• Published 22nd Oct 2013
  • 5,584 Views, 624 Comments

Hybrid - BAR0SS

A man with inhuman abilities that was in the care of the government winds up in a time and place he dosn't belong. Can he even find a way back? Will he even want to?

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Chapter 8: Temper Tantrum!

Chapter 8

"Simple" came a voice from the door.

I moved my head around Fluttershy's to see who said that. It was none other than Iron Defence's. And he was also with his captain, Shining Armour.

"The first thing you're going to do is teach military training methods in combat so if we ever find another like you, he won't stand a chance" Iron Defence stated.

I looked to twilight. "See, first you're going to grill me for info, like this loser" I said while gesturing to Iron Defence.

"How dare you!" he yelled as he began to run at me, only to be stopped by Shining Armour's magic.

"Calm down lieutenant. Be nice and he might actually want to give us what we want to know" Shining Armour's said as he slowly dropped Iron back to the ground.

I pulled my head back and blinked a few times.

"Uhhh no" I said.

Shining looked at me. "Well why not?"

"Remember when I said things must be earned?" I asked and they all nodded. "I heard a story once. That these people with amazing technology and knowledge visited others that were, well let's just say behind. These greater being shared their knowledge and technology with the others as a sign on good will before leaving. But unfortunately, the lesser being's had used the their new gifts as weapons and ended up destroying themselves in a very short duration. The greater being's then vowed that they would never make that mistake again" I said to end my story.

"I don't see how that was relevant" stated Iron.

'*SHIGH* You fucking wouldn't would you' I told myself

-Wow, he is thick.-

"I mean that for your own good will and safety, I'm going to NOT give you what you haven't discovered for yourself" I said out loud.

-I just realized. You got that whole story from that Stargate SG-1 tv show and changed it-

'Two things. One: How did you not realize that when you are apart of me, and Two: It's a good example for me to keep my mouth shut.'

-Yeah yeah.-

"And who are you to decide what we have earned?" asked Iron Defence.

"And just who the FUCK do you think YOU are to just walk in here and just start to demand things from me that I don't want to tell you!" I shouted back. Everyone but Ceylon recoiled back at my use of foul language.

"Uh. You might want to tone down on the bad language. These ponies take offence to cursive language" Ceylon said.

"How the hell else am I supposed to express my anger?" I shot back before I realized who I was talking to.

-Wow. Don't loose your shit at your friends. You might be all alone if the ditch you. Oh but your used to that aren't you?-

'Shut the fuck up brain! How is it that I can even hear you anyway!?' I shouted in my mind.

-Oh stop being so angry. You will find out in time.-

I took a deep breath. My brain was right, I shouldn't be so angry, even if I had every right to be. Ceylon dosn't deserve it.

"Sorry Ceylon. I'm just sort of in a defensive mood. I haven't been in this mood for 7 years" I said. "Or more like 7 plus however many it has been since I was put into that cryogenic tank" I mumbled.

"What do you mean by defensive mood?" asked Dee.

"I didn't always have my powers. Well I might have, but I had never experienced it until I was 16" I said to her.

"What happened to make these powers come forth?" asked Twilight.

"Why don't you just go and ask your stupid pony princess!" I said in the most angry sarcastic voice I could and this caused everyone, including Ceylon, to gasp in an overly dramatic way before taking a defensive pose.

"How dare you talk about the princess like that!" yelled Shining Armour.

"HEY! She was the one who thought she had the right to use her freaky mind reading magic to make me bring forth memories that I didn't remember and still would rather not! I feel as violated as can be! And the worst thing about is was there was nothing I could do about it!" I shouted back. "You know what! I'm not going to just sit here and listen to all of you caring about yourselves and your own personal gain!" before trying to stand only to fall over again.

Dee tried to help me up again but I pushed her away and Forced myself back up on my own. It was difficult, but I managed to climb to my feet before stumbling out the door and slamming it behind me.

I continued to stumble through the castle, trying find a way out.

"HALT!" Came a voice from behind me with the sounds of a set of armour clinking and hooves running on the stone floor.

"WHAT!!!" I shouted while turning and giving my hardest glare at the guard, causing him to come skidding to a stop.

"I-I need... uh... I need you to... umm... come back to your room... Please" He asked while shaking.

I stopped towering over him. "Why?" I asked in a normal tone.

He shook of his fear. "We have been ordered to make sure that you are confined until we are told otherwise" he explained.

"And just who gave these orders hmmm?" I asked while tuning my head to the side.

"Princess... Celestia"

"Ah, I see. Well I'm afraid I'm going to have to tell you to FUCK OFF!!!" I shouted the last part as loud as I could and he jumped like 30 feet into the air.

I turned around began to storm away from the guard, but I noticed a pink Alicorn was in my way, looking at me completely horrified. I just grumbled and rolled my eyes before I pushed my way past and continued on my way.

"Such hate" she mumbled to herself as I continued to walk away.

"FINALLY!!" I shouted, causing me to get curious looks from all the ponies in the area.

I had been walking around that castle for about an hour and a half, just trying to find a way out. And now, I have made it back out into the sun.

