• Published 19th Feb 2018
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The Ties that Bind - the7Saviors

This is the story of a bond forged between three fillies and the many trials and tribulations that strengthen that bond as they grow older. Friendship, secrets, and a dark journey awaits.

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A Horrible Aftermath

Ancient Scroll and Rouge looked at each other with matching frowns of concern before turning back to Yojimbo.

"What did you find, Yoji?" the old stallion asked, "are the townsfolk okay?"

"A lot of em' made it to safety," the husky replied, "but a lot of em' also didn't make it. The citizens are cremating the bodies as we speak."

Ancient Scroll nodded slightly before giving the old dog a wary look.

"...And your nephew?"

"He was one of the ones that made it out, thankfully," Yojimbo answered before slowly shaking his head, "the wife... wasn't so lucky..."

"Oh, dear," Rouge muttered in dismay as she put a hand to her face, "I'm so sorry to hear that, Yojimbo."

"It ain't me ya need to worry about, Rouge," Yojimbo replied, "but that's beside the point right now, we need to go, Scroll. These folks really have some kinda story to tell."

"What about the corrupt Dark Mage?" Ancient Scroll asked as he trotted to, and through, the door with Yojimbo, "was there any info?"

"That's part of the story," the husky answered, "I'll let the mayor tell you about it."

"Wait, you two," Rouge called out, causing the stallion and the husky to turn, "what about the little ones?" Rouge asked, gesturing to the fillies who still hadn't woken.

Ancient Scroll turned a questioning look to Yojimbo, who shrugged in response.

"From what I can tell, we got here after everything went down," Yojimbo replied, "it ain't pretty once you get further into town, but it's safe for you and the pups to come with."

"Alright, then I'll wake them and we'll meet you there," Rouge responded with a nod, "just don't wander too far so we know where to find you."

Ancient Scroll and Yojimbo nodded before heading the rest of the way out. Rouge watched them go for a moment before turning to the three sleeping fillies. She was certain they were going to see some things they weren't going to like, but if what she had heard about them was true, they'd probably seen worse.

"Come on, little ones," Rouge said, trying to coax the fillies awake, "we're here, you need to wake up now."

Fia grumbled a bit and went to shift her position so that she was more comfortable, but in doing so, she dislodged Blue Moon who had been lying atop the black filly. Blue Moon yelped in surprise as she lost her balance and tumbled off the armchair.

The shout caused the other two to jolt awake and in Corona's haste to sit up, she knocked Fia to the floor as well, the filly landing right next to Blue Moon. As the three blamed each other for the mishap, Rouge couldn't help but giggle slightly at the situation.

The moment passed and Rouge once again put on a serious expression as she spoke to the three fillies.

"That's enough, little ones," Rouge said with some finality, "we've made it to Little Trot and Yojimbo says it's safe for all of us to enter the town."

"So what happened?" Fia asked worriedly, "is everypony okay?"

"I'm not too sure, Fia," Rouge replied with a shake of her head, "I only know that the threat has apparently passed, and some made it through while others... did not."

"Oh..." Fia responded with a sad expression, "well... at least some of the townsfolk are okay."

"Indeed," Rouge said as she made her way to the door, "we must be thankful for even small blessings. Now come, all of you."

The four of them headed out the back door of the Vardo and continued on towards the town gate.

"Oh, wow," Fia muttered as they all passed through the gate, "what happened here?"

"A fire, obviously," Blue Moon responded to Fia's rhetorical question, "Blue Moon can see that plain as day."

"Yeah, I know there was a fire, Blue Moon," Fia replied with a roll of her eyes, "I wanna know what caused the fire."

Corona remained quiet as they trotted along.

"I want to know where all the ponies are," Blue Moon continued as she swept her gaze across the street, "did they all leave?"

"I believe they're further up ahead, along with Ancient Scroll and the mutt," Rouge answered, "Yojimbo told me the inner part of Little Trot would not be pleasant to see, so be prepared, little ones."

The fillies turned from Rouge to each other with worried looks. The rest of the trek into town was made in relative silence as the group observed their surroundings.

As they moved further and further into town, they started to see more scared or injured ponies, blackened and destroyed buildings... and more bodies lining the streets. Some bodies were mutilated while others were burnt black, making it clear something horrible had happened.

The three fillies stopped in their tracks as they approached. Rouge's ear twitched and she turned to see the fillies frozen on the spot with varying degrees of horror showing on their faces.

She cursed inwardly as she saw silent tears stream down Fia and Corona's face. Blue Moon just shook violently as she murmured something to softly to hear. For what felt like an eternity, they all sat their in silence, save for Blue Moon's constant murmuring.

Corona slowly shook her head as she began backing away from the gruesome scene.

"Girls wait," Rouge began, holding out a hand, "don't--"

Despite Corona's initial retreat, Blue Moon was the one that turned and sped off down the road first.

Before Rouge could do anything, the other two followed right after her -- Fia sobbing uncontrollably and Corona screaming incoherent words in her terror.

"Girls wait!" Rouge cried as she made to follow after the traumatized fillies, "don't run off on your--"


The Abyssinian whipped around to see Ancient Scroll and Yojimbo hurrying towards her.

"Ancient Scroll, I'm so sorry!" Rouge called out, "if I had known it would be this bad... I didn't -- I didn't think--"

"None of us did," the old stallion replied as he rushed past the distraught molly, "come on, we can't let them just gallop off on their own."

