• Published 19th Feb 2018
  • 6,197 Views, 1,303 Comments

The Ties that Bind - the7Saviors

This is the story of a bond forged between three fillies and the many trials and tribulations that strengthen that bond as they grow older. Friendship, secrets, and a dark journey awaits.

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A Cold Winter Night


It's so cold out here.

The lavender filly wrapped the grimy brown cloak tighter around her tiny frame in a futile effort to stave off the bitter chill of the cold winter night. As she trotted along the nameless, snow covered path she reflected on her miserable situation and the events leading up to it.

Mom... Dad... she sniffled from more than just the cold, Shiny...

Fractured and confused memories flashed through her mind.

A loud crash.

A grinning stallion.

A laughing mare.



Her mother's warm, crushing embrace.



A bright flash of light.

And then... nothing.

She woke up in the middle of an empty, snow blown field somewhere outside of Canterlot with an excruciating hornache. She called out for her parents and her brother, but they didn't answer. She cried and screamed, shouting their names over and over again.

Nopony answered.

And so she left, trotting off to she-didn't-know-where. Thankfully, she had managed to procure a warm - if dirty - cloak from a passing stallion who had cared enough not to let her freeze to death...

...but not enough to help her find her way back home.

She sniffled again and tried to hold back the tears she knew were coming. In this weather, she knew the liquid would freeze before it left her eyes, and that would've been very unpleasant. She shivered as a gust of freezing wind blew past and tried to pick up her pace.

Unfortunately, the only thing she managed to do was stumble over her own hooves and fall face-first into the snow.

She picked herself up, shook herself off, gave a mighty sneeze, and continued forward. Looking around, she couldn't figure out just where she had ended up, but she could tell she was quite a ways from Canterlot. She couldn't even see the castle in the distance anymore.

The ever present cliffside city and the behemoth that was Mount Canterhorn, had been replaced by wide open plains, rolling hills and lush forests - though much of the scenery was blanketed in snow.

The filly had estimated that it had been roughly two hours since she set off on her aimless journey and so far she had only come across the one stallion. She hadn't seen any buildings to speak of and was starting to get hungry. It was also getting a lot colder as the night wore on.

She thought about resorting to the somewhat primitive act of grazing, but realized even that would be difficult to do with all the snow.

Resigning herself to the gnawing hunger, she shuddered once again and continued down the frozen path to nowhere - tears slipping from her eyes despite her efforts to hold them back.

I really hope I find somewhere to stay soon...

An orange coated unicorn filly grunted in frustration as she slammed the empty cookie jar back on the kitchen counter.


No response.



The filly hopped off the stool she was standing on. She blew her red and yellow striped mane out of her face and stomped out of the kitchen.

She trotted past the warm fire crackling in the fireplace and made her way to the doorway on the opposite side of the small living room.

She stopped in front of the door and gave a few sharp knocks.


She heard a muffled thump from behind the door followed by a brief shuffling of hooves against wood flooring. She took a step back as the door cracked open just enough to reveal the glare of a violet eye.

"What do you want, Sunset?" an irritated voice squeaked out from inside the room, "Trixie is very busy and doesn't have time for distractions."

Sunset Shimmer's bright blue eyes bore into the smaller pony on the other side of the door as she replied.

"You ate the rest of the sugar cookies," she stated.

"Trixie has no idea what you're talking about," she huffed and went to close the door, but an orange hoof wedged itself in the doorway.

"Trixie, we're the only ones here right now," Sunset responded with a frown, "and I definitely didn't eat any cookies."

"Well maybe you just don't remember!" she punctuated her rebuttal by slamming the door into the older filly's hoof, causing her to yelp in surprise and pain. She yanked her hoof away and Trixie took that opportunity to slam the door closed completely.

"Oh, you little..." Sunset cried indignantly. Her horn flared and enveloped the doorknob in a red aura. She turned the knob with her magic at the same time she threw all of her weight into the door, causing it to fly open.

She stumbled inside and swept her irate gaze around the room.

She looked to her left just in time to see a book fly straight for her face. She ducked the airborne book with a cry of surprise and glared at the culprit standing defiantly across the room. For a moment, Sunset Shimmer stood there, eyes locked with the younger blue coated filly as she tried to raise another book in her magic.

"Oh no you don't," Sunset growled as she charged Trixie. Caught off guard by the sudden assault, Trixie dropped the book and tried to gallop behind the makeshift stage she had built from a bedframe, some bed sheets, and an overturned dresser. She didn't even make it halfway before Sunset was on her.

What followed next was a series of angry shouts, name calling, kicking, biting, and mane pulling as the two fillies rolled around the room. They paid no heed to the mess they made as they knocked several knick-knacks over and bumped into the walls, causing various pictures and paintings to fall.

