• Published 22nd Oct 2013
  • 5,584 Views, 624 Comments

Hybrid - BAR0SS

A man with inhuman abilities that was in the care of the government winds up in a time and place he dosn't belong. Can he even find a way back? Will he even want to?

  • ...

Chapter 12: Forced to Intervene.

Authors note: A bit dark this chapter.

Chapter 12

I opened my eyes to find myself in chains before Celestia herself. I tried to get up, but was immediately beat back down by one of her guards spear.

"Well Orion. I wanted to give you a chance at a life here. But you have proved to be more trouble that its worth. What do think I should do with you?" Celestia asked.

"I don't know" I said.

"Well I think I have and idea" she proclaimed. She lit up her horn and the chains around my body unlocked themselves and fell free. "Guard's! You are not to interfere!" she ordered. I was then hauled to my feet.

I looked around then back to Celestia, but as I made eye contact, she fired a magic beam at me and it him me square in the chest, sending me flying back and into the far wall.

As I lay there on the ground coughing and spluttering, Celestia walked up to me casually.

'Ah, I think I broke a rib' I told myself.

Halex said nothing.

'Halex? You still there buddy?' I asked.

Still nothing.

Celestia stood above me and looked down. She lit her horn up again and a golden glow surrounded me. Next thing I know is I have what felt like 1000 volts of electricity coursing through my body while having my limbs bent in directions they shouldn't.

"Come Orion! Get up and fight for the right of your race!" she shouted at me while continuing to use her magic on me. I tried to get up and fight back, but I couldn't. Her magic was just to overwhelming. "You're as pathetic as the rest of your race" she said.

Her horn began to glow even brighter and the pain intensified. I looked to my arms and saw my skin beginning to boil. The same happened over my legs and torso.

"Goodbye Orion."

Her horn grew brighter yet and the pain intensified about three times past the pain level of when I was forced back to human form from the elements.

I couldn't take it. it was way to overwhelming.



"HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I shouted at the top of my lungs as I jolted awake. I jumped to my feet and felt someone grab my shoulder so I turned and swung as hard as I could. My fist connected with the figures face and they went sailing across the room and into the cell bars.

-ORION CALM DOWN!!!- Halex shouted at me.

'Oh thank god you're ok.' I thought to Halex.

-Yes I'm fine. But maybe you should check on Star Wind after you smashed her across the cell- he ordered me.

I looked around to where the figure I hit had landed and saw Star Wind there, rubbing her jaw.

A look of dread washed over my face as I realized what I had done.

"Star, Shit. I'm sorry, I didn't mean it" I said frantically as I helped her up.

"I-It's ok. I should have seen that coming with how much you were thrashing" she said stumbling to her hooves. "Just what was that nightmare about anyway?"

I shuddered at the thought of the memory. "I'll save you the drama" I said as I looked around. That's when I noticed that we were in a prison cell with walls made of some black material I could not identify instead of bars. I looked back to Star and saw that she was not wearing her armour that she had on before and she had cuts and bruises all over her. "Where are we?" I asked.

As I looked Star, the look of her injuries made me subconsciously reach back to where I had been hit on the head. Only, it was perfectly fine. I quickly checked my hands and my elbow to see that the injuries I had at those locations were healed as well.

-Well at least they let you keep your clothes on- Halex said.

'Yeah. But what healed me?'

-Just look behind you.- I did as Halex said as my gaze fell upon Star. -That's right. She healed you in her weird way.-

I did NOT know how to feel about what I had just found out. I had been licked multiple times by a girl, but that girl was a pony. And a pony with fangs mind you.

"Uh... Star? Did you lick my wound's again?" I asked.

"Yes, now please don't talk about it" she answered quickly.

"Why not?"

"I am aware of how awkward it seems. 'Hey I got an injury. Can you lick it to heal it?'" she explained before saying the last part with sarcasm. "You have no idea how many stallions try and use that as a pickup line. It's so frustrating."

