• Published 22nd Oct 2013
  • 5,584 Views, 624 Comments

Hybrid - BAR0SS

A man with inhuman abilities that was in the care of the government winds up in a time and place he dosn't belong. Can he even find a way back? Will he even want to?

  • ...

Chapter 19: This s**t be getting old

Chapter 19

I was being escorted by two guard unicorns down a hallway that led to the prison of the castle. I had spent all of last night reading. Just reading some of the books that were in the bookshelves of the room I was staying in here.

-I still can't believe you read that book on anatomy. I understand trying to learn the weak points on a possible enemy, but you were on that one chapter for too long.- Halex said.

'Yeah well, I was curious. Or did you just forget what I did the night before last?' I asked in my head.

-No I remember, but it's just that... You know what, never mind.- he said.

Continuing on, the guards that were escorting me stopped outside of a cell door. One of the guards opened the door with his magic and the other guard walked in. The guard that unlocked the door looked to me and gestured for me to enter.

I entered the cell door and was greeted by the sight of rows and rows of prison cells along a hallway, some occupied, others not.

I spotted Celestia about 50 metres down the hallway standing outside of a cell. I walked over to her and saw that she was talking to Chrysalis.

"... If you comply, we will be able to get through today with as little frustration as possible." Celestia said.

"I'm not your problem Princess Celestia. King Vorzakh, if I know him, will not make this whole situation easy." Chrysalis said with a smirk.

"Well, if worst comes to worst, I'll just have Halex break his horn off like he did yours." I interrupted.

-I will only intervene if you screw up again Orion.-

'Oh, thanks for the vote of confidence.'

-It's what I do.-

"Good morning Orion. Did you sleep well?" Celestia asked as I came up next to her.

"Undoubtedly." I said back in the same level of snootyness as she before I slumped over. "That bed in my room is great and all, but I feel as if something's missing with me."

"I'm sure it will pass." Celestia said as she turned back to the changeling queen. "Are you ready to depart, Queen Chrysalis?"

"Do I have a say in the mater?" Chrysalis asked back in an ungrateful tone.

Celestia opened the cage door to Chrysalis's cell. "Come now Chrysalis. All will be over soon if you co-operate with us." she said as she stood to the side for the changeling to exit the cell.

I quickly changed into my Hybrid form while no one was looking, causing Chrysalis to jump as she noticed my difference.

"Go on." I said as I tilted my head to the side as a gesture for her to pass me. She stared into my eyes as she did, but passed me none the less before turning to face me again.

"Are you ready Orion?" Celestia asked me as she came up beside me.

I sighed. "I guess I am as ready as I will ever be." I responded.

"Good. I hope you are ready." Before I could respond, my eyesight went white.

When I could see again, the first thing I noticed was that we were no longer in Celestia's palace. In fact, I didn't think that we were even in Equestria anymore.

"Where are we?" I asked.

"I have teleported us to the Changeling Badlands." Celestia said as I kept looking around.

I spotted what looked like a mountain in the distance, but at the base of the mountain was a castle, a black castle that gave me chills.

It definitely was changeling themed.

"After you Chrysalis." Celestia said, causing the changeling to 'Hrumph' before she turned around and began to walk to the castle. Celestia and I followed her, just to make sure she didn't try anything she shouldn't.

"Is it me, or is it actually getting darker with each step towards that castle?" I whispered to Celestia.

"Yes, it is. I knew that your power could not be affected by changeling magic like my subjects can. That is why I asked for you to come along instead of bringing some of my guards. It seems as if it is getting darker because of their spell that is designed to weaken anypony who does not belong." Celestia explained.

"Then why do I feel fine?" I asked.

"I would presume that it is because of the strength abilities." Celestia said.

"You think so?" I asked again.

"Yes. I can sense it, plus I can see it every time you use it because of the white hue that applies to your scales." she said.

"Wow, you're perceptive aren't you? Anyway, what do you think we should expect in there?" I asked while gesturing to the Changeling castle that was getting closer.

"I do not know. King Vorzakh normally keeps to himself, but the fact that you or... the being inside you easily disposed of a group of changeling, he will probably try to challenge you in some way of form." Celestia explained.

I let out a frustrated sigh. 'Fuck sake! I just can't have one day can I?' I asked myself in my head.

-PFFT, That would be too easy. And besides at least you're keeping fit.- Halex said.