Eventually there was a lull in the fighting as the two tried to catch their breath and that was when Sunset heard it. Her ear flickered as she picked up the muffled sound of knocks against wood.

"Is that... all you've got... bacon strips?" Trixie taunted, panting as she tried to smooth out her silvery blue mane, "Trixie... is not impressed!"

"Trixie, shut up for a minute," Sunset hissed as she cocked her head to the side. After a moment she heard another soft knock, "do you hear that?"

Trixie, who now had her ears perked at attention, looked at Sunset in bemusement, "It sounds like it's coming form the living room..."

Both their eyes widened in realization.

"The front door!" they shouted simultaneously. They galloped out of the messy room and into the living room, stopping just in front of the entrance to the cottage. Trixie made to open the door but Sunset quickly pulled her hoof back.

"Wait," she whispered, "we don't know who's out there, Trixie. And besides, Uncle Scroll told us not to let anypony in while he was gone."

"Oh, come on," Trixie scoffed, "that old stallion is scared of his own shadow," she went to open the door once more, "and it's freezing out there. It might be somepony who needs help."

"Or," Sunset argued as she pulled her away from the door, "it might be some burglar trying to make sure nopony's home so they can break in."

The blue filly rolled her eyes and shoved her way past Sunset, "that's ridiculous, it's way too cold for a break-in," she once again attempted to open the door, "Trixie is opening the door and that's that."

She was suddenly tackled to the ground by a frustrated Sunset Shimmer.

"Uncle Scroll put me in charge and we're not opening that-"

She was interrupted by another small knock on the door.

"H-hello? Is s-s... somep... p-pony there?"

The two fillies turned their shocked gazes from each other to the door as the voice spoke again.

"P-please... I n-n... n... need some help. I'm h-hungry and I d-don't… don't know w-where I am... a-and it's r-r-really cold."

For a few seconds they simply stared at the door before Trixie turned to Sunset with a frown.

"That doesn't sound like a burglar, Sunset."

Rather than answer, Sunset Shimmer quickly untangled herself from Trixie and rushed to the door, throwing it open despite the frigid winds blowing into the cottage.

Standing in the doorway was a small lavender unicorn filly wrapped in a ratty brown cloak. Her indigo mane, split by violet and pink highlights, was a frazzled mess and her horn was blackened at the tip.

The violently shivering filly stared at Sunset - her face shining with tears that had frozen partway down her face - and Sunset could see a multitude of emotions in her eyes.

Fear, confusion, and a deep sadness.

An exact reflection of Trixie when she and Sunset had first met.

"C-can I please... c-c... come in? Just... j-just for a bit?" the filly asked, forcing out the words through chattering teeth.

Sunset merely blinked, at a complete loss for what to do.

"I... uh..."

"Oh, move!" Trixie growled pushing Sunset aside and stepping out into the snowy night. The lavender filly took a startled step back as Trixie trotted right up to her, sticking her frowning muzzle in her face.

"What's your name?" she demanded.

The lavender filly glanced at Sunset briefly before looking back to Trixie.

"T-Twilight," she answered hesitantly, "Twilight S... Sparkle."

Trixie nodded in satisfaction and backed away from Twilight.

"I am Trixie Lulamoon," Trixie proudly announced, pressing a hoof to her chest, "future magician extraordinaire!" her prideful expression flattened as she pointed a hoof behind her, "that's Sunset Shimmer," she said dully, "feel free to ignore her."

"Hey!" Sunset yelled, "I'm right here, and I can introduce myse-"

"Alright, now we all know each other," Trixie continued, cutting off the indignant filly, "now come on." She walked behind Twilight, who yelped as she was shoved towards the front door, "it's freezing out here and Trixie has a routine to finish practicing."

Sunset stepped aside as Trixie pushed Twilight into the cottage. She stood outside the door for a bit longer, biting her lip as she looked back and forth between the snowy path and the living room.

Eventually she sighed in resignation.

"Uncle Scroll isn't gonna be happy about this..." she muttered to herself.

"If you're going to stay out there at least shut the door, Sunset!" Trixie yelled from inside, "Trixie is freezing her tail off here!"

Sunset grunted in irritation and trotted back inside, closing the door behind her.

Author's Note:

An idea I had involving Twilight as an orphan with two other orphaned characters as they grow and develop before going on an adventure together. It was originally going to be Rarity and Rainbow, but Sunset and Trixie made more sense to me.

As much as I loathe them, there will be time skips although I'll make sure they aren't too long and that they only happen when it's clear there's nothing of import going on character development and story-wise.

At the beginning of this story Twilight and Trixie are eight years old and Sunset Shimmer is twelve. Additionally, Twilight has not taken the entrance exam for CSGU.

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