I looked around. I seemed to be in some sort of garden.

"Wait!" called that pink Alicorn. She had been following me the entire time, trying to get me to stop and calm down.

Without even glancing back to her, I walked out into the garden. I was looking for a place where I could be alone, but in this place, I don't think such a place even exist's let alone possible to find.

"Please. Just let us help you." she said as she began to trot beside me. "All we wan't is to get to know you and help you make some friends."

I looked back and saw everyone that I stormed away from before were also following me before I looked back to the Pink Alicorn that was still beside me.

"Fuck off. I don't need any help or friend. And I don't want them" I said to her causing her to almost trip.

"Everyone needs friends in their-" She began to say but I cut her off.

"NO! Friendship is like an addiction. I you never have it, you don't need it. But if you ever experience it, THEN you can't live without it because you know what it's like!" I said back.

I was acting as if I had never had a friend. But I will never forget Howard or Joe. But remembering them also makes me remember why I'm here, in this time. I was literary stabbed in the back by them and forced into the cryo tank.

-What's the matter? Afraid of more betrayal?-

'For crying out loud, you are of help you know that?'

-Yeah well, you need me.-

'Whatever, just stop voicing you thoughts'

-Alright fine.-

"Perhaps you're right, But friendship is something that everyone deserves" Said the Alicorn.

"Even if that's true. Not everyone gets it" I shot back.

"AH-HA. You've never had a friend before, have you?" she asked.

"For fuck's sake" I groaned as I put a hand to my forehead. "I'ma say this one more time before someone gets hurt. GO THE FUCK AWAY!!!" I shouted. Gladly, this time she stopped so I just kept walking.

After I got about 100 metres away, I found a large tree and sat down resting against it and closed my eyes.

"I know Shining. But I have never sensed so much negative emotion pouring out of one being heart before. Even Queen Chrysalis was never this angry. I would say that we have re-opened old wound's of his past so he's blocking us from getting near him" I heard the Alicorn say.

"You ma be right Cadence. But his anger is a possible threat that I don't wan't to have just going around" Shining responded.

"I agree with the captain. I think this hairless ape should just be locked up for the rest of it's life." I looked up to see Iron Defence with a smug grin on his face.

-You see that stick beside you?- I looked down to the ground beside me and sure enough, there was a stick. -You should throw it at him.-

I silently laughed at the mental image.

The Alicorn so named Cadence walked over and sat next to me.

"Can't you take a hint? Go away means exactly what it sounds like. It involves you... well going away and leaving me alone" I said as I felt her wing push it's way between me and the tree drape over my back.

"If I sad no, What are you going to do?" she asked.

I opened my eyes and raised an eyebrow while smiling before I proceeded to get up, but quickly was pushed back down by a light blue aura.

"Oh come on. Just give us a chance to get to know the real you" She groaned.

"The real me is gone. To me, my abilities were not just a sense of security, but they made me who I was. And now that's gone."

"That may be true. But you are still here and you have a chance now try try something different. Come on, at least give us a chance" she begged.

-I know you said you didn't wan't me to talk right now, but I just thought I should let you know that she is trying to discretely manipulate your emotions with her magic.-

I looked up to Cadence's horn, but it seemed to be-... Wait a minute. There is a faint blue glow around it.

"GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME!!!" I yelled as I pushed her away from me.

"Cadence!!!" All the pony yelled.

"Hey! What was that-" She tried to tell me off but I cut her off.

"DONT PLAY DUMB YOU MANIPULATING WHORE!!!" I shouted as I backed away from the group.

"Cadence! are you alright?" Shining asked as he ran up to her and helped her back to her hooves. "GUARDS! I wan't you to seize the human!"

'Fuck, not again'

-Mayhaps you should run-

'And I am out' I thought to myself as I turned and began to run.

"I got him!" I heard as I was running. I looked to my left and saw a pegasus guard basicly slam into my side, but I was quick to kick him off before I got tackled by another guard, but this one was an earth pony. He was strong, but I had fingers and flexibility on my side.

I managed to pry him off and basically throw him at another guard. I took this moment and dashed away with as much haste as I could muster.

While I was running I did learn that pony's seemed to have the greater advantage on the straight's, so I used my awesome agility that comes natural to any biped over a quadruped and began to weave through as many of the trees as I could.

But after a while, I realized that these stupid ponies began to cheat. The damn unicorns where teleporting themselves and their allies, trying to block me from the front.

I spied what looked like a giant garden maze and quickly changed direction to it.

"He's heading into the royal maze!" one of the guards shouted.

I sprinted into the entrance of the maze and took the first let followed by another left then a right before stopping completely.

"God I hope this works as well as I hope" I said to myself and I pushed my way into the bush itself and basically stood in the middle of the wall. I just hope that they were gullible enough to think I kept going.

A few seconds past and about 40 royal guards ran past the point where I entered the wall before I had another group pass me on the other side.

-That was probably not only the most illogically stupid plan in all existence, but it seemed to have just the slightest touch of genius in it-

'So was that a complement on an insult?' I asked my brain.

-A bit of both. Only, now what?-

'I guess we wait.'

And so the wait began.

Fucking Sigh.


