• Published 22nd Oct 2013
  • 5,584 Views, 624 Comments

Hybrid - BAR0SS

A man with inhuman abilities that was in the care of the government winds up in a time and place he dosn't belong. Can he even find a way back? Will he even want to?

  • ...

Chapter 9: Path to the truth.

Chapter 9

I woke up feeling better than I did the day before. I looked around and saw that I was still behind the dumpster that I took refuge behind after I stole my last nights meal. I carefully got up and looked around.

I began to walk out of the alley but remembered that I was technically a wanted man. So I checked my surroundings before I exited.

Sadly, there were ponies everywhere unlike last night.

-So what now?-

'I have two choices. One: sit here until nightfall and escape then, or Two: sprint out like a bat outa hell and be gone before anyone can call any authorities.'

-I'm all up for the sprinting option.-

'As stupid as it is, so am I. But before I do, Thanks.'

-What for?-

'You helped me yesterday. Like a brain should I guess but yeah.'

-You seriously haven't figured it out yet?-

'Figured what out?'

-Oh you are thick some times. *SHIGH* I not your brain you idiot.-

I almost fell over at hearing this. Luckily I hadn't ran yet.

'If you not my brain, then what he hell are you?'

-I don't have a real name. But you keep calling me 'Your Hybrid form'.-

I walked back over to the dumpster and sat down behind it again. 'My Hybrid form?' I asked.

-Yes. You know, that form you used to change into all the time. That's me..- A smile formed on my lips. -And before you get any Idea's, No, You can't transform.-

'What! Why?' I asked as my smile fell.

-Because whatever that beam that you knocked away seemed to split our minds and basically sealed my powers away. I can't even use them let alone let you use them. And I am to weak to break the seal.-

'Oh, So will you ever be able to break the seal, or are you stuck in my head?' I asked.

-I don't think I was ever strong enough to break the seal. I'm still trying to figure out how you managed to redirect the beam in he first place. It's like you got a massive energy boost from nowhere.-

I sighed in defeat. 'Well at least you're ok' I said trying to lighten the mood.

-Thanks, but maybe we shout get out of here.-

'Good point. You ready?'

-Hey. I'm just along for the ride.-

'I'll take that as a yes' I got back up again. I felt better that the part of me that I preferred more was still with me.

I got into a ready stance before counting down.

... ... ... 3
... ... 2
... 1
"GO!" I shouted as I started to sprint ass fast as I could out of the alley and into the busy streets of Canterlot.

As I was running, I could hear the gasps and even some terrified screams from the ponies as I flew past them. Some even tried insulting me, but I was more concentrated on running at that point so I just ignored them all as I continued me escape.

Within a few minutes, I had almost exited the town. But I couldn't stop there. As I was running, I heard some of the ponies calling for guards, so there is no way that they have not been alerted to my presence.

I looked back and saw a group of ponies talking to guards so I pulled a quick right turn and bailed down an alley and somehow managed to not get spotted.

I pulled out of the other side of the alley and spotted a train in a train station.

I bee lined myself in the direction of the train and vaulted into a car that seemed to be a storage car while no one was looking, and quickly dived behind some luggage and sitting down to catch my breath.

'So what should we call you now that you need an name?' I asked in my head.

-Are you asking me?-

'It's not like anyone else can hear my thoughts.'

-True.- There was a moment of silence before he spoke again. -I don't know what I should be named. What sound good?-

'Dude, It's your name, not mine.'

-Well... How about that name you said to Celestia when you met her? Halex wasn't it?- he suggested.

I thought about it for a moment. It sounded like a good name to me. It seemed to suit the from if you asked me.

'Alright Halex, I'll call you that from now on.'

Although I couldn't see him, I swear I could feel him give off a huge grin.


A few hours later, I felt the train apply its brakes as it began to slow down.

I had no idea where this train was going, but I honestly didn't care. I just wanted to get away from ponies.

I just hope Dee dosn't take it to hard. Same with Ceylon.

As the train came to a halt I ripped open the doors and ran into the closest cover I could find.

A shrub.

I looked around from the safety of my shrub to get an Idea of the surrounding area. It looked like a quaint little village. I saw a sigh above the ticket office.

'Welcome to Ponyville' it read.

-Oh you have got to be kidding me. Ponyville for crying out loud?-

'Yeah well'

I carefully stood out of the shrub and a pony spotted me. But what confused me was the fact that she just turned and walked away. Shrugging my shoulders, I began to just casually walk through the town.

Surprisingly, none of the ponies really reacted that badly. They all just stopped what they were doing and stared at me with wide eyes. The attention was making me nervous so I just picked up the pace.

