• Published 16th Jan 2023
  • 2,436 Views, 119 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls Shell Shocked - Wildcard25

The Rainbooms and Turtles join forces with Dakota's Hero Static Shock to stop the scheme by the Kraang and the Meta-Breed

  • ...

A Super Friend

As morning came to Dakota City, a bus dropped off a couple of tourists at the bus stop. One was a teenage girl with brown hair in a ponytail wearing a white shirt under a pair of short coveralls with a red jacket. She looked around like she was looking for something.

“I sure hope I can find Static and get his help.” She said to herself.

Meanwhile, Static, Gear, She Bang, Ninjas, and Rainbooms were jumping off rooftops on patrol.

“You guys were right. Dakota City is brighter than Gotham.” Keno admitted.

“I know right? Any brighter and I’d have to bring sunglasses.” Casey chuckled.

“Still, nice to get out for some fresh air.” Applejack smiled.

“Too bad Blade wanted to talk to Permafrost and Rubberband Man wanted to check on Sharon.” Pinkie stated.

“Yeah, RB wanted to see how Sharon was holding up after Madelyn possessed her.” Rainbow pointed out.

“And Blade told me he promised to help Permafrost after Ebon rattling her.” Sunset explained.

“After everything you told me about him, this might be what Maureen needs.” Static agreed.

“I just hope we find Ebon and Kraang Subprime before they hurt or manipulate more people.” Raph winced.

“We will, Raph. It’s obvious they’re planning something big. That’s why they’re doing this.” Leo assured.

“Not to mention they’re holding my parents.” She Bang added.

Raph sighed, “Yeah, I know. You’re right. It’s just-”

“It’s stressful. We get it, Raph. But we can’t let those two get under our skin.” Sunset pointed out.

“And not stop us from still helping others.” Gear pointed out.

“Look over there!” Everyone looked to where Mikey was pointing and saw a local city bus driving faster than normal with police cars in hot pursuit.

“What could be going on there?” Spike asked nonchalantly.

April felt her head, “A couple crooks hijacked that bus after robbing the bank. They got a couple hostages in there!”

“We better get over there right away!” Leo stated as they hurried over buildings before he gave out orders, “Donnie, take Mikey, Gear, Fluttershy, and Rainbow and make sure pedestrians are out of the way!”

“We’re on it!” Donnie declared as he lead the others ahead.

“The rest of us have a bus to catch!”

Leo and the others hurried to the bus and jumped on just as it sharply turned into an alleyway to give the police the slip.

“I’ll get the door!” Static used his powers to open the emergency exit door in the back of the bus. Everyone jumped in and knocked out a couple crooks.

“It’s Static! And his new buddies!” one of the crooks cried.

“Fun’s over, Ruffians!” Rarity declared before everyone looked at her confused.

“Lame!” Raph coughed as Rarity stared at him.

“You ain’t getting us, Freaks!” the crooks fired at them only for Rarity to generate a diamond shield to protect the group.

“I think not!” the fashionist stated.

“Ruffians!” Raph mocked as Pinkie, Gear, and Casey laughed while Rarity looked steamed.

Before the crooks could fire again, Twilight used her geode to levitate the guns out of their hands, “Shouldn’t be playing with dangerous weapons!”

“Ninjas! You know the drill.” Leo said before they fought the crooks.

Despite being crowded, the ninjas were able to gain the upper hand on them. As they passed civilians, Sunset hurried to them.

“Hurry! Get to the back!” she told them. They nodded and did what she said. One thug tried to grab a kid only to get smacked away by Casey.

As the bus drove through town, some civilians hurried out of the way while Donnie’s group saved others. As she saw this, the brown-haired girl took off her glasses with a determined look on her face before hurrying to an alley. The bus then swayed a bit, causing Twilight to drop the guns.

April made her way to the driver seat and took the wheel. Then she stepped on the brake, but the bus didn't stop! "What?!" She pressed the brake again and again, but it still didn't stop. "Oh no! The brakes aren't working!"

"And we got a big problem!" Pinkie pointed ahead and they saw that the bus was heading straight for the peer!

Everyone screamed as the bus rode right off the dock... and suddenly started flying.

"Uh... Twilight, are you..." Applejack began.

"No, I'm not doing any of this!" Twilight replied.

"Then, who is?" Static asked.

He soon got his answer, when the bus landed back on the road and one of the doors was forced open, revealing a girl with blonde hair in bangs. She was dressed in a blue suit, with a big red letter S on the front, a red skirt and red boots. And what surprised them was that she was also floating in mid-air.

"I'm sorry, am I interrupting?" She asked, nonchalant.

"Holy moly!" Gear said, amazement. "It's-"

"It's Supergirl!" One of the crooks exclaimed. Then he and his cronies aimed their guns.

"Look out!" Leo shouted.