'Fuck that and fuck you. I still am only human, I do need to have some time to myself.' I told Halex angrily, but he just laughed.

The three of us landed on a platform on the side of the castle and a group of changelings surrounded us. I tensed, just waiting for something to happen, but nothing ever did.

We were led through their castle in silence, and with a few minutes, we had come to a dark throne room.

"Ah, Queen Chrysalis. You have returned." I looked in the direction of the voice and spotted a large changeling sitting on some sort of black throne. "And we meet again Princess Celestia. How have you been?"

"King Vorzakh. We have come to negotiate for your Queen, not to make conversation." Celestia said with a short tone.

"Oh, but your highness. What kind of hospitality would that b without a little friendly conversation?" he asked.

Celestia opened her mouth to reply, but I cut her off.

"Look you cicada. Let just get this stupid business out of the way so we can all go our separate ways. I sure we all have better things to do, Like Celestia here needs to get back to running her country, I have some things that I need to do that I'm keeping to myself for the best interest of every living being, And I'm sure that you have better things to do as well." I said.

"I'm sorry,I don't think we have met before. I am.." he began but I cut him off.

"Yeah yeah, your a bug pony, Celestia is the daughter of a product of science, and I am apparently the worst thing that could have ever happened to this damn planet, so on so forth. Lets just hurry this up so I can go and be alone for a while." I said, crossing my arms and leaning against the doorway into the throne room.

"Well, it is apparent to me that not everypony wants to be here." Vorzakh said as he placed a hoof on his chest. "My my Princess Celestia. My I ask why you brought such an angry creature here with you?"

"This is my friend Orion. He is here to make sure that our exchange goes smoothly and without complications." Celestia explained.

"And since when have you had the time to make a friend? I would have figure that running a country such as yours would be somewhat time consuming." Vorzakh said with a smirk.

"So, what is it you offer for your queen?"

A bigger smirk grew over the changeling kings face, the kind of smirk that tells you that he is up to something. I stood up straight again and walked beside Celestia.

"What would you like for her?" Vorzakh asked. Celestia just glared at him.

Vorzakh got up from hit throne and walked down to Chrysalis. he gave her a kiss on her cheek, but she looked like she wanted to pull away. Vorzakh then continued past Chrysalis and stopped just in front of Celestia and myself.

"I have an Idea." he said as his smirk grew larger, causing me to get ready for anything.

But there was no way I could have been ready for what happened next, and because I did not have my force field up, Vorzakh's plan worked.

There was a bright flash, causing my eyesight to go white and make me blind. I felt something slash across both of my eyes straight after everything went white. Burning pain shot across my face as I stumbled back and fell over.

"Orion!" I heard Celestia shout out, her voice filled with panic.

"There, now that your friend is terminated blind, we can complete our business." Vorzakh said with a chuckle.

"You cannot do this! I promise that.... No, no AHHHH!!!" I heard Celestia scream as it sounded as if she was getting further and further away

"Celestia!!!" I shouted as I tried to push myself up. I tried to open my eyes, but every time I did, a wave of pain burnt across them.

I felt something hit me, hard. I was the barraged upon my something, I presumed it was changelings using magic on me, but I actually felt all of these hits because my force fields were still not up.

I tried to defend, but with being blind, it was kind of a one sided fight.

'HALEX! A little help please!' I shouted in my head.

-Listen to me! I'm just as useless as you in this condition. But I have a plan!-


(Perspective change: Celestia)


"AAHHHHH!!!" I shouted as the pain flared from my cheek.

I was magically held down onto a table and Queen Chrysalis and King Vorzakh had been beating me for about an hour purely because Chrysalis was defeated in Canterlot by my nice and her husband, Captain Shining Armour.

"So my king, what should we do with this pony princess now that we have her immobilized?" Chrysalis asked with a smug grin.

"My Queen, I thought that your mother would have taught you not to play with your food. It is uncivilized and just plain rude." Vorzakh said.

"So, you think that we should feed off her?" Chrysalis asked. "But how? She has no special somepony, and I doubt that she ever will because she is afraid of such a commitment."

"Maybe so, but she is weak here and she knows it. That is why she had brought that dragon thing with her. So all we have to do is take a peek in her mind and look for the right stallion... or mare." Vorzakh explained.

