• Published 19th Feb 2018
  • 6,198 Views, 1,303 Comments

The Ties that Bind - the7Saviors

This is the story of a bond forged between three fillies and the many trials and tribulations that strengthen that bond as they grow older. Friendship, secrets, and a dark journey awaits.

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A Smoky Sarsaparilla

I think that went rather well, all things considered.

Frigid Gale didn't miss the pleased tone in Nightmare's voice and if the thestral mare was being honest, she agreed. She hadn't gotten all the information she was looking for, but she'd gained a fair amount, and had even managed to leave the cabin with another lead.

It went well enough, yeah. Really though I'm just glad to be out of there and back in the night sky.

As well you should, though it seems you've taken quite some time to get to where you are now. The night quickly wanes and Celestia will raise her cursed sun in a mere few hours.

I'm well aware, but I think we're almost there.

The mare had been flying for a few hours now, and had passed the town of Little Trot a fair bit ago. She'd taken a slight detour to check on the town and saw that it was somewhat on the mend. Several buildings had been demolished in some kind of fire, but there were clear signs of recovery in some areas, with buildings both old and new being erected or rebuilt.

Once she was satisfied, Frigid Gale had moved on, and now found herself nearing a quaint looking structure further ahead. She wasn't close enough to make out any details, but it was the only building in the immediate area, and the closer she got, the more she could see. Eventually Gale had gotten close enough to descend, and upon touching down a short ways from the rustic, yet obviously well maintained establishment, she could see that it certainly fit the definition of 'roadside tavern'.

Think it's still open?

Does it matter? We come here for business, not pleasure. We will make this Apple Core answer our questions, no matter what we have to do.

...I'm, not so sure about that.

...Come again?

But Frigid Gale didn't reply to Nightmare Moon's baffled and indignant response as she made the rest of the way to the tavern's entrance by hoof. She'd thought about what Den said, and hadn't missed the fact that the stallion had foals to take care of. The mare would do, and had done, many great and terrible things for the sake of her goals, but harming foals hadn't been one of them so far—at least, directly or intentionally.

She couldn't help but wince at the thought of Shining Armor and what he'd been through because of her own neglect. She'd been thinking about the colt quite a lot at the strangest times, though she'd simply chalked that up to seeing him wandering around the base more often—that, and she'd heard several of the ponies talk about him more than once. She may have been terribly busy and focused on the many tasks ahead, but she wasn't completely oblivious to the effect the colt's presence was having on some of the more receptive members of her resistance.

It was a positive one, and Frigid Gale herself couldn't decide whether that was a good thing or not. On one hoof, it did wonders to boost general morale around the base and that was good for productivity. On the other hoof however, there'd been a few disagreements regarding Shining Armor's presence within the base and whether or not he belonged. Still, Gale wasn't about to kick him out into the streets, no matter who complained about letting a foal wander around.

She at least owed him that much after what she'd unintentionally put him through, and if nothing else, she wasn't going to put him through what she'd had to go through as a foal, with no roof over his head whatsoever. Sure, living in the base wasn't exactly her idea of paradise, but it was better than nothing. And then there was the current matter at hoof and the moral dilemma she was trying to keep from Nightmare Moon.

Frigid Gale had a feeling she was close to her objective, and that this stallion was the last thing standing between her and completing it. Now that she'd made it to this point, and achievement was so close at hoof, would she go that extra mile if need be? Cross the line she hadn't had to cross yet in order to push forward? The fact that just the thought made her physically ill was the only answer she needed, and with that in mind, she pushed open the door to the tavern and stepped inside.

Frigid Gale wasn't expecting there to be many patrons in such a secluded area, and especially this time of night, or rather this early in the day. When she trotted through into the tavern, she was rather surprised to see even the few ponies that were scattered about. A quick scan of the place revealed a total of five ponies; she could see two earth pony stallions seated together in a far corner of the room discussing something in hushed, urgent whispers, each over mugs of something that smelled strong, but that Gale couldn't quite identify.