Sensing the anger emitting from her voice, I decided to drop the subject.

"So where are we?" I asked, hopeing Star would know.

"I don't know. You were knocked out by a zebra and then multiple of them jumped out and overpowered me and tied me up before blindfolding me. When the blind fold was removed from my face, we were in here. Well you weren't but they brought you in about 20 minutes after" she explained.

My hand went straight to my lower right leg pocket. Thankfully, the PDA was still in there.

-That and whatever they did to you in those 20 minutes has actually given me a boost in strength. In about a week, you should be able to transform back into your Hybrid form.-

'Are you serious?' I asked Halex as a smile grew on my lips.

-Yep. That is given that nothing happens where I need to prematurely use your abilities again.-

I sighed as I sat up against the far wall from the door.

"What are you happy about!?" Star asked in an angry tone.

I gestured for Star to come over to me and sit next to me and she did. I pulled the PDA out of my pocket.

"I'm just glad that they didn't take this thing" I told her in a hushed voice. That wasn't all, but she didn't need to know that.

She tilted her head in confusion. "What the hay is it?" she asked at the same level of volume.

"Remember how I said I wasn't going to tell you about my race and what they did?" I asked. She looked to me and nodded once. "I found this after I ran from Canterlot. It's called a personal data assistant, or PDA for short. This thing has most of the answers to the questions that your kind wants to ask me in it. And I'm glad that they didn't take it because there is things that could easily shift the balance of power against any unsuspecting country" I explained. Her eyes lit up. "And no. I'm not going to show you anything in it. I got nothing against you, but you work with the ponies that want to squeeze me for as much information as they can get from me before doing god-only-knows-what to me."

"Cant you at least tell me one small thing? please?" she begged. She tried to do the puppy do eyes thing, but it didn't work properly with cat irises.

But I decided to throw her a bone.

"Alright fine" I said as I took a deep breath. I looked at her and my mind came to one thing that I thought would be great. "I'm guessing that by the colour of your armour that you had, you are supposed to represent the princess of the night. Luna right?" I asked and she nodded again. "I'm not going to tell you how. or even tell Luna this, but humans HAVE landed on the moon."

She just sat there with a neural expression, Not even blinking. I poked her in the shoulder and she toppled over, still not doing anything.

-I think you broke her- Halex said.

'Yeah whoops.'

I grabbed her shoulders and shook her back to consciousness. When she came to, her eyes were as wide as their sockets. Seeing this made my put my hands up and back away.

I shook my head and place the PDA back into my pocket and zipped it up again. Before looking as Star again.

She still had that look in her eyes, but at least she was blinking now.

The door to the cell we were in unlocked and Star shook her confusion before getting up and looking to the door. I just rested my eyes.

"Well you two have been busy" came a voice from the door that was all to familiar.

"Lieutenant Iron Defence sir. I can explain" Star said. I looked up and almost shat myself.

"Gah! What the fuck!" I shouted when my eyes rested upon the... thing... that stood in front of me.

"What's your problem?" the thing said looking to me. I didn't answer it. I just continued to look the thing over.

It had smooth black chitin armour, big blue eyes, a curved horn and fly-like wings. It took me a moment, but I remembered that Celon told me about these thing.

Fuck. What were they called again? I put my hand to my forehead as I racked my brain for the answer.

"Anyway. Star Wind, I want you to come with me" said the creature.

"Yes sir-"

"CHANGELING! That's what you're called. You're a damn changeling!" I said loudly while jumping to my feet.

This caused the changeling to stop in shock while Star just looked between me and her Lieutenant.

"How could you tell?" the changeling asked me.

"How could I not!? you look like a bug pony for crying out loud. It's not that hard" I said to him.

"But I pulled of a perfect disguise. How could you see through it?" asked the changeling while green flames whooshed over him for no apparent reason. This caused Star to shriek and jump behind me and use me as a shield against the changeling.

