• Published 19th Feb 2018
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The Ties that Bind - the7Saviors

This is the story of a bond forged between three fillies and the many trials and tribulations that strengthen that bond as they grow older. Friendship, secrets, and a dark journey awaits.

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A Mystery Unfolds

Twilight was a mess.

Ancient Scroll and the three fillies had made it the rest of the way home, with and throughout the rest of the trip, neither Sunset nor Trixie could ease Twilight's fears about her brother's well-being.

Ancient Scroll himself had waited until they arrived back at the cottage later that afternoon before addressing the issue. Once they had all put away their belongings and everpony was settled in, he brought Twilight into the study to talk about the situation. He had planned to talk alone, but the lavender filly insisted on having Sunset and Trixie with her.

It was now that the four of them sat in the study with Ancient Scroll in his chair and the fillies in front of the desk. The old stallion stared at the lavender filly with a contemplative frown before letting out a heavy sigh.

Ancient Scroll hadn't heard the full story of what happened to the lavender filly on the night of her parent's murder, but the couple they had met earlier had all but confirmed that the filly's parents had indeed been killed.

Now he had to do something he really didn't want to do for Twilight's sake.

He had to get more information.

"It pains me to do this to you, little filly," Ancient Scroll began, "but if I'm going to help put those fears of yours to rest, I'm gonna need to know more about what happened to you," before Twilight could speak he raised a hoof and continued, "now you don't need to tell me everything if you're not ready, but I do need to know more about what happened regarding your brother."

He adjusted his chair and eyed the lavender filly intensely as he spoke.

"What makes you so sure those twins have him?"

Twilight opened her mouth, then closed it and looked over to the other two fillies. Sunset gave her a nod and an encouraging smile, and Trixie gestured for the lavender filly to continue.

Twilight nodded nervously and turned back to Ancient Scroll. She had told the other two fillies the whole tale, so she decided it was only fair that Ancient Scroll hear it as well.

Twilight hadn't gone into the full gory details about what had happened -- not even when she told Trixie and Sunset -- but she told just enough to paint a decent picture of the scenario. She reluctantly began to recount the events to the old stallion, who listened intently and silently.

Ancient Scroll took a few minutes to contemplate what the lavender filly had said after she had finished her story. Twilight had to take a few moments to calm herself -- Sunset and Trixie consoling the filly with words of comfort and reassurance.

After another few minutes, Ancient Scroll spoke up.

"Are you alright now, little filly?" he asked with a frown of concern.

Twilight wiped her eyes and gave a small nod -- though she didn't look at the old stallion.

"I'll be fine as soon as I know Shiny is okay," she replied quietly, "I want to see my brother again..."

"Well, from what you told me, little filly," Ancient Scroll responded, "I can make a few guesses as to what happened."

"Do you think he's gonna be okay, Uncle Scroll?" the lavender filly asked, giving Ancient Scroll a desperate look.

"Well, let's look at the facts," the stallion said as he leaned back in his chair, "from what I've heard, it seems like they wanted to get their hooves on you for some reason or another."

"But why though?" Sunset asked in confusion, "what did they want with Twilight?"

"I couldn't tell you for sure, little filly," Ancient Scroll replied, "but I get the feeling it has something to do with her magic."

"My... magic?" Twilight responded with a bemused frown, "what do you mean?"

"What I mean, Twilight," Ancient Scroll answered, "is that -- just from what I've deduced -- there's something awfully strange about the way your magic works," he leaned forward and steepled his hooves on the desk in front of him, "and that brings me to the motive -- not specifically of those Razor Twins -- but possibly the pony they were working for."

"So... you think they wanted to foalnap me and... hoof me over to some other pony?" Twilight asked after a moment.

Ancient Scroll gave a solemn nod.

"I thought about about what both you and Trixie have said about those two, and they don't seem like the type who would go around making plans to foalnap colts and fillies -- not normally anyway."

"But didn't they want to take Twilight's brother?" Trixie asked with a raised eyebrow, "Twilight told us they said something about a souvenir."

"Indeed," Ancient Scroll conceded, "but that seems as though it was more of a spur-of-the-moment thing, and -- again from what you and Twilight have told me of the two -- they most likely would've..."

He trailed off and turned to Twilight, only now realizing how quiet the filly had been up until now. He sighed again and addressed the lavender filly.

"I'm sorry, Twilight," he said with an apologetic frown, "I think I'm getting carried away with trying to figure this out."

"No, it's okay, Uncle Scroll," Twilight replied after a minute, "you... I know you're just trying to help me. I don't want to talk about this -- about... those two -- but I really want to know if Shiny is okay," she stared at the old stallion with eyes filled with unshed tears, "I have to know if he's going to be okay."

Ancient Scroll eyed the filly for another moment before giving her a sad smile.

"The three of you are a wonder, you know that?" he looked to each of them in turn as he spoke -- a hint of pride in his voice, "you have to be some of the strongest fillies I've ever known."

Not knowing how to respond, each of them shifted awkwardly and looked away -- their faces turning various shades of red from the praise. The stallion chuckled in amusement and continued on.

