• Published 22nd Oct 2013
  • 5,585 Views, 624 Comments

Hybrid - BAR0SS

A man with inhuman abilities that was in the care of the government winds up in a time and place he dosn't belong. Can he even find a way back? Will he even want to?

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Chapter 20: Trust issues

Author's Note:

After due consideration, I have decided to NOT make my story follow season 3 of the show. I found that the loss of readers was just too great. I am sorry for all of you readers that were looking for me to do it, but I hope you understand.

If you have any questions please comment below of PM me.

Chapter 20

My senses slowly came back to me as my body woke itself up from sleep.

The first thing I tried to do was open my eyes, but I was met with a sharp pain to both of them, causing me to hiss in pain.

That is when I remembered everything.


(Before: Just after I lost my sight)

'HALEX! A little help please!'

-Listen to me! I'm just as useless as you in this condition. But I have a plan!- Halex said in a rushed tone.

'Well? Come on then! I find myself very open in while in this position!' I shouted as I tried to hurry him along.

-You won't like it, but this plan will require you to drop your force field.- he said in calm voice.

'ARE YOU INSANE!?!' There was no way that I would be doing that.

-Orion, just listen to me! If you drop your force field, then quickly send out a small pulse of telekinetic energy, you can concentrate your power into scrying the surrounding area!-

'But doing that limits my movement and fighting abilities.'

-Yes, that is why you are going to have to use it ever second or so. It is just to get an idea where everything is before acting on that object.- Halex explained.

'So... what? You are trying to get me to use sonar?'

-Theoretically, yes. But consistently using this will drain your strength pretty quick, so the more times you send out a scry, the weaker you will become.

I shook my head. Its not like I had any other available options.

I pushed myself up off of the ground again. I then dropped my force field and tensed my entire being while concentrating my power, sending out a pulse of energy that pushed all of the aggressive Changeling's back. I then scried the area quickly.

Doing this, it was almost like I could feel where everything was. Its hard to explain, but I just knew where everything was as the first scry wave passed over everything.

But my heart dropped as I felt the life force of about 43 different Changeling within the same room as me.

Thinking quickly, I knew that I would not be able to take out every Changeling in this room easily, so I did the next best thing that came to my mind.

I got my baring and halted scrying before sprinting to where the throne of this throne room was situated. With great estimation of where the Changelings had been pushed back to I jumped and opened my wings and blasted my way out of the window behind the throne.

Sadly, I did not come out of this act unscathed.

Multiple changeling recovered from my pule wave and saw me running, so they decided to shoot magic at me again, with a few being lucky enough to hit.

Each bolt that hit me felt like being punched by a guy with brass knuckles on. I figured that it was supposed to hurt more, but my tough scale had taken most of the impact.

But that did not stop it from hurting like shit.

Anyway, after I flew through the window, a single blot managed to hit my wing, and caused it to cramp painfully before making me drop out of the sky.

I hit the ground, hard. But something inside of me told me to ignore the pain and to get back up, and that is just what I did.

I was about to take off again, but stopped. I don't know why, but something was makeing me. I took one step forward, but something inside of me was telling me to go back. To go back and help... Celestia

-Orion? What is the matter? Lets get the hell out of here.- Halex said hurriedly.

'We can't. Not yet.' I said before turning and facing the castle again. 'I need to go back. I can't leave her in there.'

-Who? Celestia? Man, you know as well as I do that she would not go back into there for you.-

'Yes, but what if it was Luna?' I swear that I could 'feel' Halex squirm when I told him that. 'It's ok Halex. I know.'

-Alright fine. But if we die, you are going to regret it.-

I smiled before beginning to walk back to the castle with a grin on my face before opening my wings again and flying back up to where Celestia and I had landed when we first arrived. The moment I landed, I scried the area and felt no changeling in the vicinity.

-Most of them are probably in the throne room.- Halex said.

I then pushed more power into my scry to try and locate Celestia. After a few minutes, I felt her energy signature on the far side of the castle. I sighed before beginning to make my way in that direction, trying to be stealthful and remembering to repeatedly scry.


(1 hour later)

I pulled my claw from the Changelings torso as he fell to the ground, dead.

I scried again and felt the 6 lifeless Changeling bodies that were behind me, causing a wave of guilt to wash over me.

I had tried to get through stealthfully, and even managed to get most of the way through the castle without drawing attention to myself, but about 100 metres from where I could feel that Celestia was being held, I was spotted and therefore forced to take them out.

I took a few hits because I had never had to fight blind before, but I managed to come out as the victor.

-Orion, if you want to save Celestia, now is the time to do it.- Halex said.

