• Published 19th Feb 2018
  • 6,197 Views, 1,303 Comments

The Ties that Bind - the7Saviors

This is the story of a bond forged between three fillies and the many trials and tribulations that strengthen that bond as they grow older. Friendship, secrets, and a dark journey awaits.

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A Mare's Interrogation


The Abyssinian blinked and turned towards the lavender filly that had just spoken. Her irritated scowl turned to a warm smile as she addressed Twilight.

"It's good to see you again, little one," Rouge greeted, "although I do wish we could've met once more under better circumstances," her gaze turned sad, "I imagine this must have been a horrible experience for you and your friends."

Twilight nodded as she stared at her own hooves before looking back up to Rouge with a small smile.

"It's alright though," Twilight replied as she looked over to where Ancient Scroll was conversing with Yojimbo, "Uncle Scroll came back in time and my friends and I are safe. That's all I care about right now."

"Really?" Rouge responded with a skeptical raise of her brow, "are you sure that's all you care about?"

"What do you mean?" Twilight asked with a bemused frown, "as long as I have Uncle Scroll and my friends I... oh..." she bit her lip and looked from the unconscious unicorn stallion to the suspended Flibberty Gibbets, "I... guess I do wanna know why these ponies are after me."

"And you're sure their after you specifically?"

Twilight looked back to Rouge and slowly shook her head with a scowl.

"Why else would they be here?" she asked, "I don't really see how--"

"Wait a minute, Twilight," Sunset interjected as she trotted over to the two, "we actually can't rule out that they might be looking for Trixie and I. Remember, I went missing from Canterlot Castle, and Trixie... she... y'know..."

"Oh... right," Twilight muttered, "well maybe, but somehow I doubt they'd send somepony all the way out here for Trixie given where she lived and who she... yeah..." she shook her head, "well in any case, they were definitely after one of us."

"Don't be too sure, little ones."

Twilight and Sunset looked towards Rouge who in turn was eyeing Ancient Scroll as he cast the Chains of Revealing Light spell on the brown unicorn stallion.

"I don't know the old one personally," Rouge continued, "but from what I've heard just being around him and the mutt, they've both been to many places and done many things over the years," she looked back to the two fillies, "it could be entirely possible that they may have angered someone they shouldn't have during their many travels."

"I guess that's true," Sunset conceded, "and he probably has all sorts of unique artifacts hidden away somewhere that somepony might want to get their hooves on, too."

"Well, I don't know about that," Twilight replied before tapping her chin with a hoof, "though he did manage to find that ring in those ruins."

"Ring?" Rouge asked, her gaze suddenly hard, "what ring do you speak of?"

Twilight took a step back surprised by the sudden urgency in Rouge's voice.

"Um, it was... something he said he found in some ruins beneath the Badlands," Twilight explained nervously, "it was some kind of ancient horn ring that was supposed to give all kinds information about a unicorn, but it was broken and only gave the name, lym count, and thaum count of the unicorn."

Rouge's expression softened and she let out what sounded to Twilight and Sunset like a disappointed sigh.

"I see..." she muttered, looking away from the two fillies, "that's unfortunate."

Twilight and Sunset gave each other a worried glance before turning back to Rouge.

"Are you... okay, Rouge?" Sunset asked, "you got kind of intense there for a minute."

"No, it's nothing, little one," Rouge said with an apologetic smile, "I apologize for my outburst. I just... there's just been something on my mind of late, think nothing of it."

Another worried glance passed between the two fillies.

"If... you say so," Twilight finally replied.

The conversation fell into an awkward silence and Twilight looked around for something to distract herself with. After a moment she frowned in bemusement.

"Hey," she asked nopony in particular, "where's Trixie?"

It was just then that she saw the azure filly trotting out of the restroom with a loud yawn. That reminded Twilight of her own exhaustion and she suddenly remembered just how late it was. Now that all the excitement had died down somewhat, she was beginning to feel the strain of staying awake for so long.

"We should--" Twilight let out a big yawn of her own "--we should probably see if Uncle Scroll is ready to question those two yet."

"A good idea," Rouge agreed as she straightened up and turned to where Ancient Scroll and Yojimbo were standing, "let us go, shall we?"

