“Whatever makes you happy, Shiv.” sighed the Bird girl.

The four were then taken aback by getting whacked. They all looked up to see the newcomers.

“Well, well, well, lookie what we have here!” Shiv smirked.

“You all are brave but made a grave mistake.” Kangor cracked his knuckles.

“I never seen them before.” Talon raised her brow.

“Well, I’m burned enough to-” Hotstreak started before he saw Sunset Shimmer, “Well, hello hot stuff.”

“Huh?” Sunset raised a brow.

“I might be nice enough to spare your meddling friends if you go out with me.” he flirted.

Sunset scoffed, “Sorry, you’re not my type.”

“Burn me and get burned!” Hotstreak glared as he stomped towards Sunset before Raph blocked him.

“You heard the lady. She’s NOT interested!”

Not taking 'no' for an answer, Hotstreak hit the turtle in disguise with a fire ball, sending him flying to a wall. As he recoiled, his cloak flickered for a second.

“What the-?” As Hotstreak was distracted, Sunset kicked him in the gut, forcing him to back up.

“That guy isn’t human!” he groaned.

“Let’s see what makes him and his friends tick!” smirked Shiv as his blades started to glow.

“Let’s take this outside!” Kangor stomped hard enough to send the ninjas flying through a window. As they all hit the street, the four brothers’ disguises got disrupted and left them exposed, much to their shock. Some of the students were equally shocked.

Mikey got up quickly, “Everybody, run! There are four bullies in there, trying to kill us!”

The students only ran screaming as one shouted, “Run! It’s a talking toad!”

“I know. Weird, right?” Mikey asked, oblivious to him exposed.

Donnie looked at himself to see the cloak wore off, “Uh oh.”

The four metahumans jumped out and saw the four mutants.

“What I tell ya?” Hotstreak glared. “They’re a bunch of overgrown frogs!”

“You failed biology? They’re turtles!” Talon snapped as Shiv laughed his head off.

“Guess the cat’s out of the bag,” Leo sighed as they all drew their weapons. “Ninjas! Take’em down!”

The groups were soon in combat with each other. After he smacked away Casey, Rainbow, and Mikey, Kangor wrestled with Applejack.

“You’re strong. I’ll give you that.” He said as they arm wrestled.

“You’re not the first to try to sass me.” The cowgirl hissed.

Meanwhile, Raph stood face to face against Hotstreak.

“I’m gonna fry your sorry shell!” the teen sneered.

“Not a good idea,” Raph growled, “Play with fire. You get burned!”

As Hotstreak fired fireballs, Raph used a little bit of his medallion’s power to counteract the flames. Sunset and Fluttershy tried to help Raph by throwing her kunai and Fluttershy firing a dart. It was enough to distract the teen long enough for Raph to hit him a couple times.

Talon flew up in the air as April, Donnie, Rarity, and Pinkie stood their ground with weapons in hand.

“You think you can beat me with those toys?” the bird taunted.

“Why? You scared?” April taunted back.

“Yeah, I’m scared of a fan, stick, chain, and sickles.” Talon rolled her eyes before swooping down at the four. Before her attack hit, Pinkie used her chain to wrap her up as April and Rarity double team punched her and Donnie hit her with his bo.

“Oh, they’re scary in the hands of ninjas.” Donnie smirked.

Talon then screeched at the four with her supersonic screech. Struggling, April used her ESP to counterattack.

Shiv used his blades to Leo and Twilight, laughing as he swung. Both Leo and Twilight struggled to block his attacks. He then was able to knock the two off their feet and swiped Twilight’s backpack.

“Let’s see what goodies the lil Einstein’s got.” He chuckled. He opened the backpack only for Spike to jump out and bite him on the nose.

“Bad dog! Bad dog!” Shiv shouted, trying to get him off.

This distracted him long enough for Twilight and Leo to kick Shiv in the gut. Leo caught Spike while Twilight seized her backpack.

“Good dog.” Leo patted Spike’s head.

“ENOUGH!” Kangor stomped his foot, causing a tremor that knocked the ninjas off their feet. As the Ninjas tried to get up, they saw the Metahumans towering before them.

“I don’t know who you freaks are and where you come from, but you picked the wrong city to visit!” Hotstreak was about to blast them when suddenly-


The four were zapped by electricity. Everyone looked to see who should soar in but Static himself.

“Is this how you treat people from outta town or just the unique ones?” he asked.

“You’ll never make friends like that.” joked Gear as he ascended next to Static.

“Static! Just the one we were looking for!” Kangor pointed.

“Forget the freaks! Let’s get Static!” Hotstreak shouted.

“Hey! We’re not finished yet!” Raph ran after, throwing his sai, hitting the hot head luckily the hilt got him in the head. Soon Static and Gear joined the Ninjas to battle the four Metahumans and started to overpower them. After a struggle, the four were pushed back.

“You’re lucky your new buds slowed us down, Static! Next time, you’re all going down!” Kangor stated.

“Adios, muchachos!” Shiv giggled as the four retreated. Soon, the Ninjas heard police sirens.

“The cops are coming!” Applejack gasped.

“We better get outta here!” Leo declared.

“Come with us!” Static called out as he and Gear flew up a building. The Ninjas and Rainbooms jumped up to the roofs to follow just before the police arrived at the school.

Meanwhile, the four Bang Babies were in an abandon part of town.

“Well, that was a bust!” Talon huffed.

“I didn’t count on Static having new buddies!” Kangor glared.

“Well, when I see them again, they’re dead!” Hotstreak hissed, “Especially that turtle with the forks!”

“And that girl who stood you up?” Shiv laughed his head off as Hotstreak glared.

“That’s another thing. Who are those turtles and kids?” Talon raised her brow, “Think they’re metahumans?”

“Never seen them before.” Kangor shrugged.

“I know I never seen THEM before!”

The Bang Babies look to where Shiv pointed to see robots surrounding them aiming their blasters.

“The ones known as Metahumans will be coming with Kraang!”

Author's Note:

artwork done by Jebens1