• Published 19th Feb 2018
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The Ties that Bind - the7Saviors

This is the story of a bond forged between three fillies and the many trials and tribulations that strengthen that bond as they grow older. Friendship, secrets, and a dark journey awaits.

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A Hefty First Assignment

Ancient Scroll let out a weary sigh as he roamed about his study, carefully scanning his many bookshelves as he thought about his situation.

He definitely had his work cut out for him.

He didn't regret his decision to teach the fillies magic - far from it - but he wasn't expecting all three of the girls to have an affinity for some of the most difficult branches of magic to learn, let alone teach.

This was doubly true for Twilight and Trixie.

Never in his long life would he have thought he'd be teaching Dark Magic and Mind Magic to anypony. Oh, he knew all about the two branches of magic and the dangers they posed.

What he couldn't figure out, was if it was better to learn such potentially corrupting magic at a young age or to wait until they were older.

Still, he had already committed himself to the task and he wasn't going to back down now. He'd just have to tread carefully with the two fillies.

But then there was Sunset Shimmer.

She posed another problem. She knew things about magic she had no business knowing. Ancient Scroll had stumbled across the information about Runic and Summoning Magic by pure chance during an expedition outside of Equestria, and he was sworn to secrecy by the Princess once she had found out.

So how was it that Sunset Shimmer knew such a thing?

He had resolved to talk to the filly later that evening, but first he had some textbooks to locate.

"Is there something wrong with me?"

Sunset looked across the foldable dining table to a somewhat despondent Twilight. She sat slumped over the table as she idly twirled a spoon in her magic, a bowl of mixed vegetable soup untouched in front her.

"Why would you ask that?" Sunset asked with a raised eyebrow.

"It was Uncle Scroll." Twilight responded with a sigh, "earlier today after I used the Orb of Insight he gave me this weird look. I don't know, it... it just made me feel like I did something wrong."

"Trixie doesn't see the problem," Trixie chimed in as she swallowed a spoonful of soup, "sure, the black orb thing was weird, but it didn't really seem all that different from what Uncle Scroll did. Just... y'know... the opposite."

Sunset Shimmer set her spoon down on the table and gave Twilight a concerned frown, "I get how you feel, Twilight, but I'm sure you've read about how dangerous Dark Magic can be. Uncle Scroll is probably just worried."

"Yeah... I guess," Twilight mumbled, unconvinced, "but Mind Magic can be just as dangerous, and he didn't give Trixie a weird look."

"That's probably because he knows Trixie can handle it," Trixie replied in a haughty tone, "she is the Wise and Talented Trixie after all."

"I'm sure he has his concerns about Trixie too," Sunset continued, completely ignoring the blue filly, "but, when it comes to Mind Magic, most of the danger comes from abusing its power," she tapped a hoof on the table, "Dark Magic can get you and other ponies killed if you try to use it without understanding how it works."

"I know that!" Twilight snapped as she stood up in her chair, "I've read several books on the dangers of Dark Magic," she glared at Sunset for a moment before slumping back down into her seat with a dejected look on her face, "I just didn't expect to have an affinity for it..."


"Why do I even have an affinity for Dark Magic?" Twilight suddenly cried, throwing her hooves up in exasperation, "I've never even thought about using it!"

"You don't have to, little filly," Ancient Scroll interjected, trotting out of his study with a large stack of tomes held aloft in a green aura, "Unless you deliberately try to change it - and I mean you'd really have to try - your specific magical affinity is something you're born with."

He closed the door to the study and made his way over to the table as he continued speaking.

"Many unicorns go their whole lives without ever finding out what their true magical affinity really is," he set the tomes down on the table and turned to face Twilight with a warm smile, "you should count yourself lucky, little filly."

"I don't feel very lucky," she muttered looking away from Ancient Scroll.

"Ah, come on, now," Scroll said, patting Twilight on the back, "don't you worry too much about what kind of magic you're learning. Yes, Dark Magic is dangerous, but I'll be there every step of the way to make sure nothing happens to you."

Twilight refused to look Ancient Scroll in the eye and he grabbed her face and turned it to face him.