Twilight and Sunset nodded before following her over to the others.

"Ah, Rouge, Twilight, Sunset," Ancient Scroll said as they all approached, "you're just in time. Trixie's back so now we can begin," he turned to Trixie and nodded, "Trixie, if you could wake Miss Gibbets for me?"

Trixie nodded with a tired smile and lit up her horn. It flashed a bright pink and the earth pony snapped awake with a snort.

"W-What? Where did... who?!" the mare sputtered in confusion as she frantically looked about the room, "w-where am I? Why can't I m-move?! Foggy help me!"

The fillies stumbled back in surprise at Flibberty Gibbets' sudden panicked outburst. Ancient Scroll's brow furrowed in thought.

"Well, I think that right there answers a few questions right off the bat," he muttered before speaking in a louder voice, "Miss Gibbets, please calm down."

"What," she blinked and looked down, finally acknowledging the others in the room, "you? What are you doing here? Where am I and why can't I move? What did you do to me? I'll have you know, my father is a Canterlot noble! When he hears about--"

"Miss Gibbets please," Ancient Scroll said in a loud firm voice, "I will be happy to explain the situation if you just calm down and let me speak, okay?"

Flibberty went to say something else, but then close her mouth and nodded silently -- though her gaze still showed signs of anger, fear, and confusion.

"Thank you," Ancient Scroll said with a grateful smile, "now then, do you know where you are and why you're here?"

"I have no idea where I am or how I even got here," Flibberty replied almost instantly, "how could I possibly know why I'd be here?"

She blinked and frown in confusion.

"Fair enough," Ancient Scroll replied with a nod, "to answer some of your questions, Miss Gibbets, you were found trespassing in my home by these three fillies," he gestured to Twilight, Trixie, and Sunset, "they apprehended you and now you're in our custody."

"Wha -- why would I... I didn't..." she looked around once more, her scared and confused gaze sweeping across each of the creatures present, "w-where's Foggy?" she glared at the old stallion, "did you do something to Foggy?"

"I don't know where your husband is, Miss Gibbets," Ancient Scroll replied, "the only one we found trespassing was you -- well, you and this stallion here," he nodded his head towards the still unconscious unicorn stallion floating besides Flibberty Gibbets, "there were others outside the cottage, but they got away."

Flibberty Gibbets looked towards the stallion and frowned.

"I'd like to ask you just a few more questions, Miss Gibbets," Ancient Scroll continued, "then you're free to go."

Flibberty Gibbets turned back to Ancient Scroll and sighed in resignation before giving the old stallion a scowl.

"Fine," she growled in irritation, "ask your questions then."

"Thank you for your cooperation, Miss Gibbets," Ancient Scroll said with an apologetic smile before it turned to a serious frown, "did you or do you currently have any intention of harming and/or foalnapping any of these three fillies?"

"What? No! To all of that!" she cried in indignation, "what kind of mare do you think I am?! I already promised my husband I wouldn't tell anypony about Twilight, so why would I try to foalnap her?"

She stopped her tirade and frowned again.

Something was odd, but she couldn't quite put her hoof on what it was.

"That's good to hear, Miss Gibbets," Ancient Scroll said with a smile, "I appreciate that you were willing to hold true to your words."

"Well, of course," Flibberty replied with an offended snort, "I'm not happy about giving up so many bits, but I never go back on my word. Now can you finish asking your questions so I can go? I'm sure my Foggy is incredibly worried about me."

"Very well," Ancient Scroll replied with a nod. He looked back to the unicorn stallion as he spoke, "do you know this stallion, and if so, what was the connection between you two?"

"I do recognize him actually," Flibberty replied narrowing her eyes at the brown stallion, "Foggy and I were having lunch at this fabulous restaurant in town. I was telling my husband about what a waste it was to give up all those bits not telling the Princess about Twilight, and this stallion stops at our table and just... stares at me with this creepy look.

"Foggy managed to shoo him off, but he kept staring at me even as he left, and then he... smiled," she shivered, "it was probably the creepiest thing I've ever seen."

"And... that's all you remember?" Ancient Scroll asked, "nothing else happened with this stallion?"

"Not that I can remember."

Ancient Scroll eyed the mare for a moment longer before nodding in satisfaction.

