• Published 16th Jan 2023
  • 2,436 Views, 119 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls Shell Shocked - Wildcard25

The Rainbooms and Turtles join forces with Dakota's Hero Static Shock to stop the scheme by the Kraang and the Meta-Breed

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Kurosa's Reveal

At the Bang Baby hideout, Ebon was sitting in his chair while Kraang Subprime sat quietly before the doors opened, revealed a couple of Kraang droids escorting Dr. Marx who wore a mutagen collar like She Bang’s parents. When the doors closed, Dr. Marx pushed a button on his collar, ejecting from his neck as he opened up to reveal Kurosa.

“You wanted to see me?” he asked.

Subprime walked up to him, “Yes. The rocket for our master plan is near completion. How goes the Bang Baby gas?”

“We are on schedule. I just need a couple chemicals to speed up the duplication process. The Vales are hoping for a chance to escape which gave me an idea for where we can get the chemicals.”

“Good. Make it happen!” Subprime smirked.

“I need a couple of Kraang droids and some of the metahumans.”

Subprime’s face then turned blunt, “I can spare a couple droids. But I had to double security with those Bang Babies after the prison break. And Armaggon and Bixolio are supervising the construction. It took every bit of my patience to get that overgrown candle to sit still!”

“Then I think it’s time I introduce the new additions of my Nightbreeds.” Ebon snapped his fingers as four figures in the shadows walked up behind him. Just seeing them was enough to make Subprime and Kurosa to smirk.

Meanwhile, at the juvenile station, The Turtles and Rainbooms were doing their regular daily training with She Bang and Rubberband Man while Shot Cord and Snowstorm watched with Spike.

“Man, they’re good.” Shot Cord spoke.

“I’ll say. These guys are awesome like Rainbow claimed.” Snowstorm awed.

“I never get tired of watching them do this.” Spike agreed.

As the group ended their training, Blade Swipe entered with Static and Gear.

“Hey, Blade! How’d it go with Permafrost at the shelter?” Sunset greeted.

“She’s doing fine. A lot of her friends from church were more worried for her than scared of her.” Blade smiled.

“That’s good to hear.” April smiled.

“Yeah. And I also talked to Reverend Anderson and…… I’m thinking of adopting her as a daughter when I return to Equestria.”

Everyone was surprised when they heard that as Pinkie gasped the loudest, “YOU’RE GOING TO BE A DADDY?”

“Well, I did promise her I’d help her through her pain. And since she doesn’t have family here, I can at least give her the family she’s been longing for.”

“So when she returns to Equestria with you, she’ll become a pony, right?” Gear asked.

“That’s right. I already talked to her about it and she seems interested. She said she’ll think about it while we battle the Kraang and Ebon.”

“Sounds fair.” grinned Casey.

“Agreed. I think you’ll make a great role model for her.” Leo smiled.

Blade smiled as his friends shared their agreement while Static patted his shoulder as his smile showed his approval.

“Well, hate to break up the celebration, but I have a lead on where the Kraang might strike.”

“Of course. I was done anyway.” Blade nodded.

“What you got for us, Gear?” Leo asked as Gear showed a print out.

“Alva Industries. The owner is one of the richest men in the world, or at least in our dimension, Edwin Alva. He makes Bill Gates look like he's homeless.”

“Whoa.” Mikey awed before Raph clonked him on the head.

“So why does he have the Bang Baby gas?” the hot headed turtle asked.

Static answered by shrugging, “There wasn’t a sure answer. But his son, Edwin Alva Jr. used it to gain different superpowers and ruin his father's company because he was neglectful and contemptuous of him. During our final confrontation, Alva Jr. inadvertently transformed himself into stone due to a power overload making Edwin Alva Sr. feel guilty that he hurt his son and drove him to it.”

“Sheesh! He makes Shredder almost had a heart.” Rainbow huffed.

“Well, he worked on trying to restore him. After a failed attempt thanks to two losers named Specs and Trapper, he orchestrated capturing me, Hotstreak, Gear, Talon, and Rubberband Man in order for his scientists to siphon our energies for the restoration machine.”

“That was not fun.” Rubberband Man glared.

“Well would you believe me and Hotstreak donated our energy to the machine and restored Edwin Alva's son?”

“We're talking about the same Hotstreak we’ve been fighting recently?” Raph thought out loud.

“The same one who had the hots for Sunset?” Pinkie pointed at Sunset who groaned.

“Please stop.”

Gear held up his print out, “Well, get this. It says here after the Bang Baby cure was distributed, Alva has kept his remaining supply of the gas in his factory and away from the public.”