"Well, if you're okay, little filly," he said as he turned back to Twilight, "then I'll pick up where I left off."

He cleared his throat and began.

"So it's as I was saying. I'm fairly sure those twins wouldn't have kept Twilight's brother for long given how unpredictable and violent they seem to be," he paused and tapped his chin before giving Twilight an inquisitive frown, "did they say anything at all that might've alluded to them working under somepony else?"

Twilight frowned thoughtfully and her eyes widened in realization a moment later.

"I think they did actually," she said, turning to the old stallion, "they said..." she paused and winced at the unpleasant memory before continuing in more subdued voice, "...I think they said something about a... 'pompous dirtbag' and 'being discreet'."

"Well that's it then!" Ancient Scroll replied banging a hoof on the desk and startling the fillies, "that more or less confirms that they were working for some other pony."

"So then..." Sunset added with a contemplative frown, "that means there really was somepony out to get ahold of Twilight for some reason, but they failed."

"Exactly," Ancient Scroll said with a nod, "and I'm willing to bet the pony knows about the filly's odd magical capability."

"So there's somepony that wants me for my magic," Twilight said before shaking her head, "but that still doesn't explain what happened to Shiny."

"That's the thing, little filly," Ancient Scroll said, "if they had gotten their hooves on you, I fear to think what may have happened to your brother -- as I still do -- but since you obviously escaped, it's possible the pony who tried to have you foalnapped may have taken your brother from the twins instead."

"Wait, wait, wait," Trixie interject, "Trixie still doesn't see how that's a good thing. He might be alive and this... other pony might've taken him, but even if they did, they're still a bad pony."

"You're right about that, little filly," Ancient Scroll replied with a grave nod, "this is all mere speculation, and we still don't know if the poor colt is alive and well."

He sighed and slumped down in his chair as he rubbed a hoof down his face. He turned and gave Twilight an apologetic frown.

"I'm sorry, Twilight. I was hoping I could find a way to determine whether or not your brother was okay," he said with a slow shake of his head, "but all I've done is pile on even more worries and an even bigger mystery."

"It's..." Twilight bit her lip and looked away before letting out a melancholy sigh, "I don't... I need to think about this. Just... all of this," she looked back to Ancient Scroll with a weak smile, "thanks for trying to help Uncle Scroll. Really, thank you."

With that, Twilight turned and quickly trotted out of the study -- pushing right past the other two fillies. Sunset and Trixie watched her go and turned back to Ancient Scroll once they heard the distant sound of the bedroom door open and close.

Ancient Scroll sighed again and rubbed his temples.

"Trixie thinks that could've gone better," the azure filly commented.

"No kidding," Sunset muttered before eyeing the old stallion worriedly, "what now, Uncle Scroll?"

"Now?" Ancient Scroll repeated as he stood up from the chair, "now I need to do some thinking of my own, little filly."

He trotted over to the door and stopped just in front of it -- turning to the fillies with a determined frown.

"There's more to this situation than what we discussed here... a lot more if my guesses are correct," he pulled the door open and motioned for the fillies to follow him out as he spoke, "I aim to find out as much as I can about what in Tartarus is going on -- I owe the poor filly that much."

Ancient Scroll, Sunset, and Trixie trotted out of the study and into the kitchen where the old stallion began preparing lunch for the three. Sunset and Trixie set up the foldable table as he worked and the old stallion continued to speak from the kitchen.

"I'm going back into town tomorrow," he announced, "and I'm probably gonna be gone for a couple of days."

Sunset and Trixie looked towards the kitchen in surprise and Ancient Scroll continued speaking before they could comment.

"I know Twilight's hurting something fierce and she may not be up to it," he called out, "but I want you two to see if you can convince her to focus on her studies. It might help take her mind off of things, and I want you both to do the same.

"I'm giving you all permission to access my study whenever you need while I'm gone, but Sunset?" he stepped out of the kitchen to look at the filly.

"Y-Yeah?" Sunset replied, still somewhat taken aback by the sudden announcement.

"Make sure you keep an eye on the other two. You're in charge," he frowned at the azure filly, "that means you need to do what she says and stay out of trouble -- you and Twilight both, got it?"

Trixie huffed and looked away.

"Trixie understands..." she grumbled.

"Good," he replied with a satisfied nod before trotting back into the kitchen, "don't go outside unless it's an emergency, make sure the doors and windows are locked at all times and most importantly, don't open the door for anypony -- not even me. I have my own way of getting in if I need to."

"I understand, Uncle Scroll," Sunset responded with a confused frown, "but what's all this about? What are you gonna do?"

"I'm going into town to call in a few favors," Ancient Scroll answered as he trotted out of the kitchen and over to the table with three daisy sandwiches, "it'll take me some time, but it'll be worth it. I'll let you girls know about what I have planned once I get back."

He placed the lunch down onto the table and turned to stare out the window with a resigned sigh.

"I think it's about time I paid more attention to what's going on outside my little cottage."

Author's Note:

The mystery behind the murders has now been brought to Ancient Scroll's attention. :pinkiegasp:

What will he do? :raritystarry:

What does he have planned? :rainbowderp:

We'll find out soon enough... :trixieshiftright:

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