• Published 19th Feb 2018
  • 6,190 Views, 1,299 Comments

The Ties that Bind - the7Saviors

This is the story of a bond forged between three fillies and the many trials and tribulations that strengthen that bond as they grow older. Friendship, secrets, and a dark journey awaits.

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A New Family

Twilight awoke with a gasp.

She sat up and looked around in a panic for a few moments. The room she was in looked like a rather small bedroom with off white walls and a hardwood floor. She took note of the large bed she had been lying in and her panic was slowly being drowned out by confusion.

There was a dresser near the bed with various small knick-knacks atop it and a few picture frames as well. Looking to her right, she could see a set of stairs leading down to a lower floor. Another thing that caught her eye were the various paintings adorning the walls -- all of which depicted strange and fantastical settings she had never seen before.

As she took in her surroundings, her heart rate began to slow and her panic and confusion was replaced with curiosity.

Where am I?

She looked back to the dresser and picked up one of the smaller picture frames in her magic. She brought it closer and her eyes widened in wonder. The somewhat faded photo depicted a large feminine cat like creature sitting in a chair by a window in what seemed to be this very room.

She looked around the room and saw that the chair used in the photo was now placed in a far corner of the room and had been replaced by the bed she was now lying on. She looked back to the photo with growing interest, having never seen anything like these cat like beings before.

The large cat sat looking at small bundle of... something held in it's arms with warm motherly smile. Looking a bit closer, Twilight could see the tiny sleeping face of a kitten poking out of the blanket in the larger cat's arms.

A mother and... her child?

Twilight placed the picture back on the dresser and turned to look out the very same window she had seen in the photo. From the position of the Sun, she could tell the morning had already given way to afternoon.

She could see several thatched roofed houses and some various shops and stands -- not unlike a lot of the other smaller towns and villages elsewhere in Equestria.

But the lavender filly could definitely spot some significant differences right off the bat. For one, while there many of the familiar buildings she had seen before, several others were of a completely foreign design that the filly didn't recognize. Some had oddly shaped roofs or were made of different materials that she hadn't seen used before.

She was momentarily confused by all the colorful banners and streamers that hung from the buildings before remembering that she and the others were supposed to be headed into town for the Spring Festival.

So this must Faranda Way Village...

She turned her attention to the streets below and saw that the citizens roaming about were just as varied as the buildings.

The majority of the townsfolk she saw were ponies, but there were all sorts of other creatures as well. Some of them she recognized from books she had read on the other races within Equestria -- such as diamond dogs, the occasional buffalo, and several griffons.

There were some other races that she hadn't seen as well -- like a larger creature that looked similar to a buffalo but with larger horns and a lot more hair and large bulls that stood on their hind legs and had massive muscular arms instead of forelegs.

What she didn't see were any of the cat like race that was depicted in the photo she had seen. As wonderous as she found the town, the thought of the photo and what was depicted in said photo brought back some painful memories.

Memories she had just realized she could now recall perfectly.

They're really gone...

The lavender filly slowly curled herself into a ball on the bed and wrapped her tail around herself -- stroking it with shaky hoof.

Mommy... Daddy... Shiny...

She stared straight ahead -- not bothering to stop the tears that began to fall from her eyes.

My family's gone.

I don't have a reason to go back to Canterlot anymore...

As distracted by her sorrow as she was, Twilight took no notice of the tall cat that had just walked up the stairs and into the bedroom. The molly cat silently eyed the filly with a pitying look before planting herself in the chair, dusting off her dress and folding her legs.

"You're ruining my sheets with your tears, little one."

Twilight yelped in surprise and turned to face the cat that had walked in unnoticed.

"W-Who -- what are--" shook her head and wiped her eyes before trying again, "Who are you?"

The female cat chuckled at the filly's shocked expression.

"I'm the one that so graciously allowed you and your friends a place to stay while you're here in town," she waved a hand around the room, "this is my humble abode," she then gestured to herself, "I'm what you would call an Abyssinian and -- while I've gone by many names over the years -- you can call me Rouge, little one."

Twilight observed the tall female cat curiously. She had a lithe build with a dark grey coat and white hands, hind paws, and what little chest fur Twilight could see under the rather lavish violet dress. Her slit eyes were a bright yellowish green color and even from a distance, the lavender filly could tell by them that the feline meant no harm.

She had never heard of Abyssinia or these Abyssinians and she found her current curiosity warring with her sorrow at the loss of her family. It was such a strange feeling that she didn't know quite what to say for a few moments as she shifted around on the bed uncomfortably.

Looking for something to say, she remembered Rouge mention her friends.

"You said my friends were here," she asked, "where are they?"

Rouge flicked an ear and smirked at the filly.

"I'd be glad to tell you, little one," she said with another small chuckle, "but first, don't you have something else you would like to say?"

Twilight blinked and furrowed her brow in confusion.

