• Published 16th Jan 2023
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Equestria Ninja Girls Shell Shocked - Wildcard25

The Rainbooms and Turtles join forces with Dakota's Hero Static Shock to stop the scheme by the Kraang and the Meta-Breed

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New Ways New Beginnings

“What started as an epic battle became a block party and community service. After defeating gang leader Ebon, Static, along with the Teen Titans, Justice League’s Black Lightning, and a group of teenagers cured many of the metahumans who were mutated again by Ebon and his ring of Bang Babies. At first, four of the teens almost looked like four large turtles, but were mistaken after closing in. Ebon, and many of the Bang Babies who were involved with the recent kidnappings, have been taken into custody while others have been cured themselves. Whoever the teens who helped Static were able to find a cure for the recent Bang Baby outbreak. Thanks to them, as well as Static and the heroes, many of the victims have returned home safe and sound. This is Shelly Sandoval saying wherever you teens are, thank you. For everything.”

It was morning after the battle and after party. In order to not expose themselves, The Turtles were able to cloak themselves like before, but before Miranda used her powers one last time to cover for them before she was cured. All in all, the party was an excellent time and success. As the sun rose, Static stood on top of a building as he is joined by his father, Robert Hawkins.

“You did good, Virgil. Your mom would’ve been very proud.” Robert told his son.

“Yeah. I think she would,” Static smiled, feeling good about everything for the first time in eve, “Of course, I couldn’t have done without my friends, both old and new.”

The two turned to see the Ninjas, Rainbooms, Teen Titans, Batgirl, Black Lightning, Anansi, Gear, Rubberband Man, She Bang, Snowstorm, and Shot Cord. Not long ago, Mr. Hawkins had learned about the Turtles from the news and his son had to tell him the truth about them. Thankfully, he was okay with them since they were helping his son. He walked up to Leo.

“And I may not have known your father, but I know he would’ve been proud of you all as well. Thank you. For helping my son.”

“Thank you, Mr. Hawkins. It means a lot to us.” Leo shook hands with him.

“Thanks to you all, I believe this city is gonna have better days ahead.”

“Yep, and we’re gonna work on keeping it that way.” Static assured.

As Leo and Static explain, everyone remembered things they saw and have ahead.

“Many of the ones we cured are heading home to their families while others are moving to places Ebon would never find them again.” Cured of their powers, Byron and Miranda head to the subway home. Before joining them, Talon, now cured, looks over to see Sunset who smiles at her and hugs her as a way of saying thank you. As she headed in the train, Sunset watches as the train heads out. Meanwhile, Kangor looks back at the city before picking up his bag and heading out.

“While some of the Bang Babies that are in custody, like Aron, are cured, Ebon could only be cured of his bulky form.” While Aron was sent to prison, some Bang Babies like Shiv and Slipstream were in securely locked up wearing inhibitor collars. Ebon was wheeled in a straitjacket and inhibitor collar in a highly secured prison. Anansi looks to see Osbebo being taken into custody as well.

“With only the knowledge of Kraang Subprime disappeared through a portal, we can assume he won’t be back anytime soon. In the meantime, our friends Bishop and Rook have escorted Armaggon, Bixolio, Kurosa, and the rest of the Kraang back into prison in Dimension X. Rook was even impressed by the containment unit Cyborg created.” Donnie and Cyborg stood by a portal as Bishop escorted the prisoners through with Rook behind them. Before she went through, Rook smiled at Cyborg who gave her a thumbs up.

“The remaining mutagen is being shipped towards Star Labs where it won’t cause any more harm. Bishop was reluctant at first but couldn’t argue with their officials so just as long as it does stay out of the wrong hands.” Bishop tried to reason with the driver before he shows him the official paper. Sighing, Bishop lets him take it and the driver heads out.

“The old juvenile station is now going to be a rehabilitation and training facility for those who decided to keep their powers. And Rubberband Man’s gonna be their teacher and leader when he's not busy with his music career. Snowstorm, Shot Cord, and Polarity volunteered to help out.” Donnie, Cyborg, and Gear were installing new security systems as well as upgrading the computers Donnie salvaged in the old juvenile station. Rubberband Man smiled as he looked from the balcony.

“The Vales are gonna help Tech with solving the Nightbreed’s blind problems. She Bang’s gonna make sure they still get food and clothes donated to them.” Jonathan Vale shows something under the microscope to Tech and the two smiled at their progress while Nightingale patted She Bang on the back.

“And Mauree- I mean Permafrost is going home with Blade Swipe?”

“That’s right.” Static answered his dad while Permafrost is seen hugging Reverend Anderson and saying goodbye. The reverend smiled at Blade who nodded at him, assuring that he will take care of the child.

After explaining what’s happening, Leo took a deep breath, “Well, Now that the Kraang are back in custody, it’s time for us to head home.”

“Yeah and we need to head back to Titan’s Tower to report back in.” Nightwing agreed.

“Not to mention bring some leftover pizza to Blue Beetle.” Beast Boy chimed in, holding up a pizza box.

“Same with me and the Justice League. I just heard Batman and the others are returning to earth.” Black Lightning added.