I faced the direction that I needed to go and continued to walk, but as I gout outside of the door, I heard something.

I heard a whimper followed by "Please, don't do this." that sounded like it came from Celestia, only... she sounded in pain.

And scared.

I then heard the voices of both Chyrsalis and Vorzakh begin to laugh.

"Did you hear that? The great and powerful Celestia is begging us. HAHAH!!!" I heard Chrysalis saw before she continued to laugh. I then heard another whimper from Celestia, and that made my blood begin to boil.

After a moment, the laughter of both Changelings died down. I scried the room in front of me again and felt Vorzakh leaning his head towards Celestia's.

That is when I reacted.

I let out another pulse wave, but this time, focusing it all directly at the wall in front of me. the wall exploded inwards, causing it to shower debris of whatever it was made out of into the room.

"GET THE FUCK OFF OF HER!!!" I shouted as I stood in the doorway that I had just made while scrying again to find their reactions. Seeing nothing but confusion, I began to walk over while trying to look as imposing as I could.

I quickly scried again, and at the right time too. As I did I noticed a magic blot flying directly at me, but I managed twist my torso to the right and avoid it from hitting me.

"What!?! How did you do that!?" I heard Vorzakh shout at me, but I just resumed walking over while srcying much, much more commonly than I was when I made my way to that room.

As I was scrying, I noticed both Changeling light up their horns before they both began to fire magic bolts at me. But I managed to avoid each one as I slowly inched my way over to them, and within moments, I was right in their faces.

I scried them again and could tell that they were frozen with fear, that something so injured could easily walk up to them as I did.

"H-how?" Vorzakh asked. He was definitely scared.

I just grabbed him by the throat and lifted him off of the ground like the piece of trash he was. And as expected, Chrysalis ran up to me to try and help her master like a little bitch, but I had spun around and gave he a feel for the heel of my boot as it collided with her head and sent her flying.

I flashed the most intimidating grin I could before slowly moving my mouth to my prisoners ear.

"You damaged my eyes. So karma must be a bitch for you." I internally frowned at that line. I had everything going my way, and that shit line was the best I could think of?

"Please Don't kill me." Vorzakh begged.

I sighed as I let the Changeling drop back to the ground. He was all big and bad before I came into the room, but as soon as I entered...

I lifted my boot and placed it on his head, pushing his head to the ground with a bit of pressure.

"I am not the type to kill you damn monster, but if we ever meet again, I wont be so generous next time." I said while applying a bit of pressure to his skull, but eazing up and lifting my boot back off of him and placing it calmly back on the ground.

I turned to Celestia and began to walk over to her. She was bound to the table and had multiple bruises and cuts all over her body.

I knew already what I was going to do. I walked over to Celestia and placed a claw on he stomach gently, making sure to avoid any bruises.

I activated my power and flooded just enough power into Celestia's body so she would loose control just long enough for me to manipulate her magic.

When she lost control, I activated her teleport spell and sent her back to Canterlot. Back to her home. I then tried to activate the last of my power to get me back.

My body tingled a bit before I heard a 'whoosh' followed by a 'pop' noise. When I had landed, I fell over from exhaustion.

'Sand? Fuck!'


(Back to whenever it was after I woke up)

After remembering what had happened however long it was ago, I put both of my hands on my face and sighed.

I felt that, not only was I back to my human form, but I had a bandage over both of my eyes, meaning that whoever had helped me, must have see what I am by now.

I slowly pushed myself up off of the ground and tried to listen to my surrounding area. I was no linger in my Hybrid form, so I could not just scry the area.

Besides, I felt too drained to do that any way. I felt like my energy was completely gone, leaving me to feel like I did when I had been hit with the harmony device the first time.

-Orion, Are you still with me?' Halex asked me with concern in his voice.

'*Groan* Yeah bro, I'm still here. But I don't know for how long.' I said.

-Why? what's wrong?' he asked.

'It just... *Sigh* Ever since we woke up from cryogenic sleep... How long ago was that even? Actually, I don't care. The fact is, ever since we were woken up by these ponies, all we ever seem to do is be in some sort of trouble that ends up with me getting us into shit situations, and having to rely on your help on getting us out. Maybe I should just let you take over my body and do what you want with it.' I explained dejectedly.

-Orion, don't be like that just because you lost your eyesight. When your strength returns, your natural healing will slowly bring your sight back, and you will see again, I promise.- Halex said truthfully.

'I know, but I cant help but realize that bad things keep happening to me. I should just go back to where the Cryogenic pod is and seal myself back inside. Lets face it Halex. I will never just have a peaceful day where I can sit down and enjoy myself. I don't even know how you manage to put up with staying in my mind, just to watch me make mistakes all the time.'

