• Published 22nd Oct 2013
  • 5,584 Views, 624 Comments

Hybrid - BAR0SS

A man with inhuman abilities that was in the care of the government winds up in a time and place he dosn't belong. Can he even find a way back? Will he even want to?

  • ...

Chapter 17: Awkward hug day.

Chapter 17

'Oh god, What happened?' I asked myself.

Dash just spirited past my room crying after just meeting her idols. I would guess that something bad has happened.

-Maybe you should go and ask?-

'Alright, I will!'

I stepped out of my room and began to walk in the direction that I saw Dash running. As I went, the sound of sobs steadily grew louder and louder until I was standing outside another door. The sobbing was coming from the other side.

I gripped the doorknob and tried to quietly open the door, only for the the handle go so far because of the lock.

I rolled my eyes and used my telekinesis to unlock the door from the outside before opening the door and stepping inside. Dash was lying on her bed, her head buried in her forehooves. I closed the door as quietly as I could, made my way over to her and sat on the bed beside her.

This caused her to look at me with wide eyes before she jumped up and swung a forehoof at my head, smacking me in the cheek and causing my head to snap to the side.

'Wow, its a good thing I'm still in my Hybrid form. I might have felt that otherwise.' I said to myself.

-Amen to that. Something tells me that she is angry with you.-

'Nah shit. Whatever gave you that idea?' I asked Halex with sarcasm.

"Get out! Get out of my room right now!" Dash yelled before she struck me in the head again.

'Alright, I'm going to give this a shot.' I said to myself.

Because I didnt move from my spot Dash reared back her hoof in an attempt to hit me again. But as she brought her hoof forwards, I caught it, spun her around so her back was to me and just hugged her while holding her still.

She began shouting, thrashing and cursing at the to of her lungs, but I was just going to hold her there like a little child until she calms down.

"YOU LIFE RUINING WASTE OF SPACE!!! ITS ALL YOUR FAULT!!!" she shouted as she continued to try and break free. "LET ME GO!!!"

I just ignored her and continued to hold her still until she wore herself out. It took about half an hour, but she eventually stopped fighting and just wept in my arms.

"I'm sorry Dash. Whatever I did, I swear I didn't mean to do it." I said.

She looked up to me with teary eyes. "Its all your *SNIFF* fault." she whimpered out.

"What did I do?" I asked.

"The Wonderbolts were looking for you, but you pushed me into the way and ran off. They basically looked past me as if I wasn't even there and they just flew away, leaving me there all alone." Dash sobbed out. I just held her tighter.

"Look Dash. I didn't mean for them to be like that." I said as I just held her. "I know that you really wanted them to notice you, and because of me, they didn't. I don't want you hating me Dash. I'm trying to make friends, not enemies. So if there is anything I can do for you, you be sure to let me know ok?" I said as I slowly relinquished my grip of her.

She however did not let go of my arms. She sat there hugging my arms for a minute before she finally spoke.

"You promise you will do anything?" she asked.

"What do you want? an I.O.U.?"

"Do it. Write up and I.O.U. for me so I can hold that promise to you." she said before she flew over to the desk, dragging me with her and passing me a piece of paper and a quill.

I sighed as I took the quill in my hand and begin to write an I.O.U. knowing full well I was going to regret this when she called upon it.

After I had written it up, I passed it to her and she placed it under her wing.

"Thank you." she said as if she had just one a bet from me.

I shook my head and made for the door, changing back to my human form as I did and with Dash walking not far behind me. I opened the door and was greeted by the rest of Dash's friends all looking at me with concerned faces.

"Hey, what's up?" I asked.

"Oh don you 'what's up' us! Where's Rainbow? What did ya do ta her in here!?" shouted Applejack who shoved her way past me, causing me to trip into the doorframe and hit my cheek on the wood.

"Hey you redneck hillbilly! Was that shove necessary!?" I shouted while holding my cheek and getting a loud gasp for everyone in earshot.

Applejack turned around slowly to face me, giving of one of the most fierce glares as she did. She was even snorting out clouds of smoke. She moved her face so it was an inch from mine.

"What did ya'll just call me now?" she asked in darkly.

I didn't answer, I just quickly got up and sprinted back to my room and locked the door behind me before quickly changing into my Hybrid form.