"What was the point in that green flame?" I asked.

"I just transformed back into my true from" he said in a 'Duh' sort of tone.

-Just a heads up. I think you can naturally see through their disguises.-


"So what now?" I asked.

The changeling opened his mouth to speak, but before he could, another changeling entered the room. She was much larger than the other one. She also had green, cat-like eyes. Her mane and tail were a shade of blue I could not describe.

"I am Chrysalis. Queen of the changelings." The sound of her voice made me tense. It sounded weird. "And you are something that I have never seen before."

"Yeah. I get that a lot these days. It's kind of frustrating being the last of my kind" I said sighing.

Chrysalis walked up to me and placed a hoof on my face and looked me over.

"Well perhaps I could help you" she suggested while lighting up her horn and causing my vision to turn green. But my vision quickly turned back to normal after a quick jolt throughout my body.

-I'm going to say this once bitch. Stay the fuck out of my host's head!- Halex shouted.

Chrysalis quickly recoiled back from me.

"You. You have an entity living within you!" She shouted

"What!?" both the changeling and Star shouted simultaneously.

"Great. You had to just go and tell the world didn't you!" I shouted while throwing my hands up in the air.

"But how is that thing inside you without your body destroying itself?" Chrysalis asked.

-We are of one being. Without me, Orion would not be able to live. But thanks to the 'Element's of Harmony', my mind has been discontented from his and we are now two consciousnesses in one body- Halex said through my mouth. When he did, my voice even sounded darker just like his.

"Halex, will you let me do the talking?" I asked him out loud.

-Alright fine- he said in my mind again.

"Thank you" I said before turning back to Chrysalis. "So, why are we prisoners?"

"We were going to trick you and harvest love from you, but you kind of ruined that. So I guess that you are of no more use to us" she said.

She lit up her horn but I charged at her, rolled over her back while grabbing her horn and pulling her to the ground with me, still with a firm grip on her horn. and my other arm around her neck.

"You try anything, I'll break this thing off and cut you open with it" I threatened while applying a small amount of pressure to her horn by bending it slightly and the glow dissipated.

"Ok ok! Just please don't break my horn!" She begged.

"We will see" I said as I stood up, pulling her up with me. I had a good grip on her horn and I was going to use this to my defence as I walk out of here.

Every time I ever so slightly moved my hand on her horn she would gasp. I ignored her gasps and walked to the door, dragging Chrysalis with me.

"The smaller changeling was still in the doorway. "Move or I'll stab you with this horn as well" I threatened and he moved quite quickly. "Thanks."

I walked out of the doorway, but stopped when I remembered that I was forgetting someone. I looked back to Star and gestured for her to follow me and she quickly trotted up beside me.


I had been dragging the Changeling queen through, what I presumed was her home, for about 28 minutes now, and I was beginning to get angry.

"HOW THE FUCK DO YOU GET OUT OF THIS PLACE!!!" I shouted as I continued to drag her. Even Star looked frustrated at the fact that we were lost. It wasn't my fault that everywhere looked identical to another place.

"*HISS* Just turn left here and then take another let then a right" Chrysalis said through a hiss and a pant.

"And why should I trust you?" I asked.

"Because I want you to let me go. You have no idea what this is doing to my mind" She said through clenched teeth.

I looked down to her face and saw she had a blush upon her cheeks. I turned to Star and saw that she too was blushing.

"Star? Why are you and the queen here blushing?" I asked confused.

"Um... Touching a horn is... uh... an act of... ... ... love." she squeaked out.

My eyes opened in shock as I realized where I had my hand located for the past half hour.

I let go of Chrysalis and her horn and she let out a long moan as she slumped to the floor. I then remembered that I had flicked Luna's horn as well.

I quickly spat on my hands and rubbed them together before I rubbed the vigorously on my pants. I then grabbed Star's hoof and sprinted in the directions that Chrysalis had told me to go.