-Don't do this Orion. It's not your fault. You are just having a run of bad luck and need some time off with some friends.-

'I don't have any friends here.' I said darkly.

-Oh yeah? What about Ceylon... Dee? What about me? I thought that we were friends, but I guess if you are just going to complain about how bad life can be, then I have no desire to talk to you!- Halex shouted at me.

'Oh come on, don't be like that.' I said, but Halex said nothing back to me 'Halex?' Still no response. I sighed, knowing that there was no reasoning with him from that point.

A few minutes passed, and I was still just standing there. Its not like I could do much more than that. But soon, I heard heavy footsteps heading in my direction.

"Ah, human, its good to see you awake." said a deep voice a short distance away.

I tried to back up from the voice, but ended up tripping over myself and falling flat on my ass.

"Careful human, you don't need to be going and hurting yourself more than you already have." said the voice.

"Who are you!?" I demanded as I pushed myself back up.

"Yes, I am sure that trust will be difficult for you to find given your current condition, but you have nothing to fear here. My name is Elder Lyth, and I am the Elder of the dragon migration." the voice explained.

"You were right. How am I supposed believe that?" I asked, not facing away from the direction that the voice was comeing from.

"Believe me. If myself and the others dragons were not interested in finding out about you, my sons would have just left you for dead in the desert that they found you in." Lyth said truthfully.

"Yeah, right. You want to find out about me, and yet you keep calling me human. How would you even know what to call my race if you know nothing about me?" I countered.

"Calm yourself. I know what you are because Princess Celestia's guards have been searching for you for the past week and a half. They came to us to ask if we had seen a human before giving us a description that matched one such as yourself. But I told the pony guards that we had not encountered you in hopes that you would tell me a few things." he explained.

"Did you say a week and a half?" I asked in confusion.

"Ah, yes. You fell into a coma as you suffered from blood loss from your injuries. We have managed to stop the bleeding, but I am afraid we can do noting for your sight." Lyth said.

"Great. Just great." I grumbled to myself. "So, now what? You grill me for info just like the ponies tried to do before you submit me over to them?" I asked sarcastically.

"Could you please stop being so hostile towards me? It is my duty as elder to watch over and help other dragons that need assistance. And as you are part dragon..." he said trailing off.

"Seriously? You just wanted to help me?" I asked with hesitation.

"Is that so hard to believe?" he countered.

"Look sir. I am sorry for being short with you. But the first time I was met by another race other than my own, they wanted everything I knew and probably would have tried anything to get it. To further my point, my own race also experimented on me almost every day. And to make matter's even worse , I have lost my eyesight, which was probably my greatest sense as a human/dragon, and I therefore feel as if I need to be extra careful until I can see again." I explained.

"May I ask how your eyes became so?" he asked in a more quiet tone.

"*Sigh* I was with Princess Celestia when she was trying to make an exchange with the Changeling king. But the stupid prick did something that made my eyesight go white before I felt something that felt like I had something stabbed through my eyes." I said.

"What I do not understand is... How was it that we found you in the middle of the desert and how Princess Celestia is back in Canterlot perfectly fine?" Lyth asked.

"It's hard for me to explain, but it when something like this..." I said before spending the next three hours going over what had happened as I know it.


(Three hours later)

"So, you used magic to find your way around so you could save her?" Lyth asked as I ended my story.

"I don't think its magic, but basically... yeah." I said as I thought about it.

'Could my abilities be called magic?' I asked myself. I was expecting a response from Halex, but that never came. He was still being silent.

"I personally would call it magic, but it is your power, so you can name it whatever you want. But how do you have these powers?" he asked.

"I don't know. They just kind of showed up within me one night." I said sparing the bloody details.

"That is most intrigueing." Lyth said to himself. "Let us stop these questions now. I am most certain that you are hungry, yes?"

As if on cue, my stomach rumbled.

"Hehe. Wait here, I shall return with something for you." he said before stomping off. Guessing by the sound, Lyth was quadrupedal... and big.

I sat there for a few minutes, doing nothing... again. God being blind sucks.

I was somewhat happy when I heard the sound of Lyth's footsteps as he returned. He stopped just short of me and placed something on the ground before he walked back away a short distance.

I reached forwards and carefully placed an hand where I heard Lyth place whatever it was he placed. I felt a plate, but what was on the plate confused me.

"Uh, what is this?" I asked, getting a feel for what felt like smooth stones.

"They are gems. I had to express why some of my migration had to give up a small share each, but they complied. I can be frustrating sometimes how dragons are greedy by nature." he said.

I tensed as he said that.

"Did you say gem stones?"