The other three were all separated, with one world weary looking unicorn stallion passed out over the table with mug in hoof and snoring loudly, and an obviously inebriated earth pony mare who, to Frigid Gale at least, seemed as though she was attempting to proposition another mare sitting across from her for what promised to be a fairly horrible time. Something about the other mare caught and held Gale's attention for a moment. The mare in question was heavily cloaked, revealing nothing other than her bright pink feminine muzzle, but the mare's clear attempt at discretion wasn't where Gale's focus lay.

It was instead honed in on the fact that the mare was clearly not a mare, but a filly—an older filly, perhaps somewhere in her teenage years, but a filly nonetheless. It wasn't the filly's stature that gave her away—she was actually fairly tall for a filly, which made it difficult to determine her exact age—but, a subtle shift of the filly's dark brown hood revealed just the slightest hint of her face. It was minute, and most ponies would've missed it, but Frigid Gale's keen eye managed to spot the flash of a young and troubled face; worried purple eyes sat above a very uncomfortable frown, and another subtle shift of the filly's cloak told Frigid Gale there were restless wings under the cloth.

She could see no more than that and the sliver of a violet mane beneath the hood, but everything she'd observed in that brief moment was enough to tell her all she needed or cared to know about the filly's appearance, though she did find the situation a strange one. The thestral mare would've been lying if she said it didn't bother her at least a little, and she found herself edging towards the table without realizing it.

What in Tartarus is that kid doing in a place like this, all the way out here?

It doesn't concern us, leave it be.

But the mare—

Something tells me that filly can take care of herself, now let it alone and move on, Gale, ponies are beginning to stare.

Sure enough, the two whispering stallions in the corner had ceased their discussion and were now openly staring at Frigid Gale with suspicious and slightly fearful looks. Frigid Gale narrowed her eyes at the two, but before she could say anything, a jovial southern drawl caught her ear.

"Well don't just stand there in the doorway gawpin' like a fish, little lady, come on in and take a seat."

Gale turned to see a rusty red earth pony stallion in a dark brown stetson standing behind the bar near the back of the tavern. Once he had her attention, he nodded to Gale and gestured towards an open stool at the bar. The thestral raised an eyebrow, intrigue by the odd mix of the stallion's hard gaze and genuinely welcoming smile. Not many ponies could pull off a look like that, but the earth pony seemed to manage it with relative ease.

Curses! I had my suspicions, but it looks as though they were completely founded. This is going to make things a bit more difficult for us.

What is? What are you talking about?

That, Frigid Gale, is a member of the Apple Family.

Ah, so that must be that one stallion the old bird was talking about, Apple Core right? So why is the fact that he's part of this 'Apple Family' a problem for us? Bit rustic, but he seems like a nice enough sort to me.

Of his geniality, I've no doubt; It's his stubborn good nature, strong mind, and the Apple Family's uncanny gift for sniffing out deceit that's going to cause us issues in getting the information we need.

Oh... well, damn, guess I got my work cut out for me, then. Still, I'll just have to take Den's advice and approach the situation carefully and casually. No intimidation here, just your average friendly predator out on a midnight stroll and looking for a drink to pass the time.

If you're attempting a peaceful discussion, mind your words and how you say them. As I've said before, the Apples are strong minded when it comes to both their morals and in a literal sense. They're notoriously difficult to magically manipulate or read, even for a being such as myself. With my power as it is now, I may not be able to gather the information we need directly from his mind, so you may be on your own this time.

I'll manage somehow.

During her discussion with Nightmare Moon, Frigid had taken up the stallion's offer and moved to sit at one of the tall stools in front of the bar. The stetson wearing earth pony frowned at Gale a moment as she seated herself at the bar, but gave her a quick nod and an amiable grin another moment later.

"Well now, what kinda swill does a creature such as yerself use ta quench their thirst I wonder?" the stallion asked with genuine curiosity and a hint of amusement in his voice. He turned away from Frigid Gale, looking back at her over his shoulder as he perused the bottles on the shelf in the back, "somethin' light? Or maybe somethin' a little harder? Perhaps, somethin' with a bit o' bite to it?"

The pun was horrible, but Frigid Gale still couldn't help but laugh out loud at the completely straight-faced delivery and expectant raise of the brow the stallion shot her over his shoulder.