"Alright, Miss Gibbets," he said with an air of finality, "I believe that'll do for my--"

"Hold a moment, Scroll," Rouge interjected, narrowing her eyes at the mare, "there's one more question I'd like to ask."

"Oh, come on!" Flibberty whined, "seriously? I just want to get back to my Foggy!"

"I'm sorry Miss Gibbets," Ancient Scroll replied with another apologetic smile, "just bear with us for one more moment."

"Aright! Fine! Go ahead!" Flibberty Gibbets cried in frustration, "not like I can do anything about it anyway!"

"Apologies once again," Ancient Scroll said before turning to Rouge, "the spell won't work unless I'm the one asking the question just so you know."

"Then ask her if she remembers anything strange happening to her this evening."

Ancient Scroll nodded and repeated the question to Flibberty.

"Now that you mention it," the mare replied thoughtfully, "Foggy and I were asleep at his aunt and uncle's house when I heard a noise just outside the window. I wasn't sure what it was, but it made me nervous so I went to investigate. I stepped outside and asked if anypony was there. After that... I can't remember."

"What was the last thing you do remember?" Ancient Scroll asked.

"Waking up in these weird magical chains," she replied, looking at said chains in annoyance.

Ancient Scroll nodded and turned towards Rouge and Yojimbo with a questioning raise of his brow.

"I am satisfied," Rouge answered to his unspoken question, "she is obviously innocent in all of this."

"Like Rouge said, the lady's clear, there really ain't much for me to say," Yojimbo added with a shrug before turning to the captive unicorn stallion with a savage grin, "this one's gonna be interesting though."

"Well that settles it then," Ancient Scroll replied with another nod before turning to Flibberty Gibbets, "you're free to go, Miss Gibbets."

With that his horn flashed white and the chains around the earth pony mare vanished. Before the mare could fall she was wrapped in a bright green aura and gently set down on the floor.

"Again, I'm sorry about all this," Ancient Scroll said as he looked towards the three very tired fillies, "but you have to understand, there are some... very bad ponies after little Twilight here, so we have to make sure she's safe."

Flibberty Gibbets looked towards the lavender filly and couldn't help but smile in amusement. Each of the fillies had taken to sitting on their haunches and wobbling slightly with the effort of trying to stay awake and alert despite the tilt of their head and the drooping of their eyelids.

She turned back to Ancient Scroll and nodded solemnly.

"I don't know what's going on," she said with a frown. "but whatever's happening, you better keep that filly safe or I will go back on my word and tell the Princess about her, got it?"

"Fair enough," Ancient Scroll replied with a chuckle, "you have my word, Miss Gibbets," he then frowned in concern, "are you going to be okay getting back to town this late?"

"Bah, I can take care of myself," Flibberty Gibbets replied with a dismissive wave of her hoof, "I was just caught unprepared this time, that's all," she trotted over to the front door but was stopped by a voice as she went to open it.

"Do be careful out there, Miss," Rouge called out, "there were two others I failed to catch, and though they ran, they could still be around."

The mare nodded and opened the door the rest of the way before stepping outside and closing it behind her. After a minute, Yojimbo turned to Rouge with an inquisitive frown.

"You got a good look at the other two, right?"

Rouge nodded and turned to face the captive stallion.

"I did, though they managed to escape while I was dealing with this one."

"What'd they look like?" the husky asked, "they might still be in town, and since we have to go back anyway I figure we might as well get the details in case we run into em'."

"Well, it was... rather odd," Rouge replied with a bemused frown, "they were both unicorns, yellow and very tall."

Sunset's ears perked up.

"They were both wearing striped vests and these weird straw hats, but the weirdest part was that they both looked exactly the same."

"Wait a minute..." Sunset muttered, "are you serious?"

As Rouge finished her description, she noticed Ancient Scroll and the three fillies giving her incredulous looks.

"What is it?" she asked in confusion, "did you know these two?"

Twilight and Trixie turned their worried gazes to Sunset who scowled and narrowed her eyes in anger.

"What the buck were the FlimFlam Brothers doing here?"

Author's Note:

All will be revealed in the next chapter... :trixieshiftright:

It'll also probably be another long one.

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