• Published 22nd Oct 2013
  • 5,585 Views, 624 Comments

Hybrid - BAR0SS

A man with inhuman abilities that was in the care of the government winds up in a time and place he dosn't belong. Can he even find a way back? Will he even want to?

  • ...

Chapter 13: Over reacting.

Chapter 13


Chrysalis fell to the ground, but her horn remained in my claw. She began to writhe in pain but I didn't care.

I turned her horn over in my hand. As I inspected it, it looked as if someone had shot it a few times with a gun years ago and it just healed wrong.

I pocketed the horn and walked over to Star. She was shaking violently so I just knelt beside her and lightly patted her on the head. This caused her to look at me and when she did, I held out my other claw for her to take.

"It's ok Star Wind" I said to her. She looked back and forth between my eyes and my claw a few times before finally and gingerly placeing her hoof in my claw. I smiled down at her and helped her up to her hooves.

"What happened to you Orion?" she asked.

"I'm not Orion. I'm Halex. Orion is still somehow being mentally influenced by Chrysalis's magic. I just have suppressed him until I can find a way to break her hold on him" I said as I turned back to look at Chrysalis. She had stopped screaming and was sitting while she had her right forehoof rubbing the stump where her horn once connected to, crying as she did so.

"Can you fly?" I asked Star.

She gave her wings a few test flaps before she attempted to take off, but her left wing cramped and she fell back down to the ground. I walked over to her and helped her back up before turning my back to her.

"Climb on" I told her.


"Because I'm going to carry you to Canterlot on my back."

Star looked wearily at me before she carefully climbed onto my back and wrapped her fore hooves around my shoulders.

"What about her?" Star asked while pointing to Chrysalis.

I pulled the changeling queen's horn out of the pocket of Orion's ripped pants and showed it to Star. "If she wants this back, she has to release Orion right now" I said before pocketing it again.

"I *SNIFF* I can't. I need my *SNIFF* horn to reverse the magic *SNIFF*" Chrysalis sobbed out.

"Are you serious?"I asked while facepalming. She nodded. "Well I guess you're coming too" I said as I walked over and picked her up in a headlock.

"You can't bring a changeling to Canterlot!" Star shouted to me. "For that matter, YOU can't just show up yourself. That would be like 'Hey. I wan't to be turned to stone now!'"

"Yeah well, Orion wants to have a talk to your beloved princess as it is, but he can't do that until he is no longer under this one's control" I said as I shook Chrysalis.

"What's he want to talk about?" Star asked.

"Technically, stolen property and other things" I dodged. She was better off not knowing. But it wasn't a lie either.

"Alright fine. Lets go" she groaned.

I nodded once and took off from the ground with Star on my back and Chrysalis in my arms, and flew in the direction Star pointed out.


A few hours later, we had almost arrived at our location. I could see it in the distance.

But because I transformed prematurely, I was feeling run down and needed to land before I dropped. So I did. I touched down in a small paddock before letting Star off my back.

"Hey? Are you alright?" Star asked.

"Just feeling a bit exhausted from transforming before fighting. I wasn't supposed to use my powers yet, but I had no other choice. I had to save Orion from this one and himself" I explained while looking back down to Chrysalis. She was just sitting there with an embarrassed look on her face as I still held her in the headlock.

"What's the matter Chrissy? I'm sure if you ask Celestia politely enough, she'll glue your horn back on" I said sarcastically.

"You don't get it. This is the most humiliating thing I have ever had to go through" she said as she began to sob.

"Aww. That's too bad" I said in a caring voice before I snarled and continued to drag her along.

We continued on foot to Canterlot. It didn't take long to reach the path that led up the mountain, but as we reached the bottom, my stomach rumbled.

Star looked to me and giggled, which actually surprised me to say the least.

"Wait here. I'll run ahead and bring back something to eat" she said before galloping off up the mountain.

I looked around as I sat down, pushing Chrysalis down next to me.

We sat there in silence for a few minutes. I was observing my surroundings and Chrysalis was just lying there, eyeing me cautiously.