“We better stake it out.” Leo suggested.

“Agreed,” Donnie added, “If I can get some of that gas, I can combine it with the retro mutagen.”

“Maybe even find a clue to She Bang’s parents and Dr. Marx.” Twilight agreed.

“Let’s gear up!” Sunset declared.

After the group got their gear and headed out, Leo turned to Snowstorm and Shot Cord. “If you hear or see anything urgent, call us right away.”

“We will. And good luck.” Snowstorm thumbed up. After they left, he turned to Shot Cord, “So now what?”

“Well, we should try practicing using our powers. The sooner we get’em down, the sooner we can beat Ebon and go home.” Shot Cord suggested as he eyed a nearby pile of wires and poles.

Before long, the group arrived on the roof of Alva Industries.

“Easy, everyone.” Sunset whispered.

“I love this spy stuff.” Pinkie grinned.

They all looked around, preparing to face enemies.

“Huh. Not much to this place.” Donnie shrugged.

“Donnie. There may not be much security, but we better move in quietly.” Leo cautioned as Twilight agreed.

Raph, however, wasn’t worried, “C’mon, Leo. Whattya say? Let’s do it,eh?”

Rainbow, Casey, and Keno mimicked him, “Let’s do it.”

Leo’s only response was him rolling his eyes.

“And this is it.” Gear then lead the group to a skylight. They all peeked at the vats of Bang Baby gas below.

“Dang.” Casey gulped.

“It’s a pool of nightmares is what it is.” Rubberband Man glared.

“Okay. We’ll sneak in, get a canister of that stuff, and get outta there.” Donnie planned out.

“Sounds good.” Applejack nodded.

“Except we’re not alone.” April pointed as they all saw Kraang droids in the building.

“Terrific. Kraang droids have to show up.” She Bang mumbled.

Twilight then noticed a familiar figure, “Guys! Look! It’s Dr. Marx!”

Sure enough, it was Dr. Marx. They saw he was running away from four figures in the shadows.

“Who are those guys?” Rainbow asked.

“Never seen them. But they look a lot like Nightbreed!” Static noticed.

“Nightbreed?” Fluttershy asked.

“That’s the name of Ebon’s gang.” Rubberband Man answered.

“We gotta save him!” Rarity declared.

“Agreed.” Leo nodded.

“And maybe we can find my parents as well.” She Bang added.

“Then let’s go.” Blade opened the skylight while Rubberband Man held to the ledge extending into a long slide.

“Going down.” He joked.

“Let’s go, Ninjas!” Leo lead the group down as they all slid off Rubberband Man.

“Whee!” Pinkie cheered.

“Booyakasha!” Mikey joined in.

They all landed between the Nightbreed and Dr. Marx.

“You want the doc? You gotta go through us.” Raph grinned as they drew their weapons.

Twilight turned to Dr. Marx, “Are you alright, Doctor?”

“I’ll be fine. Thank you.” The doctor smiled.

Suddenly, laughter echoed as the group saw Ebon rising in front of the Nightbreed.

“Ebon!” they all gasped.

“Oh don’t mind us. Me and my Nightbreed just came to take the naughty doctor back with us.”

“And taking some Bang Baby Gas from Alva.” Static glared.

“Figured while I was here, I’d grab some souvenirs,” Ebon turned to his new Nightbreed. “Get the doctor!”

“Get’em!” Leo ordered as three of the figures charged at the heroes. Ebon fought Leo, Static, and Blade. Raph, Sunset, Rainbow, and Casey fought a girl with dreadlocks while wearing welding goggles wired gloves. Mikey, She Bang, Fluttershy, Keno, and Pinkie fought one guy dressed in black with spiked shoulder pads. April, Rarity, Applejack, and Gear fought a shorter guy with long hair, a shirt with sleeves long enough to cover his hands and was blindfolded by a black headband. Twilight tried to lead Dr. Marx to the nearest exit only to be blocked by Kraang droids despite Donnie and Rubberband Man trying to cover them.

After taken hit from Raph, the dreadlocked girl lit up her gauntlets and caused electric circuits around them to go haywire. The group were more dodging electricity, allowing them to get hit by their opponent.

“Cheap shot.” Growled Raph as he recoiled.

“Look familiar?” Ebon taunted as he fought, “Circuit Breaker’s power may be similar to Static’s, but her power is channeled through anything electrical!”

“I would’ve so called her Circuit Breaker!” Mikey declared, before the figure in black almost hit him. As the party dude dodged, She Bang and Keno tried to double team the Nightbreed. The figure threw his hand, unleasing a sea of a black liquid that covered the two before Fluttershy and Pinkie helped them out.