"I... oh!" her eyes widened briefly before she blushed in embarrassment, "I-I'm sorry," she said grinning sheepishly, "thank you for letting us stay here."

"It's no problem at all, little one," Rouge said with a kind smile, "you and the other can stay here as long as you need -- and to answer your question, the others mentioned they'd be out and about checking out the festivities."

Twilight returned the smile with one of her own before frowning once more. She sat there for a moment trying to figure out what to say next, but before she could decide, the grey Abyssinian spoke first.

"Tell me, little one -- Twilight Sparkle if I heard the old one right," she said, tilting her head slightly in thought, "what has you in such low spirits?"

"Oh, um... well..." Twilight looked away with an uncomfortable frown and sighed. She had hoped to avoid the topic, as the pain was still fresh in her mind, but then she thought back to when she had told Sunset and Trixie.

She knew nothing about Rouge, but by the look on her face, Twilight could tell she was sincere in her concern, so she decided telling her wouldn't hurt.

"I... just remembered what had happened to my family, and..." she swallowed and pushed on, "and they... they're all... gone."

"Gone?" the molly cat asked in confusion, before her eyes widened in realization, "Oh! Oh, I'm so sorry, my dear," she said with a sad frown, "I didn't mean to bring up such painful memories."

Twilight shook her head.

"It's okay," she replied, "I only just remembered recently, and I've learned that it's better to talk about your problems rather than hide them."

She thought back to Trixie and Sunset with a wistful smile.

"I'm sure that I'll feel much better about all of this once I can tell my friends and Uncle Scroll about it," her wistful smile faded, "I guess they really are all I have left..."

"And what's wrong with that, little one?"

Twilight turned to Rouge in bemusement.

"What do you mean?"

The tall cat rose from the chair and made her way over to the bed -- her dark grey tail idly swaying back and forth as she spoke.

"From what I've seen of your friends and caretaker, you all seem to be very close," she said as she sat down next to the filly, "they were extremely worried when they brought you here, and they've made sure to check up on you every half hour or so."

Her kind smile fell into a small grimace as she rubbed one of her hands.

"The small blue one seems to be... especially protective of you."

Twilight observed the cat for a moment before furrowing her brow.

"What did Trixie do?"

Rouge's smile returned and she shook her head.

"It's nothing to worry about, little one," she replied, "she was just worried for your safety -- nothing wrong with that. More to the point," she rested a comforting hand on the filly's shoulder, "you've suffered through something no child your age should ever have to deal with, but remember this..."

Twilight's ear twitched as she heard a door open from somewhere below and the two of them turned their gazes towards the staircase.

"Roooouge, are you in here? Is Twilight awake yet?"

"Trixie, keep it down! What if Twilight's still asleep?"

"I think the both of you need to tone it down."

Rouge chuckled again and turned back to Twilight as she continued.

"You may have lost your original family -- and they may always be closest to your heart -- but you've already gained a new one that I'm certain cares about you just as much, blood or no."

Twilight stared at the cat and felt more tears welling up in her eyes. She wiped them away and nodded with a small, grateful smile.

"I guess that's true," she agreed, "I... I did tell Sunset that all of them may as well have been my family already."

"See?" Rouge replied, patting the filly on the back, "you've already accepted them as an important part of your life."

Twilight nodded and turned back to the staircase just in time to see a certain blue filly bound up the stairs and into the room.

"Twilight!" she cried, galloping to the bed, "Sunset! Uncle Scroll! Twilight's awake!"

"Hey, Trixie," Twilight greeted as the blue filly hopped on the bed and bowled her over with the force of her hug. Sunset and Ancient Scroll trotted into the room at more sedate pace, but were no less happy to see the lavender filly awake.

"How is she handling things, Rouge?" the old stallion asked as Sunset made her way to the bed and hopped up next to the other two.

"I think she'll be just fine now that the rest of you are here," Rouge answered as she got up from the bed and walked over to the stairs, "in fact, I'll leave you all here to catch up."

"Glad to hear it," Ancient Scroll said with a grateful smile, "and thanks for all your help."

Rouge just waved a hand dismissively as she descended down the stairs.

"There was no doubt in Trixie's mind that you'd be okay, Twilight Sparkle," the blue filly said with a sniff, "and she was right, as usual."

"Sure, Trixie," Sunset replied with a roll of her eyes before turning to Twilight with a worried frown, "but seriously though, are you okay, Twilight?"

"That's something I'd like to know as well," Ancient Scroll added sitting atop the bed next to the others, "you were in pretty bad shape before we brought you here, little filly."

Twilight nodded to each of them with a smile.

"I'm fine now, everypony," she answered, "I talked a bit with Rouge and she helped me... understand some things."

"Like what?" Trixie asked curiously.

"I'll tell you in a bit," Twilight said, jumping off the bed, "but first, is there anything to eat?"

Author's Note:

This right here, this was nice.

We're nowhere near done with the darker aspects of the story, but for now at least, things can start looking up for the three fillies.

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