• Published 16th Jan 2023
  • 2,434 Views, 119 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls Shell Shocked - Wildcard25

The Rainbooms and Turtles join forces with Dakota's Hero Static Shock to stop the scheme by the Kraang and the Meta-Breed

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The Final Shock, Part 2

In the warehouse district in Dakota City, Boom was sneaking around before coming up to a warehouse. After checking to see the coast was clear, he knocked on the door. It opened as someone peeked out.

“It’s just me.” Boom assured.

The door then opened to reveal Araon’s stepbrother Dwayne, who let the big guy in. After Talon broke the metahumans out of the Kraang’s prison, with help from Boom, they all went to the warehouse to hide until Ebon and Kraang Subprime were defeated. Miranda smiled as she ran to embrace her brother.


“Miranda!” Boom hugged back.

Talon walked up, “How’d it go?”

“It worked. Kraang Subprime sent me personally to find you all.”

“Good. Now we can wait for the coast to be clear. Once we’re clear from the Kraang, we find Sunset Shimmer and her friends and hopefully the antidote to our Bang Baby forms.”

“Guys! Take a look at this!” The bang baby known as D-struct called.

They all gathered around in front of the makeshift TV Dwayne thought up to see the broadcast at the waterfront.

The Turtles, April, Casey, Rainbooms, Blade Swipe, Keno, Static, Gear, Rubberband Man, She Bang, Titans, Anansi, and Black Lightning battled Ebon and Subprime’s forces. Cyborg fought Armaggon one on one.

“I’m gonna rip you apart piece by flesh!” the bounty hunter declared the two grappled.

“Never was a fan of Shark Week!” Cyborg glared.

Meanwhile, Raph faced Hotstreak once again. Hotstreak was un-amused by Raph’s mystic form.

“You think your new getup makes you better than me? NO ONE compares to me!” the teen scoffed.

Raph, however, had enough of the big talk from his opponent, “Just shut up and fight.”

The two then fought fist to flame. Each fought each other firing flame attacks and punching each other.

Beast Boy, Mikey, and Pinkie all fought Acid Grip who kept firing acid at the trio.

“Eat acid, Ninja creeps!” Acid cried.

“Guy’s into his work, I’ll give him that.” Beast Boy remarked before transforming into a bunny rabbit to avoid the acid attacks.

“Booyakasha!” Mikey then used his geode power to throw a boulder at Acid Grip, who used his acid to melt the big rock before it could hit him, “Okay New plan!”

Mikey then prepared another boulder, only this time, Pinkie threw sprinkles on it before he threw it at Acid Grip. Just before Acid could melt it, the sprinkles exploded causing the boulder to blow up and disorient him long enough for Beast Boy to transform into a rhino and ram him, knocking him out.

“Yeah!” the three high fived.

Starfire was blasting Kraang droids when she saw Applejack getting thrown by Heavy Man.

After checking the cowgirl, the Tamaranian faced Heavy Man, “I got him!”

Applejack stopped her, “No! He’s mine.” She got back up to face Heavy Man.

“You’re not getting the best of me this time!” Heavy Man glared.

“I underestimated you, Doc! Ain’t gonna happen again!” Applejack tilted her hat in determination.

“Yeah? Well this time, The Kraang gave me a concentrated dose of Mutagen. So you’re not gonna luck out this time, cowgirl!”

“Funny. I was gonna say the same about you.” Applejack smirked before the two wrestled each other.

She Bang fought Kraang droids with the hook swords Leo gave her earlier and slashed them apart. Then she heard Snowstorm call to her.

“She Bang! Duck!”

She Bang ducked as Snowstorm threw a snowboard like a boomerang. On the ends were ice shards as sharp as daggers as they smashed more droids who tried to jump She Bang. The board then bounced back to Snowstorm who caught it.

“Nice!” She Bang thumbed up.

“Thanks.” Snowstorm smiled.

Gear threw smoke bombs at more droids as he joined the two, “So how you liking the weapons Leo gave you, She Bang?”

“Pretty cool. Hope you and Static didn’t mind not getting yours.”