“What did he throw at us? Oil?” She Bang looked.

“Careful. It could be flammable!” coughed Keno.

“You’re right about that, She Bang!” Ebon continued, “Oil can summon oil to his biding.”

“His name’s literally Oil?” Raph cried as he dodge Circuit Breaker’s attack.

“Yeah. I would’ve called him Slipstream. Though I think that was taken.” Mikey pondered.

Meanwhile, April, Rarity, Applejack, and Gear struggled against the long haired Nightbreed. Despite seemingly blind, he was able to fight the four with ease. Then, April used her ESP to grab him in midair.

“You got'em!” Applejack cried.

Suddenly, the Nightbreed screamed a supersonic blast knocking the four off their feet. It was enough for April to lose her hold on him and he landed back on the ground.

“And Echo there uses supersonic attacks!” Ebon concluded as he pushed Leo and Blade back.

“Yeah. Echo’s a good name.” Mikey pondered.

“I don’t know what’s worse. Ebon’s taunts or Mikey’s comments.” grumbled Raph.

Static blasted electricity at Ebon, but it suddenly went around him and flew throught the ceiling.

“What the-?” Static tried again with the same result.

“What’s the matter, Static? Losing your touch?” Ebon chuckled.

Blade then saw the fourth Nightbreed behind Static holding her hand out, “Static! Behind you! That girl’s messing with your powers!”

Static turned to notice as Ebon introduced her, “Ah yes, Polarity is like a magnet who can change directions of your electricity!”

Leo then jump kicked Ebon then turned to Static, “Blade and I will handle Ebon. You get Polarity!”

Static nodded and went after Polarity who ran out of the building.

Meanwhile, Twilight kept leading Dr. Marx down a pathway only to keep getting intercepted by Kraang droids. Donnie and Rubberband Man kept taking them down, but they kept coming. During the struggle, Donnie was able to fill his canister with Bang Baby gas before rejoining the fight. Then, a Kraang droid was about to fire at Twilight and Dr. Marx.

“Dr. Marx! Look out!” Twilight warned. Dr. Marx turned just as a laser hit him in the eye. Grunting, he covered his eye with his hand. Seeing this, Leo kicked Ebon away and jumped down to them. He hurried to them as Twilight reached to him.

“Are you alright?” Then, both Twilight and Leo received a shock as Dr. Marx looked up revealing his eye was robotic and stood up unfazed.

Twilight was baffled, “Y-you’re…. you’re a Kraang?”

“Utrom. Actually.” He smirked before hitting the school girl, causing Twilight to hang on the catwalk and over a vat of Bang Baby gas.

“Twilight!” Leo slid passed the now revealed Utrom and grabbed Twilight.

“What’s going on?” Sunset called as she saw her friend hanging.

“Dr. Marx is an Utrom!” Leo shouted, surprising everyone as they temporarily stopped fighting.

“A renegade Utrom, I take it?” Applejack raised a brow.

“Indeed. My name is Kurosa! And I am the brother Bixolio!”

“Mind blown!” Pinkie cried.

“Love to stay and chat, but I’m afraid I have things to do for Kraang Subprime. But let me leave you a parting favor!” he started to walk up to where Leo held Twilight and was about to kick them into the vats below.

“I don’t think so!” Rubberband Man swooped in and smacked Kurosa away and helped Leo pull Twilight back up. As he got up, Kurosa looked to see a couple Kraang Droids hauling away canisters of Bang Baby gas.

“Ebon! We got what we came for!”

“Nightbreed! We’re outta here!” Ebon called as they all followed him to the exit. He then turned to the ninjas coyly, “See you round, Ninjas!”

They all escaped before the group could follow them. All they could do is regroup. They were still shocked about Dr. Marx being an Utrom. At last, Leo spoke.

“C’mon. let’s go find Static.”

Meanwhile, Static was in pursuit of Polarity outside Alva Industries. Polarity ran before looking back thinking she gave Static the slip before bumping to Static in front of her.

“Let’s see how you repel up close!” he stated.

As she looked up, Polarity’s hood fell off, revealing her face. She was an African American with black hair in a ponytail.

Static gasped as he recognized her. “Molly?”

Molly only responded by pushing him away. She was about to break for it when Static grabbed her arm.

“Molly! Wait!”

“It’s Polarity!” She snapped as she punched Static off of her and ran to join the other Nightbreed.

“Wait.” Static groaned as he could only watch as she ran out of sight. Just then, The Ninjas, Rainbooms, and the others hurried to him.