"Just what are you trying to imply?" the thestral asked, still chuckling slightly, "do you expect me to ask for a Crimson Mare? Think the color and thickness will remind me of the hunt and sate my lust for blood?"

"Well, I wouldn't wanna assume nothin' o' course," the stallion replied with a small chuckle of his own, "just a harmless joke ta lighten the mood is all. Looked like ya had a lot on yer mind," he paused and eyed Gale curiously, "if ya want me ta make a Crimson Mare I'd be happy to, though most folk wait 'till mornin' fer those. Helps take the edge off a bad hangover."

"Nah, not this time. I do like the drink, but I think I'll go for something a bit sweeter this time," she tapped a hoof on the counter and hummed in thought for a brief moment before giving a careless shrug, "yeah, just gimme something sweet, and not too alcoholic. I actually went out drinking a few hours earlier with a friend and I'm not looking to get sloshed at the moment. I'll let you choose."

"A Smoky Sarsaparilla on the rocks it is then," the stallion decided with another nod. There was another small pause as he grabbed a couple of bottles and a mixer, then, "normally ah'd offer somethin' apple based, as that's mah family's specialty, but ah rarely get ta make this one, an' between you an' me, it's one o' mah favorites."

"Oh?" Gale replied, taking the opportunity to make introductions, "so I take it your part of the Apple Family then? I've heard the apples they grow are some of the best in Equestria."

His back was turned to Frigid Gale as he mixed the drink, but she still noticed a small twitch from the stallion. For a moment, Frigid Gale thought she'd said the wrong thing, but he quickly relaxed again and let out a snort.

"That ain't no mere rumor, little lady, " the stallion responded, "Apples know apples, an' ah'm a proud member o' that family. Name's Apple Core," he turned once again to fully face Frigid Gale with a tall glass of amber liquid in hoof and smiled, "don't think ah caught yer name, stranger. Hope ya don't mind if ah ask?"

Frigid Gale eyed the drink with some interest as Apple Core set it down on the counter in front of her. The amber liquid seemed to smoke and bubble all at once, giving it an oddly dangerous looking and almost mesmerizing quality.

"Gale," the mare replied distractedly, her eyes still on the drink as she picked it up, "just... Gale. How is this not a more popular drink? It's a pretty attention grabbing beverage."

"Not that it ain't a hit with the customers," Apple Core replied with a shrug, "just that ah don't have enough supply of what ah'd need ta meet demand if ah sold it regularly. Usually only bring it out fer special occasions."

"Oh?" Gale inquired as she raised the glass to her lips and gave the stallion a curious raise of her brow over the rim, "and what could possibly be the occasion? Despite appearances, I'm nobody special."

"On the contrary, Miss Gale," Apple Core replied with a knowing smile, "ah think ya just might be at that," at Gale's bemused look, Apple Core chuckled and leaned on the counter, "ya see, several years back a good friend of mine stumbled into this here tavern lookin' mighty distressed."

Frigid Gale's eyes widened a moment before narrowing slightly. She already didn't like where this conversation was going, though despite that, she had to admit the sweet and tangy carbonated sarsaparilla was doing a lot to distract her as she listened to Apple Core's story.

"Now, unlike me an' the rest o' the Apple Family, this stallion wasn't one ta settle down with a family of his own," Apple Core continued, "so imagine mah surprise when he galloped up ta the bar askin' if a filly he'd been takin' care of had come by."

Frigid Gale lowered the glass to the counter and smacked her lips in satisfaction, but remained silent otherwise. The sound of a door creaking open caught her attention, and she glanced behind her just in time to see the last of the two whispering stallions she'd seen earlier heading out before the door clicked shut.

She would've breathed a sigh of relief if it hadn't been for the other two remaining ponies. As if to remind Gale of her presence, the inebriated mare let out an overly loud guffaw, to which the filly sitting across from her cringed and glanced toward the thestral mare and the bartender. Her eyes widened briefly at the sight of the two looking back at her and she quickly looked away again. If there was ever any doubt that the pony was indeed a filly, that brief glance had all but quashed it for Gale. She was certainly an older filly, and the majority of her features were still covered up fairly well, but it was clear she couldn't have been anymore than thirteen or fourteen.


