• Published 22nd Oct 2013
  • 5,584 Views, 624 Comments

Hybrid - BAR0SS

A man with inhuman abilities that was in the care of the government winds up in a time and place he dosn't belong. Can he even find a way back? Will he even want to?

  • ...

Chapter 16: Job offerings.

Chapter 16

I opened my eyes from my peaceful slumber before sitting up and looking around. I was still in the guest bedroom of Canterlot palace so that was a plus.

I climbed out of the super comfortable bed and made my way to the bathroom and looked for my damaged camo pants. They were still near the bath, where I left them last night.

I picked them up and looked them over. these pants were once the most comfortable thing in the world. What I have in my hands is the last surviving pair, but they were so damaged that I was surprised that they were even still holding together.

I sighed as I began to pull the on over my briefs and look down at them again. I just shrugged before walking back out into the room. That's when I spotted a box on the table in the middle of the room that had 'For Orion' written on the side.

I walked over to said box and opened it up. Inside was a pair of black boots that were similar to my old ones, a few pairs of jeans, white shirts, socks and briefs. There was enough clothing in this box to last me a entire two weeks.

-Well, it's good to see that they think that you needed new clothes; which quite frankly, you did.-

'Hey! You were the one who destroyed the last set.'

-Yeah well, you would still be that bug's pet if I hadn't.-

I lowered my head when I heard Halex say that. He was right. I just gave up and took the easy way.

-Hey, chin up. I'll always have your back.-

'Thanks Bro.'

I began to change clothing From the ones I had on to a new set from the box. After I finished tying up my boots, I threw on a shirt and made my way for the door. But just as I was about to reach for the doorknob, there was a knock at said door.

I reached for the doorknob and opened the door slowly, Only to have it barged open and Rainbow Dash flying in.

"Woah! The room you got is huge!" she exclaimed before she flew over and landed on the bed.

The sound of hooves of me floor behind me made me turn around to see Twilight, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Applejack and last but not least, Rarity. All of them were looking around the room besides Rarity, she was looking straight at me.

"So you are wearing the clothes I made for you. I hoped that you would like them. I knew from your last set that you wern't a stallion of class, so I took the liberty of making you something more... 'Casual'." Rarity said as she looked me over. I could tell she wasn't happy about the 'Casual' part.

"So you made these?" I asked. "There great. But I have to ask, How did you get my size?"

"I managed to get my hooves on your other set of clothing on your last... visit, per say." she explained.

'Makes sense.' I said to myself.

"Orion?" I heard Twilight say. I turned to her and she was digging at the carpet with her hoof. "I- We just wanted to say that we are sorry if we offended you last time."

"It's ok. I still stand by what I said back then, but I'm aware that I did kind of overreact, and now Shining Armour will probably try to kill me." I said truthfully.

"Not quite. Cadence managed to talk him down and he said that he might forgive you if you apologize." Twilight said.

"Why would Cadence stand up for me if my anger was directed to her?" I asked.

"She said that you were just having an anger spike in your emotions. And no, she didn't read your mind to know that. She is an expert on emotions and can tell them apart just by looking." Twilight said.

-Yeah, if anyone tries something with your mind, I'll let you know.- Halex said to me.

"Ok, when do I have to apologize?" I asked.

"Right now. That is actually why we are here, we were going to take you to breakfast." Twilight said.

'Damn, that gives me little time to think of a decent apology. Looks like I'm going to have to make one on the run.' I thought to myself. "Alright, lets go and get this over with." I said.

Rainbow Dash basically shot out the door leaving a rainbow trail while the rest of the ponies and myself just simply walked out.

As I left the bedroom, I closed the door and continued to follow the ponies to where it happened to be that they were leading me. And within a few minutes, we were in a hall with a large dining table in the middle.

Celestia and Luna were already at the table, sitting at its ends. I walked over and picked somewhere in the middle and ended up having to sit between Dash and Applejack. I swear Applejack was giving me a cold glare just because I was different.

We all sat at the table in silence for a few minutes before Shining Armour and Cadence walked in, sitting on the opposite side of the table to me, Shining now also giving me a cold stare.

I looked to Cadence and she was looking at me with a hopeful smile on her face.

'Well, I'll just get this out of the way quickly' I said to myself. "Shining Armour? Cadence?... Look Cadence, I am sorry about what I called you a few days ago. It was rude and uncalled for. But you must understand that I was only angry, and you manipulating my thoughts wasn't exactly something that I would like when I am in that sort of mood. I have a habit of just getting angry sometimes, and when I do, I just wish to be left alone. I hope that maybe we can forgive eachother and try again." I said with my best apology voice.

