• Published 22nd Oct 2013
  • 5,584 Views, 624 Comments

Hybrid - BAR0SS

A man with inhuman abilities that was in the care of the government winds up in a time and place he dosn't belong. Can he even find a way back? Will he even want to?

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Chapter 7: For F***S Sake

Author's note:
Just a heads up, this chapter will have a section of violence and gore in it. I don't think it's that bad, but I do find it necessary to warn you.

Chapter 7

"Row row row your boat, gently down the stream. Merrily merrily merrily merrily, life is but A dream" I sang.

I had been singing this song for the past six hours now, and by the look on the pony's face that was next to me, she was about to snap. She was sweating, her eyes were twitching constantly and she was shaking.

I smiled. "Row row row your boat-"

"FOR THE LOVE OF... SHUT THE HAY UP!!! OR I SWARE TO LUNA, I AM GOING TO SIC YOU!!!" She yelled while jumping off the ground and hovering before she extended two blades off of each forehoof and aiming them at me.

A little dangerous, but phase two complete none the less. Now we wait.

The guard pony took her hoof blades away from me and got back to her position that she was in before. I just continued to stare at her.

'Wait for it' I said to myself.

'Wait... For... It...'

"Row row row your boa- AAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" she yelled out loud enough that you probably find that all those in the gryphon domain heard it.

'Mission complete' I thought to myself while doing a little fist pump.

The pony turned to face me again and I had a hard time trying to stifle my laughter. She looked so angry. She lifted her hoof off the ground. I think she was going to hit me.

But I was gladly saved by the door opening and Celestia walking in. The guard very quickly lowered her hoof and faced Celestia before giving a salute.

"At ease Star Wind. I heard you yell and came as fast as I could. What has happened?" asked Celestia.

"Permission to speak freely princess?" asked Star Wind and Celestia nodded. "This stupid hairless ape has been singing the worlds most frustrating and stupid song for the past six hours and its stuck in my head. It has made me loose my composure and almost lash out irrationally. Lucky for him, you came along" she explained.

That's when I lost my shit.

I began to laugh out loudly at the angry facial expression on Star Winds face. She glared back at me but soon Celestia joined in on the laughter.

We were there laughing for about a minute and my stomach was beginning to hurt. I wanted so badly to hold my stomach, but I was still bound to the bed. However, we both eventually stopped.

"Why did I have to be posted to watch this freak?" Star Wind mumbled to herself.

"Hey! That's a bit uncalled for don't you think" I said. Star Wind just glared at me again. She's gona have to stop that or she's going to burn a hole into my head.

"I am sorry Star Wind, but If you'll excuse us, I would like to have a chat with this human here" Celestia stated and Star gave a bow before walking out of the room and closing the door behind her. Celestia then turned and looked to me.

"What?" I asked. She was just staring at me. I tried my hardest to read her facial expression, but she was just looking at me with a neutral look.

I would hate to play poker against her.

She then walked up next to the bed I was restrained to. "Forgive me. I don't normally like to do this, but I must see something" she said.

I gave her a quizzical look and she closed her eyes before lighting up her horn and placing it to my forehead.

My vision turned black. I began to panic, that is until everything went white then my entire life flashed before my eyes.

I watched as my life went back to the earliest day that I remember.

My tenth Birthday.

Back then, I still lived with my birth parents. I loved them and they loved me. Life was great for me back then.

My life seemed to fast forward to the day I was dropped off to the orphanage. I was only ten and a half years old by that day. This made me think about it again.

What could I have done within half a year to make my mom and dad hate me so bad to the point where they felt as if I had to be in that orphanage? Why was I abandoned? To this day, I still don't know.

I felt my gut twist. That particular memory of mine made me wonder why I was even born.

I watched for what felt like minutes as all the bad memories of my past came before me, and made me feel as if I needed to relive them. That is until the day that it all changed.

I was in the corridor of the orphanage that led between the dorm's and the cafeteria. I was just standing there until I saw something that confused the shit out of me.

What I saw was... me. I was walking back from the cafeteria toward's my room. I watched and walked in front of the younger me.

"Hey man-" I began to talk only to stop when the younger me past right through me. I turned around and watched as the younger me kept walking, until that retarded Alex kid walked through me holding a table leg. "Orion watch out!" I yelled but it had no effect.

Alex lifted the table leg over his shoulder and swung it at the back of the younger me's head and it struck making a loud crack.

