• Published 19th Feb 2018
  • 6,197 Views, 1,303 Comments

The Ties that Bind - the7Saviors

This is the story of a bond forged between three fillies and the many trials and tribulations that strengthen that bond as they grow older. Friendship, secrets, and a dark journey awaits.

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An Uncovered Scheme

"FlimFlam Brothers, huh?"

Yojimbo crossed his arms and furrowed his brow as he looked at the orange filly.

"Don't see anything good coming from those two with a name like that," he commented, "who are they?"

"A couple of con artists that fancy themselves savvy salesponies," Ancient Scroll answered with a disappointed shake of his head, "they're old... acquaintances of Sunset's we met back in town during the Spring Festival," he frowned in bemusement, "don't know why in the blazes they were with this stallion though..."

"Were they seriously trying to foalnap Twilight?" Sunset asked with an angry, incredulous snort, "that's... that's just low! Even for them!" she scowled at nopony in particular before letting out a small sigh, "and honestly, it doesn't really make any sense..."

"Maybe..." Twilight yawned before speaking again, "maybe they found out about the reward for finding me? You did say they would jump at the chance to make bits."

"Well yeah," Sunset conceded as she turned to the lavender filly, "but they wouldn't stoop to foalnapping!"

"Trixie isn't so sure, Sunset Shimmer," Trixie added, furrowing her brow, "with how many bits they'd be getting, I wouldn't put it past them."

"Why don't we just ask our friend here for the details?" the husky interjected as he jerked a thumb over to the captive unicorn stallion, "he's gotta know something, right?"

"A fine idea," Rouge agreed with a nod, "I'm quite curious to know what this stallion's intentions were myself."

"Well then," Ancient Scroll began as he trotted over to the other stallion, "I suppose I should--"

"Wait, Uncle Scroll!"

Ancient Scroll turned back to Twilight with an inquisitive raise of his brow and the lavender filly eyed the brown unicorn stallion nervously.

"Is he... he can't use magic... can he?" Twilight asked, "does that--"

She blinked and squinted slightly before her eyes widened in realization. The stallion in question was already wearing a horn ring she hadn't seen until now.

"Oh," she muttered as she gave Ancient Scroll a sheepish grin, "I uh... guess you already have that covered."

"Indeed," Ancient Scroll said with a small chuckle before turning to the unicorn stallion with a frown, "now then..."

His horn flashed bright green and the other stallion snapped awake with a yelp before frantically looking around just as Flibberty Gibbets did before. After roughly a few moments taking stock of his situation, he frowned.

"Horseapples..." he muttered in a low gravelly voice.

"By that exclamation, I'm going to assume you're guilty of something, so I won't mince words," Ancient Scroll said with a grimace, "what is your name and what are your intentions?"

"Sound Mind," he replied immediately, "I was sent out to this area to capture Flim and Flam -- by force if necessary. During my mission I came across valuable information regarding Twilight Sparkle's whereabouts and my intent is to capture the filly alive and unharmed."

The stallion's eyes had widened as he spoke.

"You!," he growled, giving Ancient Scroll a hard glare as he struggled in his chains, "what the buck did you do to me?! What is this spell?!"

Ancient Scroll's gaze hardened and he turned away from Sound Mind to address Sunset.

"Well, little filly," he said, his countenance softening a bit, "it looks like those two were prisoners rather than accomplices."

Sunset glared at the struggling stallion before turning back to Ancient Scroll with a satisfied nod.

"I knew something was off," she turned to the other fillies, "it's like I told you, they may be money grubbing frauds, but they're good ponies at heart. They wouldn't do something like this -- not even for all the bits Twilight was worth."

Trixie merely shrugged in response, too tired to actually say anything.

Twilight on the other hoof, frowned contemplatively.

"Wait a minute..." she muttered, "he said he was after the FlimFlam brothers, which means..."

"Aye," Ancient Scroll finished with a scowl, "it means that whatever ponies were trying to track down Flim and Flam, are also the ones trying to get their hooves on you, little filly."

"But why?" Twilight cried in frustration, "what do they want?"

"Well, he's right there," Yojimbo said as he turned back to Sound Mind, "we can always just -- OI! WHAT THE---"

At Yojimbo's sudden shout, the others whipped around to look at the husky before following his shocked gaze to the captive unicorn. The stallion's eyes were enshrouded in a black fog and he stared at them all with a triumphant grin.

"You aren't getting anything else out of me, old timer," he said before turning to Twilight with a manic grin, "and now we know exactly where you are, girl!"

Twilight's eyes widened in fear and she took a startled step back. At this, Sound Mind let out a mocking laugh that sent chills down the filly's spine. As the stallion laughed his coat began to darken gradually and Rouge's brows shot up in alarm before she turned to Ancient Scroll.