"I promise you'll be okay, Twilight," he said with a determined frown, "as long as you listen to what I say, you'll come out of these lessons much stronger and wiser than when you started, okay?"

Twilight looked into his green eyes for a moment before nodding with a small smile.

"That's a good filly," Scroll said releasing Twilight and patting her on the head, "that goes for you too, Little Miss Lulamoon," he added looking over to the blue filly. Trixie, who had been drinking down the rest of her soup straight from the bowl, sputtered and coughed as she dropped the bowl back down on the table and glared at the old stallion.

"Trixie-" she coughed again as she pointed an accusatory hoof at Ancient Scroll "-Trixie told you not to call her that! It's demi... dama... dimeena-"

"Demeaning," Sunset finished, giving Trixie a flat stare.

"Demeaning, and Trixie won't stand for it!"

Twilight giggled at the exchange and Ancient Scroll gave a self-satisfied smile at a job well done.

"Alright, alright listen up, fillies," he announced, his tone once again that of a teacher speaking to his students, "I didn't come out here to give pep talks or make jokes," he rested a hoof on the cover of the top most book, "I came out here to give each of you your study material for the next two weeks."

He inwardly smirked at the mixed reactions he received, ranging from Twilight's cry of enthusiasm, to Trixie's groan of annoyance, to Sunset's more subdued but no less excited acceptance.

His horn glowed and he separated the stack of books, placing two books in front of Twilight, two in front of Trixie, and three in front of Sunset.

"For your first assignment, each of you is required to read and memorize the contents of these books. I'm giving you two weeks to complete the assignment, but you can come to me for any clarification or if you need more time," he looked between the three, "everypony learns at their own pace after all."

The three fillies looked over their books as Ancient Scroll continued.

"Notes are not optional and I expect a detailed summary of what you've learned each day. After you've reported to me, I will allow you time to practice what you've learned under my strict supervision and only if I feel you are ready. Is that understood?" he asked, giving them all a stern look.

He received a round of nods and 'Yes, Professor Scroll' and continued.

"Once you have read the books front to back - yes, Trixie, front to back - I will personally give you a review on the subject matter. Two days after that, I will be giving you an exam - both written and practical - on what you've learned so far."

His horn blazed to life once again and a generous stack of blank parchment, quills, and inkwells appeared in the middle of the table.

"You will be graded on the accuracy of your knowledge and practical application," he looked around the table expectantly, "any questions?"

Trixie raised a hoof and Ancient Scroll turned to her with an inqusitive raise of his brow.

"Yes, Miss Lulamoon?"

"Trixie... may or may not have some trouble with some of the... bigger words in the book," she admitted as she scanned the pages of one of the books she was given. Ancient Scroll nodded knowingly and trotted next to Trixie, resting a reassuring hoof on her withers.

"I understand, Trixie. Twilight and Sunset already have experience with this sort of thing, so they'll help you if you need it," he turned to the other two fillies, "right, girls?"

Both Twilight and Sunset were already engrossed in their respective textbooks and only gave a noncommittal grunt or a short 'uh-huh' in response without looking up. Ancient Scroll shook his head and turned back to Trixie with a gentle, understanding smile.

"Well, I'll also be available if you need some help," he reassured, "like I said, Trixie, everypony learns at their own pace so don't worry too much, alright?"

Trixie bit her lip nervously for a few moments before giving him a hesitant nod.

"Thatta girl," he said, patting her on the withers once before straightening up and lifting all three of the bowls from the table with his magic, "oh, and Sunset?" he called out as he started towards the kitchen. Sunset looked up from her textbook with a mix of annoyance and curiosity.

That look quickly changed to one of worry and nervousness when she saw the look on Ancient Scroll's face.

"I'll be seeing you in my study tonight," he said, giving her a hard look, "we have a lot to discuss, young lady."

Author's Note:

Not much to say about this one, other than let the studying begin! :twilightsmile:

Next chapter we'll be gaining yet another new perspective - one you may or may not have been waiting for. :trixieshiftright:

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