• Published 22nd Oct 2013
  • 5,584 Views, 624 Comments

Hybrid - BAR0SS

A man with inhuman abilities that was in the care of the government winds up in a time and place he dosn't belong. Can he even find a way back? Will he even want to?

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So here's my story. I was being escorted down a lit up hallway by 4 heavily armed soldiers. Thats not what worried me, its been like that for the past 7 years. What did have me worried is that today we were in a rush and I had absolutely no idea what was ahead for me. However, I did know that my being here was because of these scientists that wanted to pull some tests on me. I was fine with that, it wasn't ever that bad.

Oh wait. Perhaps I should start further back, just so you can get a better idea of why I am in this kind of shit situation. I mean I've been in some shit positions before, but this one takes the cake.

Anyway. My name is Orion. I am 23 years of age and I live in a special containment chamber in the middle of a government military owned facility somewhere. I was apparently a product of science. I was living in an orphanage at one stage, but I ran away because abuse led me to discover my condition. And that condition led me here.


I was 16 at the time and the daily abuse from both both other orphans and care takers was beginning to get to me. I don't remember the details of that day properly either.

I remember that it was early morning and I was on my way to the cafeteria to get food. It wasn't often that I would get fed so I would break in early, take what I would need for the day and get out.

Anyway, I was on my way back to my dorm when suddenly I was struck on the back of my head. My vision blurred and I fell to my knees. Holding the back of my head, I could feel a warm liquid on my fingers.

I turned to look at what had connected with the back of my head only to see Alex holding a wooden table leg with blood on it.

Alex was like the ring leader of all the orphan bullies and the fucker had taken a table leg and hit me over the head with as if it was a club. Then again, cave men always did use clubs so it was a fitting weapon for him.

"OW! Why the fuck did you do that you ass?" I shouted at him. He smirked at me. Well he tried, his smirks just make him look like a bigger retard. He really needed to get that fixed.

I see him lift the club up and before I can do anything, he brings it down on top of my head with a crack. "You stupid little shit. Think you can eat my food and get away with it?" he asked

Before I could respond however he it me again and this time fell over into a prone position. But Alex didn't stop there. He began to repeatedly smash me with that damn club. I could feel my consciousness leaving me. I think that was the first time it happened. I wasen't even awake anymore but I could FEEL that something was happening. I had no idea heat was going on, I was just along for the ride.


After what felt like at leas 4 hours of moving around, I was finally able to 'wake up' in a sense. The first thing I noticed however that i was in the middle of a forest somewhere and it was night.

But that wasn't my biggest problem. I looked down to myself and panicked. "What the FUCK!!!" I shouted. No only was I covered in about 10 litres of blood. As I was trying to get the to get the blood off my arms I noticed my pants leg was on fire. I stared at the flame for a moment before finally realizing I should put it out. I hurried to pat the flame down and that's when I realized another problem that made me have a panic attack.

Scales, black scales. I was squeezing my leg, trying to see if it even was mine. That's when I noticed my hands, they were normal. Oh, except for the fact that they too had scales and my fingers had become claws.

Ok. So now I should have had a heart attack of something. But instead, I just decided to sit down, cross my legs and close my eyes and tell myself that this not real, that its just a dream. That's when I noticed that I felt... Better. Just better in general. And a hell of a lot more capable, that's for sure.

I opened my eyes again and saw my hand/claws were still scalie. I wanted to get a better look at myself to get an idea of how much of me had scales. But I was still covered in blood and I wanted it off me before I hurl. I got up and began to walk. I don't know where or why I went in THAT direction. I just did.

After about 20 minutes of walking, I came across a lake. I looked at the lake, then back to my blood covered body, then to the lake again. And without thinking, I ran and diver into cool looking water.

I re surfaced 40 seconds later and began to swim back to the land. As I exited, I began to take my shoes and pants off to get a look at look at my somehow altered form. My shirt was already missing.

My feet still looked somewhat normal, except scalie and my legs the same. One thing that stood out to me was that all of my muscles were larger too. Ok continuing on, as I was looking up my legs, I saw I had a tail too. A tail. And I could feel it. That was pretty cool.

As I looked over my body and saw that my stomach scales were red and my ab's were pretty cut too like my legs and arms. I continued looking over my stomach until I reached my neck. I was afraid of this part.

I moved my hands over my head and frowned. all of my facial contours were off. My face felt elongated and I apparently had horns jutting out the back of my head. I wanted to see this.