I pulled Chrysalis's horn out of my pocket nd began to spin it around my claws.

"What are you?" asked Chrysalis.

"That depends. The being that you made out with is called a human. A creature that is even older than Celestia herself. He just wants to be alone, but Celestia's guards keep trying to hunt him down. He thinks that it's because they want our knowledge" I explained.

Her jaw dropped, just as I expected it would when I mentioned that he was older than Celestia.

"How is that possible? I'm sure that if there was a creature on all of Terra that was older than her, everypony would know about it" she said.

"Ok. For starters, the planet we are on was originally called Earth. Terra sound stupid" I grumbled. I too cant believe that Pelia changed the name of the planet.

"I'm pretty sure it was never called earth" Chrysalis said.

"Oh really? Then let me ask you this. What are the four different types of pony in this world?" I asked.

"Alicorn, Unicorn, Pegasus and... Earth... Pony?"

"Now where do you think that name came from? And I don't think that it's just a coincidence simply because the ponies on earth just so happened to NOT have wings or horns" I said as I looked away from her.

A few moments later, Star showed back up carrying a paper bag that looked like it was about to explode o her back.

She trotted up in front of us and dropped the bag on the ground causing it to rip and sill all the food items all over the ground.

"Jeez Star. We're only going to be here for a short duration" I scolded at her as I looked at the quantity of food.

She however didn't hear me as her face was already buried in what looked like a bag of potato chips.

Rolling my eyes, I just grabbed the closest thing. A sandwich. And I began to eat it, not caring what was on it.

"So. What were you talking about while I was gone?" Star asked.

"Just that what you know as Terra used to be known as Earth" I said.

"No it didn't" she said defensively

I sighed. "Then where did the name Earth Pony come from HMM?" I asked.

Star sat there for a moment, trying to think of an answer to my question as I just continued to eat my sandwich. We continued to sit in silence for the next 10 minutes.


Half an hour later, I was dragging Chrysalis through the crowded streets Canterlot with Star following me. Many ponies gasped at the sight of the changeling queen, but when they saw that she was being dragged to the palace, they presumed that I was a good guy by going on their way as I left their sight.

'This is like Déjà vu' I thought to myself.

I reached the palace gate inside an hour because Chrysalis had stopped fighting against me. But when I approached, two royal guards held out their spears and denied me entry.

"Don't worry guys. I'm Sergeant Star Wind. I'm a royal night guard and this dragon wants to claim a bounty" Star said.

The two guards looked to each other before shrugging and moving their spears and granting us access. I nodded to the one on my right as I walked past, with Chrysalis and Star.

We walked up to the main building before Star took the lead and led me back to the throne room.

We stopped outside the massive double doors and I tried to listen to what was going on inside, but the doors were too thick and all I could hear were faint mumbles.

Star walked up to the guards outside the door and told them that she too was a royal guard and that I was here to deliver Queen Chrysalis so she could face justice.

They looked to me wearily, but granted both me Star access to the throne room and opened the doors with their magic.

'This is it' I thought to myself.

As me and Star entered the throne room, I noticed that basically all the ponies that I knew the names of where in the room.

From left to right, the order went: Rare Artifact, Iron Defence, Shining Armour, Cadence, Dee, Ceylon, Luna, Celestia, Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy and Rarity.

All the ponies were looking to Celestia while she was sitting on her throne. She seemed sad.

That is until her face filled with dread when she noticed me.

"YOU!?" Celestia yelled said in a menacing tone.

"Yeah, yeah, I know. I'm still alive and that you thought I died, but we can get to that later. I have more important business right now." I said before tossing Chrysalis into the middle of the group and then pulling out her horn. "If you want Orion to come back, you will just shut up and listen to me. This bug here has seduced him with magic and now he seems to have fallen under some sort of spell that makes her control him. It's a good thing I'm still alive otherwise he would probably be trying to kill you right now" I said as I pointed to Celestia, causing all the ponies to gasp.

"So what do you want?" asked Celestia.

