• Published 19th Feb 2018
  • 6,185 Views, 1,299 Comments

The Ties that Bind - the7Saviors

This is the story of a bond forged between three fillies and the many trials and tribulations that strengthen that bond as they grow older. Friendship, secrets, and a dark journey awaits.

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A Warm Hearth

Twilight sneezed as she sat in front of the fireplace. Her dirty cloak had been discarded and she was desperately trying to get some feeling back into her legs, sitting as close to the blaze as she dared without burning herself.

After making sure Twilight was settled, Trixie had retreated back into the messy bedroom, grumbling about stage repairs and shooting dirty looks in Sunset's direction. Sunset for her part, ignored Trixie and went into the kitchen to make Twilight something warm to eat and drink.

Twilight sat and listened.

She listened to the soft crackle of the fire in front of her. She listened to the clinking of cups and plates coming from the kitchen as Sunset prepared the food and drink. She listened to the howling wind blowing just outside the cottage.

She listened to the steady, rhythmic beating of her own heart.

She closed her eyes, breathing in and out deeply as she tried to push away all the terrible thoughts and questions plaguing her young mind.

If she ever got back home, she'd have to thank Cadance for the breathing techniques.

As she sat there with her eyes closed, her body began to warm up gradually. Without realizing it, she started to slump over as sleep tried to claim her.

"So... rough night, huh?"

Twilight jolted awake, blinking rapidly as she turned her surprised gaze towards an awkwardly smiling Sunset Shimmer. As her vision cleared she could see a tray with a plate of warm croissants and a steaming mug of hot chocolate, all held in a red aura of magic.

"Sorry, didn't mean to scare you," Sunset said, her awkward smile turning apologetic, "here..." she floated the tray towards Twilight, "we don't have much, but this should help warm you up at least."

Twilight gave a quiet 'thank you' and tried to take the tray in her own magic, but winced in pain as the magenta glow of her horn sputtered and died. Sunset frowned in concern as the lavender filly reached for the tray with her hooves.

"Are you okay?" she asked, glancing at Twilight's blackened horn worriedly, "that doesn't look too good..."

Twilight grabbed the tray in her hooves and set it down on the floor. She picked up the mug and stared at the contents within for a brief moment before turning back to Sunset Shimmer.

"I... don't really know what happened, but... I think I used too much magic," she answered quietly.

"Wow," Sunset replied, "what were you trying to do?"

Twilight turned back to her mug, then looked into the fireplace. She didn't responded for a moment as the broken and confused memories flooded back into her mind.

"I don't... I can't remember," she responded as her eyes started shining with tears once again, "I think it was an accident. I-I panicked and... and..."

She let out a small whimper and didn't say anymore.

"Hey, it's okay," Sunset said quickly, "you don't have to tell me anything right now. Just... eat your meal and relax by the fire, alright?"

Twilight kept her watery gaze on the fireplace as she nodded.

Sunset Shimmer stared at the downtrodden filly for a few moments before frowning in thought. She looked from Twilight to the bedroom and back to Twilight. Looking a bit closer, she could see Twilight's eyelids drooping slightly and her posture slouch just a bit.

"Hang on, I'll go get you a blanket," Sunset offered, trotting to the bedroom.

"Thank you..." Twilight muttered in response.

Sunset opened her mouth to reply but was cut off by Twilight's next words.

"...for letting me in, I mean. I don't want to bother anypony, but-" she turned to look at Sunset hopefully "-do you think I could stay here? Just for tonight?"

Sunset closed her mouth, biting her lip again as she looked into Twilight's eyes. She quickly looked away, unable to handle the desparation she saw there.


Twilight's muzzle widened in a grateful smile until Sunset spoke again.

"Just..." Sunset sighed, "look, we have a caretaker who's supposed to be out for the night. He'll probably be back tomorrow morning, so if you're still around by then... I don't know. We'll just have to see what he says, alright?"

Twilight nodded meekly, "Thanks again, Sunset Shimmer."

"Just Sunset, Twilght."

Twilight smiled once more before turning back to stare into the fire as she sipped her hot chocolate.

Sunset's gaze lingered on the lavender filly for a moment longer before she let out another quiet sigh and opened the door to the bedroom.

"Now watch and be amazed as the Marvelous and Almighty Trixie-"

"Are those Uncle Scroll's old newspapers?"

Trixie 'eep'd' as she staggered backwards on her two hind legs and fell off the recently rebuilt makeshift stage, knocking the bedframe over and sending a hoofful of newspaper flying in the process.

