• Published 19th Feb 2018
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The Ties that Bind - the7Saviors

This is the story of a bond forged between three fillies and the many trials and tribulations that strengthen that bond as they grow older. Friendship, secrets, and a dark journey awaits.

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A Concerned Princess

Day Court had become rather hectic in the last few days.

Of course, there was always some kind of drama or other going on when her little ponies came to seek her counsel - especially when it came to the nobles - but now that a murder - multiple murders - had taken place right under Princess Celestia's muzzle?

In one of the richer neighborhoods no less?

Well, that was more or less the only thing anypony had been able to talk about for the last week or so. Ponies were in an uproar over the situation, and because the victims were from one of the more prominent families, the nobles made a lot more noise on the issue.

They screamed about injustice, the sad state of the Crown, and hidden plots to take down the noble houses one family at a time.

Some of the fools were even whispering that the Princess herself had a hoof in it.

Needless to say, these accusations were as untrue as they were aggravating. But Princess Celestia didn't blame them - she couldn't, really.

There hadn't been a crime as serious as this in several hundred years, after all - not in Canterlot anyway.

The Princess had made sure of that.

But now there had been, not one, but two murders and a possible foalnapping, and the news had already made it's rounds that the culprit had completely escaped detection.

The ponies of Canterlot had not taken this well.

Paranoia had started to build up in the city, with ponies afraid for their lives, afraid they would be the next victims. Unfortunately, the press did nothing to help the situation at hoof - indeed they only seemed to want to exacerbate and escalate the problem. There were all sorts of rumors and speculation about what had happened in the Sparkle household.

A lot of it was completely outlandish and none of it was good. There was one article that had caught Celestia's eye however. Apparently, one of the less laudable papers circulating around the city were saying one of the foals had committed the crime based on a leaked photo combined with some of the information already available.

According to the article, the two siblings were secretly being abused by the parents and had finally snapped, accidentally killing the mother and father during a magic surge. It went on to say that in a panic, they had fled the house in the dead of night.

Absolutely preposterous.

Celestia had seen the official reports for herself and, while there was clear evidence of a magic surge taking place around the time of the murder, there was absolutely no evidence the surge was the cause.

The cause of death, the positions of the bodies, and the blood staining the floor relative to the scorch marks in and around the closet all made it clear that the surge and the murders had no connection.


The investigation had nothing to go off of in regards to the culprit or their motive, but from what she had been told and what she had read thus far, Celestia was almost certain the mother had tried to protect the filly and, in a way, she may have succeeded.

That brought her thoughts to the the filly in question.

Twilight Sparkle.

The Princess had actually met Twilight in the past, though she doubted the filly remembered the meeting at all.

In fact, she was sure she didn't remember.

She had originally heard about Twilight Sparkle from a rather controversial article the filly had written speaking out against the stigma surrounding Dark Magic and how it could be used to benefit pony society.

This was surprising for a couple of reasons.

For one thing, the filly had actually made some legitimately good and rather detailed arguments in favor of the rather frowned upon branch of magic.

For another, she was only six when she wrote and submitted the paper.

The article itself was written as an entry in a contest a notable thaumatology magazine was having at the time. Anypony could enter and the winner received a cash prize, their article featured in the magazine, and a personal meeting with Princess Celestia herself.

What many ponies didn't know about that contest was that Celestia reviewed each and every entry before it was sent to the publisher. Unaware of this fact, Twilight's parents had reluctantly submitted the paper and, of course, Celestia had looked it over.

Like Mind Magic, Dark Magic as a whole wasn't outlawed in Equestria - there were indeed some spells that helped more than they hurt, though few in number - but many of the sub branches, such as Necromancy and Blood Magic, were illegal to teach, study or use.

Celestia herself had had to deal with many corrupted Dark Magic users in the past, and a lot of them were responsible for the death and destruction that had once plagued the land of Equestria in millennia past.

One of the most prominent examples had been her own flesh and blood sister.

Naturally, her past experiences with Dark Magic had left her with a severe distrust and disdain - if not outright hatred - for the practice. So when Twilight's article had reached her desk, she had promptly burned it to cinders, bypassed the publishers, and called for a personal meeting with the filly and her parents.

It was a shame, really.

The little lavender filly was brilliant, one of the brightest minds Celestia had seen since Starswirl.

Perhaps even more brilliant than the wayward protege that had gone missing over a year ago.

Unfortunately, Celestia couldn't and wouldn't allow Dark Magic to be seen as anything other than a blight on society - one that she allowed to a certain degree solely because ponies had a nasty habit of confusing 'forbidden' and 'ill-advised'.

Her aforementioned protege was a prime example.

She allowed just enough of the practice to satiate the average scholar, but anything beyond that was highly illegal and met with very harsh consequences for the pony that was caught.


Celestia refused to allow Dark Magic to be seen in any kind of positive light, lest history repeat itself.

To that end, she made use of another branch of magic - one that she herself was particularly adept in.

One that she had a very high affinity for.

She had invited Twilight and her parents to meet with her in her own private sitting room with the pretense of congratulating the filly on writing such a phenomenal paper, and that's just what she did.

Right before she wiped hers and her parent's memory of the entire event as well as their current meeting.

With that done, all she had to do was simply implant a few false memories here and there and send them on their way, none the wiser.

Was it immoral?

Was it unethical?

Was it a grave abuse of her power as the sole ruler of Equestria?

Perhaps. But it was a necessary evil, or so she felt after centuries of having dealt with the lies, betrayals, and manipulative tactics of those who threatened to violently end her rule in blood and fire.

Yes, many ponies in Equestria were blissfully unaware of the darkness hidden just below the surface, and Celestia had managed to keep it that way for centuries.

That is, until now.

Now a violent crime had been committed right in the heart of the capital city of Equestria and ponies were starting to notice that their perfect little world was not so perfect after all.

This posed a problem for the Solar Princess, but the situation was not so dire that she couldn't suppress it - at least not yet. She had handled problems of this nature before and had grown quite adept at stopping them in their tracks.

She would just have to apply her subtler talent more liberally.

In the meantime, this killer needed to be caught, questioned, and if need be, executed - far from the public eye of course. Wittingly or not, this pony was causing dissent among the populace, and that was something the Princess would not abide.

They needed to be brought to justice before they struck again and Celestia would do anything in her power to see it done.

It was, and always would be, for the sake of her little ponies after all.

Author's Note:

Man, I've been dying to write this one. :trollestia:

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