"I knew that they were real! I HAVE to tal- Hey! Let me go Bonbon! Please, I might never see another one again!" I heard one of them shout as I exited out the far side of the town. I didn't dare look back to see who shouted it.

I Spotted a dark looking forest and began to make my way there. But as I entered, something felt off. As if the world turned dark and cold. It kind of reminded me of my own time.

"NO! It's getting away!" I looked back and was tackled by a mint green blur before I felt myself being dragged back out of the forest. I just lay there with my eye closed.

"Lyra? I think you killed it." someone said in a worried tone.

"No he's fine. See, he's breathing" said the first voice.


"Based on his facial structure and lack of breasts. I think that he is a male" said the first voice in a matter of factly tone.

"What is this thing?"

"I believe that it's a human. A living breathing human."

"What's a human?"

These question's were beginning to annoy me so I just simply groaned as I sat up.

"Look! He's awake. I'm going to try to commune with it." I turned my head and saw a mint green pony that had a mint green and white mane and tail.

She stood in front of me and sat down.

"ME! LYRA!" she shouted at me while gesturing to herself as if I was stupid. "ME! FRIEND!" she shouted while hugging herself.

-Oh my god, is she serious?-

'Fuck, if she keeps this up, I'm going have to say something stupid' I said to myself as it took all of my will not to burst out laughing.

"I WANT YOU COME HOME WITH ME!" She shouted while making a series of movements to match.

I couldn't help myself.

"But you haven't bought me dinner yet" I said in my most snobby offended tone. This caused her to jump back to all fours and blush furiously. Her flustered look made me fall back over and roll on the ground with laughter.

She just huffed as I continued to laugh for about 12 minutes.

As I stopped laughing I wiped away a tear. "I'm Sorry, I should have said something sooner" I apologized for making her look like a fool. Even her cream coloured friend with the pink and blue mane was looking at Lyra weirdly as she tried to 'Communicate'.

"She'll be fine." Said the cream coloured mare.

"I'm sorry, I'd love to stay and chat, but I must be off. I'm on the move and I can't stop yet" I said as I got up of the ground.

"Well I'm Bonbon. But I must ask, What are you?"

"Well miss Bonbon. My name is Orion, and I am human."

"I told you they exist!" Shouted Lyra as she ran up to me again. "Everypony thought I was crazy, but I knew that they were real." she said as she reared up and went to place her front hooves on my chest, But I caught them and carefully put her back down.

I looked around and saw that some of the town inhabitants had come out to see what the commotion was about.

"Don't get ahead of yourself Lyra. I said before that I need to keep moving. If I don't, I'll probably wind up dead" I said causing them to recoil slightly.

"What in all of Equestria would cause such a thing?" asked Bonbon.

"I afraid I can't tell you" I said as I looked into the distance toward's Canterlot. That's when I spotted royal pegasus guards pulling a carriage toward's the town I was currently in. "I-I'm going to have to go now. Bye" I said while waving before turning and sprinting into the forest. I heard the ponies telling me to wait, but I ignored them as I kept running.

I sprinted for about a total of 10 minutes before I slowed to a jog and kept that pace for about 1 hour before I had to stop.

I sat on a tree stump for about 2 minutes, just catching my breath. But was interrupted by the sound of a stick snapping.

"*SIGH* Why cant I just have a break?" I asked myself out loud.

-Because that would be to easy- Halex said.

I turned around to look at what had stepped on the stick.

"OH! you have got to be kidding me!" I exclaimed. What I had seen when I turned around will make history for me.

It was a wolf. A wolf made entirely of wood with glowing green eyes. And by god it smelt bad.

The wood wolf took a few steps closer before growling at me and getting into a pouncing position.

"Nnnoooooo! Don't even try it. I'm warning you. You bett-" I was cut of by the wolf leaping at me really fast.

I didn't have enough time to blink let alone get out of it's way. It pounced on me and stood over me before trying to bite my neck. Fortunately, I managed to throw my arm into its mouth, saving my jugular in the process.

I spent the next couple of seconds trying to wrestle it off my arm, but I wasn't getting very far. If anything, I was just causing the wolfs teeth to sink further into my flesh.

"AAAHHH! You son of a bitch! Let the fuck go!" I shouted while I continued to fight the wolf.

-I might be able to get it off you if you trust me, but that's all!- Halex warned me.


I felt my body go numb and began to panic. That is until I watched my eyesight shift around on its own accord. It shifter to my left arm which was not the one in the wolfs mouth. I watched my hand ball up into a fist and a black aura surrounded it. My eyesight shifted back to the wolf and I felt my left arm launch toward the wolfs head.