"What are you even doing with those?" Sunset asked as she stood over the prone filly.

"If you must know," Trixie replied as she pulled some stray newspaper off of her face and glared up at Sunset, "Trixie was trying to perfect her amazing paper resem... reasses... resamble-"


"Paper Reassembly Trick!"

Sunset rolled her eyes and trotted over to the closet.

"You know Uncle Scroll doesn't like you messing with his things, Trixie," she admonished as she pulled open the closet door, "even if they are just old newspapers. In fact," She glanced back at the glaring filly still lying on the floor, "I remember him specifically telling you not to take the bed apart for your stage."

"Oh, please" Trixie scoffed, "you made just as much of a mess as I did, or did you not see all the broken whatchamacallit's and the painting on the floor?"

Sunset groaned in exasperation.

"Yes, Trixie, I know what I did and I'm gonna apologize to Uncle Scroll," she fished around the closet as she spoke, "once I get Twilight a blanket I'm gonna come back in here and start cleaning up this mess... and you're gonna help me," she added, stopping her search to glare at Trixie.

"Why does Trixie have to help?" Trixie cried, rising to her hooves, "you're the one that attacked Trixie!"

"Only because you slammed my hoof in the door and threw a book at me!" Sunset retorted.

"Well, that... you..." Trixie's mouth worked silently for a second before she huffed and looked away with a pout, "you deserved it," she grumbled, "Trixie told you she was busy."

Sunset pinched her muzzle with a hoof and sighed heavily before giving Trixie a flat look.

"Trixie," she began in a slow. measured tone, "if we don't get this room cleaned up, it won't matter whose fault it was... we're both gonna get in trouble."

Trixie just continued to pout silently.

"Trixie..." Sunset growled.

"...Fiiiine," Trixie drawled obnoxiously, "Trixie will help you clean the room."

"Thank you," Sunset cried in exasperation. She turned back to the closet and - after a few more moments of searching - pulled out a maroon wool blanket.

"I'm gonna go give this to Twilight and then we can get started," she said, trotting back to the door with the blanket.

"...Is she okay?"

Sunset stopped and turned to Trixie in surprise. The blue filly was sitting there looking at Sunset with a worried frown.

"Twilight," she repeated, "is she okay now?"

Sunset stared at Trixie for a moment, then looked back to the door thoughtfully.

"I... don't think so," she finally answered, "she was pretty broken up about something. She didn't wanna talk about it though."

"You're letting her stay here, right?" Trixie asked pointedly.

"Of course I am," Sunset muttered looking away, "I'm not gonna just throw her back out there in the cold." She turned back to Trixie speaking a little louder, "I don't mind if she stays here, but you know it's not up to me. If Uncle Scroll-"

"If Uncle Scroll kicks her out, I'm leaving too!" Trixie spat petulantly.

"Trixie, I honestly doubt Uncle Scroll will just kick Twilight out on the street," Sunset replied shaking her head, "he let you stay here, didn't he?"

"And what's that supposed to mean?" Trixie asked defensively.

"Nothing, Trixie," Sunset responded with another roll of her eyes. She turned and opened the door, "look. don't worry about Twilight, for right now. We'll figure something out when Uncle Scroll gets back."

"Will you convince Uncle Scroll to let her stay?" Trixie pleaded.

Sunset looked back at Trixie over her shoulder.

"...I'll try."

At that, Sunset trotted back into the living with the wool blanket draped over her back.

"Twilight?" she called out as she trotted closer to the fireplace.

"Hey, Twilight I brought the... oh..."

Sunset slowed to a stop as she neared the quietly snoozing filly curled up next to the fireplace. She had fallen asleep with her tail between her front hooves and, at a closer glance, Sunset could see dark lines below her eyes - making it evident she had been crying again at some point.

She also noticed the empty plate and mug resting on the tray.

"I really hope Uncle Scroll let's her stay," she mumbled to herself as she gently placed the blanket over Twilight's sleeping form. She backed away and observed the filly for a few more moments.

Satisfied that she wouldn't wake up, Sunset deposited the dishes into the kitchen sink before trotting back to the bedroom and mentally preparing herself for a long night.

Author's Note:

Just a heads up, the first part of the story is gonna be filled to the brim with Slice-of-Life-y goodness. There will be some darker chapters to break up the monotony but for the most part I'm gonna be focusing on building relationships between Twilight, Sunset, and Trixie.

Anyway, that's all from me and I hope you're looking forward to more! :twilightsmile:

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