“Well then, I guess this is goodbye.” Gear shook Donnie’s hand.

Static shook Leo’s hand, “Thanks again for helping us.”

“You too. We made a pretty good team.” The lead turtle nodded.

“Yeah. We did.” The teen smiled.

“It was great seeing you guys again.” April hugged Batgirl.

“Same. And we still fought well together.”

“And great to meet you guys.” Keno fist bumped Cyborg.

“You’re okay with us, Keno.” The robot Titan smiled.

She Bang hugged each of the Rainbooms, “Thank you, guys, for saving my parents.”

“Thank you for helping us against the Kraang.” Sunset answered.

“Take care of those two.” Applejack pointed.

“Someone’s gotta keep an eye on those two lugs.” She Bang chuckled.

Raven walked up to Twilight who was holding Arachnid with Spike in her old backpack, “Sorry about your backpack, Twilight.”

“That’s okay, I can fix it as well as upgrade it. Goodbye, Raven.” Twilight hugged her.

“Good. Bye. Twilight,” Raven cringed, “Still not a hugger.” It didn’t help when Spike licked her cheek.

Rubberband Man walked up to Rainbow, “Rainbow Dash. Thanks.”

“Back at ya, RB!”

“Thanks to your loyalty, I can begin with a new slate.”

“You bet. And if you ever get in another rut, I gave Sharon my number.” Rainbow grinned.

“I think she alone’s gonna be plenty for me to keep going, but I’ll remember that.” Rubberband Man nodded before shaking Rainbow’s hand.

“Glad we got to see you guys again.” Casey locked hands with Nightwing.

“Likewise,” The former Robin agreed, “As promised, we’ll tell Robin you said hi.”

“Until we meet again, Friend Rainbooms and Ninjas.” Starfire said as she hugged Fluttershy.

“Hope we see you again, Starfire.” The shy girl added.

“Well, Mikey, Pinkie, it was fun.” Beast Boy told the two.

“It was great to see you, too, BB.” Mikey smiled.

“You take care.” Pinkie added as the three high fived.

“Thank you both for your help.” Rarity told Snowstorm and Shot Cord.

“Thank you for taking us in.” Shot Cord thanked.

“Static’s helping us to restrain our powers so we’ll be able to go back to our normal lives.” Snowstorm added.

“That’s great!” the fashionist smiled.

Raph walked up to Black Lightning, “I’m sorry we had a rough start. But thanks for the help.”

“I understand you had issues,” Lightning nodded, “But I also see why Batman trusts you kids so you’re all okay with me.”

“Before we go our separate ways,” Nightwing said as he, Cyborg, and Raven gave T-communicators to She Bang, Rubberband Man, Snowstorm, Shot Cord, Keno, and Blade Swipe, “She Bang, Rubberband Man, Snowstorm, Shot Cord, Keno, and Blade Swipe, consider yourselves honorary Titans.”

“Sweet!” She Bang gleamed.

“And I upgraded them so we can call you guys in your dimensions.” Cyborg informed.

“It is an honor to join your team.” Blade bowed.

“Sweet! Glad I’m in the club.” Keno grinned.

“We won’t let you down.” Rubberband Man assured.

“Okay. First we’ll send Blade and Permafrost back to Equestria.” Donnie pulled out his portal tracker, turned a couple nobs, and activated a portal.

Blade turned to his new daughter, “Are you ready to go to your new home?”

Permafrost nodded for hugging Static one last time, “Thank you again for everything.”

“Think you’ll come back here for a visit?”

“If there’s any way I could, I will.” Permafrost promised before she followed Blade into the portal.

After the portal closed, Donnie turned a couple more nobs and activates another portal, “Here’s our ride home, everyone.”

The Ninjas and Rainbooms each waved goodbye to their new friends before entering the portal. After Twilight entered, Leo was the last one as he turned to Static and gave him a thumb up, “Go put a shock to their system.”

Static answered as he thumbed up back, “Booyakasha.”

After Leo left, the portal closed. Static watched the sunrise with his dad and friends.

“It’s a new day, Virgil.” Robert patted his son’s shoulder.

“It sure is, Pops.” The teen smiled.

The Ninjas and Rainbooms then found themselves back in the Turtles’ lair.

“It’s good to be home.” sighed Raph.

“Sure is.” Applejack agreed.

“Oh! You’re back already?” Everyone looked to see Fugitoid walking up with Karai and Shinigami, “Karai and Shinigami arrived just after Donatello left with the ShellRaiser.”

“The professor just explained everything to us when we saw the ShellRaiser returned in the garage.” Shini pointed.

“You know, I’m really starting to feel left out outside of our trips to Equestria.” Joked Karai.

“Sorry, Karai. It was kind of an emergency.” Leo apologized.

Karai nodded, “You had to stop Kraang Subprime. It’s an understandable reason.”

“We’ll explain everything.” Sunset smiled as they all gathered the TV area to tell them everything as Chompy happily walked up to Raph who picked him up.

“I’ll make us some tea.” Rarity offered as she headed to the kitchen area as Mikey followed her to get Ice Cream Kitty.