"SCROLL, STOP HIM!" she cried, "HE'S ABOUT TO--"


With that cry, Sound Mind's body darkened to a completely black silhouette. With an earsplitting crack, the chains binding the stallion vanished and Sound Mind himself shattered like glass -- his mad laugh echoing throughout the room.

The pieces faded to nothing before they hit the ground and the room fell into a shocked silence. After a moment Yojimbo cursed loudly and stomped off to stomped off to the opposite side of the room in aggravation.

"W-What just happened?!" Twilight cried in horror and confusion. She turned to Ancient Scroll, "Uncle Scroll, what did he just do?!"

Ancient Scroll grimaced and shook his head before responding, his gaze angry and a bit sad.

"The Tartarus damned fool went and killed himself with Dark Magic so we couldn't question him," he explained, "I should have expected that," he stomped a hoof in frustration, "Blast it all, I really should've expected that."

"But... but he had an anti-magic horn ring on," Sunset added, "how could he just... do that?"

"There are ways around a horn ring if you know the right way to cast a spell -- especially when it comes to Dark Magic," he rubbed a hoof across his face and sighed heavily, "I didn't take that into account and I really should have..."

"That stallion was crazy," Trixie muttered, "how could you just... kill yourself like that? Trixie... Trixie doesn't understand."

"It happens sometimes, little one," Rouge said, leaning down to put a comforting hand on Trixie's shoulder, "there are some who've suffered so terribly that they feel they have no other choice -- no other way to escape the pain."

"But Trixie," Trixie shook her head and continued with an angry scowl, "I've suffered a lot and I never wanted... that! I don't think any of us did!"

Sunset and Twilight both nodded in agreement and Rouge smiled at each of them in turn.

"That's because you're all stronger than that," Rouge replied, "each of you have the power to push through your pain and keep going, even when it still hurts. Although..." she grimaced, "I don't believe that stallion killed himself because of his pain -- at least not entirely."

"What do you mean?" Twilight asked with a bemused frown.

"I think he killed himself for what he believed in," Rouge replied, "he had a goal -- a duty to fulfill -- and he didn't want to compromise that, so rather than give us the information we wanted, he chose to end his own life."

"But... but that's stupid!" Trixie cried, "why didn't he just try to find another way to escape?"

"Maybe he did, maybe he didn't," Rouge replied before standing up once again, "either way, it is what it is and there's nothing we can do about it any longer."

"Well, at the very least we managed to get a bit of information from the stallion," Ancient Scroll interjected as he and Yojimbo made their way over to the others, "I'm fairly sure I can infer what their goal is from his declaration at the end."

"'We will blacken the cursed Sun'..." Rouge muttered, putting a hand to her chin in thought, "what would that mean?"

"Well I'm not quite sure what he means by 'blacken'," Ancient Scroll replied, "but I think he might've been referring to the Princess when he mentioned the 'cursed Sun'."

"So... what," Sunset asked in bemusement, "whatever group he was part of is trying to do something to Celestia?" her eyes widened in realization, "wait, are they trying to start some kind of rebellion?"

"Now there's a thought," Yojimbo commented as he folded his arms with a frown, "why would anyone want to rebel against your Princess? From what I've heard, she's supposed to some kinda saint or somethin' right?"

"Wrong," Sunset replied with a grimace, "she isn't as kind and caring as she wants you to believe, trust me."

"Huh," Yojimbo replied before giving a shrug, "well, guess I'll just take your word for it then," he turned to Ancient Scroll, "what say you, old pal? Think it really is some kind of rebel force out to bring down the Sun?"

Ancient Scroll didn't reply. The old stallion was staring into the unlit fireplace -- a slight frown on his face.

"Hey, Scroll," Yojimbo called out with a concerned frown of his own, "you okay buddy?"

Ancient Scroll blinked and looked back to the old dog. He turned to see the rest of the group looking at him worriedly.

"Ah, sorry about that, folks," the stallion said with a sheepish chuckle, "just got a bit caught up with my thoughts is all," he cleared his throat before answering Yojimbo's question, "In any case, it's a strong possibility," Ancient Scroll continued, "but it's still only a guess -- a likely guess -- but a guess nonetheless."

"And we didn't find out what any of this has to with me," Twilight added with a frown, "on top of that, we still haven't found any clues about what happened to my brother."

"We also need to leave," Trixie interjected, turning from Twilight to Ancient Scroll with a worried look, "you heard that crazy stallion, he said they know where Twilight is now."

"Ah!" Ancient Scroll exclaimed, stomping a hoof in realization, "that reminds me!" he turned to each of the fillies with a grin, "I had almost forgot to tell you all what my actual plan was, "he frowned, "and now that we know what we do, I think it's more important than ever."