Right, right, I got it.

"Lemme guess," Gale sighed, turning back to Apple Core, "I imagine the old stallion came in looking for a strange creature that looked a bit more predatory than your average pony?"

"Ah reckon his description mighta mentioned as much," Apple Core conceded, "an' from the looks of it, it seems that strange creature's gone an' shown up at mah doorstep right outta the blue. Ah think that might be reason enough ta bring out the good stuff, don't you?"

"Maybe," Gale replied, taking another sip of the fizzy, smoky drink, "and this stuff is damn good, I'll give you that... but if it's Ancient Scroll we're talking about, I actually have some questions for you," she paused a moment, "...well, I guess I'd have questions regardless."

"Questions, eh?" Apple Core replied. Frigid Gale took note of the sudden cautiousness in the stallion's voice as he spoke, "well, it is indeed Scroll that came lookin' fer ya all those years ago. Lookin' to reunite are ya? Or have ya already—"

"No, not yet," Gale interjected with a slight shake of her head, "haven't seen him in years, but I do want to find him. Not sure if he told you or not, but we have some unresolved issues to work out between us."

"Nope, never did tell me why ya left," Apple Core replied, "but he was broken up about it alright, whatever happened between the two o' ya."

"I'll bet he was," Gale muttered under her breath, "of course he'd be..."

There was a moment of silence in which the mare's thoughts returned to the cottage and the strange 'trap' seemingly set up specifically for her. The barrier around the cottage had been a trap for sure, but Frigid Gale began to wonder if the visions she'd suffered within really had been. The more she thought about it, the likelier it seemed that it could've been Ancient Scroll's way of simply reminding her of their time together; it was an underhoofed tactic that made Gale's blood boil just thinking about what she had to go through, but she was beginning to realize it was far from something done out of malice.

When you got right down to it, that just wasn't Ancient Scroll.

The more she though about that the more she realized—or rather had to admit to herself—that even back then when she'd told him about her village and about what Celestia had done, she probably could've gotten the old stallion to believe her, given time. If she'd even stopped to try instead of galloping off on her own, it probably wouldn't have even taken that much time or effort. But no, she'd been an angry, bitter foal who'd fled with thoughts of betrayal and revenge twisting her mind and driving her to seek her own destiny.

It was far too late to turn back now though; she knew it, and she was pretty damn sure Ancient Scroll knew it too, assuming he knew anything about her goals. Even if she and Ancient Scroll somehow managed to reconcile, there was no way she was going to stop—she couldn't, not with everything she and Nightmare Moon had accomplished. She had to keep going—to push her vendetta into its inevitable conclusion, not just for her own sake, but for the sake of the ones that trusted her enough to follow her.

Apple Core meanwhile, stood behind the bar, passively watching the thestral's face twist and contort and darken with a storm of different emotions. The stallion had a fairly good memory, and the memory of his old friend bursting through the door—that distraught expression full of pain, guilt and regret... it was a memory that stuck out to him in the worst way. Back then he couldn't do anything for Ancient Scroll except remember.

He'd held on to what the stallion had told him, and was glad of it, because, from Ancient Scroll's description alone, he'd recognized the thestral the moment she'd trotted into his tavern. What he hadn't told Frigid Gale however, was that he'd met Ancient Scroll again more recently. During that meeting, before the foals and his other companions had woken up the morning they'd planned to leave, he and the other old stallion had had a long talk about a great many things. Frigid Gale had been among the subjects that had come up, and what he'd heard then, he didn't like, not one bit.

There hadn't been any concrete evidence that Frigid Gale was involved in the trouble Ancient Scroll had gotten himself into, but Scroll had his suspicions, and that was enough for Apple Core to remain wary. If the thestral mare ever showed up at the Sour Apple, then he'd have his answer, and lo and behold, Frigid Gale had waltzed right through the door just days after Ancient Scroll had come to visit. Not only that, but she was here with questions. She was here with questions about Ancient Scroll and—if his old friend was to believed—most likely the little black unicorn filly traveling with him in disguise.