But as the crooks opened fire, their bullets just bounced off the girl's body like it was made of steel.

"Really?" She said, before she shot a red beam from her eyes that blasted a gun out of one of the crook's hand. Then she grabbed two of the others' guns and crushed them.

"She's strong." Applejack said.

Then one crook threw a punch at the girl's gut, "Ow!" He yelled, pulling his fist back in pain, right before the girl grabbed him by the shirt and held him off the floor.

"If the bullets didn't work, then neither will that." the girl stated, and tossed him into the other crooks, knocking them into a heap.

Then she zipped over toward a cable and in seconds the gang were all tied up.

Soon, the police caught up and took the crooks away while the Rainbooms helped the civilians out of the bus. Leo and Raph joined Donnie and Mikey in the shadows to stay hidden. When they all left, Supergirl turned to the group.

“Thanks for the help.” Static shook her hand.

“So, you’re Static? I heard about you from my cousin,” Supergirl admitted, “As well as Gear and She Bang too.”

“Pleasure to meet you, too.” She Bang greeted.

“Definitely.” Gear added.

“So who’s your new friend?” Pinkie peeked up coyly.

Supergirl turned her attention towards the new group, including the four turtles coming out of the alley, “Of course. Where are my manners? My name is Kara Zor-El. I also go by Supergirl.”

“Kara huh?” April perked up, “You wouldn’t happen to know Batgirl, do you?”

“Indeed. We’re good friends.”

“We helped her and Batman a while back. My name is April, and these are my friends Casey, Keno, and the turtles Leonardo, Donatello, Michelangelo, and Raphael. And these are the Rainbooms Twilight Sparkle, Sunset Shimmer, Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy,” She then saw Spike pop out of Twilight’s bag, “And that’s Twilight’s dog Spike.”

“Nice to meet you all. I had heard about a group of ninjas who fought in Gotham. So, you four are mutants?”

“Yep.” Mikey nodded.

“You a metahuman?” Donnie asked.

“An alien, actually. I’m a Kryptonian.”

“Krypto-what now?” Casey raised a brow.

“Kryptonian. One of the last ones. Our home planet Krypton was destroyed years ago. It’s kind of a long story,” Supergirl took a deep breath, “Right now, I’m looking for a super criminal.”

“Who ya looking for?” Gear asked.

“A girl by the name of…. Livewire.”

"Oh, no!" Rarity moaned.

"Who's Livewire?" Static asked.

"She's kinda like an evil version of you, Static," Supergirl explained.

"Say what now?"

"It's true, bro." Gear confirmed.

“We also fought Livewire before with the Titans.” Leo shared.

“We were able to beat after she DARED to mock my fashion designs!” Rarity gritted her teeth.

“More importantly, we have fought Livewire before and we’re willing to help.” Sunset offered.

“Sure. To be honest, I came here to ask help from you, Static.” Supergirl smiled.

“You got it.” Static nodded.

Supergirl then turned to the Ninjas and Rainbooms, “You guys can help too. I’m curious to see you guys in action after what Batgirl told me.”

Everyone smiled while Rainbow spoke to Donnie, “Could I have the keys to the Shellraiser?”

“Sure.” Before Donnie could ask why, Rainbow took them and ran using her geode’s power.

“She’s pretty fast.” Supergirl raised a brow.

“Yeah it’s getting her to slow down is the real trick.” Twilight sighed.

Before long, Rainbow arrived with the Shellraiser. As most of them got in, Supergirl looked inside.

“Not bad.” She grinned.

“Now let’s go find Livewire!” Leo shouted as they headed out.

Meanwhile, around a construction site, workers were running away from lightning being shot everywhere. The cause was none other than Livewire. The pale skinned girl was laughing as she caused more destruction in the area.

“That’s it. Run away! You’d ruin my fun!” she taunted as she fired some more.

“That’s enough, Livewire!”

Livewire looked down to see Supergirl land on the docks below.

“Supergirl! So you followed me, huh?”

“That’s right and we’re gonna bring you in!”

“We?” Livewire raised a brow before seeing Static and Gear landing next to the teen, “So that’s the legendary Static. You’d almost be cute if you weren’t a do gooder!” she then saw the Shellraiser and frowned as the Ninjas and Rainbooms emerged, “Oh no!”

“What up, Livewire?” Mikey mocked.

“Not you twerps again!” she growled.

Rarity pointed her sickle at the metahuman, “We have some unfinished business with you!”

Livewire scoffed, “You may have gotten the best of me last time, but this time you’re all gonna get shocked!”

Everyone drew their weapons as Livewire landed in front of them. Then, Leo cried, “Let’s get her!”

Everyone charged at Livewire who fired electricity at them, and they dodged.

“Goongala!” Casey got close enough to whack the villainess with his hockey stick. Recoiling at first, Livewire smirked as she grabbed the end of the stick, “Crud.” Casey said just before Livewire shocked him.