And to my surprise, I was out side within a minute. Except I was in the middle of a desert.

"Star! Where the hell are we?" I asked.

"Somewhere in the bad lands. That's all I know" She said.

"Alright. Sorry for shouting" I apologized.

She turned to me. "It's alright. I understand how weird th-" She stopped for a second. "ORION! WATCH OUT!" she shouted.

I turned around and was tackled by Chrysalis who instantly had her magic around my arms and legs to hold me still.

She stood over me, still with her blush, smirking at me. She then drove her head forwards, smashing her lips against mine and forced her snake like tong into my mouth.

I could feel that tounge of hers roaming around my mouth, exploring as much as it could. and it even wend down my throat a few times.

I looked to the side and saw Star get swarmed by 4 changelings and they all started to beat her up. I wanted to help her, but I was being kissed by the queen of the changelings.

But then something started to happen.

At first, I wanted to throw up. But as the kiss from Chrysalis went on, I could feel my disgust fading away. As disturbing as it was, it actually felt nice. So I slowly began to return the gesture.

-Orion! You must resist! She is beginning to...- Halex shouted at me in my mind but I blocked him out.

I opened my eyes to look at Chrysalis. Her horn was glowing and it had little green hearts appearing for a brief moment before fading.

I felt my mind beginning to slip. I didn't have a care in the world at the moment.

"That's it Orion. Let go of all your doubts. Let me sooth your mind. Let me control it! You're mine now!" Chrysalis said in an evil voice in my head.
Next thing I know, my body goes numb.



(Perspective change: Halex)

"NO!!!" I shouted.

I took over Orion's body for his own good. So for now, it was MY body. I knew what I was about to do was dangerous. But it had to be done.

I sent out a shadow shock wave and blew the queen off of me. I then began to try and transform into MY form.

I gritted my teeth in pain as I watched the black scales begin to slice their way through the skin of Orion's body and long claws began to protrude from the fingertips. I looked down to my legs and watched then reform into reverse joint legs and have scales cut through the skin there as well while the feet turned into paws, ripping the pants, boots and socks at the same time.

Last but not least, Orion's head.

I felt a large amount of pain rocket to my mind as I had managed to elongate the face, grow the horns and scales.

The transformation was complete.

I lay there panting for a moment. Transforming was a lot more difficult than it should have been, but I managed to get it done.

I pushed myself up off the ground and to my paws that I now had for feet while rubbing my head with the palm of my claw. I then stretched a few joint's before looking around.

I saw Chrysalis was awestruck while Star Wind look mortified.

I put my claw on my stomach and closed my eyes while taking a deep breath. I searched myself to see what abilities I could use.

Barely anything. I was still not strong enough to use my powers. Probably because I used all of it on transforming.


I opened my eyes and saw Star Wind laying there on the ground, with those changelings on her. She looked scared.

I walked over to her, causing the changelings to scurry off her and back away in fear. As I reached Star, I stood above her and looked down at her. She shook in fear.

I looked to the changelings that did this and stepped over Star toward's them. I opened my claws and began to jog toward's them.

"I'm going to make you pay for this!" I shouted as I ran at them

As I reached the first of the seven, I swiped at him, severing his head clean off before I leapt at another before snapping his horn of and slitting his throat with it.

I looked behind me and spotted one of the changelings beginning to run so I threw the horn I had like a throwing knife and it stuck in the back of his head, killing him instantly while I sprinted at the last one and drove my claw down hit throat and pulled out his heart.

I turned to Chrysalis and began to walk to her, crushing the heart in my claw as I did. I stood over her and she quivered from watching her drones get destroyed.

I reached down to her and grasped her horn, pulling her up to eye level while squeezing. she had tears in her eyes.

"You brought this upon yourself" I said menacingly.


Author's Note:

Too far?

Let me know what you think.

Edit: I thank Dark_Night for pointing out spelling errors