I felt myself tense as he said that. 'Who knows what would happen if they gained control of my mind. They could use me to destroy Equestria.' I felt my heart sink as that thought came to my mind. I didn't want myself to be the cause of major destruction... again. I just wouldn't have the heart for that sort of thing. I have learnt my lesson.

I opened my eyes and began to whimper as I saw King Vorzakh was looking down at me with an evil grin.

"Please, don't do this." I begged quietly, only to have both changeling begin to laugh at me.

"Did you hear that? The great and powerful Celestia is begging us. HAHAH!!!" Chrysalis said before continuing to laugh. I just whimpered as I knew that there was nothing I could do.

After a moment, their laughter died down and Vorzakh looked down to me again. He lit up his horn and slowly began to lower his head towards mine. I could only watch as...



My head snapped to the side and I spotted Orion, standing in a large hole in the wall of the room that I was being tortured in.

I felt my heart soar and my lips curl into a smile as I spotted him, but those good feeling soon vanished as I noticed how hurt he was.

Not only did Orion have cuts, scratches and other damage to his scales all over his body, but his eyes. His eyes were still closed and seemed to be seeping out blood.

Orion began to walk forwards. Slowly making his way over to the table that I was bound to. Chrysalis shot a magic beam at him, but... he dodged it.

"What!?! How did you do that!?" Vorzakh shouted at Orion, but Orion did not answer. he just kept walking closer.

Both Chrysalis and Vorzakh began to rapidly shoot magic bolts at Orion, but not a single one hit him.

He kept dodging and making his way closer and closer until he was right in front of them, causing them to freeze in shock.

Even I was shocked at his ability to avoid magic while blind.

"H-how?" Vorzakh asked again, although much more quiet this time.

Orion did not answer, Instead, faster than anypony could blink, Orion had grabbed Vorzakh around the throat and lifted him off the ground.

Chrysalis ran over to try to get Orion to let go, but she was met with a hard kick to the head, knocking her out instantly.

Orion the turned back to Vorzakh and grinned before leaning in to whisper into the changelings ear.

"You damaged my eyes. So karma must be a bitch for you." Orion said quietly.

"Please Don't kill me." Vorzakh begged. I could not help but think that this was ironic.

Orion let out a sigh before dropping the changeling, but he also put a foot on Vorzakh's head.

"I am not the type to kill you damn monster, but if we ever meet again, I wont be so generous next time." Orion said

Orion the lifted his foot off of Vorzakh head and began to walk towards me. When he got to me, he place a claw onto my stomach.

Next there was a bright flash of light.

When I could see again, I was back in my palace's throne room, being looked at by my sister and some of my royal guards.

"Princess Celestia! What in all of Equestria happened to you!?!" I turned and saw Shining Armour standing behind me.

"I will explain in time, but first we need to get a doctor for..." I began as I looked around, but I noticed that Orion was not here with me. "Did anypony see where Orion just went?" I asked.

"Tia, Orion did not appear with you." I head Luna say, causing me to freeze.



(Perspective change: Orion)

"Damn, I thought I could do it." I said to myself as I just continued to lay there in the hot sand of the desert that surrounded the changelings castle somewhere.

Back in the castle, I focused my power into Celestia to make her teleport back to her palace. But then as I tried to port myself after her, the blood loss I was suffering caused my powers to just shut off.

I still had my powers, but I was just too tired to use any of them.

-Orion *YAWN* you cant fall asleep now or you'll die.- Halex told me, but he was just as exhausted as I was.

'I know. But I cant do anything. I can barely move.' I said.

I began to nod off, but was brought back when I felt myself being rolled over.

"Come on man, stay with me." said a male voice. I then felt a pair of arms lift me up and both of my arms go around two necks as I was lifted up.

By god, I wanted to know who was lifting me up, but I still could not use my eyes.

"Drake, What do you think happened to this guy?" asked the body on my left.

"I don't know Tank. But he sure looks like he has been to the afterlife and back, I mean, look at his eyes." said the voice on my right.

"Well, lets just get him back to the migration. Perhaps Elder could help this guy out." said the voice on my left.

And so, the two being's began to lift me off of the ground as they took flight while carrying me.

'Hey, maybe this is the end for me.' I said to myself.

-Or us.-

'Yeah yeah. What ever.'

Author's Note:

Sorry for how late this chapter was. I have just been so slammed with things lately.

But still. What do you all think?