He didn't like to lie—hated it in fact, just like every Apple did—but Celestia be damned if he wasn't good at it. As far as he and the other Apple Family members who'd met him personally knew, he was the best liar in Equestria. The others would swear by it if you asked them, and though he did his best to stick to the Apple Family's upstanding and honest ways, this did make him somewhat of a black sheep among his kin. Still, he was a pragmatic stallion and didn't shy away from using his gift for falsehoods, half-truths, and lies by omission when it was absolutely necessary.


Now, he felt, was one of those times. He and Ancient Scroll had been through a lot together—enough that his map making companion had become family. He wanted to consider Frigid Gale family by extension, because that's what she'd been—and still probably was—to Ancient Scroll, but with what he'd been told, and what he'd seen for himself, he couldn't bring himself to see her that way. When she'd trotted into the tavern, he knew something hadn't been right, and so he'd decided to go with his gut and keep his trap shut about his own suspicions and what he knew while getting the thestral to reveal her own intentions.

He was fairly sure the thestral already knew that he knew Ancient Scroll. In fact, he was all but certain she'd stopped by for that specific reason, and so he allowed himself to reveal that he did indeed know Ancient Scroll, and that he was looking for Frigid Gale, but nothing more than that. Once he'd alluded to the old stallion, Gale's demeanor had changed and now he was being interrogated, just as he'd suspected. Now the apples were in her basket, and he could only wait to see what she'd do or say next.

"You know what? Forget it," Frigid Gale muttered after a long moment, "I didn't come here to get bogged down in the past," she shook her head, drained the last of her sarsaparilla and eyed the old bartender with a serious frown, her relatively good mood gone, "has Ancient Scroll been by here recently?"

"Heard he was in the area not too long ago, somewhere near Little Trot if ah remember correctly," Apple Core replied easily, taking the empty glass Gale had set back down on the counter, "much as ah'd love ta catch up, ah haven't seen him mahself in a dog's age. Ah'd be happy ta send him yer way if he decides ta pay me a visit—"

Apple Core flinched suddenly, and at the same time, Frigid Gale felt Nightmare Moon stir in her mind. She heard a slight growl of frustration from the alicorn, but nothing more than that. From that, and Apple Core's reaction, it was clear Nightmare had tried to do something, but whatever it was seemed to have failed—the only result being a deepening frown on Apple Core's face. For a moment, Frigid Gale thought her number was up, and still wasn't sure if it was, but the stallion continued on, albeit it with a slightly wary tone.

"Well... that's how it is at any rate," Apple Core continued, "sorry ah couldn't help ya more, what with Ancient Scroll lookin' fer ya fer all those years an' you finally showin' up at mah doorstep."

Frigid Gale was about to respond when Nightmare Moon finally spoke up.

Something's not right... I think he might be lying... but I'm unable to tell for sure. Damn the Apple Family lineage to the depths, I can't probe his mind! He's an Apple, he shouldn't be lying, and even if he is, it should be obvious... and yet something feels... off...

Yeah... I'm getting that feeling too...

"That is a shame," Frigid Gale replied aloud, "nothing for it I guess. Maybe you can tell me something else though."

"An' what might that be?" Apple Core asked, raising a brow.

"Do you know if he was traveling with anyone—er... any other ponies?" Gale asked, "have you heard anything about that?"

"Not sure," Apple Core hummed in thought for a moment, "ah heard he met up with some folks in Little Trot, but ah don't know nothin' about 'em, an' ah don't know if he wound travelin' with 'em. If he's around here he'll probably be stoppin' by if ya wanna wait."

Frigid Gale studied the stallion for a long quiet moment, trying to decide how to proceed next. Beating around the bush hadn't been working out so far, and she had the distinct feeling she was being led on. The thestral mare knew Apple Core knew more than he was letting on, but the stallion gave the impression of an impenetrable wall of iron; if he knew something, he wasn't going to spill, Frigid Gale could see it in his cobalt blue eyes—eyes that stared back at Gale with just as much, if not more suspicion.