When my fist made contact, the wolfs head basically exploded away from me, causing the rest of it to basically fall apart before I felt my body return to normal, but seemingly more drained than it did.

'Halex? Are you alright?'

-I'm *PANT* I'm fine- he said. -I just need some time.-

'What was that?' I asked.

-That was *PANT* was our power being used. But I still haven't recovered fully from that rainbow blast. I wont be able to help you like that for about another week now- he explained.

'Well thanks. I guess I owe you' I told him. But was soon reminded of my injury by a burning pain. I looked down to my right arm and saw it bleeding. I ripped off the bottom of my shirt and bandaged my arm with it.

I sighed before I heard movement. I turned back around and saw the bits of wood that remained of the wolf began to shift.

'You know what? I am NOT going to sit here and see what is going to happen' I said to myself as I turned and legged it again.

I ran for a few minutes but soon had to stop from fatigue. When I did stop, I stopped at the end of an old rope bridge that didn't look very safe. I looked over to the far side and saw what looked like an abandoned building.

Curiosity got the better of me.

I very carefully eased one foot onto the bridge, but nothing happened. So I crossed it with no hassle. Only, when I got to the other side, a rope snapped ant the bridge fell into the deep chasm below. I didn't even hear it hit the bottom.

-Well you ain't turning back now.-

'Tell me about it.'

I turned around to get a better look at the abandoned building, only to find that it was a fucking castle. The most of it was hidden by fog earlier, but that had cleared up.

'So, You want to check out the creepy castle with me?' I asked Halex.

-Do I have a choice?-

'Not really, no.' I said as I began to make my way to the entrance. I was surprised to find that the place had doors. It didn't even have a roof. Even so, I was kind of glad. The walls alone looked ready to drop on me from their age.

I walked inside past the doorway and was immediately greeted by an ominous gust of wind.

-That was... Different-

Ignoring Halex, I continued to walk through the open room that once looked like a throne room.I stopped at a pedestal of some kind that was in the center and I began to look it over.

Around the back of it, facing where the throne would be if this place still had one was a small plaque that was covered in vines so I cleared it and began to read.


Kindness, Laughter, Generosity, Honesty, Loyalty.
When present, these five elements will cause a spark and bring fourth the sixth. The most powerful element.


I though about it for a moment. Element's. Not the basic Wind, water, earth, fire elements, but apparently elements of some other kind. And there were six of them, only five of which are stated.

I sat there thinking about it for a moment longer before I realized it.

"I get it now. Twilight and her friends kept being called the elements of harmony. And there were six of them. And when they attacked me, they all had those weird necklace's on apart from Twilight who had that weird looking tiara. those pieces of jewelry must be the Element's that once rested here" I said out loud to myself.

-And I'm guessing that Whatever Element Twilight had would be the supposedly most powerful one.-

'Agreed. Which means that they have been here before and solved the riddle. But the main question is, What is the sixth one, and why was it a tiara and not a necklace like the rest' I said to Halex as I stood up, bumping the plaque with my foot and causing it to fall off and land on the ground with a clang.

I looked at the small plaque on the ground for a moment before Picking it up and looking it over.

'Wait there's more here on the back.


Homo-sapien Tech Co.


... ...
... ... ...

'What?' was the only thing that I could think of.

I looked at the words again. Homo-sapien was the scientific name for human wasn't it?

I looked back to where the plaque had fallen from and saw that there was a compartment hidden behind where it used to be.

I put my hand in the hole and felt around and felt something. I pulled the object out of the compartment and what I saw amazed me.

What I now had in my hand was a military grade PDA. These things where basically I-Pad sized computers that could do almost anything a new computer could do.

I looked it over for the power button and tried to turn it on and...


I presumed that it was flat. This thing was most likely in here since The last human, and considering that the vast majority of the population today dosn't know what a human is, I guess it had been there for a very... very long time.

But that makes me wonder more with questions like: How the fuck did human technology get into this thing! And other questions like, What the fuck happened to the humans anyway!

I looked back to the screen of the PDA and saw that it had a Small blue dot upon the black screen.

'Press thumb' showed up underneath a small box with a fingerprint in it on the screen.

I Pushed my thumb against the screen and it flashed a few times.

"Project Orion identified. Access granted" The PDA said out loud while showing a green unlocked padlock.

When the screen changed again, it loaded a video. As I watched the first few second, I couldn't help but yell


Author's Note:

For those that care, Halex is pronounced 'Hay-lex'. Just sayin.

Anyway hope you enjoyed this chapter.

(And the attempted cliffhanger.)

EDIT: stupid thing didn't paste properly.