“Static!” cried Leo as they hurried to him.

“You okay, buddy?” Gear asked as he helped his friend up.

“I couldn’t stop her.” Static groaned from his hit.

“C’mon. We better get outta here before security finds us.” Applejack pointed out.

Static nodded and followed the others out of Alva Industries just before the police arrived.

Later, Back at the juvenile station, The group told Virgil as well as Snowstorm and Shot Cord about Dr. Marx.

“I can’t believe it. The Doc’s one of those Kraang?” Snowstorm gasped.

“He’s actually an Utrom. A renegade Utrom.” Sunset corrected.

“I’m more shocked he’s Bixolio’s brother!” Rarity added.

“Well, at least we don’t have to rescue him. Just She Bang’s parents.” Rainbow shrugged.

“How can you be so senseless, Rainbow?” Twilight snapped before breathing, “I-I’m sorry, i-”

“It’s okay, Twilight. We all feel the same way,” April assured. Still unconvinced, Twilight went back to her little project.

Gear then turned to Static. “And you found out that Polarity is really Molly Kirkson from fourth grade?”

“Yeah. She sounded confused and lost.” Static sighed. He then remembered a time they played together when they were kids. They were having fun together before seeing a closed off alley. Virgil wanted to explore, but Molly wasn’t sure. Virgil went in anyway. Unable to see him, Molly called to him.

“Virgil? Virgil!”

There was no answer.


Static snapped back to the present seeing Raph looking at him.

“Huh? Sorry,” He apologized, “What did you say?”

“I said, And those new Nightbreeds are tough. Right?”

“Yeah.” Static agreed.

“Well, it wasn’t a total loss. I did get a canister of the Bang Baby gas for the retro mutagen.” Donnie held up the canister.

“Great!” Pinkie bounced.

“Nice!” She Bang joined in.

Everyone else just smiled. Then, Static got up, “Well, it’s almost dinnertime. I need to get home.”

“Me too.” Gear added.

“Yeah. We could use the rest.” April spoke for the group.

“Yeah. Tomorrow we have to push a bit on our training.” Leo stated. As the group began to leave, he gave an assuring smile to Twilight, telling her it’ll be okay. He then talked to Static, “This will be no different from before, Virgil. We’re going to do everything we can for Molly. I promise.”

Static looked back at Leo and gave a slight nod, “I know, Leo, and that is all I can ask for.” He then continued home.



Back at the hideout, Kraang Subprime was not happy to hear the heroes learned about Kurosa’s identity.

“Need I remind you it was YOUR Kraang droids that shot me!” Kurosa rolled his eyes as he repaired the eye of his exosuit, “Besides, they may know, but the Vales won’t have to know. And we got the Bang Baby gas so we are closer to our conquest of this dimension.”

“And my new Nightbreed has proven effective against Static and his buddies.” Ebon added.

“I’ve heard that before! And it always ends in disaster!” Subprime grimaced.

“I assure you we are on schedule,” Kurosa then finished his repairs and re-entered his suit, “Now I must return to the Vales to make sure we finish The Bang Baby Gas on time.” Dr. Marx then attached the mutagen collar on his neck.

“Very well. Escort the doctor back to the lab!” Subprime ordered two droids who escorted Dr. Marx back.

“I assure you, Subprime. It’ll take a miracle for those fools to stop us now!” Ebon smirked.

“See that it does.” Subprime glared.

As they talked, the Nightbreed stood there watching as Polarity hung by a window.

“How does he know my name?” She whispered, thinking about Static.

Meanwhile, in a dark room, a couple figures were watching a screen as one with a red eye spoke.

“This was footage taken from Alva Industries in Dakota City. The Metahuman known as Ebon was breaking and entering stealing some chemicals. But keep watching.”

They then saw footage of Kraang droids firing.

“Is that… The Kraang?” a female gasped.

“I don’t believe it. The cat is playing chopsticks with chopsticks!” A younger male said, obviously watching another monitor and not paying attention.

“Focus!” scolded another blunt female voice, turning off the monitor as the younger male groaned.

“Wait! I thought I saw something. Here!” Another female pointed to footage of the Ninjas and Rainbooms fighting.

“Well. Well. Well.” The figure with the red eye gleamed.

The other male’s eyes tightened as he said, “Looks like we’re seeing some old friends.”

Author's Note:

The Nightbreed in this chapter are OCs by mekarm and Darth Wrex.

The Cat playing chopsticks with chopsticks is from the 2014 TMNT film.

And the 'let's do it' part is Ninja Turtles II The Secret of the Ooze.