Hey, Nightmare? I don't think we're gonna get anything useful out of him, not with questions like these anyway.

That much is painfully clear. He knows more, but it seems we'll need to use a less... subtle approach after all if we're to uncover what he's hiding. I can't coerce him through Mind Magic and with his experience, you won't be able to wring the truth out of him, not with words alone.

So what do you suggest? Should I make with the threats? I mean, I'd actually really rather not but—

You have a mission to complete, and we're running out of time. The more this stallion speaks, the more convinced I am that he knows where Ancient Scroll is headed. Think, Gale, what he says may be true, and maybe Ancient Scroll did wind up in Little Trot to meet with somepony. Now if we assume that's true, and that it was in the last few days, and we didn't find him there, then what do you think that might mean?

Well, assuming what Apple Core said was true, then he would've left, and if he was headed further east...

Realization hit Frigid Gale like the Friendship Express, but outwardly she continued to keep her face carefully neutral.

If Apple Core and Ancient Scroll were friends, I highly doubt he wouldn't know about this tavern, and it's also unlikely he'd pass up the opportunity to see his old friend again. If Ancient Scroll did come this way, he probably would've stopped here anyway, even if he hadn't known about Apple Core. A tavern is a pretty good place to pick up a trail after all, even one as remote as this place. He might've come looking for information about what's going on in the Equestrian mainland right now.

Precisely. The evidence may be circumstantial, and we may be off the mark, but I don't think we are. I'm sure Ancient Scroll came this way, and I'm sure he told Apple Core more than what Apple Core has told us so far, but if we continue to play nice, we will get nowhere. You know what to do, Frigid Gale.

And Frigid did know what to do, but she didn't like it one bit. With the scum she normally dealt with, and the more incompetent members of her resistance, it was one thing, but Frigid had had to intimidate innocents before, and it was never a pleasant experience—especially during those rare times when she'd have to follow through on her threats. She shuddered slightly, closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and opened her eyes again, an icy expression on her stony face.

I don't wanna do this, but if I'm gonna sell it, I need to make him understand that I'm willing to do anything... even if innocence get hurt in the process. I'm too close to back off now... I just hope it doesn't come to that...

"I'm gonna be straight with you here," Gale finally said with a calm and quiet intensity, "I met with your other old pal, Den Golden Beak before I came here. He's the one who told me about this place... and about you."

If Apple Core was surprised, he didn't show it. He instead met Gale's cold eyes with a steely look of his own. They both knew the gauntlet had been thrown down, and all pretense and posturing came to an end in an instant.

"Did ya now?" Apple Core replied, gently setting the glass he'd been cleaning down on the counter, "haven't heard from the old bird in awhile now. Ah trust he's still alive an' kickin' out there in Faranda Way?"

"Oh he's doing just fine," Gale answered casually, "we met in the pub and hit it off pretty quickly. Had a very enlightening conversation back at his cabin, and somewhere in there your name came up. He said you might be able to help me find what I'm looking for, and I'm thinking he was right."

Apple Core's eyes narrowed slightly and his frown hardened into a scowl.

"And it ain't Ancient Scroll yer after, is it?" the bartender guessed.

"Oh, I'd like to find Ancient Scroll, I wasn't lying about wanting to see him," Gale replied with a shake of her head, "but it's more about who he's traveling with—specifically a filly that goes by the name of Twilight Sparkle."

At that moment there was a minor commotion from behind Gale, and, distracted, both she and Apple Core turned to see the filly at the table coughing violently into her glass. From the looks of it, the poor girl had been drinking something that had gone down the wrong pipe. The mare who'd been flirting with the underage pegasus foal had blacked out and, like the sleeping stallion, she was several shot glasses deep and splayed out unconscious over the table across from the filly.

Frigid Gale found herself wanting to say something, and Apple Core had actually moved to leave the bar and help, but before either of them could do anything, the filly waved them both down as if to say she was fine, stood up from the table, and—still coughing—made her way upstairs, presumably to the room she was staying in for the night.