Gear just shrugged, “Static didn’t care about getting one and I got plenty of toys to fight myself. Besides, we agreed with Leo when he said you were behind on training so you needed it more.”

As Anansi fought Osebo, Nightwing fought a couple Kraang droids before speaking to Leo, Twilight, and Blade.

“We need to get to Subprime and Ebon and stop that rocket! Leo! Take Twilight, Static, and Blade and stop that rocket!”

“We’re on it!” Leo answered.

Static turned to Anansi, “You got this?”

“Leave Osebo to me. You go help your friends.” Anansi answered before blocking an attack with his staff.

Static nodded as he followed Leo, Twilight, and Blade towards the rocket.

Meanwhile, Rarity was deflecting shards fired by Cryskill with her sickles.

“You know this is a waste of good crystals! You ever thought of designing for fashion with those?” the fashionists asked.

“You sound like my old man!” Cryskill hissed before she fired more. Suddenly, they stopped in midair. The two looked to see Raven was using her powers to block them.

“Azarath Metreon Zinthos!” Raven threw the crystal shards back at Cryskill, who used her shards as daggers to deflect them. Rarity used this opportunity to use her diamond shield to knock her out.

“Thanks, Raven.”

“You’re welcome,” Raven then noticed Rarity collected some of the crystal shards, “What are you doing?”

“Well, I could use these for my next design.”

“Whatever makes you happy, Rarity.”

Over to Rainbow Dash and Rubberband Man, the two were up against Puff and Onyx once again.

“We gotta score to settle with you two!” Puff declared.

“For once, we agree.” Rubberband Man said. He then grabbed Rainbow’s naginata by the end and morphed into a ball.

“Let’s take em!” Rainbow declared as she swung her staff at Onyx. Rubberband Man then morphed his hand into a big anvil as he hit the giant in the jaw, forcing him to kneel in pain. Puff then blew smoke at them only for Rainbow to use her speed to dodge and hit her in the back, causing her to fall unconsciously.

“Nice move.” Rainbow smiled as Rubberband Man morphed to his regular shape.

“Never thought I’d say this. Booyakasha.” He smiled.

“Goongala!” Casey launched explosive pucks at Carmendillo, who kept bouncing to dodge them.

“Think you’ll get lucky and hit me!” The Bang Baby taunted.

“Hey! Casey Jones is a team player!” Casey stated.

“What’s that suppose to mean?” Before Carmendillo could get his answer, he was struck by Nightwatcher in the back and fell to the ground. Casey walked up next to Keno.

“If I can’t rough on you, I can keep you busy for someone else to do it for me.”

“Well said, Jones.” Keno agreed as the two fist bumped.

Batgirl threw a couple of batarangs at Outer, who used his powers to protect himself while April was dodging fire power by Bixolio. The teens were backed up towards each other.

“How you holding up?” April asked.

“Nothing I throw at this guy can’t even touch him!” Batgirl huffed.

“Switch?” April offered.

“Switch.” The two switched around. Batgirl threw a batarang that destroyed Bixolio's blaster while April knocked Outer off his feet with a psychic blast.

Outer got back up and glared at April, “You ain’t cheap shooting me this time!”

But before he could do something, he was knocked down by Kangor who was sent flying by Donnie.

“Nice hit, D!” April smiled.

Batgirl cartwheeled away to avoid Bixolio's punches. Both April and Donnie noticed it.

“Should we help her?” Donnie asked in concern before April held up her arm.

“No. She’s got this.”

Batgirl then pulled out a disk from her utility belt and attached it to the back of Bixolio's exosuit just as Bixolio grabbed her.

“This hoedown is over!” He declared.

Suddenly, Batgirl smirked, “You’re right about that!”

The disk then caused Bixolio to crackle with electricity as his exosuit malfunctioned.

“Now that’s just bloody cheating!” he huffed.

Over by the rocket, Leo, Twilight, Static, and Blade made it to the rocket and confronted Subprime and Ebon.

“This ends now, Ebon!” Static declared.

“Couldn’t have said it better myself.” Ebon glared.

“Subprime is mine!” Blade said as he faced the Kraang leader.

“I don’t know who you are or where you’re from!” Subprime started before his cockpit closed and his Shredder exosuit spoke, “But now you face your doom!”