I heard a bang at my door.

"You just come on out now ya hear! I have somthin I wana say ta you!" I heard Applejack say before there was another bang at the door. I made for the balcony doors and stood up on the ledge.

The door to the room burst open and Applejack charged in. She looked at me for a quick moment before she began to gallop at me. I rolled my eyes and proceeded to let myself fall of he edge of the building.

After a few seconds of free fall, I felt myself suddenly stop. I looked up and saw that, somehow, me feet had been tied together and I was being slowly brought back up to my room.

I reached up and cut the rope with my claws before flaring my wings and flew up to the highest roof of the castle as sitting down upon it.

I sat up there for about an hour, just enjoying the veiw and ignoring the yelling from Applejack that I could somehow hear all the way up here.

As time went on, I ended up spotting a gryphon that looked very familiar, flying through the sky towards Dee's house.

"HEY! CEYLON!" I shouted out loudly. This caused him to stop and begin to look around frantically. "Over here ya fool!" I shouted again and this time he looked straight to me.

He began to fly at me at a really fast speed. I jumped to my feet and braced of the impact.

Ceylon flew into me with enough force to make me slide back across the entire roof before I flipped him onto his back.

"Dude, what the hell!?" I said to him.

"Orion! I need you to come with me right now!" he shouted to me.

I took my hand of his chest and he jumped back up, grabbed my arm in his talon and tried to drag me with him, but I held my footing.

He looked back to me. "Orion, please! Dee needs you."

Him saying that made me loose my footing and allowing him to pull me from the roof that I was standing on and towards Dee's house.

When we landed, Ceylon ran inside while I just stood outside of the door for a moment.

I put one foot into the door and got tackled by a tan colored blur. I looked down to the blur that had latched itself to my torso and saw Dee there trying to squeeze the life out of me. She seemed to also be shakeing.

I tried to carefully pry her off me, but she wouldn't let go. I got one of her hooves off me and she became hysterical.

"NO! I wont let you go again!" she shouted as she shook her hoof from my grip and placed it back around me.

"Dee, I-" I began to speak, but was cut off by Dee again.

"NO! You promised that you wouldn't let anything happen to me!" she shouted at me while trying to hug me tighter. "I told you that I only felt safe when you are around! And you were not around Orion!"

That's when the reality of the situation hit me. Dee once told me that she only felt safe while I was around, and lately I haven't been there for her which must have caused her paranoia to come forth.

I placed my arms around her and began to hug her back. I didn't mean to leave her feeling so vulnerable.

Without letting her go, I stood back up and carried her inside of her house and made for the couch that I once slept on so very long ago.

I sat down and reverted back to my human form to give her something more comfortable to hug. I couldn't imagine that my scales would be more comfortable than skin. After I did, I began to stroke the back of her neck as she slowly began to stop shaking.

Soon, I was able to hear her soft snores as she had fallen asleep. Ceylon had made his way into the living room and sat on the other couch, looking directly at me.

"Look, Ceylon. I'm sorry that I haven't been around. Things just got a little out of hand for me and I did the only thing that came to mind." I said.

"I know. And I can't blame you for what happened. You were just worrying about self preservation, up until you hit the princess in the face. I would ask you how you got out of that, but that can wait. I think you should take Dee up to her room." Ceylon said.

I nodded before carefully standing, trying to not wake Dee as I carried her. She looked like she hadn't slept in a month, so this sleep should be good for her.

I carried her up the stairs of her house and into her bedroom. I made for the bed and sat down upon it before I attempted to lay her down on it, but she was still subconscious hugging me and still wouldn't let me go.

I just sighed as I lay down on the bed myself and threw the blanket over the both of us.

'Ok, so I'm in bed with a pony that is hugging me. It still doesn't mean anything.' I tried to tell myself.

-You just keep telling yourself that.- Halex said, laughing as he did.

'Shut up man, You're not exactly helping the situation!' I shouted at him.

-But don't you see Orion? Right now, she is a lonely mare, and you are a friend that she needs close to make her feel safe. But if you play your cards right, that friendship will grow in her heart and make her want to be even closer than this.- Halex explained.

'Shut it Halex. She is a pony and I'm a human. Even if I did want that, it wouldn't work.' I said trying to defuse the situation.