Cadence smile grew into one of happiness. Shining Armour however...

"I will forgive you on one condition." Shining said while placing his front hooves on the table and leaning toward's me.

-There is always a catch.- Halex said as I just rolled my eyes.

"In one month from tomorrow, I will be taking in another group of recruits to join the royal guard," he stated before he sat back down and pointed a hoof to me. "And I want to see you there as well."

I coughed. "ME!? Why the hell do you want me in the guard?" I asked.

"I have reasons." he said while he closed his eyes and levitated a small teacup to his mouth.

"Enlighten me." I said with a hint of sarcasm. He set the teacup back down and gave me an angry look.

"Lets start from the beginning. Reason one: The encounter where we discovered you. You managed to very quickly, and with precision I might add, disarm 5 of my best guards and beat them down so you could escape. Reason two: After you called my wife that name, you managed to not only evade all the guards that I had looking for you, but you even managed to escape the city unnoticed before being spotted going into the everfree that is next to Ponyville the next day. Reason three: When Princess Luna located you, you managed to escape her into the basement of the the ancient castle of the royal sisters. Then you managed to silently knock out three more guards that we posted in the basement as a precaution and almost get away again. That is if it wasn't for Star Wind spotting you and pursuing you, which leads me to reason four. You managed to escape a changeling hive, with their queen as a hostage, violently kill 4 changelings-" I cut him off there.

"That wasn't me. That was Halex." I said earning a burning glare from Shining.

"Even so, Halex was it, managed to save one of my guards and return her here still with Queen Chrysalis as his hostage." Shining finished.

"Oh yeah, what happened to her anyway?" I asked putting a hand to my chin and looking up.

"She is down in the dungeons for her crimes." Shining informed.

I looked back to Shining and he was still glaring at me.

"Oh come on man. I can't be a 'Royal Guard'." I said while moving the hand that was on my chin over my face.

"And why not?" He asked in his still angry tone.

"Well firstly, I'm a human being, It just wouldn't be right and make no sense. Secondly, I have a problem with authority of those who try and push me around. If you tried to give me an order, I would probably slap you hard enough to make you do a 360 on the spot." I said.

"I'm afraid you don't have a choice in the matter. I have already gotten Princess Celestia's permission to include you to the guard." he said while gesturing to the princess.

There was a moment of silence.

"Halex says no." I said quickly.

-No I didn't!-

'Just shut up and roll with it man, please.'

Halex just groaned in annoyance that I had brought him into this.

"He dosn't have a choice either." Shining said.

That made me gain a look of anger.

"So if I said no, what are you going to do to try and make me?" I asked while I glared back at him. He lost his glare and began to try and stutter out pointless excuses. I took a breath and calmed myself down. "Look Shining, I just don't think that it would be in your job's best interest to add me to the list." I said with closed eyes.

"But I can see you have so much potential. I believe that with a little training, you could become one of my finest soldiers." Shining pleaded. I looked at him and he looked like we really wanted me to join.

"You said it's in a month right?" I asked, receiving a nod from him. "I'll give it some thought. That dosn't mean yes, but maybe." He seemed satisfied with this.

A door to the room opened in in walked 11 waiter-ponies. They all walked around the table and placed a platter in front of everyone.

I looked at the food that had just been placed in front of me. It kind of looked weird, so did most of the prissy foods here. I picked up a fork and took a bite. It was nice, but still not as great as last nights salad.

"Do you like you dish Orion?" Celestia asked.

I swallowed my mouthful and began to speak. "Its nice. May I ask what it is called?"

Celestia smiled to me. "I know humans need the increased protein consumption compared to us ponies, so I took the liberty of ordering you a Quinoa citrus salad. It's protein rich." She explained and I felt my heart stop.

'Does she know of a human's natural diet?' I asked myself. She looked over to me and winked.

-Yeah, I think she does. Perhaps you should ask?-

'Uh... No.'

-Why not?-

'Dude seriously? That's asking to die. If Celestia knows, she hasn't told anyone and that's for a reason.'

We ate in silence for the next 15 minutes, although Pinkie basically flipped her pate and caught all of her food in her mouth in one bite and swallowed it without chewing, then kept trying to ask me questions the entire time.

She said something about throwing a party, but I said no and her hair seemed to deflate dramatically. All the ponies around the table angrily looked to me so I was kind of pressured into giving in.