I walked back to the water to get a glimpse of my new look. When I did look, I only saw what I would call a human/dragon hybrid. My yellow eyes were like cat eyes too. After I had done admiring myself, I put my pants and shoes back on.

I walked away from the waters edge and toward's a tree. I was tired so I was just going to sleep and hope to wake up from this weird dream. As I lay down, I couldn't get comfortable, as if something was underneath me. I sat up and looked at the ground. Blank? I looked at my back and my eyes widened.

Wings! Fucking wings!! WTF!!! How in all things holy did I not notice them before. Ah, whatever. I'l wake up and they'll be gone so it dosn't matter.

I lay back down again, on my side this time and closed my eyes. Listening to the sounds of nature as I slowly nodded of into the dreams, if I wasn't already in one.


I woke up feeling like shit, as usual. However, I was more comfortable that usual. Those orphanage beds were like sleeping on shattered glass so whatever I was on was a treat to me.

I opened me eyes and immediately squeezed them shut to stop the suns assault on them. I rubbed my face. I sat up and put my hands on the ground to support myself off... the... ground?

I looked around my surrounding surrounding area to find myself is a forest. "The hell. Why am I in a forest?" I said to myself. Then all at once, all of last nights memories came back to me.

Quickly checking myself over, I saw that I was back to my normal human self. But my pants still had the burnt hole in them. I still didn't know why my leg was on fire but anyway.

I got up thinking it would be a good idea to find out where I was. What confused me was that I knew this area very well. If I was correct, this is a portion of the land the property that my parents owned before their tragic accident.

That thought got me moving. I wanted to see if my old house was still there. I got moving in the direction my house should be in and within 5 minutes, I had arrived there.

The house was still there, except it looked.like a bomb had hit it. I walked up to the front door and pushed it open. I stood in the doorway looking around inside, realising that it had been near 9 years since I had last been here. I looked around what I remember being the lounge room, the only thing there is a dusty old couch.

I walked past the empty kitchen, up the hallway to the bedrooms. I opened the door to what I remember being my room to find it void of anything but dust. I closed the door and tried my parents room next. Empty.

Sighing from remembering them. I walked back down the hallway past he kitchen, and back into the living room. Looking at the couch again, not caring about the dust, I lay down on it with having the intent to on remembering as much about my parents as I could. But that plan was short lived.

At first I could hear a helicopter in the distance that sounded like it was getting closer. What caught my attention next was what sounded like a metal canister in the room. I was stunned by its sudden appearance. next thing I know, it detonated and both blinded and deafaned me. I had no idea what was happening. I was both blind and deaf, that and fell backwards over the couch. Eventually, the ringing in my ears stopped and my sight returned.

I wish it didn't. When I could see again, I had at least 7 m4a1 barrels pressed against my face. "Don't move or you will be fired apon!" one of the guys holding one of the rifles shouted at me. He got his wish. I was too stunned by this sudden event to even breath properly.

I was hauled to my feet and my hands were cuffed behind me. I was then very roughly pushed back outside the house towards a black van. I looked around to see two helicopters, four army humvees, a few troop transports and an absolute shit tonne of soldiers either aiming at me or looking very angrily towards me.

I was very much thrown into the van, landing with a thud, and the doors were slammed shut. Next thing I know, I slid back to the doors, indicating that van quickly sped of to god knows where with me in the back.


The next few hours were spent with me sitting in the back of a moving van trying to figure out what was going on. I had already figured out that it most likely had to do with the blood that I found myself covered in.

"Damn what the hell did I do!" I shouted to myself. I wished there was I way I could find out for myself. But I do think that I will find out regardless and its not going to end well. "Alright Orion. Your going to be fine. You going to..." I was cut off but the van coming to a raid halt and falling on my face. Before I had time to recover, the doors were ripped open and another soldier grabbed me by my hair and dragged me out.

"AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" would have been the only thing anyone could hear as I was being dragged through some facility. I was dragged into a room and thrown again. I cradled my head as I heard the door being slammed shut.

I got up, still holding the top of my head and looked around. There was not one window into this room and there were camera's in each corner. Was I in some sort of holding cell? The only thing in this room was an empty desk in the against one of the walls. I sat on the on the ground and thought about this. Until I heard a noise.

I looked in the direction of the noise and saw a small slide open behind the desktop and food was pushed through onto the desk and the slide closed back up. I have to say, the food looked good to me. better than anything I've ever had from the orphanage. I walked over to get a better look.

A cooked pork chop and roasted veggies and some mashed potato. I took a whiff and I couldn't help myself. I started with the veggies and the potato. But as I got half way through the chop, the door opened and a two guys walked in. One a soldier and the other guy in a lab coat.