-Ah-ha. You totally would get with her if you could, wouldn't you?-


-Its alright, I wont tell anyone.-

'Screw you man.'

-Just remember. If she does come onto you, don't say I didn't tell you that it was coming.-

I knew that what Halex had just told me was a possibility, but I don't think that Dee was the type for interspecies relations. First: she tried to attack me. Second: zebras beat her up and tried to rape her. Third was... well I don't know how there doing now, but at first, Dee and Ceylon didn't seem to get along.

So why was Ceylon still here?

I would have to make asking him the first thing I do when I can move again. But for now, It looks like I wasn't going anywhere.


After a her hours of being bored, I too fell asleep but ended up waking up much sooner than Dee. She slept for like 13 hours while I only slept for like 4.

And because of this, not only had it become night time, but I had to look at her peaceful... beautiful...

'No Orion! Don't do that.' I scolded myself every time I did.

Anyway, just as Dee's 13 hour long sleep was coming to an end, she began to stir. I quickly closed my eyes and pretended I was asleep.

I couldn't see with my eyes shut, but I knew she was awake when she stroked the top of my head with her hoof before, what I presume, her bring her lips to my forehead, and give a very light kiss.


-Told you.-

'Shut up Halex.'

I felt Dee slowly remove her lips from my forehead before she moved her head down into my chest and hugged me tighter.

"I should have never let you go Orion. I'm sorry that I didn't stand up for you." she mumbled into my chest.

I rolled my back, causing Dee to shift just so she could continue to rest her head on my chest, but she did more than that. She climbed onto my chest and continued to hug my torso with all her limbs while she began to nibble at my neck.

'This is most definitely the most awkward situation I have ever found myself in.' I said to myself.

-Uh... Orion, you have a problem.-

'And that would be?'

"Oh sweet Celestia, how I wish you were awake right now." I heard Dee say through a moan. "If you were, I would... Oh no! not now!"

Dee jumped off my body and made for the door by the sounds of her flapping wings, and if I had to guess, in quite a hurry.

I opened my eyes and looked around, confirming that I was alone in Dee's bedroom. I sat up and looked out into the hallway, seeing as it was dark, there wasn't much I could really see.

I got out of the bed and walked to the door. I heard the sound of Dee talking as she was in the shower. I quietly crept up to the bathroom door and pressed my ear up to it. She was talking to herself.

"Ok, ok. Just calm down now Dee. He's out of sight and out of mind. Oh how I wish we was in... NO! Just no. Just remain cool, and I should be fine." I heard her breath a sigh of relief. "Darn it, of all the times I could have gone into heat, it had to-"

I didn't listen to the rest. The moment I heard that one word, I backed away from the door and quietly got as far away as I could.

I ended up going outside and sitting on the roof after I climbed it in my human form, it took a moment, but I soon made it up and began to relax.

'Is this what you met by problem?' I asked Halex.

-Yep. Looks like you're screwed, literally.-

'How did you know this before she did?'

-I could smell it, that is one of the things that happen when... You get the idea.-

'I really wish I didn't. So what do you suppose I do?'

-There are a few options here. One: Go back in there and help her out.-


-Option two is for you to get back to the castle as fast as you can and face Applejack again.-

'Oh god, next!'

-Stay here and just act oblivious to everything Dee does. She will either approach you about it or she will distance herself from you until she is fine again.-


-That's all I got.-

'Oh great.'

-So what are you going to do?-

'For now, I'm just going to sit here and think about possible outcomes of all the choices that you have given me.'


'Or not.'

"Orion? are you out here?" Dee called out.

"Yeah, I'm up here." I responded. She flew up and landed next to me. 'Just act oblivious.' I told myself.

-Or take option one.-

'Please, not now Halex.'

"What are you doing up here?" Dee asked. I looked to her and noticed that she was trying to not look to me.

"Just thinking." I said.


"I think it would be better if we avoid that subject." I said.

"Ok. Anyway, I need to talk to you about something." she said, finally looking to me.

'Oh god, here we go.'

Author's Note:

Alrighty, pretty boring chapter.

If you readers want clop here, you will have to use your imagination or write it for me, because I cannot do it decently myself without it being terrible.

If I get no offers of a mature side chapter, I will continue the story as if nothing happens between them.

Or, if you think its too rushed, let me know.