"Gah, I'm such a damned idiot!" Yojimbo growled as he followed after Ancient Scroll, "shoulda known the pups wouldn't be able to handle somethin' like this!"

Rouge hesitated a moment before running after the other two.

"I'm so sorry, little ones..."

Further up ahead, the three fillies galloped blindly through town, too desperate to escape what they had seen to pay much attention to where they were going. Whether it was by pure luck, coincidence, or some long buried instinct to stick close to one another, each of the fillies managed to stay together despite their jumbled and tormented thoughts.

They weaved in and out of streets and alleyways, surprising passing ponies as they sped by. They hadn't seen any sign of Ancient Scroll or the others since they galloped off, but they wouldn't have noticed or stopped if they had.

Eventually Corona, who was in the lead, stumbled backwards with a muffled ooph! after slamming into another pony she hadn't seen. The pony gave a soft grunt of surprise and took a few steps back from the impact.

"Whoa, whoa, slow down, kid," the pony -- a mare from the sound of the voice -- said, "what's the rush?"

The other two fillies scrambled to a stop in front of the mare. They all turned their tear streaked faces towards the pony who looked back at each of them with a raised eyebrow.

"Oh, geez, what happened to you all?" she asked with a grimace of concern, "don't tell me you all lost somepony in the attack too?"

At that, the three fillies latched onto the stranger and broke down crying once more. The mare's eyes widened and she look around frantically -- unsure of what to do in this situation. Eventually she sighed in resignation and awkwardly patted Corona on the head.

"Aw, come on. girls," she said in what she hoped was a reassuring voice, "I'm not sure what happened to you all, but whatever it was, I'm sure you'll... get over it eventually. It... just takes time, y'know?"

The mare was suddenly distracted by a flash of bright green as Ancient Scroll appeared out of thin air a little further down the street. The stallion looked around him and spotted the mare and the three fillies.

"There you are!" he cried in relief as he trotted over to the mare, "you scared me half to death, the lot of you."

The mare narrowed her eyes slightly as the stallion approached.

"Hey, buddy, what's your deal?" she demanded, "what do you want with these fillies?"

At the mare's words, the three fillies gave her a confused look before turning around to see Ancient Scroll heading towards them.

"Uncle Scroll!"

The three fillies dislodged themselves from the mare and rushed over to hug the old stallion. He returned the hug as best he could before turning his attention to the surprised mare before him.

"I'm terribly sorry about this, Miss," he said with an apologetic smile, "these fillies here saw some things in town they shouldn't have, and they were... understandably upset and got away from me."

"Oh... uh..." the mare rubbed the back of her neck uncertainly, "it's cool... I guess," she then gave Ancient Scroll a disapproving frown, "just make sure you keep an eye on the kids, alright? I took care of the creep that caused all this, but who knows if he has friends around here or something."

Ancient Scroll furrowed his brow in bemusement.

"You took care of the... wait," his eyebrows shot up in surprise, "you're the mare the townsfolk were talking about?"

"The ponies in town are talking about me?" the mare asked in surprise, "well that's... probably not good actually," she sighed and looked away with a sour expression, "the boss lady is gonna kill me when she finds out..."

Ancient Scroll raised an eyebrow at the mare and the other fillies -- finally having calmed down somewhat in Ancient Scroll's presence -- looked on in confusion.

"Everything alright there, Miss?" the old stallion asked.

"Hmm?" the mare replied distractedly, "oh, yeah... everything's cool," she paused and turned back to the stallion with a thoughtful expression, "say, maybe you can help me."

Ancient Scroll raised an eyebrow and looked at the fillies who looked back, just as bemused. He turned back to the mare with an inquisitive look.

"I can certainly try," he finally answered, "what do you need?"

"I'm actually looking for somepony," the mare explained, scratching at her black mane absently, "it's super important that I find her."

The stallion frowned slightly.

"And... who exactly is it that you're looking for?" he asked somewhat warily, "if you don't mind me asking."

"A filly."

The three fillies tensed and Ancient Scroll's frown deepened.

"Lavender fur, violet eyes, indigo mane with a pink and purple streak in it, no cutie mark," she eyed the fillies around the old stallion, "about their age actually," she said as she pointed a dark green hoof at Fia and Blue Moon, "goes by the name, Twilight Sparkle, have you heard of her?"

"Afraid not, Miss," Ancient Sroll replied with a carefully neutral expression, "but I'll be sure to let you know if I see you again."

"Oh, cool!" the mare replied happily, "yeah, I'll probably be here a bit longer helping out around town while I look for her. Oh," she held out a hoof, "name's Wild Evergreen by the way."

Ancient Scroll smiled and met her hoof with his own.

"A pleasure to meet you, Miss Evergreen," he replied, "and thank you for finding the little fillies here."

"They kinda found me, actually," she said with a chuckle before spreading her wings, "well I gotta split, but like I said, I'll be here for awhile, so lemme know if you find Twilight Sparkle."

Ancient Scroll nodded silently and the mare took off.

As soon as she was out of sight, Corona turned to Ancient Scroll with a panicked look.

"Uncle Scroll that was--"

"I know, little filly," he looked down at a shaking Fia with a grim frown, "I was planning on staying here and helping out the townsfolk, but now I think it'd be best to move on as soon as possible."

He turned to his left and saw Rouge an Yojimbo heading their way.

"It looks like I'll have to tell you girls about what happened here once we're back in the Vardo."

Author's Note:

Dodged a bullet there, didn't they? :twilightoops:

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