• Published 22nd Oct 2013
  • 5,579 Views, 624 Comments

Hybrid - BAR0SS

A man with inhuman abilities that was in the care of the government winds up in a time and place he dosn't belong. Can he even find a way back? Will he even want to?

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Chapter 10: Truth and Reconciliation

Author's note: Fist part of chapter is veiw of a video log. Some parts will be missing. Just a heads up.

Chapter 10

Video log: #1874.
Date: 23rd of August, 2035. 00:57 A.M.
Location: CLASSIFIED!!!

The camera was watching a door for about 20 seconds before...

"I cant believe it! It worked!" Shouted Professor Elise (according to her name tag), running out of a lab room and to another unknown professor and handing him a data pad.

"What? This early? That's amazing!" he exclaimed while looking over the pad. "With results like this, we can move up our time scale."

END OF LOG: #1874.

Video Log: #1943.
Date: 12th of May, 2036. 10:33 A.M.
Location: CLASSIFIED!!!

"Is the camera on?" asked the unknown Professor that was in the last log.

"Uh... Yeah. Just begin when your ready sir" said a voice behind the camera.

"Ok good" the Professor took a drink of water from a cup before putting it on a table and looking into the camera. "Today is the... Uh what was it again?" he asked.

"8 035th sir" said the voice from behind the camera.

"Right, 8 035th. So we have been at work on this project for 8 035 days now, 22 years, and I think we have finally had a breakthrough." the Professor began to walk down a hallway with the camera man in tow. "Early last year, we gained promising results on being able to use the healing properties Project Orion's blood samples to artificially replicate life. With these results, we managed to replicate a number if different life forms of today's creatures and even create 2 entirely new species's. However, these life forms had no brain activity what so ever, but we managed to keep them alive. In August this year, we managed to successfully start brain activity in some of the creatures but they ended up falling into seizures that we could not rectify and ended up being terminated." The Professor said before turning a corner. "But after 9 months of research, we managed to finally get actual brain activity and promising vital signs." The Professor stopped out side of a door.

"In this room is our successful bundle of joy. She is easily scared due to her young age however so try and be nice." The Professor opened a small keyboard on the side of the wall beside the door and typed a few buttons, and the door opened and both the Professor and the camera man walked into a room that looked like it was for a child.

"Pelia? Where are you little one?" the Professor asked into the room.

"I'm here daddy" came a small voice in the room behind the bed. Soon after, a small white pony walked from behind the bed and up to the Professor. This little pony was only about knee height and had both a horn and wings.

"Well, this is Pelia, which means Miracle of god. and she is what we have come to call an 'Alicorn'. She is about 6 years of age" the Professor said to the camera. "Pelia, say hello."

"Hello" she said meekly.

The Professor smiled. "She has sentience and the IQ of about 104. She has come to call me daddy over the time she has been here, but she dose know the truth about her origins" the Professor said kneeling down and picking up the small Alicorn and blowing raspberries on her stomach, causing the small filly to squirm while squealing in delight. Eventually the Little pony got free and ran away from her human daddy.

"Hehe. She is a fun bundle of joy alright. Anyway, with her as our success, we might now be able to find the secrets to life itself.

END OF LOG: #1943.

Video log: # 47 097.
Date: 30th of January, 2055. 23:20 P.M.
Location: CLASSIFIED!!!

The veiw of this log was the Professor sitting at a desk with the camera facing him.

"Alright. Pelia is 25 years of age now, she has been for about two months now. And I must say that she has matured into a beautiful mare. Ok, to work. Pelia has been very compliant for us. She has learned to use her magic on a cosmic scale. She actually has the ability to control and influence things in outer space regardless of size or distance away, but that's not all. See log #38 252 for review of her magic skills. Her power seems to be on an even scale with the original Project Orion specimen that was put into cryogenic hibernation about 42 years ago now. With study of Pelia's 'Magic', we have made designs for a super weapon that cannot be used for ill intentions. The design team for Homo-Sapien Tech Co. has dubbed it 'Project Harmony'. We believe that this device will be the end of all wars on our planet." The Professor, whom looked considerably older, picked up a note book and began to flick through it.

"I regret to say that my team is being moved to assist in the Harmony devices research and construction" said the Professor before wiping a tear from his eye. "Pelia didn't take well that I wouldn't be seeing her anymore. In her anger, she almost destroyed the entire compound without realizing it. But I managed to get her to calm down. I just hope she will be fine without me."

END OF LOG #47 097.

Video log: #47 758
Date: 2nd of June, 2055. 16:00 P.M.
Location: H-S.T.C. development facility #04

I received news from Professor Elise, a friend of mine that stayed with Pelia, that Pelia has had a dramatic emotional change over the past few months. At first, she began asking questions to why she was the only one of her kind and asking when others like her would be born. Of course, Pelia herself turned out to be a fluke chance and any other times at replicating another with brain activity was met with failure. She just wanted to be with her own kind, but no other existed. Because of this, she has apparently been getting very moody, and in some cases, Violent. I just hope she calms down."

