• Published 19th Feb 2018
  • 6,198 Views, 1,303 Comments

The Ties that Bind - the7Saviors

This is the story of a bond forged between three fillies and the many trials and tribulations that strengthen that bond as they grow older. Friendship, secrets, and a dark journey awaits.

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A Filly's Resolve

Ancient Scroll closed the book he was scanning and yawned.

He had been researching Twilight's odd magical circumstances for the last hour and a half or so, and by the clock on the wall, he could see it was getting late in the afternoon and that evening was quickly approaching.

He grumbled as he looked at the clock.

For all his research, he hadn't made much headway into what was going on with Twilight's magic.

He couldn't understand it.

In the seventy two years he had wandered Equestria and the lands beyond, he had never once heard of a unicorn having two affinities. And if the filly did indeed have two, who's to say she didn't have more? She might've been some kind of as of yet unseen magical prodigy for all he knew. His research hadn't turned up anything on the subject at hoof after all.

He had seen - and done - some pretty unbelievable things in his time.

He had been the top instructor at Celestia's School for over twelve years, he had traveled to the farthest reaches of Equus and back, he had seen magical constructs the size of mountains, taken down dangerous cults, ended a rebellion before it began, and walked the literal path to oblivion and come back alive just to name a few things.

He had even come across another filly years ago who not only had the strongest affinity for Soul Magic he had ever seen, but could tap into it's full power at will.

And she wasn't even a unicorn.

He had seen the best of ponies fall and the worst of ponies reform their ways.

But he hadn't seen this.

And what of the Orb of Insight?

If the filly did have more than one magical affinity, why did it only show her affinity for Dark Magic?

Princess Celestia herself was the creator of the Orb of Insight, and they were never wrong about a pony's affinity, yet there was evidence - circumstantial as it was - that showed the contrary might be true.

He sighed and rubbed his temples.

Just how in Equestria did these three fillies find me all the way out here?

That was actually another thing that bothered him.

What were the odds that three completely different fillies with completely different - yet similarly tragic - circumstances wind up stumbling across his humble cottage on the outskirts of Equestrian soil?

Granted, it wasn't the first time he had taken in a wayward filly with nowhere to go - Sunset Shimmer in particular was actually very reminiscent of that filly from so long ago - but to have all three of them show up within the span of roughly a year of each other?


He was beginning to think there was some kind of higher power at work here.

The entire reason he had chosen to live out here was because he had wanted to spend the rest of his remaining years as a hermit, and this area was as secluded as an area could possibly be short of living in the mountains.

Apparently it wasn't as secluded as I thought if mere fillies could find it, he thought with a wry chuckle.

He would've believed that the three showing up when they did was mere coincidence - though an unlikely one - if not for the feeling... the near certainty Ancient Scroll had that these fillies would be crucial to the future of Equestria.

He, with his wizened old eyes, could see the raw magical potential oozing out of every pore in their little bodies, and was almost convinced they would go on to do great things when they grew older.

It was enough to make him wish he could live long enough to see what they accomplished.

Well, I suppose the opportunity to hone their magical talents will have to be enough for now.

The wrinkled old stallion stood up from his desk, let out a tired groan, and stretched his legs - popping a few joints in the process. With a wave of his horn, he replaced the books back to their proper places on the shelves and made his way to the door.

I should probably see what those fillies are up to, he thought as he opened the door, hopefully they haven't gotten into too much trouble.

Sunset Shimmer stirred.

She rolled over a few times before sitting up in the bed and giving a wide mouthed yawn. She rubbed her eyes with a groan as she looked around the bedroom.

It took her a moment to realize what had happened before she fell asleep, but once she did her eyes widened in horror. She threw off her blanket and hopped out of bed. Galloping to the door, she flung it open and frantically whipped her head left and right looking for the other two fillies and Ancient Scroll.

"Trixie? Twilight!" she quickly trotted the rest of the way out of the room as she continued to search the cottage, "Uncle Scroll?"

The living room was empty.

"Oh no," Sunset muttered, shaking her head in disbelief, "no no no no..." she fell to the floor, covering her head with her forelegs as tears streamed down her face.

"Did... did I really..."

She heard a door open.

"Sunset?" came an old raspy voice, "well I'll be. Finally woke up did ya?"

Her head snapped in the direction of the familiar voice and she found herself locking eyes with the smiling old stallion as he stepped out of the study.

Before Ancient Scroll could say another word, one of his forelegs was wrapped in an embrace by a crying orange filly.

"I-I'm so sorry, Uncle Scroll," Sunset sobbed, "I... didn't... d-didn't mean for it to h-happen!"


"I just... t-the heat... I c-couldn't - couldn't think," she sniffed as she buried her face in Ancient Scroll's leg, "and then... and t-then I heard her voice-"

"Sunset Shimmer listen to me!"

The filly silently looked up at Ancient Scroll with wide teary eyes. The stallion drew Sunset close in a one legged - but no less comforting - hug as he spoke.

"Everypony's okay, Sunset," he said softly, "we all made it out fine, so don't worry so much alright?"

He chose not to mention Trixie's burns lest the filly feel any worse than she did.

"B-but... the others," Sunset replied with another sniff, "where are they?"