The three fillies looked between each other before turning back to Ancient Scroll.

"More important that we do what?" Sunset asked, "what was your plan?"

Ancient Scroll smiled and open his mouth to speak before being swept up in a side hug by Yojimbo along with Rouge who yowled in indignation.

"Get ready pups!" Yojimbo boomed with an excited grin, "we're all goin' on a road trip!"

Twilight, Sunset and Trixie stared at the husky incredulously.

"Are you serious?" Sunset replied flatly.

"As a heart attack, girl," Yojimbo answered with a smirk, "old Scroll here's got everything all set up. We just have to get back to t -- OW!"

Yojimbo released Ancient Scroll and Rouge as he rubbed an arm and scowled at the Abyssinian.

"Don't. Do that," Rouge growled as she retracted her claws, "at least not without warning."

"Alright, alright, sheesh," Yojimbo grumbled, "cats, I tell ya..."

Ancient Scroll chuckled before addressing the three fillies.

"Yoji's right though," he explained before turning to Twilight, "I'm planning to take us all across Equestria to Canterlot to find some answers about your brother's whereabouts as well as take care of a few other things."

"Wha -- but... but we can't go there!" Twilight cried, "they'll be looking all over for me!" she gestured to the orange filly next to her, "and somepony might recognize Sunset!"

"Just leave that bit to me, little filly," Ancient Scroll replied with a reassuring smile, "I'm not gonna just let you trot into Canterlot looking like you do now," he winked at the lavender filly, "there's a spell to fix that little problem."

"Really?" Twilight asked, her worry momentarily replaced by intrigue, "what kind of spell?"

"I think we'd best save this for after the little ones have had their rest, Scroll," Rouge cut in, eyeing a dozing azure filly, "it is rather late after all."

"I suppose you're right, Rouge," Ancient Scroll agreed as he turned from the cat to the fillies, "we'd better be getting you all to bed for the night."

"What? No!" Twilight responded, taking a step back, "what about the spell? Or what if there's more of those ponies out there waiting to--"

"Don't you worry your little purple head, pup," Yojimbo interjected with a confident smirk, "Scroll, Rouge, and I will keep watch for the night. So you just focus on catching some sleep, alright?"

"My coat is lavender, not purple," Twilight retorted sourly as she hopped onto the cushy armchair near the fireplace, "but fine, I'd rather be alert and awake when we leave anyway."

"Sleep does sound amazing," Sunset said as she nudged Trixie awake, "besides, I'm pretty sure Uncle Scroll and the others can handle things."

With that, Sunset trotted towards the bedroom with Trixie following wordlessly behind. Ancient Scroll summoned a blanket for Twilight and the lavender filly got comfortable as she curled up in the chair. She though about asking Ancient Scroll what spell he was going to use again, but was fast asleep almost as soon as she laid her head down.

The three adults smiled at the adorable display before Yojimbo cracked his neck and turned to Ancient Scroll.

"Welp," he whispered, "I'm gonna go patrol around cottage, make sure no one else is sneakin' around," he looked over to Rouge, "you comin' with?"

Rouge, who had been sitting at the table, thought for a moment before giving a slow nod.

"I suppose so," she replied before giving the old dog a smirk, "I'd be more likely to spot any other intruders far before you ever could."

"Bah," Yojiimbo replied with a dismissive wave of his paw, "my nose is all I've ever needed to get the job done."

The two continued to bicker as they stepped out of the cottage and into the night.

Ancient Scroll chuckled and shook his head as the door closed behind the two. He turned to look at the sleeping lavender filly and frowned thoughtfully before lighting the fireplace with a flick of his horn and sitting himself down on the other chair.

He once again turned to stare into the flames as he mulled over his own thoughts.

He was still upset about the needless death of Sound Mind, but there was nothing he could do -- the stallion had made his choice. He was even more upset by the fact that he hadn't been able to get anymore out of him.

If they had been able to glean anything else, then he might not have even had to risk the trip, but maybe it was for the best.

It was as Sound Mind said, they knew where Twilight was, and Ancient Scroll would be damned to Tartarus before he let them take the filly.

No, they couldn't stay here anymore.

They had to leave for Twilight's sake if nothing else. Besides, he had a few other out of the way places they could stay if they needed to.

There was also something else that was bothering him.

If there was a rebellion going on right under the Princess' muzzle...

Could that little filly from so long ago be involved in some way?

Was it possible she was still alive and had found others who shared her goals? If that was the case, then that would mean she'd also be trying to capture Twilight... but still...

He couldn't help but hope.

Author's Note:

Zealots, amirite? :ajsmug:

Well now that that's done, I think it's about time for another Shiny chapter...

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