The thestral and bartender both watched her go for a moment until they heard a door creak open and click shut somewhere above, then Gale turned her attention back to Apple Core. If she was being honest, Gale had completely forgotten about the other patrons, but now the only other pony in the bar was the sleeping stallion, and it was clear he wouldn't be waking up anytime soon.

"You didn't let that filly actually drink—"

"O' course not," Apple Core snorted indignantly, "drink was a non-alcoholic cider. What the blazes do ya take me for?"

"Right, you're way too straight-laced to let something like that happen," Frigid Gale replied with a shrug, then she hummed thoughtfully, "speaking of foals though, I heard you had a few of your own, is that right?"

Apple Core didn't reply, but his face hardened into a glare to match that of Frigid Gale's own. There was no fear aura in it, but the sheer weight and significance of it alone was enough to impress the thestral. Apple Core didn't care one whit about impressing the mare, he simply knew where this conversation was heading, and he didn't like it at all. Frigid Gale for her part, pretended not to notice the venomous glare and continued on as if talking about the weather.

"I'd heard from Old Den that your wife recently gave birth," she smiled a fang filled smile at the stallion, "congratulations on that by the way."

"Filly, I'm warnin' ya right now," Apple Core ground out, his entire frame shaking with what was either suppressed rage or the sudden chill in the air, "ya best leave my family out o' whatever it is yer schemin', ya hear? Ya leave 'em alone or so help me—"

"Hey, I never said I was gonna do anything to your family," Gale interrupted, raising her hooves defensively, though the smile never left her face, "although having said that, I do intend to make things difficult for you if my questions go unanswered for too long."

Apple Core was silent for a long moment, his teeth grinding and his mind working furiously. Once upon a time this wouldn't have been any kind of issue. He'd been a tough stallion, and was no stranger to threats, but he'd been either on his own or with Ancient Scroll and the rest of the gang. He and the others could take care of themselves, but that had been a very long time ago, and not only was he old, but he had his family and tavern to think about—both things he'd built with his own four hooves.

He didn't know exactly what Frigid Gale was capable of, but the thestral was dangerous, that much he knew. He couldn't take her, he couldn't protect his family from her if she decided to try something—not as he was now. He was snapped out of his thoughts by an odd cracking sound somewhere behind him. The sound rose to a loud pop, followed by the tell-tale tinkling of many glass shards hitting the wood floor. Several more cracks and pops followed suit and he turned to see the various bottles of liquor on the shelves exploding one by one, spilling the contents all over the back counter and floor.

Each bottle that hadn't broken yet was frosted over with ice, and it was only then that he noticed how cold it had gotten. He could practically see the breath in front of his face, and with dawning comprehension, he turned back to Frigid Gale, who hadn't moved or dropped her smile, though her eyes were practically glowing with a cold blue light.

"Like I said," she continued as another bottle popped, "I can make life very difficult for you. If you tell me what I need to know, I can stop at simple vandalism. If not, then things might escalate, and you might just find this fine establishment broken and buried under a massive pile of ice and snow, and where would that leave the wife and little ones?"

Said wife and little ones were fast asleep upstairs, and Apple Core was certain such an escalation would leave all of them crushed beneath a ton of wood, ice and snow.

"I don't wanna go that route, Apple Core, believe me," Frigid Gale said, her face suddenly solemn, "I won't feel good about it in the morning, but with how close I am to my goal, I will act... and I won't hesitate. It's up to you..." she leaned forward over the counter and stared into Apple Core's eyes, "I know Twilight Sparkle is traveling with Ancient Scroll, I know you know that, and I want you to tell me where they're headed. If not for your own sake, do it for your family. That's what you Apples are all about, right? Family?"

Apple Core deliberated for another second or two, but really there was nothing to think about, was there? Deep down he knew it would most likely come to this, but in the end what could he do? He wasn't strong enough to stop the thestral, and doubted he would've been able to even in his youth, if she really could do what she threatened to do. The look in the mare's eye told the stallion that she very much could and would do just that, and despite the brotherly bond he and Ancient Scroll shared, the choice was clear in his mind.