"OW! Why the fuck did you do that you ass?" the younger me shouted at him. Alex started to lift the club again but I knew what was coming next and tried to intervene. But was me with a failed task as he brought the club down onto younger me's head.

"You stupid little shit. Think you can eat my food and get away with it?" he asked. I knew what was about to happen and there was nothing I could do about it.

I watched as the dick head hit the younger me with the club again but he fell over this time. I watched Alex start to beat the living shit out of the younger me for about a minute, the younger me on the ground, seemingly lifeless. Until he started to push himself off the ground.

I don't remember this part.

"What the fuck?!" Alex shouted as he backed right off. and he was right to do so.

The younger me was on his hands and knees coughing up blood like a... a... I can't even describe what it looked like. His face was all bloody, he was shaking violently and he was grunting and growling. I noticed his eyes were red and had slit irises. He was transforming.

I watched as wings began to grow from his back and a tail from his tail bone. The new limbs seemed to push their way out of his skin, causing the skin to split. I then saw that his bone structure was beginning to morph, not just his face either. He was becoming what happen when I loose control of the abilities.

Think for this form having the bone structure of a werewolf, just with scales. This form is a cross between both biped form for the upper half and quadruped form for the lower. All of the scales were black, no red what so ever and he seemed to give off black smoke. There was also a strip of black hair that went from the top of his head, all the way down to the tip of his tail.

I was shocked. I had never seem this form before. I was always unconscious in the event that it came forth. and that only ever happened twice that I know of, This being the first.

I turned and saw Alex was standing there, shaking. He was as scared, if not more... no, definitely more than me.

This form that younger me was in was just standing there, looking at the ground. That is until Alex dropped his bloodied club and turned tail. If he was smart, he would have snuck away.

The sound of the table leg hitting the ground made the monster form look up faster that one could blink. And within the next blink, it had pounced on Alex and pinned him to the ground on his back. Alex began to try and fight his way out of the Hybrid's grasp, but to no avail.

The Hybrid moved its snout next to Alex's face and gave him a few sniffs. Then it pulled its head back and the slit irises narrowed as it let off a growl of anger.

It then opened its right claw and began to scratch at Alex's chest quite deep and very slowly, smirking as it did and all Alex could do was scream in pain.

Suddenly, the scream of one of the orphanages care takers caught all of our attention as she ran off. The Hybrid just looked back to Alex and began to scratch his face, causing him as much pain as he could.

Minutes passed and the Hybrid was still just scratching at Alex. Until sirens could be heard.

The Hybrid looked up and growled before picking up Alex and sprinting on three of its limbs to the front door of the orphanage and bursting out the door and stopping as it saw the five police cars outside.

"Woah! What the fuck!?" one of the cops shouted as he took cover.

The Hybrid held the bloodied but still alive Alex in front of it like a human shield as all of the cops drew their weapons and took aim.

"Let the boy go and put your... uh... claws up!" another of the cops said through a megaphone.

The Hybrid form roared while lifting Alex into the air with both arms and ripping him in half and throwing both halves to the ground.

Ok. I kind of glad I was unconscious for that part.

The cops all began to fire their weapons at the Hybrid, only succeeding in pissing it off more. They all kept firing until they were out of ammo.

The Hybrid looked at them and blew out a plume of ash from its nostrils. It then charged the first cop and drove its claw through his stomach before pulling out his spine while swipeing at another cops throat with its other claw, effectively slashing her windpipe and spraying the Hybrid with blood.

The cops took one look at the scene before them and began to retreat only to find that when they turned around, the Hybrid was already there, splitting another cop in half down the middle before grabbing the side skirt of a police car and forcefully rolling it in the squads direction, crushing four of them in the process and crippling two more. the last cop standing looked at his squad and quivered violently and actually wet himself. He then began to look around for the monster that did this, but was to late. The Hybrid appeared behind him and beheaded him at the neck.

I looked around to the sight that was in front of me. I don't think I had ever seen this much violence, especially not in real life. I just wanted to barf. This also tells me why the military was after me when they did find me.

I saw a helicopter flying toward's us. As it got over us, it shone a spotlight on the Hybrid, causing it to look up. I would have shouted for it to get out of here, but I knew that wouldn't do anything.

I turned away as the Hybrid got ready to jump. I didn't want to watch any more. It just made me feel worse about something I had no control over.

I tried to block out the sounds of things exploding and people dying. This was a memory that I was stuck in. I just had to wait until it was over.