Ancient Scroll looked around the empty living room and, sure enough, there was no Trixie or Twilight to be found. He did however, spot the empty rack next to the front door and smiled reassuringly as he looked back down at Sunset.

"Looks like they stepped out for a bit while you were asleep," he said with a chuckle.

Sunset nodded and sighed with relief as she stepped away from Ancient Scroll. He smiled warmly before suddenly looking away with a guilty frown.

"And... don't blame yourself, little filly," he said in a quieter voice. Sunset looked at him in confusion.

"What do you mean, Uncle Scroll," she said with a bemused frown, "it was my fault that the fire..."

She trailed off as Ancient Scroll shook his head.

"None of that would've happened if I hadn't brought up those painful memories, Sunset," he trotted over and gave the filly another hug - this time with both forelegs.

"This is my fault, little filly," he whispered, "and I'm so sorry for that."

Sunset stared up at the old stallion, not knowing what to say. After a moment, she let out a sigh and smiled at Ancient Scroll.

"Uncle Scroll... I don't-"

At that moment the front door opened and the other two fillies stepped inside with Twilight in the lead. She was speaking with Trixie and neither of them seem to notice Sunset or Ancient Scroll watching them at first.

"...so it's all about timing, Trixie," Twilight was eagerly explaining to a bored looking Trixie, "you can't just expect the squirrel to - Sunset!"

Twilight had finally spotted the orange mare and together with a now wide eyed Trixie, they galloped over to Sunset and nearly knocked her over as they both tackle hugged her at once.

"I'm so glad you're okay!" Twilight cried, squeezing the filly for all she was worth.

"Trixie thought she..." Trixie shook her head and hugged Sunset harder, "well, it doesn't matter what Trixie thought now. You're alright and that's enough for Trixie!"

"Girls... can't... breath..."

The other two filly's eyes widened and they quickly stepped back with sheepish chuckles. Sunset took a moment to catch her breath before eyeing the two with a look of guilt.

"I'm sorry for what happened, girls," she shook her head, "that shouldn't have happened. I nearly could've... you girls could've been badly hurt, or worse, and nothing I could do would make up for that."

"Sunset," Ancient Scroll said with a stern frown, "I told you, it wasn't-"

"No, Uncle Scroll," Sunset interject with a shake of her head, "it was my fault."

She looked back at the two confused fillies before lowering her head.

"I... I need to get over what happened with... her," she looked back to Twilight and Trixie, her eyes full of a newfound conviction, "I almost hurt the only other ponies I care about because I couldn't handle my own problems, and I don't want that to ever happen again."

"Sunset..." Twilight muttered softly, her own eyes full of understanding.

"Trixie may not know all the details," Trixie said with a playful huff, "but if it means no more fiery magic surges, then Trixie approves."

Sunset nodded with a smile.

"Trust me, Trixie," she assured, "it won't happen again, I'll make sure of it."

"Good," Trixie replied levitating her scarf off and trotting over to the bathroom, "now, if you'll excuse Trixie, she has twigs to remove from... various places."

For a moment, they all watch her go - Twilight and Sunset giggling as they heard her mutter something about squirrels from Tartarus.

As Trixie entered the bathroom, Twilight turned to Sunset with a proud smile.

"I'm really glad you decided to face your problems head on, Sunset," she said earnestly. Sunset sighed and started trotting towards the kitchen. Twilight replaced Sunset's scarf on the rack before following behind.

"I don't really have a choice now," Sunset replied after a moment, "it's gotten to the point that I can't even do magic without..." she shook her head, "well... it doesn't matter, because it's not gonna happen again."

Twilight nodded and looked at the orange filly with an unsure frown. After a moment's hesitation she decided to speak.



They entered the relative privacy of the kitchen and Twilight shifted her hooves nervously.

"I... also decided to come to terms with my problems, and I promised myself I'd tell you and Trixie about them," she looked at Sunset hopefully, "I figured we'd all be able to deal with our problems together... as friends, y'know?"

Sunset eyed Twilight with an unreadable expression, making the lavender filly squirm inwardly. It took a minute, but Sunset eventually gave a slow, thoughtful nod.

"I... guess you're right, Twilight," she said with a tentative smile, "maybe it would be good to get this off my chest finally."

Twilight breathed a quiet sigh of relief and smiled at Sunset.

"Trust me, Sunset, I felt a lot better after I talked to Trixie."

"You already talked to Trixie?" Sunset asked with a raised eyebrow.

Twilight nodded, "Yeah, while you were asleep."

"Ah," Sunset responded with a nod of her own, "that... makes sense, I guess."

Twilight looked around the kitchen a moment before turning back to Sunset Shimmer with a shrug.

"I ate earlier, but with all the running around I did with Trixie outside, I'm already pretty hungry again," she lit up her horn and began gathering the ingredients for a daisy sandwich, "should we talk over a late lunch?"

Sunset nodded with a small smile, "I'll get the drinks."

She trotted over to the fridge and turned back to the lavender filly.

"Milk or orange juice?"

Author's Note:

Things are starting to look up for our three little heroines! :twilightsmile:

We're not out of the woods yet though.

Next chapter is the flashback chapter some you have probably been waiting for, so look forward to it! :pinkiehappy:

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