• Published 16th Jan 2023
  • 2,434 Views, 119 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls Shell Shocked - Wildcard25

The Rainbooms and Turtles join forces with Dakota's Hero Static Shock to stop the scheme by the Kraang and the Meta-Breed

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Bouncing Back

One night, in the Hawkins home, Virgil’s older sister Sharon was heading out the door when their father, Robert Hawkins, looked up from his newspaper.

“Sharon. Where you going this late?” he asked.

Sharon sighed, “I’m going to see Adam. Daddy, I’m very worried. He’s been very antisocial recently. I just gotta help him.”

“Well, he has lived a troublesome life.” Mr. Hawkins pondered. “Be careful. And hurry back safe.”

“I will.” Sharron promised as she went out the door.

Later, Sharon made her way to a junkyard. As she walked, she called quietly, “Hey. Are you there? It’s me.”

“Over here.” A male voice whispered.

Sharon turned to see a purple lamp post changed into a figure. It was a man wearing a black suit that looked like rubber. He was known as Rubberband Man, The bad Bang Baby turned good. The two were soon sitting on the edge of a building and talked.

“You’ve been very distant and hard to talk to. If you hadn’t called, I would’ve believed you’d leave me.”

“Sorry, babe. Just a lot on my mind,” Adam sighed, “I was once a talented musician who was on the verge of a professional career. I was a stock-clerk job at a music store called Stonegas Records. But of course, I had to be a part of my brother’s gang as well as a criminal! And when I try to come clean, I end up having Ebon tricking me and Replikon tries to ruin all my hard work!” Adam's angered tone then became a hurt sigh, “I-I’m afraid of being hurt. Not just hurting me, but everyone else I care about, especially you.”

Sharon, moved, hugged Adam’s arm, “I understand what you’re getting at, but you shouldn’t let fear hold you back. You have a lot to give to this city. I know you do.”

“Maybe.” Adam shrugged.

Later, Adam escorted Sharon back to her home to see she got home safe.

“Thanks for helping me home.” Sharon thanked as she landed off his hand shaped as a seat.

“Just remember. Don’t let fear hold you back. And promise you’ll call more.”

“That I can promise.” Adam grinned as he watched Sharon enter her home. He then formed a ball and bounced away, unaware that a pair of eyes were spying on him.

Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash was running around town while being stealthy in the process. She stopped at the top of a building to take a breather.

“Nothing like an evening run to get you in the mood,” She said to herself, “The girls are just hanging out, the Turtles are training Virgil and Richie while Donnie's starting on that retro mutagen. Maybe I’ll get lucky and find Kraang Subprime,” She then got up and started to run again, “Wish Scootaloo was here to see this.” She was still in thought when she ran into a big purple ball.

“What the-? Who threw that?” she thought out loud as she reached for the ball when it rolled away on its own. After many attempts to grab it failed, Rainbow tried to use her foot to block it. But she was taken by surprise when the ball bounced over her foot. This made her more crossed.

“No whacked-out ball’s gonna best me!” she declared as she drew her naginata and hit the ball to a pole.

“Ow!” the ball then became Rubberband man that took the Rainboom by surprise, “I don’t know what your beef is with me, gal, but I’m not in the mood for games!”

“What the-? A metahuman?” Rainbow gasped before she grinned, “Awesome!”

“Whatever. Just turn around and get going and I’ll be nice to pretend this never happened.”

Rubberband man turned to leave only to face Rainbow again, “What? How?”

“I have my own special abilities.” Rainbow grinned.

“Just leave. NOW!” Rubberband man enlarged his hand and slammed it on Rainbow but missed as she ran past the rubbered metahuman. After many failed attempts, Rubberband man finally grabbed the Rainboom and began to squeeze her out of anger.

“Serious, aren’t we?” Rainbow groaned as she struggled.

As he squeezed, Rubberband man began to slowly snap out of his anger as he remembered Sharon’s advice from earlier. Realizing he almost did something he would regret, he quickly released Rainbow and started to back away in fear. But just as he turned to leave, a big hand punched him. Both looked to see a big purple guy and a panda bun-haired girl in blue.

“Great. You two again.” Rubberband man rolled his eyes.

“That’s right, Stretchy! We have unfinished business with you!” The girl chimed.

“Yeah. You won’t escape this time!” the big guy cracked his knuckles.

“Get’em, Onyx!” the girl ordered the big guy.

“You got it, Puff.” Onyx grinned as he charged at Rubberband man.