“Booyakasha!” Mikey cried as he jump kicked the villainess before she smacked him away. Supergirl landed next to him.

“What’s a Booyakasha?”

“Just something fun to say.” Mikey shrugged.

April fired a psychic blast while Fluttershy fired darts and Sunset some kunai at Livewire. She was starting to get more annoyed than hurt as she fired electricity everywhere, shocking everyone.

“And I thought Indigo had an electrifying personality.” Keno groaned.

“Boo.” Rainbow criticized.

Livewire then towered over the group, “This time, it’s maximum voltage at CLOSE range.”

She prepared a large amount of electricity and was about to shock the group before-

“Booyakasha!” Supergirl dove in and punched Livewire. She then uppercut her into the air multiple times then slammed her into the ground. As she landed, everyone else was able to recover from the shock.

“You’re right, Mikey. That is fun to say.” The kryptonian smiled.

“I swear, Mikey, you’re starting a pandemic teaching everybody that word.” Raph rolled his eyes.

“Worth it.” Mikey smugly grinned.

“You want fun?” Everyone turned to see Livewire angered with her fists sparking, “See how you like THIS!” she fired at the construction’s support as it began to sway before beginning to fall. Quickly, Supergirl flew up and held the construction support with her super strength. As she was distracted, Livewire flew up and started to punch her.

“Hey! That’s not fair!” Pinkie shouted.

“Duh! Name one villain who plays fair.” Rainbow stated.

“I’ll even the playing field!” Static declared.

Donnie hurried over to him, “Try to lure her near the water. That’s her weakness.”

Static nodded as he flew up on his saucer. He was able to hit Livewire off Supergirl.

Livewire wiped her lip as she faced Static, “You think you can shock me?”

Static pointed at her, “Girl! I’ll put a shock to your system.”

“Catchy.” Mikey awed.

“That’s what I thought.” Gear added.

“We need to help Supergirl!” Fluttershy gasped.

Applejack turned to April, “Think you could levitate me up there?”

“On it!” April used her power to lift the cowgirl on top a building near the construction. Applejack then used her geode to help Supergirl hold the construction.

“If they can straighten it out, we can fix the supports.” Twilight theorized.

“I got a blowtorch!” Gear pulled out.

“We should’ve told AJ before she went up.” Casey realized.

“Tell Supergirl!” She Bang pointed out, “She’s got super hearing!”

Leo nodded before calling out, “Supergirl! Straighten it out while we fix the supports!”

Supergirl nodded as she gestured Applejack and the two began to try to straighten it out. Everyone else helped Gear fix the supports while Raph used his medallion’s power as well.

As Static and Livewire were still flying around and dodging each others blasts, the hero noticed they were close to the waterfront and remembered what Donnie said about what happened Livewire when she got wet. Getting an idea, he flew toward the waterfront and turned to face the villainess.

"Hey, Livewire," he called, "You know, you and I have a lot in common, but there's a difference between you and me."

"Yeah, what's dat, sparky?" Livewire asked, and lunged at him, but he dodged.

"I'm not afraid of getting wet." Static answered, with a smirk.

"What are you talking about..." She looked down and saw that she was floating right above the water. Before she could react, Static flew into her, pushing her toward the water. "NOOOOO!"

They landed with a splash and Livewire was electrocuted and knocked out. Soon, Static climbed out of the water, pulling the unconscious Livewire and collapsed on the ground.

Shortly after, Supergirl was able to straighten out the construction as the group fixed the supports. They hurried to the waterfront to meet up with Static. They all watched from the rooftop as they watched the authorities took Livewire away.

“Thanks for the help, Supergirl.” Gear thanked.

“My pleasure, but the real hero was Static.” Supergirl smiled.

“Well, I did have help.” Static mentioned the ninjas and Rainbooms as Supergirl smiled at them.

“Thank you for helping me with that building. You know, everything Batgirl told me about you guys was true. You’re all alright with me.”

Sunset shook her hand, “Thanks, Kara, we appreciate it.”

“I’m sure my cousin would like you guys too. Speaking of which, I need to head back to Metropolis.”

“You sure you can’t stay?” Pinkie pouted.

“I’m sorry, but I’m watching things while my cousin’s off world. But if you need me, you can call me through the Justice League.”

“Goodbye, Supergirl.” Fluttershy waved as Supergirl began to ascend.

“And thanks!” Mikey added.

“Hope to see you all again soon!” Supergirl waved back as she flew away.

After waving goodbye, the group began to head back. As they headed back to the juvenile station, Leo talked to Static.

“Hey, Static. Who is Kara’s cousin?”

“Let’s just say he’s a super friend. Maybe you’ll meet him someday.” Static grinned as they all headed into the sunset.