After what felt like hours, the memory eventually jumped forwards again, but this time it jumped to more happy times. I watched as I relived birthdays, Christmas's and every other great memory I had with Howard, Joe and all the other people that seemed to treat me as family and not a prisoner. But then came the memory of my last day with another human.

I still cant believe that they stuck me in that cryo pod for whatever reason, and forced me to be stuck in this time, a time where I do not belong.

My vision went white again and before long, I was back to the room I was in before with me bound to the bed and Celestia standing beside me. Only, she seemed to have a tear in her eye and smiling at me.

"What the hell was that? Are you just trying to make me feel bad just because I'm different?" I asked in an annoyed tone.

"No Orion. I just took a peak at your memories. And I saw that you can be a kind person when you are with those that treat you well" She explained

"You WHAT!!!" I shouted. I take great offence to my personal memories being invaded.

"I just read your memories. And now that the evil thing has been purged from you, we can get those things off you" she said happily as she used her magic and the restraints on my wrists disappeared.

I should have been angry that she just took it up upon herself to invade my head, but I just didn't care anymore. I was still shaken up over what my Hybrid form did to those cop... and Alex. Sure he was a dick, But I don't think that he deserved what he got.

-I believe he got what he deserved. How could you pity him after all he had done to you?-

'Shut up brain. You have no right to think like that' I told myself.

-PFFT Whatever.-

"Are you ok?" Celestia asked.

"No, although I am disgusted at what my Hybrid form did, I still cant help but feel exposed without it. I have become dependent on it since I learnt about it, and now it's gone and I feel as if I have become the most useless thing in existence" I said.

"Well look on the bright side. With those dark powers gone from you, You might have a chance to make a great life here. A life of peace that we once offered to the rest of your kind, only to have them throw it back into our face" she said.

"What do you know? How could you know about Humans, and what happened to them?" I asked.

"I will tell you in time, But not now. I have other things that need my attention so I must be leaving" she said as she began to walk for the door. "Until next time."

She opened the door and walked out.

I was alone for a few minutes, just thinking about HOW Celestia could possibly know about humans. Up until the door opened and in walked Star Wind, Dee, Ceylon, Twilight Sparkle and her five friends and finally, Rare Artifact. I found this room to be quite crowded now with nine ponies, one gryphon and me. At first there was silence, but that was broken by Rare Artifact.

"So how are you feeling today?" he asked. I just glared at him. I then looked to Dee and Ceylon and my expression softened.

"Are you to ok?" I asked.

"Yeah, we're good. I'm more concerned about you. What happened?" Dee asked.

"I don't know. I remember that I felt an extreme amount pain as I changed back. I think that contact with that beam destroyed my abilities, and now I am in a position that I never wanted to be in and there is nothing I can do about it" I said as I looked back down at the bed.

"What do you mean by that?" asked Twilight.

"Simple, in a moment or two, you and this guy" I said pointing at Rare Artifact "are going to try and grill me for any information you can about me and my race. The after you get it, lord only knows what will then happen to me" I explained. "Uh... do you have my things? I kind of would like my clothes back."

"I got them here" Ceylon said passing me The saddlebags that Dee lent to me. I pulled out my clothes and began to put them on underneath the blanket.

As I finally pulled my shirt on, I noticed that my pistol was missing from the bags. Beginning to panic, I looked to Ceylon and saw him wink at me before he slowly opened his wing slightly to show that he had it there. Seeing that made me calm right down.

I threw my legs over the side of the bed and pulled my boots on and tied them up. I then put my feet on the ground and tried to stand, only to have my legs fail me and fall over onto my side.

"What the hell? Why cant I stand?" I asked myself out loud.

"Well, you have been unconscious for almost two months by now. I would be surprised if you could stand properly" Dee said coming to my side and helping me back up.

Two months?

-Yeah and it couldn't have any more boring-

'Shut it brain. You're not helping here. And how is it that you know that but I don't?'

-In time-

"What do you mean two months?" I asked.

Twilight walked up to me. "You have been out for an month and 27 days. The doctor thought you would never wake up" She said. I sat there in silence. I had no idea what to do next.

"Are you ok?" Fluttershy asked in a voice that was barely above a whisper. She wasn't scared of me, was she?

I put my hands to my face in frustration. "Well the question is, What do we all do now?" I asked.

"Simple" came a voice from the door.

Author's Note:

Kind of ended abruptly.

I know.It's boring and rushed, that and my gramma is tewible (TROL (not realy))