The two collided in combat. As he shifted his hands and feet, Rubberband man was able to put up a good fight against Onyx. Then, Puff blew some of her gas, distracting him for Onyx to take out. Meanwhile, Rainbow was able to regain consciousness and noticed the fight. Realizing the two are ganging up on the Metahuman she fought earlier, she got up and ran fast enough to blow gas back to Puff and Onyx, disorienting them.

“Two against one ain’t really that fair.” She teased.

“How she do that?” Onyx coughed.

“She must be one of them Rainbooms Shiv and Kangor told us about!” Puff concluded.

“The ones who helped Static?” Onyx asked.

“Get her!” Puff ordered.

“Wait. Static?” Rubberband man took aback as Rainbow battled Puff and Onyx. While she put up a good fight with her speed and ninja training, Rainbow was being overwhelmed by the two Bang Babies. But just when Onyx was about to hit her hard, he was hit by a large hand and crashed into Puff. Rainbow looked up to Rubberband man standing by her side. He then helped her up and the two faced Puff and Onyx.

“Looks like we have a fair fight now.” Onyx observed.

“I am anything but fair,” Puff growled as she climbed on Onyx’s shoulder, “This ain’t over by a long shot, Rubber Head! And you, Girlie girl, have made a terrible enemy today!” Then, Onyx ran away carrying Puff.

Then Rainbow and Rubberband man then turned towards each other before Rainbow broke the silence, “I guess I owe you an apology for fighting you earlier.”

“Don’t sweat it. And…… thank you. For helping me,” Rubberband man breathed. He was about to leave before turned at the Rainboom. “What’s your name, kid?”

“Rainbow Dash. The most awesome girl you ever met!”

“You got enthusiasm, kid. I’ll give you that.”

Rainbow noticed how depressed Rubberband man seemed to be. “Are you okay?”

“Just have a lot on my mind.”

“You wanna tell a friend?”

Rubberband man perked up a bit at the word, ‘friend’ and sighed, “Let’s just say I’ve been hanging with the wrong crowds. And been framed for my checkered past. It is rare for someone to actually consider me a friend.”

“Maybe because no one showed you true loyalty. Me and my friends could use someone like you.”

“Puff said you and your friends know Static,” Rubberband man pointed out, “Is this true?”

“Yep. We came to help him with enemies of our own,” Rainbow answered. ”If you come with, we’ll explain everything.”

After hesitating a bit, Rubberband man nodded and followed Rainbow Dash.

Back at the juvenile center, The rest of the Rainbooms and April were hanging out with the guys. While Donnie studied in his lab, Leo and Sunset were training Static and Gear, Raph and Casey were sparring, Fluttershy and Rarity were watching with Spike, April was on her computer with Twilight by her, And Mikey, Applejack, and Pinkie were watching TV eating pizza. Just then, Rainbow walked in.

“Hi, guys!” she greeted.

“Welcome back, Rainbow.” Sunset greeted as everyone finished their activities and gathered around the Rainbow haired girl.

“Any luck on Subprime’s whereabouts?” Casey asked.

“’fraid not, Case.” Rainbow sighed. “But I found someone who can help us.” She made way for Rubberband man, who walked in a little nervous.

“Rubberband Man!” Static gasped.

“Hey, Static.” Rubberband man greeted.

“Friend of yours?” Raph perked up.

“In a way, he is.” Gear assured.

“It’s okay! He helped me against a duo of Bang Babies.” Rainbow said.

“Who?” Gear asked.

“Puff and Onyx,” Rubberband man answered, “Wanted payback for last time,” He then turned to Rainbow, “These the friends you told me about?”

“Yeah! Let me introduce you. This is Sunset Shimmer, Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy. Together, we’re called the Rainbooms. These are our friends from New York in our world, April O’Neil, Casey Jones, and the Ninja Turtles- Leonardo, Donatello, Michelangelo, and Raphael.”

“And this is Spike.” Twilight added as she raised the pup up.

“Hiya.” Spike grinned at the newcomer.

“Human Turtles, talking dogs?” Rubberband Man raised a brow before sighing, “Better company than most Bang Babies.”

“So what brings you back in the city?” Static asked.

“Just a lot on my mind,” Rubberband Man sighed, “Kinda stuck in a rut in my life.”

“What do you mean?” Fluttershy asked.