The guy in the lab coat walked over to me and put a hand on my back. "Hey son. My name is Professor Howard. Do you know why you are here?" he asked me sounding like he actually cares.

My head drooped. "Yes, although I don't remember it" I awnsered to him. 'No point in lying, I got nowhere to go' I told myself.

Howard frowned. "Well would you like me to tell you?"

I thought about his offer for a moment. "With all due respect, no. The blood was bad enough for me. I don't think I could handle the truth" I said respectfully.

Howard looked at me with a flat expression. "Well, I'm going to get right to the point. There is something Inside of you. And we would like to study it and help you learn to control it."

"What's in it for me?" I asked trying to drag this out. I already knew I had no choice in the matter. But I might be able to get something out of it.

Howard smiled at me. "Well how dose a comfortable bed, new clothes, a shower, good cooked food and a healthy life style sound to you?"

And of course there was a catch. I knew that so I had better ask. "What's the catch?" This caught him off guard.

"HAHA.No foolin you. Good, I like witty people. saves making up Lies" he said putting his arm around me. "I'l be honest then. You will have wrist band on for the rest of your life that has a tracer in it. Every time you do go outside, you will be escorted. And we will occasionally perform some tests on you.But they will be nothing too painful." he said honestly.

I weighed my options. Take his offer or the will take what they want by force. Well I didn't have anything to loose. Why not. "Alright professor. I'l do it." I said shakeing his hand

"Terrific. I shall have a room set up for you on site" he exclaimed he walked out of the room with the soldier, leaving me to my thoughts again.

'Did I really just sign my life away? Oh well. Too late now. Besides, it might not be that bad' I told myself.


So. After being taken in by the military for 7 years, I had become more healthy and physically fit. All of my friends turned out to be scientists that wanted to try some tests on me. The tests never hurt me and the lab guys were always honest to me about the effects that might happen.

My (what we call) hybrid form was 7 feet tall but very fast, and durable. The scales over my body were strong enough to reduce a .50 cal bullet to the equivalent of an air rifle to human skin. My bone structure also incredibly durable. Howard said they were virtually indestructible. It also had the ability reconstruct its bone structure to that of a quadruped.

I also learned that I apparently had some of the traits to what Howard called Psychokinesis. In my Hybrid form, I could use Telekinesis to manipulate objects, I had Supernatural healing, I could create an Energy shield to protect myself or other objects and use teleportation too.

I had also learned to use some of these abilities in human form, but it always caused me a chronic headache and cause me to black out if I used it to much.

I also trained in military tactics in both my forms just for fun. I was not an expert in survival tactics, but I knew enough to get by. However, I was pretty good at stealth movement and concealment and I was un-mached In hand-to-hand and melee weapons combat. I was like a soldier that could turn into a super soldier, but I knew I would never would get out to every use these skills.


So now where back to the beginning of the story. I was being escorted through the base by 4 escorts. But it was with haste this time so something was wrong.

We got to an open room that was freezing cold inside and had smoke blowing all over the floor. There were also a pod of some sort that had its hatch open. Scientist's were all standing around said pod, most looking down.

Howard turned and approached me with a sad look in his eyes. That was never a good sign. As he got to me, I tried to lighten the mood. "Hey doc, what's up?"

He just sighed. "I'm sorry Orion" he said putting his arm over my shoulder. " This is a cryogenic pod. It will preserve one inside it until it is unlocked."

"That's great. What's it go to do with me?" I asked in a hesitant tone. He looked at me before taking the tracer armband off my wrist.

I looked at him confused. Until I felt something sharp stick into my neck. I turned to see Joe holding a syringe in his hand. Joe was my main security escort, and the syringes like the one he just jabed me with was filled with some sort of tranqilizer. I was about to ask what the hell, but my legs gave for under me.

Howard and Joe caught me and hoisted me towards the pod. I wanted to stop them, but i couldn't talk let alone defend myself. Stupid tranq.

They layed me down inside the pod and the hatch closed over the top. Howard put his hand on the glass window. "I'm just so sorry. I hope that one day you will forgive me" he said.

I wanted to say something, anything. But it was hopeless. I suddenly felt very sleepy and could not resist the urge to close my eyes. I did so knowing that I might not ever wake up, that I would remain like this forever.

How wrong I was.

Author's Note:

So this is the beggining.

Tell me if I did bad. I want others thoughts on this.

I could also use cover art later if anyone wants to help. I would be greatful.