"Side notes: I was also informed by Elise that the original Project Orion specimen had been recently relocated to an even more classified facility compared to the one he was just at. Apparently, only a small group of people know where it is. And apparently they were testing prototype equipment there for the specimen for a doomsday prevention plan for if the Harmony Device failed. So basically they were going to turn him into a super soldier. That's if they ever wake him up."

"The other side note is that we have almost finished the Harmony Device. We have managed to isolate the magic into six separate gem stones, but when transferred, the gems turned to round stones, each with a different symbol upon them. And we cannot seem to figure out how to get it to work properly. I believe that she only one who can use them is Pelia."

ENDO OF LOG #47 758.

Video log: ######
Date: Unknown
Location: Unknown

The Professor seemed to be sitting in a town that looked like a bomb had hit it. There were building's destroyed everywhere and there seemed to be an immense amount of light. The Professor himself had scars, bruises and a large gash down the side of his head.

"Something terrible has happened as you may know. With what has happened and all, this might turn out to be my las log entry."

"I'm here at the H-S.T.C. HQ After this log, I will be hiding this PDA in a secret compartment in the pedestal for the Element's of Harmony."

"This all started 19 years ago. Pelia was brought to this facility at our request to see if she could use the Harmony Device. Need less to say, she could. But that's not when things went bad."

"No one is sure how, But shortly after her contact with the elements, she somehow became pregnant with a foal that was like her, and even with brain activity. She was happy, I was happy. But after some officials made a terrible mistake, that happiness only went so far."

"As Pelia gave birth, her child was taken away from her. She became so mad that she lost control of her anger and began to destroy everything. And I MEAN everything. She ended up going on a destruction spree. Most think that she was evil, But I know in my heart that she was just trying to find HER baby foal."

"In four days, she had wiped out a large portion of the human race before she found her child. Two days after, She came to this facility and took the Harmony device and used it to turn all the horses and ponies into sentient equine creatures because she could not create them from nothing. Some of the equines that she transformed ended up either growing wings OR gaining a horn."

"The humans. Well Pelia renamed the Earth into Planet Terra. A few years later, the humans that were still alive ended up starting a resistance against the equines and actually started to take ground back using older human weapons combined with technology that gave the user similar abilities to The original Project Orion specimen, but nowhere near as powerful as him."

"I recommended to the resistance that they wake up Orion to help us fight. Him with his equipment could have given us a huge advantage over the equines, but all the people that knew of his location were gone already so he was out of the question."

"Yeah, As I said. The human race was beginning to take back ground until they hit a stalemate against Pelia's daughter, Celestia. Celestia seemed to control the power of the sun itself. That's where we began to loose. We could have really used Orion's help there."

"That was three days ago. I haven't seen another human since Celestia ended up slaughtering any human around and... I think I might be the last one left on this planet."

The Professor sat down against the pedestal as he began to cry.

"I can't believe that the one I used to call my daughter did this to human kind."

He choked up a bit before talking again.

"To whom ever finds this. The Alicorns have destroyed the human race. and they are no more. This PDA contains a prototype memory unit that has all of the humans history and technology on it, both good and bad. Please make sure that it is either destroyed or put to damn good use."


"And now I have been found. This is Connor Whitley, signing off"


(Back to Orion)

I put down the PDA and backed away from it. Just trying to process what I had just witnessed.

-So Celestia and her mother are responsible for you being the last human left in existence.- Halex said. -Hey, Are you alright?- I just remained silent as I sat down against the far wall. I sat there for a few moments as I realized the truth that Halex just told me.

"THAT FUCKINNG BITCH!!!" I shouted as I jumped back to my feet. "I swear on the all the humans that she killed, She will burn at the entrance of hell for this, AND I WILL BE THE ONE TO KICK HER ROASTING CORPS IN TO HELLS FLAMING DEPTHS!!!"

I began to storm my way back towards the entrance of the ruined castle, hellbent on making Celestia pay. But as I entered the doorway, my body went numb again and stopped without me wanting it to.

-I'm sorry, but I can't let you do that.- Halex said.

"And why the fuck not!" I shouted.

-You wouldn't make it for starts. She is in a castle filled with guards, and as a normal human, you won't get far on a frontal assault. And two: remember what Dee said, Show mercy. I hate to admit it, but killing her will not help you. You will only regret it later.-

"And how the fuck would you know!?"

-Remember that Alex kid that beat you into unconsciousness?- I took a second to remember the vision that I saw. -To this day, I still regret that moment of me taking his life.-

My mind went back to the moment when he was ripped in half by my Hybrid's darker side. I relaxed and that's when I felt my body return to normal and I collapsed to the ground. Halex was right. Even if I did manage to get to Celestia, I don't think I could be capable of hurting her. I never was one for hurting others if I could help it.