He'd choose his wife and kids over his old friend without question every time. It pained him, but that pain was somewhat mitigated by the fact that he knew Ancient Scroll would understand, and wouldn't have had it any other way. With that in mind, he gave in with a heavy sigh, turned away from Frigid Gale and pulled his stetson down low to hide the bitter guilt and resignation in his expression.

"Scroll an' the filly went out further east through Farhoof Forest," Apple Core finally replied in a low but clear voice, "said somethin' about headin' ta Canterlot fer some reason or other."

"Canterlot?" Frigid Gale said, her brow raising in bewilderment, "what the buck are they going to Canterlot for?"

"Damned if ah know. The old stallion wouldn't tell me, just said it was important and that it had somethin' ta do with the filly," Apple Core shook his head, "ah tried ta tell 'im it was a foolhardy thing ta do, what with all the chaos in the capital, but he wouldn't listen."

This isn't good. We need to catch up to Ancient Scroll before they reach the mainland. The area around Canterlot is swarming with Royal Guards and they're going to be looking for Twilight as well.

I'm well aware of that.

Frigid Gale rose from her seat, not wanting to waste another moment now that she knew where her quarry was going. She went to pay for the drink, feeling it was the least she could do for the stallion, only to realize that she hadn't actually brought any bits with her. It was Tessa that had paid for her drink back at the pub in Faranda Way. After a second's thought, she mentally shrugged and left it at that.

Can't help it now I guess, and I doubt he's gonna do anything about it anyway.

"Well Mister Core, I'm glad we could come to an understanding," Frigid Gale exclaimed, already making her way to the tavern entrance, "thanks for the sarsaparilla, and—oh!" she turned back to the stallion, "this probably goes without saying, but if they aren't anywhere near where you said they'd be—"

"Yeah, ah get it," Apple Core interjected, waving the thestral away with a hoof, "just head on out ta Farhoof Forest. You'll find 'em down that way eventually, don't you worry yer vicious little head."

Frigid Gale opened her mouth to reply, but a silent and urgent prompt from Nightmare Moon made her close it again and sigh instead. She had more important problems to deal with now that she was headed back to the Equestrian mainland—not the least of which was her own disguise, or lack thereof. Apple Core turned back to watch her trot out through the door and slumped against the bar when she was out of sight. He sighed again and removed his stetson before wiping his brow.

"That mare's gonna die a horrible death, no doubt about it," he muttered to himself, "ain't nothin' good ever come from a look like that."

For a long minute he simply stood there in silence, leaning over the counter and collecting his thoughts. Another few minutes later he was pulled from his ruminations by the gentle creak of a door being pushed open upstairs. One of his ears twitched at the sound, but he didn't look towards the pony slowly—almost tentatively—descending the steps. He didn't need to see who it was, he already knew. He also knew the pony had been listening in on the conversation.

"A filly yer age really oughta be in bed by now," the weary bartender said once the pony had reached the bottom of the steps. He chuckled ruefully, "a filly yer age shouldn't even be here, not on yer own anyway."

The filly in question said nothing in response, simply looking from him to the entrance opposite the stairs. Apple Core turned to look at the filly out of the corner of his eye and sighed again.

"Well, ah didn't want things ta go this way, but ah guess ya have yer answers now," with a sniff, Apple Core straightened up and moved around the bar to the supply room near the back to get a broom and mop, "if yer gonna follow after her, ah won't try ta stop ya, but ah do recommend doin' so from a distance. That mare ain't right in the head."

The filly frowned as the stallion disappeared through the door and turned once again to the entrance. She stood for a tender second, took a hesitant step forward, then stopped. She thought on Apple Core's words and decided they had some merit, especially after what she'd heard. Grudgingly, she retreated back upstairs to her room to wait another half hour or so before heading out. It was probably a good idea to give the thestral mare a wide berth... at least until she found Twilight.

Then all bets were off.

Author's Note:

I'm still alive! And so is this story!

I won't make any excuses for why I haven't uploaded in awhile, but I will say it isn't because I've gotten tired of writing—far from it. Just been horribly distracted lately. Anyhow, here's an extra long chapter to make up for the extra long absence. Sparkle is on the way after this, and then the story cycle begins again.

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