11 Hours.

11 pain strikingly boring hours.

I had managed to sit down after the first few minutes without telling everyone where I was, but still. 11 hours of searching, and the still hadn't given up.

The sun was beginning to set. I was hungry, and tired. Especially tired. I I am regretting pulling that allnighter last night.

I began to doze off when I heard the voice of one of the guards.

"Corporal! Sit rep, NOW!" Shouted the voice.

"Sorry Sergeant. But he is nowhere to be found. Even the air patrols can't seem to locate him. It's like he vanished" Said the corporal.

"That's not possible. Princess Celestia explained the his powers have been destroyed. There is no way he can just vanish" the sergeant.

"I know sir. but because his power's are gone the unicorns can't track him either."

"Alright Corporal. Tell the troops to call off the search. If what you say is true, combined with how slippery this colt is, he could be on the other side of Terra by now."

'Colt?' I asked myself.

-I believe it's their way of saying 'boy'. You know, Stallion= Man, Mare= Woman. So I guessing that Colt is that of a young boy, while a Filly would be a young girl- My brain explained to me.

'Thanks for the tip' I said to myself sarcastically.

"What will we tell the Captain. He looked like he wanted to strangle the hay out of the human for calling his wife a-"

"DON'T SAY IT. if you do, cap will want to wipe the floor with you too. And don't worry, I will take responsibility for loosing the human. I'm more worried about Princess Luna. She seemed to really want to know this human" said the sergeant.

"Yeah. Hate to be him when he dose get found. Anyway, I got to pass on your orders to the troops. I'll see you in the mess."

"Good. Off with you them" said the sergeant. and then the sound of flapping wings combined with the sound of clinking armour moved off into the distance. "Colt, if you just gave in, things would be better for you" Said the sergeant before his hoofsteps faded out of ear shot.

-Now we go?-

'Not yet.'

About half an hour later, I very carefully parted the hedge and looked around.

Not a single pony in sight.

With even more care, I stepped out of the maze wall and began to walk back out.

'Good thing I didn't go in that far' I said to myself as I reached the exit of the maze.

I looked around and saw that there was still not another pony in sight. It had gotten rather dark by now and the castle was casting a shadow over the gardens that I was in from the moonlight.

I was able to see in the dark quite well. No one needs night vision, all you gotta do is let your eyes adjust to the darkness. And so, with my eyes adjusted to the darkness, I began to stealth walk out of the castle grounds.

Only, problem was that I ended coming up to the perimeter fence. But the gaps were that large in the fence bars, and I just managed to squeeze through.

-So. Where to now?-

'I don't know. How about that way' I thought to myself while looking in a random direction.

-Did you have a plan for this?-

'To be honest, I didn't think I would even think I would get this far.'

I began to walk in the direction that I was looking, avoiding any ponies that seemed to be out this late.

Eventually, I came past a restaurant. I could smell it long before I could see it.

I looked around a corner, and sure enough, there was an out door restaurant with ponies sitting and eating their dinner.

'Man, what I would do for some food. I haven't eaten since... I don't remember when.' I said to myself.

-Look, there is a table with food on it and no ponies around it. Maybe you can distract the attention of everyone elsewhere while you, I don't know, take what you need?-

'No no, I'm not a thief' I told myself.

-Don't think of it as stealing. Just try to think of it as you taking what you need. If you don't you'll starve.-

'Alright fine. You have any ideas?'

-Look next to your foot.- I looked down and saw a rock about the size of my palm before I picked it up and examined it. -I would suggest throwing that rock over all their heads and into the kitchen, and when all the commotion is still going on, you run up and snatch what you need.-

'So the best thing you could think of is destruction of property?'

-You got any better ideas?-

'Unfortunately no.' I said as I got into a pitching position before throwing the rock as hard as I could.

The rock sailed over everyone's head, completely unnoticed. That is until if flew into the doorway of the kitchen and all that was heard was loud banging noises, shouting and pots and pans falling. All of the ponies snapped their heads in the direction of the kitchen so now was my chance.

I sprinted up and grabbed the nearest plate that was on the unoccupied table before sprinting away into an ally behind a dumpster.

I looked at the food I had acquired. Salad and some sort of brown stuff that looked like deep fried hair. I took a bit of the brown stuff and placed it into my mouth.

Yeah, I couldn't have spat it out any faster. The stuff tasted like hay.

-They are ponies you know right? They do eat that naturally.-

'My god what I would do for a steak or some chicken' I thought to myself.

I began to eat the salad. It was all I was going to get tonight, but it was still better than nothing. However, I found that this salad actually was quite nice, so I kind of ended up eating it as fast as I could and wanted more by the end.

I threw the plate into the dumpster and lay down on the cold hard ground.

'I need some sleep' I told myself.

-Then sleep. You should be fine here for now.-

I yawned and closed my eyes before drifting off to sleep.

(Inside a dark void that was in my mind)

-Rest Orion. We may be no longer be of one mind, but we are still very much apart of each other. All you must do is wait.-

Author's Note:

Well. This was fun.

Let me know what you think.

Orion: You want to know what I think?

Author: No.

Orion: Aww.