"I want you to heal her horn so she can break the spell of hers. Then I believe that Orion has a few things he would like to say to you" I said as I tossed the horn to Celestia.

She caught it in her magic and looked at it before a flash of white engulfed it and it was gone.

"There, it's back on her head" she said.

I looked to Chrysalis and walked up to her and grabbed her by the neck and lifted her up again.

"You know what I want you to do. So do it already" I growled at her. Her eyes widened and her horn began to glow as a green light engulfed me before fading away.

"There. I let Orion go" she said before I dropped her back down.

'Orion? You all good?'


(Perspective change: Orion)

I felt tired. Like I had just run non-stop for 100 days straight.

I opened my eyes and found myself floating in a black space.

"Where the hell am I?" I asked out loud. I tried to move around, but to no prevail.

I was about to give up, but the I heard something.

-Orion? You all good?-

Halex was here.

"Halex! Damn it's good to hear your voice bro!" I shouted as I looked around for him, only to see nothing but blackness. "Where the hell am I?"

-You're inside your mind. I had to suppress you there when Chrysalis tried to take over your mind- he said.

Then it all came rushing back. Waking up in the cell, talking to Star about how humans have landed on the moon, meeting the changeling before Chrysalis, using her as a shield as I escaped, finding out horns are sensitive, getting out of the stupid cave, Then the kiss.

That kiss with the snake like tounge.

I shuddered at the thought.

"So how do I get out?" I asked.

-I'll return you to your body in a second. But I have to warn you about the fact that your body is currently in the middle of the throne room of Canterlot.-


-It's ok. I just told Celestia that you want to say something to her.-

I took a deep breath. "Fine."

There was a bright flash and everything went white. But as the whiteness faded slowly, I could see the looks of many concerned faces looking at me.

When I could see properly, I looked to myself and saw that I was in my human form, but my shirt was non existent along with my boots and socks while my cammo pants were looking like had tried to put the legs of them into a blender and pulled them back out again.

-Your body is yours again- Halex said in my mind again.

'What the hell happened to my pants?'

-I'll tell you later.-


I looked up to the source of the voice and saw all the ponies I knew. My eyes went straight to Dee and Ceylon. Dee looked relieved to see me again and Ceylon had a grin on his beak.

Those two began to come toward's me but stopped when I stepped back, their smiles disappearing as I did.

Then Celestia began to approach me. She walked right up and sat in front of me, looking at me with a neural expression.

"The entity inside of you said you have something that you wish to talk to me about. Is that true?" she asked and I nodded. "What is it you wish to speak about?"

-Don't be stupid now Orion. I want to come out of this alive.-

I gestured for her to bring her head closer to me and she did so.

"Do you really want to know?" I asked. and she raised an eyebrow.

I turned to the right and sighed.


Halex didn't get to finish what he was yelling at me before I balled my right fist and brought it up into Celestia's bottom jaw faster than anyone could blink and with enough force to actually lift her of the ground and bring her down on her back with a thud about 4 metres away.

The room went deathly silent. Even hearing a pin drop at this sound level would shatter the windows in the room.

After about 10 seconds of silence, I took one step forward and pointed at her.

"THAT'S WHAT YOU GET FOR PLAYING GENOCIDE WITH MY RACE AND BRINGING THEM TO EXTINCTION YOU COLD... HEARTLESS... MURDERER!!!" I shouted as loud as my lungs would allow without exploding in my chest.

It didn't take long after I had finished what I was yelling for the guards to wake up and spring into action. They came at me from every direction. I just stood up straight and closed my eyes as I waited for the inevitable.

All I heard was Halex say -Why?- in my mind before I felt an extreme pain explode through my whole body before I fell unconscious for what I believed to be the last time.

But as fate would have it, I wasn't done yet.

Author's Note:

Short chapter because thats where I wanted to finish it. (Not the story. The Chapter)

There is probably quite a few spelling mistakes. I have not slept in about 3 days now and my thumbs hurt like a bitch.

I don't think it came out that great, but thats for you fans to decide.


Edit: Dark_Night again for spelling errors. (*Sigh* Where would I be without people like him)