“Then maybe I should remind you who took your tendril.” Blade muttered as he pulled out his hockey stick.

As Leo and Static fought Ebon, Twilight made her way to the rocket controls where she faced Kurosa.

“Kurosa!” Twilight glared.

“You’re too late! The countdown has already started!” Kurosa pointed to the timer.

“I anticipated that!” Twilight declared, “Arachnid! Eject!”

Suddenly, off Twilight’s back emerged a drone backpack like Gear’s only it had eight legs instead of four. It was also light violet with Twilight’s cutie mark.

“Sabotage rocket!” Twilight ordered as Arachnid started to climb on the rocket.

“No!” Kurosa tried to stop the drone only to be stopped by Twilight and the two began to fight.

“You really think you could take on old Armaggon!” The bounty hunter boasted as he pinned Cyborg to the ground.

“Yeah! And it’s about time somebody gave you the boot!” Cyborg lifted his foot which thrusted a rocket on the sole, knocking Armaggon off him. Cyborg then punched Armaggon’s suit, damaging it, then converted his arm into his cannon and blasted the shark, knocking him unconscious.

“Booyah!” Cyborg cheered before looking at Armaggon, “Y’know, for a bounty hunter, he sure brags a lot.” He shrugged before hurrying to help Nightwing with the Kraang droids.

Black Lightning was fighting the cyclones before facing Slipstream.

“So you’re the famous Black Lightning, the guy who taught Static what he knows,” The gangster smirked, “Beating you’s gonna be a big score!” he then created a tornado that swallowed Black Lightning, spinning him around in the air.

“Hate to rain on your parade!” he called, “But when there’s a tornado, there’s always lightning!” Lightning then spun lightning around the twister before shocking Slipstream.

Osebo was grappling with Anansi who fought with his staff.

“Your illusions won’t stop me this time!” the leopard growled.

“Maybe, but what about your so-called allies?” Anansi grinned before a Kraang droid shot at Osebo.

“What are you doing?” he snarled.

“The one known as Osebo attacked Kraang!” the droid stated. To the droid, Anansi was another Kraang droid thanks to his illusion powers, “Now, the one known as Osebo will pay for that which is known as betrayal!” the droid aimed his blaster at the leopard.

“Wait! It’s not what you think!” but it was too late. The Kraang droid shot Osebo with his blaster, knocking him out. He then turned to Anansi, still seeing him as a fellow Kraang, “Are you that which is known as all right, Kraang?”

Seizing the opportunity, Anansi struck the droid with his staff. The Kraang began to see through the illusion just before the spider hero knocked him out.

“I am, thanks to you.” He grinned.

Back at the rocket, Blade fought Cyber Shredder and was evenly matched. With every attack, Blade was swinging his hockey stick in anger.

“You took me prisoner!” he gritted, striking an elbow joint, “You mutated me!” he then stabbed a knee, “You TORTURED me!” he then hit a shoulder, “RUINED MY LIFE!” he then spin kicked Cyber Shredder in the chest, knocking him next to the rocket.

Cyber Shredder sat up, opening back up to Kraang Subprime, who was very annoyed, “YOU’RE GONNA HAVE TO BE SPECIFIC!”

Blade then put his stick back and drew his sword, walking towards Subprime. As he prepared to strike, he spoke.

“Well, I’m going to make sure you never rob anyone of ANYTHING EVER AGAIN!”

But before he could strike, Subprime smirked, “Well, that’s wishful thinking. NOW!”

Blade turned just in time to block a sneak attack by Shiv. As he was distracted, Subprime extended a Shredder claw and damaged the platform near Blade and Shiv, breaking it causing the two to fall back onto the street. As Blade tried to recover his posture, Shiv got up and walked up to him.

“Not so tough now are ya?” he taunted as his hand turned into a blade. He was about to strike when suddenly-


A small hailstorm blew Shiv away from Blade Swipe. He looked to see it was Permafrost, who saw the news broadcast and hurried to help her new father and friends.

“Keep away from my DADDY!” she cried, firing a gust of wind and snow. Shiv kept dodging her attacks making his way to her then kicking her in the gut. As she recoiled, Permafrost looked up to Shiv about to strike her. Then, Blade got up and knocked Shiv away with his hockey stick.