“I suppose you all have the right to know,” Rubberband man sighed as he told his story, “My name is Adam Evans. I was once a talented musician who was on the verge of a professional career. I was a stock-clerk job at a music store called Stonegas Records. But of course, I had to be a part of my brother’s gang as well as a criminal! Even before I became a Bang Baby. For a time, I was an enemy. But I really have been trying to redeem myself and do some good. The problem is someone tries to ruin all my hard work! I just don’t know what I can do.”

“So you use to be a criminal?” Leo gasped.

“Yes. But I’m not that way anymore! I’m telling the truth.”

“Uh-oh.” Raph and Twilight mumbled, fearing Leo was gonna label Rubberband Man because of his past.

Leo walked up to the metahuman and, surprisingly, smiled at him, “I believe you.”

Rubberband Man grinned as Twilight walked up to Leo and whispered, “Was that something you learned, Leo? How to sense the truth?”

“No. This is called ‘Trust in your gut’.” The leader whispered back.

“Anyway, We could really use your help, Adam.” Sunset said.

“What’s happening?”

“We’re here to stop our enemies called the Kraang. Lead by Kraang Subprime.” Applejack explained.

“They created the mutagen that made the Turtles who they are today. We’re afraid they might do some damage here if not stopped.” Twilight added.

Rubberband Man slouched on a counter as he remembered Sharon’s advice, “I want to help. I really do. But I don’t know if I even trust myself let alone think if you guys can trust me after what I’ve been through.”

Sunset put her hand on the metahuman’s shoulder, “As someone who went through a similar route, I understand what you feel.”

“And when you’re with the ninjas, you’re in the best crowd possible!” Mikey grinned.

“Really and Truly!” Pinkie added.

Seeing Rubberband Man still seeming unsure, Static walked up to his fellow metahuman.

“Maybe this will help you see you can trust us.” He reached to his mask and took it off, revealing himself.

This surprised Rubberband Man, “Virgil?!”

“You know him?” Rainbow asked.

“He's dating my sister. While we had a rough start, he has helped in the past. And we could really use your help against the Kraang.”

“Maybe I can help. If you guys trust me.” Rubberband Man perked up.

Everyone cheered.

“After all, it’s only a matter of time before Ebon finds out I’m in town.”

“Who is this Ebon?” Rarity gasped.

“He’s the baddest ringleader of the Bang Babies he calls the Meta-Breed.” Gear stated.

“And I’m sorry to say, he’s my older brother.” Rubberband Man added grimly, shocking everyone.

“What is with people using their own siblings?!” Applejack cried.

“Do you think Ebon teamed up with Kraang Subprime?” April pondered.

“You’re probably right there, April, which would explain how Aaron became Acid Grip.” Static agreed.

“No doubt they’ll probably make more!” feared Gear.

“We’ll have to start searching tomorrow. Right now, I suggest we get some sleep.” Leo suggested.

“I’m gonna need to find a place to stay myself. My place is being fumigated and it’s the first place Ebon would look for me.” Rubberband Man pointed out.

“You could stay with us.” Casey offered.

“Plenty of rooms.” Raph added.

“You are more than welcome to bunk with us.” Leo smiled.

Rubberband Man smiled, “Thank you. All of you.”

“We better head back to the music store to rest ourselves.” Sunset mentioned for her and the rest of the girls.

“And we need to get home ourselves.” Gear spoke on behalf of himself and Static.

Before they all left, Rubberband Man whispered to Static, “Does Sharon know about this?”

“Nope. Just my Pops.”

“Probably better that way.” Rubberband Man breathed before Rainbow walked past them.

“Hey, Rainbow. Thanks.”

“For what?” Rainbow raised a brow.

“For giving me the right direction.”

Rainbow smiled. “No prob. Look forward to working with you, RB.”

As the girls left, RubberBand Man smiled, seeing hope to keep his promise to Sharon.

Meanwhile, Back at the warehouse, Puff and Onyx told Ebon about their encounter with Rubberband Man and Rainbow Dash.

“So, my little brother is in town and has joined Static’s little party?” The ringleader pondered.

“Want us to hunt him down for ya?” Puff asked as she checked her nails.

“No need! If he’s joined Static and those ninjas, we’ll deal with him soon enough.” Ebon stated as a Kraang droid walked up to Subprime.

“The duplication of that which is known as Bang Baby gas is fifty percent complete.”

“Okay not bad. We just gotta keep those Turtles and Rainbooms distracted long enough to complete our plan on time!” Subprime hissed.

“I think one of our newer recruits can fix that, Subprime.” Ebon chuckled as his eyes squinted.