Now that Breakfast was out of the way, all the ponies began to chat to eachother while I just sat there in silence.

"Orion?" came the voice of Luna.

"Hu? What?" I stuttered.

This caused all the ponies to Giggle.

"I asked how was your room last night. I notice that you snuck out last night and went for a flight." Luna said.

"Yeah well, I hadn't flown in ages, and I felt as if I needed it. Too bad it was short lived." I said.

"What do you mean?" Luna asked.

"I ended up being pursued by two pegasi in blue latex suits." I said before having Dash shove her face into into my own.

"You met the Wonderbolts!?" she yelled right into my face.

"I don't know. I saw a stallion with a blue mane trying to get to me at 15, 000 feet, so I just dropped and out flew him. I hid in an alley and he began to look for me before another mare in a blue suit got his attention and began to scold him for something. Then she too began to look for me so I teleported back and stayed in my room from there on." I explained.

"Oh! Oh! Pick me! I want to hang out with you today!" Dash shouted as she was hovering around the room with her hoof raised.

"Why would you wan't to hang out with me today?" I asked.

"Don't you see? I have been trying to get into that club for like... ever. If there interested in finding you, and I'm with you, the are sure to notice me."she said in a fangirl like voice.

"And who said they were going to find me again?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Oh come on. This could be my one chance. Pleeeeeease?" she begged while plopping on the ground, grabbing my hand and holding it tightly.

"And what if I don't"

"I will sit here punching you in the arm until you do." she said as she punched me in the arm once to prove it.

"Alright fine." I groaned.

"YES!" she just shouted while jumping up into the air and doing a hoofpump. She then grabbed my hand again and more or less dragged me away.


Within minutes, Dash had more or less made me transform into my Hybrid form. Not too long after, we were in the sky. Dash was flying around, doing all kinds of stunts and tricks.

I however, was just floating there, watching her as she did. I tried to stand on a cloud like dash did when we first got up in the sky, but unlike her, I just sink through.

"Did you see that!?" Dash shouted at me.

"Yeah. it was great." I said sighing.

"Hey, what's the matter?" She asked as she landed on the cloud that was next to me

"I came out here so you could meet those ponies you so desperately wanted to meet. But here I am doing nothing and you are just flying around doing tricks and stunts. I mean... where are they?" I asked. Dash opened her mouth to say something, but I cut her off. "Anyway, I'm bored. You can do as you wish, I'm going for a fly myself."

Without warning, I shot up as fast as I could, actually managing to break the sound barrier as I did. And soon, I was at 15, 000 feet again.

It took dash a moment, but she soon reached the same altitude as me.

"How did you do that!?" She shouted at me.

"Do what?"

"Pull a Sonic Rainboom? Sure yours was black and red and not the color of a rainbow, but still!"

I went to explain that I've always been able to do it, but I was cut of by someone grabbing my leg.

"HAHA! I've got you now!" I looked down and saw the same stallion from last night was clinging to my leg, only he had a bruise on his face.

"Dude, what happened to your face?" I asked.

"After you teleported, I kind of... crashed where you were standing." he said as he trailed off.

"That's great, can I have my leg back now?" I asked with sarcasm.

"No! You're just going to run again. I can't let you do that until the captain has said what she wants to say to you." he said.

"Seriously dude? Let go or I'm going to make you." I warned. He just clinged harder.

I rolled my eyes and focused some of my energy to my hand and pulled him off with my telekinesis and held him up-side-down in mid air.

"HEY! Let me go!" he shouted as he thrashed against nothing.

I was about to speak to him, but was cut off by someone yelling.

"Let my lieutenant go right now!" I turned around and saw the fire color maned pegasus that was with this stallion last night. "This is no way for a future Wonderbolt to act in front of a superior." she said.

I looked to Dash and saw that she was just floating beside me. I looked back to the fire colored mare and saw that she was looking at me.

I dropped the stallion. "OH NO! I don't think so!" I shouted. I grabbed Dash and held her between myself and the mare. "This one would love to join your latex group" I said pointing at Dash.

I unexpectedly shot down and flew away as fast as I could. Remembering that these ponies could keep up, I just teleported back into the room that Celestia let me use during my stay.

I sat on one of the couches for about 10 minutes before I heard the unmistakable sound of someone crying. I walked up to the bedroom door and saw Dash running down the hall in tears.

'Oh god, what happened?'

Author's Note:

Kind of a boring chapter but meh

Tell me what you think.

Or at least tell me if you think Orion should become a guard later in the story by commenting below.


Edit: Dark_Night proofread it.