I dragged myself back to the pedestal and sat on the ground with my back against it. I looked down to the PDA and picked it up.

'Might as well see what had changed since I was put into cryogenic hibernation' I said to myself as I unlocked it again and began to sift through the vast amounts of knowledge in it.


After about an hour of sifting through information, I was beginning to feel tired. It was only early afternoon some time, but all the running mixed with my injury on my right elbow, I was feeling kind of sleepy.

I locked the PDA and closed my eyes for a rest. But as I began to drift off, I heard the sounds of hooves on the stone floor.

I didn't even care any more, but I was curious as to find out whom it was, so I squinted through my right eye to see who it was only to see a dark cerulean hoof with what looked like a glass slipper on it a few centimetres from my face and knew who it was.

I felt my right arm being lifted up by nothing but a slight tingle, I presumed it was magic, and the makeshift bandage I had around my elbow slowly unwind and fall free.

I guessing that the blue Alicorn was shocked at the sight of my injury that I had sustained by her reaction. She gasped loudly as my arm fell back down to my side.

"Did you really have to just drop my arm Luna?" I asked without even looking to her.

"What in all of Terra happened?" She asked me But the moment she said Terra, my mind went straight back to the videos I witnessed earlier, but I quickly shook the feeling off. There was something else I had to know.

"How did you find me here?" I asked her.

"To be honest, We didn't expect to find thou here. We just venture here sometimes to remember our history here" She said.

"Your history wouldn't have anything to do with humans would it?" I asked.

"Nay curious little one. We were born over 12 million years after the human extinction. Hence is why we are so interested in them. My sister Celestia said that they are dangerous, but we have always wanted to meet one" she said the last bit with happiness in her voice.

"Do you always talk like that?" I asked in genuine confusion.

"Nay- I mean no. I have been practicing in the common slang, but still keep reverting to the old 'WE' every now and then" she explained

"Well good luck on trying to meet one of them" I said as I got up and began to reapply my makeshift bandage to my arm, facing away from her. As I tightening the bandage, Luna basically snaked her way a snaked her way around to get in front of me.

"Well, perhaps you would like the honour of being the human I get to know?" She basically pleaded in a way that was concealed as an offer.

I thought about her offer for a second before I had an answer.

"Uh... No."

You should have seen the look on her face. She looked like she had just watched her best friend spontaneously combust in front of her.

-Now that was an evil thought- Halex said.

'Yeah well.'

-Just look at that face and tell me you don't feel bad for rejecting her.-

I turned and looked to Luna again. She was looking at me with wide eyes and tears falling from them.

"Why not?" Luna sobbed.

I turned and looked away from her. "Look Luna. I have to ask. Do you even know what happened to the humans?" I asked. Her tears instantly cleared up and she had a thoughtful expression on her face.

It took her a minute, but she finally answered. "No! I don't!"

I shook my head. "Well perhaps you should go and ask your sister. I guarantee you she would know" I informed her.

"You promise to be my friend when I get back?" She asked.

I opened my eyes in shock "Wait? Wha-"

"Excellent! I will be back in a moment!" she exclaimed before teleporting out of the castle ruins.

"Uh oh" I said to myself as I sat back down.

-So why are you still here?-

'Because you made me look at her in the first place.'


'*SIGH* You saw her reaction to when I said no to talking with her before. If I run and she comes back to see me NOT here, God only knows what she would be like then.'

-Oh! I get it. You think that she would turn suicidal or something.-

... ...
... ... ...

'NOW whose the one with the evil thoughts!' I shouted in my head at him.

-Well I think you made a good choice. She's different compared to the others. I sense her soul is pained and lonely.-

'Then why don't you go and marry her.' I said sarcastically. 'Wait a minute. Since when can you sense things in others? I never was able to do that.'

-Well I hate to tell you, but I AM your abilities. I have to say that you only nicked the surface of your full capabilities and skills.-

"ARE YOU SERIOUS!!!" I shouted out loud.

-Calm down. You don't want Luna returning and knowing that I am still here. She and all the ponies... somewhat... trust you because they think I'm gone.-

I took a deep breath. 'Alright, fine.'


I sat there for about an hour.

-Wow, Luna is taking her sweet time.- Halex said out of nowhere.

'What? Miss you girlfriend already?' I mocked.

-Shut up. You know damn well that's not-- he was cut off by a flash of blue light.

Standing a few feet from me was Luna. She had tears in her eyes... again. That plus a look of anger.


Author's Note:

Readers. If you haven't checked out my latest blog, please do so. I kind of would like you to vote.

On another note please also tell me of any spelling mistakes.

I know the first part of this chapter was pretty bad, but it was the best I could think of at the time.