“Keep away from my DAUGHTER!” he declared before hurrying to Permafrost and helped her up. As they embraced, he smiled as he whispered, “Good girl.”

Twilight continued to battle Kurosa while Arachnid continued to sabotage the rocket. Seeing the drone, Subprime got up and went after Twilight’s project. Seeing this, Twilight levitated a control panel and hit Subprime away. However, Kurosa took this chance and blasted Arachnid off the rocket.

“NO!” Twilight gasped as Arachnid fell damaged.

Leo and Static were tag teaming against Ebon when Leo noticed that Twilight was about to be tag teamed against Subprime and Kurosa.

“Twilight needs help!” he cried.

Static noticed as well, “Go help her! I’ll deal with Ebon!”

“You sure?”

“I got this. Now go!” Leo decided to listen and go help Twilight. Static then faced Ebon alone.

“Looks like it’s just you and me now, Static.” Ebon smirked.

Static then tried to fire electricity at Ebon only for it to miss his target.

“How easily we forget,” Ebon chuckled while pointing down at Polarity who was hiding behind a pillar, “As long as Polarity is around here, your attacks are useless!”

Static could feel his anger rise seeing his childhood friend used against him, but he remembered Leo’s advice and did a fighting stance.

Ebon was unfazed, “So you wanna end this mono a mono, huh? Very well.” He then clenched his fists before charging to punch Static, but the teen was able to block his punch.

“What the?” Before Ebon could ask, Static did a roundhouse kick, knocking him off the platform. As they got to ground level, everyone stopped their fighting to watch the epic showdown.

“Let’s get a little closer!” Shelly whispered to her cameraman as they hurried without being seen.

The heroes were cheering for Static while the Bang Babies were cheering for Ebon. As the brawl began, Hotstreak noticed Subprime fighting Leo and snuck away while Raph was focusing on the fight. The two circled around. Ebon then kept throwing punch after punch, but Static kept dodging every one. When the Bang Baby extended his arm in a punch, Static dodged and jabbed his fingers on his arm. Ebon then couldn’t feel his arm.

“What did you do?” he growled.

“Pressure points,” Static said, “Something my ninja friends taught me.”

Angered, Ebon continued to fight with one arm. Surprisingly, he started to gain the advantage over Static. After multiple hits, the Bang Baby leader was able to toss the teen like a ragdoll. As Static struggled to get up, Ebon began taunting him.

“No matter how much training you get, the results are the same! You fight for the weak that is why you lose! We Bang Babies are the future! We’re stronger! Better! We were made to rule!”

“You’re….. wrong!” Everyone drew their attention to Static as he slowly got up despite his injuries. Then, he faced Ebon with determination, “Being metahumans does NOT make us better! Than anyone!”

Meanwhile, Shelly and her cameraman were close enough and out of sight they recorded Static’s speech for all of Dakota City to listen to Static’s speech.

“While there so many where power gets to their heads like you, there are those who fear their new powers. You use that fear to manipulate them to do your bidding. But there are others who overcome their fears and work on using their powers to help others, not themselves. You think just because you manipulate others to follow your will, you’re all powerful? Face it, Ebon! You’re nothing without power!”

As Static spoke, everyone in Dakota City heard everything. In her hiding spot, Polarity felt motivated as her look of fear turned to determination. In the warehouse, Talon and the others heard Static’s speech and Talon then got up.

“I know what we have to do.” She told the others.

Ebon, however, was furious as he stomped towards Static, “Say that. Again!”

Static was unfazed, “You’re. nothing. Without. Power.”

Ebon then smacked Static back down with his good hand. He then put his foot on Static’s head.

Leo and Twilight had beaten Kurosa and Subprime. Twilight then looked down and gasped, “Leo!”

With their attention diverted, Subprime used what little power he had left and snuck away. Leo saw where Twilight pointed and saw Static about to be squashed by Ebon.


Author's Note:

The part where Blade and Permafrost save each other is inspired by a scene from Justice League unlimited where John Stewart saves his future son Warhawk.